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发表于 2015-9-23 22:27:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  We very muh______tht you re not in  position to entertin ny fresh orers t present.
. regret
. regret to lern
. regretful
. regrettle
2.  The ustoms shll reply in writing within ______from the te of reeipt of the pplition for the refun of the uty pi n notify the pplint of its eision.
. one months
. two months
. three month
. six months
3.  No one hs one more to __ the honour or hs worke hrer to promote our interest.
. eserve
. hve
. possess
. hs
4.  The urte elrtion for the import goos is me y the______.
. onsignee
. onsignor
. ustoms
. ny person
5.  One of our __ ex-stuents we woul like you to ress the prents.
. exellent
. istinguishe
. spleni
. fine
6.  We ple this orer _______ the unerstning tht the isount is 10%
. se on
. with
. on
. through
7.  The ustoms my "withhol" the goos onnete with the smuggling ses. The wor "withhol" hs the similr mening of the following wors exept_____ .
. keep k
. etin
. refuse to give
. refun
8.  Our pries remin unhnge__the reent rise of the mrket.
. in spite of
. however
. ut
. ut for
9.  .The seller shoul gurntee tht the ommoities omply _____the qulity, speifition n performne s stipulte in the ontrt.
. for
. in
. to
. With
10.  n our( ) of 100 rs e shippe s soon s possile?
. orer
. request
. sk
. nee
11.  We thnk you _____ for you oopertion.
. in vne
. in eforehn
. in progress
. in proee
12.  The goos whih re rrie into n out of the territory y the sme vessel or irrft re efine s_______.
. trnsit goos
. trnsshipment goos
. through goos
. import n export goos
13.  We hope tht you'll () more ttention()the qulity of your goos in the future.
. put;to
. py;to
. rest;on
. put;on
14.  We hve opene n L/__the Mhinery orportion.
. like
. in fvour of
. like to
. in fvour to
15.  It mkes no ( ) to us to hnge the loing port from Shntou to Zhuhi.
. ifferene
. profit
. goo
. help
16.  The opertion of the storge, proessing n ssemling of the one goos n onsignment sles shoul e pprove y n registere _______the ustoms.
. For
. y
. from
. With
17.  If you n mke us  firm offer t  _____ prie, we will ple n orer with your orportion.
. ompetitive
. omprtive
. sujetive
. ojetive
18.  The ustoms will not ______the restrite goos unless n import or export liense is otine
. ler
. relese
. sell
. uy
19.  The prie is ___________:
. s following
. s follows
. follow
. following
20.  __ will e pi t the en of yer.
. pension
. money
. retirement on
. pyment
21.  We re now looking t the __ of the Sninvin mrket.
. ltent
. unerlying
. potentilly
. potentil
22.   timely elivery mens ( ) to us.
.  little
. more
. most
.  lot
23.  o you wnt to mke  ()?
. ut-offer
. ounter-offer
. erese-offer
. own-offer
24.  We hve the plesure in _____ your letter of Nov. 11, in whih you inform us tht you re stisfie with our men’s shirts, shippe per S. S.“Est Win”.
. mitting
. knowleging
. epting
. justing
25.  We regret we hve to mintin our __ prie.
. originl
. primry
. ustomry
. originlly


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发表于 2015-10-6 15:04:45 | 显示全部楼层

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