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发表于 2015-9-24 10:33:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  ____________the oor thn someoy strte knoking on it.
. I h lose no sooner
. No sooner h I lose
. I h no sooner loseI h no sooner lose
. No sooner I lose
2.  If he h worke hrer, he ______ the exms.
. must hve got through
. woul get through
. woul hve got through woul hve got through
. oul get through
3.  I wish I _____ longer this morning, ut I h to get up n ome to lss.
. oul hve slept
. slept
. might hve sleptmight hve slept
. hve slept
4.  fter the floo the i workers egn to ________ foo n wter mong the refugees.
. istriute
. resue
. releserelese
. onvert
5.  ____________he is sent, wht shll we o?
. Now tht
. Seeing tht
. WhetherWhether
. Supposing tht
6.  ____________the English exmintion I woul hve gone to the onert lst Stury.
. In spite of
. euse of
. ut forut for
. s for
7.  It’s not polite to ______  person while he is tlking with others.
. involve
. interrupt
. interviewinterview
. interpret
8.  He hs no tikets __________ for Friy’s performne.
. ville
. ttinle
. pplile pplile
. ppreile
9.  Most of his gret novels n plys were not pulishe or known to the puli ________ his trgi (悲剧) eth in 1786.
. even efore
. ever sine
. until fteruntil fter
. until efore
10.  It ws n invention whih li the ____________ of moern rio tehnology.
. emphsis
. stress
. opportunityopportunity
. fountions
11.  Professor Ewr ws invite to join  three-yer reserh _______ in liforni.
. projet
. progress
. progrmprogrm
. proess
12.  We hve een stuying Germn ________ we entere this shool.
. for
. sine
. s s
. euse
13.  Their new house is si to e ________ on this street, ut we nnot fin it.
. lote
. set
. lielie
. eme
14.  Never lose hert ________ iffiulty you my meet with.
. wht
. whtever
. howhow
. however
15.  Tht tree looke s if it ____ for  long time.
. hsn’t wtere
. hn’t een wtere
. in’t wterin’t wter
. wsn’t wtere
16.  The mouse never _______ too fr from it hole.
. goes
. omes
. venturesventures
. returns
17.  Fre turne his he, trying to ________ rething in the smoke.
. refuse
. voi
. ojetojet
. expet
18.  ________ I strongly isgree with the ourt’s eision, I ept it.
. When
. While
. ThusThus
. euse
19.  Young rivers re fr more _______ to hve ients thn oler rivers.
. likely
. like
. like like
. likele
20.  ____________the 1500's____________the first Europens explore the ost of liforni.
. It ws not until ... when
. It is until ... tht
. It is not until ... when It is not until ... when
. It ws not until ... tht
21.  He seeme to hve een sleep, so I si nothing, ut st ________ he woul see me ________ wking.
. whether; when
. tht;when
. whih;wherewhih;where
. where;when
22.  My fther tol me to ehve _______, when I got my first jo s n ountnt.
. ruely
. relessly
. stritlystritly
. eently
23.  Tke n umrell with you ___________ it might rin.
. even if
. in se
. lthoughlthough
. sine
24.  oth nites re ______ millions _____ television vertising.
. spening…in…
. tking…on…
. fforing…on…fforing…on…
. spening …on…
25.  ________ we re llowe ________ , we n’t rink ny eer.
. s long s; to o
. If; to
. Unless; toUnless; to
. On onition tht; oing so


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