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发表于 2015-9-24 10:19:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  Hrly ____ to e when he her  knok t the oor.
. h he gone
. he h gone
. i he go
. he went
2.  _____ for your lziness, you oul hve finishe the ssignment y now.
. H it not een
. It were not
. Weren’t it
. H not it een
3.  There is no esy ______ to the prolem.
. result
. question
. solution
. reson
4.  We tol you tht he woul ome tonight, __________?
. in't we
. i we
. wouln't we
. woul we
5.  Working onitions in the ftory re ________ few workers sty longer thn three months.
. suh tht
. so tht
. tht
. so
6.  — Mum, it is nie wether. I wnt to skte this fternoon.— on’t you think the ie on the lke is too thin to __________ your weight?
. stn
. er
. th
. tke
7.  __________ from the moon, our erth, with wter __________ seven perent of its surfe, ppers s  “lue ll”.
. Seen ... overe
. Seeing ... overing
. Seen...overing
. To see...to over
8.  I think we shoul let Mri go mping with her oyfrien. __________, she’s  ig girl now.
. fter ll
. ove ll
. First of ll
. For ll
9.  They stye up lte trying to _______ out  wy to solve the prolem.
. give
. let
. knok
. figure
10.  The footll went over the fene n we ske  oy to ______it.
. ring
. tke
. feth
. rry
11.  There ws  goo __________ of the ountrysie from the front of the us.
. sight
. view
. sene
. senery
12.  If you________TV every evening, of ourse your eyes will he.
. sit n wth
. will sit n wth
. re to sit n wth
. st n wthe
13.  They lwys kept on goo __________ with their next-oor neighors for the hilren’s ske.
. frienship
. reltions
. reltives
. terms
14.  The mn tol his girl frien he woul wit for her where the three ros __________.
. link
. onnet
. meet
. omine
15.  The tor pretens to e  very rve mn, ut_______ he is timi n shy.
. in generl
. in ition
. in relity
. in short
16.  Seeing the polie oming, wy ____.
. the thieves rn
. h the thieves run
. rn the thieves
. i the thieves run
17.  Wht’s the lnguge __________ in Germny?
. speking
. spoken
. e spoken
. to spek
18.  Mr. Lee,__________ of the __________ speeh,strte to re  novel.
. tire ... oring
. tiring ... ore
. tire ... ore
. tiring ... oring
19.  I in’t see the minister, ____ i I see the seretry.
. so
. nor
. neither
. none
20.  ________ tht we went outing.
. The wether so fine
. So fine the wether is
. So the wether ws fine
. So fine ws the wether


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发表于 2015-10-8 14:36:54 | 显示全部楼层

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