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发表于 2015-9-12 17:21:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作业ID:  87517




We don’t need air conditioning, ______.

A. A. nor can we afford it
B. B. neither can afford it
C. C. nor we can afford it
D. D. neither we can afford it

Could you find someone ______?

A. A. for me to play tennis with
B. B. play tennis with
C. C. for me to play tennis
D. D. play tennis

“You are too self-centered. It’s high time you ______ that you are not the most important person in the world,” Edgar said to his boss angrily.

A. A. realized
B. B. have realized
C. C. realize
D. D. should realize

The government cannot operate effectively ______ it is free from such interference.

A. A. so long as
B. B. so that
C. C. unless
D. D. because

If I had remembered ______ the window, the thief would not have got in.

A. A. to close
B. B. closing
C. C. to have closed
D. D. having closed

In Britain, the best season of the year is probably ______ spring.

A. A. later
B. B. latter
C. C. last
D. D. late

If it ______ tomorrow, the basketball match has to be canceled.

A. A. rain
B. B. rains
C. C. rained
D. D. will rain

______ Pacific Ocean is _____ very large sea to the west of North and South America, and to the east of Asia and Australia.

A. A. The; a
B. B. A; the
C. C. The; the
D. D. A; a

Neither his fellow workers nor Tod himself ______ to the solution put forward by the employer

A. A. agree
B. B. agrees
C. C. agreeing
D. D. to agree

If only I ______ hard in the past few months! But I didn’t work hard enough and failed the maths examination.

A. A. work
B. B. worked
C. C. have worked
D. D. had worked

None of us knew how the change had come ______.

A. A. across
B. B. about
C. C. over
D. D. down

The price of fish is ______ during the Spring Festival

A. A. expensive
B. B. high
C. C. valuable
D. D. dear

He offered to ______ her a hand as the bag was too heavy for her to carry.

A. A. lend
B. B. help
C. C. show
D. D. borrow

Do you mind if I ______ the mistakes in your report?

A. A. pick up
B. B. put up
C. C. call out
D. D. point out

They told me it would be cheap but _____ it cost me nearly $ 500.

A. A. in general
B. B. in a word
C. C. in detail
D. D. in fact



Putting the bottles, boxes and books back where they belong, please. Don’t leave them on the desk.

A. A. Putting
B. B. where
C. C. belong
D. D. leave

Though Jack is only 7 years old but he is clever enough to work out that puzzle difficult even for a grown-up.

A. A. 7 years old
B. B. but
C. C. enough to
D. D. difficult even for

I opened the letter and it contained an important information that told us to stay where we were.

A. A. it
B. B. an important information
C. C. that
D. D. where we were

Unlike Jim, I go to work by foot instead of by car every morning.

A. A. Unlike Jim
B. B. to work
C. C. by foot
D. D. by car

If heating, ice will change into water or steam.

A. A. heating
B. B. will
C. C. change into
D. D. or





Coffee is a powerful drink. On a personal level, it helps keep us awake and active. On a much general level, it has helped shape our history and continues to shape our culture.

Coffee plants grow wild in parts of Africa and were probably used by travelling tribes (部落)for thousands of years, but it wasn’t until the 1400s that people figured out they could roast its seeds. “Then it really took off,” said historian Mark Pendergrast—author of Uncommon Grounds: the History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World. By the 1500s, the drink had spread to coffeehouses across the Arab world within another 150 years, it took Europe by storm. “It actually had a major impact on the rise of business,” Pendergrast says. Coffeehouses became a spot not just to enjoy a cup but to exchange ideas.

The insurance industry was founded hundreds of years ago in one of London’s 2,000 coffeehouses. Literature, newspapers and even the works of great composers like Bach and Beethoven were also inspired in coffeehouses.

It is often said that after the Boston Tea Party of 1773, when American colonists (殖民者)attacked British tea ships and threw large boxes of tea into the harbor, Americans everywhere switched over to drinking coffee. “There’s a lot of truth to the story, I found,” Pendergrast says. He mentions a letter John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, in which the Founding Father declares his love of tea but says he will have to learn to accept coffee instead, because drinking tea had become unpatriotic (不爱国的).

For all the upsides coffee has brought the modem world, it also brought its fair share of downsides, too. Europeans carried coffee with them as they colonized various parts of the world, and this frequently meant they made people into slaves in order to grow it.

According to the passage, which of the following has nothing to do with coffee?

A. A. Literature.
B. B. Newspapers.
C. C. The insurance industry.
D. D. The oil industry.

According to the passage,which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. A. The Boston Tea Party took place in 1773.
B. B. Europeans figured out ways to use coffee during the 1670s.
C. C. During the 1770s, more and more Americans began to drink coffee*
D. D. Coffee is a refreshing drink.

The author of the book believes that__________.

A. A. drinking coffee was unpatriotic
B. B. 2000 insurance companies were set up hundreds of years ago
C. C. Europeans were responsible for the existence of slavery
D. D. coffee actually influenced the rise of business

The phrase “took off” in the second paragraph means “_________”.

A. A. dropped to the ground
B. B. became very successful
C. C. removed its coat
D. D. went away suddenly

Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?

A. A. When Coffee Became Popular
B. B. Coffee Is a Powerful Drink
C. C. How Coffee Influenced the Course of History
D. D. What Impact Coffee Has on Human Behavior


    The most famous collections of fairy tales (童话) are the ones by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. The Grimms published their first fairy-tale collection in 1812. They didn’t think they were writing for children. They thought they were preserving disappearing German folk culture. Their first edition(版本) was a scholarly book that carefully recorded the oral tales. They were surprised when some of their early readers suggested that the stories might be interesting to children.

    But the Grimms needed money. They had made a bad deal with their publisher and received little payment for their first book. At one point Wilhelm complained there wasn’t a chair in his house one could sit on without worrying it would break. So he took the hint and set to work to make a book that would be suitable for children. He selected a few of the tales, made them much longer, and polished up the language. He didn’t add morals, but he did slip in character judgments and moralizing comments wherever he could.

    The Grimms’ fairy tales also have one characteristic that would seem to make them unsuitable for children. Many of them include violent incidents. In “Hansel and Gretel” an old woman is burned to death in an oven, and in “Little Red Riding Hood” a child is eaten by a wolf. When he revised the tales for children, Wilhelm Grimm retained the violence. In fact, he sometimes even ramped it up. For example, in the first edition of the tales, Cinderella forgives her sisters at the end. It’s only in the second edition, the one intended for children, that her birds peck(啄) out their eyes.

    Why, then, have the Grimms’ fairy tales become classics of children’s literature, so much so that it is hard to imagine a child who doesn’t know Cinderella’s story or Snow White’s?

    One answer is that only a few of the tales survived into modern times. The first edition of the Grimms’ fairy tales had 210 tales. By 1825 it was down to 50. And today only a dozen or so of the tales are often reprinted in children’s collections.

    But the deeper answer is that the tales that have lasted are magical adventures that help children deal with the struggles and fears of their everyday lives.

Why did Wilhelm Grimm set out to adapt his book for children?

A. A. To deal with readers' complaints.
B. B. To improve his financial situation.
C. C. At the request of his publisher.
D. D. To preserve the ancient stories in print.

When revising the fairy tales, Wilhelm did all of the following EXCEPT      .

A. A. adding character judgments
B. B. making the tales much longer
C. C. deleting the violent scenes
D. D. polishing up the language

What does the expression “ramped it up” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. A. Started.
B. B. Allowed.
C. C. Classified.
D. D. Increased.

Which of the following statements about the Grimms’ fairy tales is TRUE according to the passage?

A. A. They were originally intended to be children’s stories.
B. B. Generally speaking, the tales that have endured can help children deal with the challenges life brings to them.
C. C. A large number of the tales made it to the modem age.
D. D. They are less violent than the children’s stories being written today.

What is the passage mainly concerned with?

A. A. History of fairy tales.
B. B. Ways to preserve the oral tradition.
C. C. The Grimms' fairy tales.
D. D. Violence in fairy tales.




Experts suggest using a different password for every website you visit, and changing the password every few months. It takes trouble to keep them in mind, but it’s well worth the   (1)  .Be  (2)  with your passwords and make it difficult it is for someone to enter your (3) .The more  (4) you make your password, the more difficult it is for someone else to figure it (5) .

      Use privacy settings(设置)on social websites to  (6)  entry into your personal information and limit the  (7) of private information you share. Even seemingly innocent information you expose about yourself could be used (8)   you. I once read about a burglary(入室盗窃). It (9)  that the thieves selected that particular home  (10)  they discovered the owner was out of town by reading  a Facebook message.

A. A. effect
B. B. effort
C. C. labor
D. D. matter

A. A. proud
B. B. true
C. C. honest
D. D. creative

A. A. accounts
B. B. records
C. C. directions
D. D. collections

A. A. complex
B. B. careful
C. C. diligent
D. D. elastic

A. A. away
B. B. on
C. C. out
D. D. in

A. A. respond
B. B. resign
C. C. restrict
D. D. resemble

A. A. number
B. B. amount
C. C. pile
D. D. piece

A. A. with
B. B. for
C. C. about
D. D. against

A. A. turned out
B. B. turned in
C. C. picked out
D. D. picked up

A. A. which
B. B. while
C. C. because
D. D. although






Teenagers who don’t get enough rest have more learning, health, behavior and mood problems than students who get at least nine hours a night.




More than one million young people in Britain are unemployed, the highest number since the mid-1980s.




Studies of skilled language learners have identified specific listening strategies that lead to superior comprehension.




Some 35,000 youngsters participated last year; half found paid work soon after finishing the scheme.




The study was meant to examine how the brain reacts to electromagnetic fields caused by wireless phone signals.























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