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发表于 2015-9-24 23:20:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。7 N! s$ o+ Z$ H- G; |1 }; p% o
* r8 Q# b1 L: _' R. s, t6 X

7 z! P) q9 k$ u5 e+ k
* ?# [6 W7 d) T! o15秋学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业3' F/ A; Q% P! X/ O
4 ~( V' p& J* p- B* s! i6 s阅读理解 单选 完型填空
( V% f/ [* t2 `# K$ V9 A& W; u0 y5 F* h5 {0 V# A2 w9 H& S7 V% o

7 Z8 e' A9 _) {一、阅读理解(共 4 道试题,共 40 分。)
$ u0 f0 m* N5 F2 }1.  elieve it or not, optil illusion (错觉)n ut highwy rshes.. z  Y7 y; @: z+ w, B5 K7 k
Jpn is  se in point. It hs reue utomoile rshes on some ros y nerly 75 perent using  simple optil illusion. ent stripes, lle hevrons (人字形), pinte on the ros mke rivers think tht they re riving fster thn they relly re, n thus rivers slow own.
: a# P! \9 B9 P5 I' UNow the merin utomoile ssoition Fountion for Trffi Sfety in Wshington .. is plnning to repet Jpn’s suess. Strting next yer, the fountion will pint hevrons n other ptterns of stripes on selete ros roun the ountry to test how well the ptterns reue highwy rshes.
: f6 h. }  e2 I4 e! I/ @% ?/ }. r; m% kExessive spee plys  mjor role in s muh s one fifth of ll ftl trffi ients, oring to the fountion. To help reue those ients, the fountion will onut its tests in res where spee-relte hzrs re the gretest---urves, exit slopes, trffi irles, n riges.$ k5 H7 S) {' \6 V* l1 R- O
Some stuies suggest tht stright, horizontl rs pinte ross ros n initilly ut the verge spee of rivers in hlf. However, trffi often returns to full spee within months s rivers eome use to seeing the pinte rs.& y& \4 M5 [' C/ o3 {" z3 U# f7 u, R
hevrons, sientists sy, not only give rivers the impression tht they re riving fster thn they relly re ut lso mke  lne pper to e nrrower. The result is  longer lsting reution in highwy spee n the numer of trffi ients.( \, X2 E9 `1 R) Y7 g" a
1). The pssge minly isusses __________.
, [1 `" F. J. d1 N) T% ]: u.  new wy of highwy spee ontrol 0 Q$ K7 T7 t2 J2 d) K0 D
.  new pttern for pinting highwys) S" ?, |7 O9 A8 q+ Y
) w8 F, u5 n. H- F7 r+ l
.  new pproh to trining rivers - M) C% ^4 e1 J* j
.  new type of optil illusion
) v8 Q% C. O. p  v- l-----------------选择:      # {* u; A/ H2 c, }0 f! o( X/ z
2). On ros pinte with hevrons, rivers ten to feel tht __________.6 L+ \. L8 I1 w4 T
. they shoul voi spee-relte hzrs
9 x+ h: J, o' P$ Y- ^1 K8 P. they re riving in the wrong lne
! E0 V, Q0 E, m! B: r6 a$ R9 w( y" y! X. they shoul slow own their spee
5 s4 k' S$ ~9 g2 }$ i1 C. they re pprohing the spee limit8 Q$ d0 q0 S8 c0 P% N6 B
/ i! S* V& G# J; C. M3). The vntge of hevrons over stright, horizontl rs is tht the former ___________.
8 Y- q; A9 r  k  F% N. M) z8 X. n keep rivers wke
' ^, x0 H  b* _8 v- |# C. n ut ro ients in hlf
* [* r; x: X# w. will hve  longer effet on rivers " T! @: |, I% e6 E, f9 R: D0 C3 ~
. will look more ttrtive: U) N7 h' ~; s
' r# Z: G' N; [4). The merin utomoile ssoition Fountion for Trffi Sfety Plns to __________., |4 u7 W' q, o# l$ o% S, @) N
. try out the Jpnese metho in ertin res  
4 @4 {8 X: x" i* A4 X. hnge the ro signs ross the ountry
2 T1 s# ~) U3 \% U; E. reple stright, horizontl rs with hevrons
( o2 R( X. f9 J$ V. repet the Jpnese ro ptterns
; W! U2 _7 ?3 U: P/ T/ b-----------------选择:        j9 }9 {  x. V: ^4 B3 I# ^# f0 S; g) s
5). Wht oes the uthor sy out stright, horizontl rs pinte ross ros?% r" E' T) n7 [$ q# f: L7 P9 _
. They re flling out of use in the Unite Sttes
) W4 s1 k: P9 M( W2 U7 Q% k6 n% |. They ten to e ignore y rivers in  short perio of time.) h) f! G1 T6 P6 }0 ]0 U; B* V
. They re pplile only on ro ros.
* x- A4 n% X3 f$ u" r% f. They nnot e pplie suessfully to trffi irles.$ k% s6 f* E0 j4 t# ^
-----------------选择:      ) `" z2 I; a6 ^  ^- K+ P6 j
2.  The tretment of  ritish stuent hs use  mjor politil n mei storm in ritin. The stuent, Lur Spene, won  sholrship to Hrvr ut ws rejete y Oxfor University. The whole of ritin hs een rwn into ete, with people urging universities to “open their oors to people from ll prts of soiety.”
* ?" o3 I, j& z    On the surfe, the fuss is out isrimintion (歧视) in ritish soiety. The ritish mei hs rete  fiere ontroversy over Oxfor’s mission proeures. Interntionl press omments hve een more ynil, liming tht the Lur Spene story is initive (预示的) of the typil ritish prolem of lss n rrogne —  reminer tht  kwr-looking ritin is still live n well.8 w4 `  L0 k( x4 g) B
    I think ll of these omments, however vli, miss the lrger piture. Like so mny other prts of our lives these ys, eution hs eome  glol enterprise. The rin rin is  universl phenomenon, n ountries tht on’t fe up to the new relity will e losing some of their most preious resoures. There is  growing tren of ritish stuents’ tking egrees in merin universities. This yer the numer will rek the psyhologil rrier of 1,000 stuents for the first time.! `# g0 T( g7 U% @9 m' \# }
Toy’s stuents hve  very ifferent view on eution from their prents’. euse of television, the Internet n their own trvels, these stuents see the worl s  muh smller ple thn their prents one i. They re more onfient in epting the hllenge of moving from one ountry to nother, from one ulture to nother. In the ontext of stuent gloe-trotters (环球旅行者), s worl-lss ritish universities like Oxfor suenly fin themselves fighting over ritish stuents with the Hrvrs of the worl, they fe mjor hllenges. It is not simply tht Hrvr is  welthier institution. Hrvr lso offers  ifferent eutionl experiene, stressing reth of stuy n rel-worl pplitions of knowlege. $ C9 G9 ^' }, w5 F' b6 r7 ^7 |

+ k) E7 h" X' s3 p( y1). oring to the uthor wht oes Lur Spene’s se relly signify?6 {+ O$ i+ Y# J$ y7 r/ u, O
. isrimintion in ritish soiety.
+ P1 ~' F  V' w& t" B. The universl phenomenon of rin rin.  J! T1 u" _8 Z, S
. Inpproprite mission proeures of Oxfor.   8 H* K3 ~6 P7 i
. Typil ritish prolem of lss n rrogne.
7 y8 \3 t( f# R  k7 H# e-----------------选择:      0 E# J! q+ z7 ?9 P4 W- r
2). Wht oes “preious resoures” refer to?* J' E' `" m) N( B1 A- k4 E) c
. Nturl resoures., P. n" d( }/ [  J" [) {
. Humn resoures.
4 ]4 f- e/ }* L1 s! ^% ~  q. Tuition fees pi y stuents.   
" p* `! L! s; K7 n1 R. Reputtion s fmous universities.. h/ ~) Y: V$ {
-----------------选择:      ; O9 {9 d" M0 K+ f* R$ h
3). The expression “psyhologil rrier” (Pr. 3) inites tht ______.
+ M0 i& ^, }0 {, |+ M" k. ritish people will try to prevent English stuents from stuying ro
- x  h" ^2 a) h8 O* h8 D: f. ritish stuents will overome their hesittion n pursue eution ro/ ]2 |$ E4 g* Z' v5 Z
. ritish stuents seeking overses eution hs inrese to n lrming numer
1 w: X5 X0 \+ t: w* C0 J. F) P. ritish stuents will rek the rrier in their min n seek overses eution
- F. J" A7 j  ~! A$ N$ R) N" c& c+ n-----------------选择:      6 r* g9 G. M( B) a* @6 Y' ?+ m
4). Whih of the following ftors is not inlue s Hrvr’s vntges over Oxfor?
; \, p- V( t. U# B! m: w9 B, }. Emphsis on soil kgroun.
. U5 T8 @. Y8 y- J0 X  z.  Wie reth of stuy.
, D9 C' C1 I# m# r. Prtil pplitions of knowlege.  8 y' `; e( d0 W* `5 n4 j
. Plenty of fun.2 ]% A) w* |$ @+ c% ?- E
( z' [/ C" A# c" g# M; u* \: Q" f5). The purpose of the rtile is to_______.
0 @" w( D8 A6 V" y3 k% [. persue
- Y' B: f( v4 T% |0 V.  entertin
- w* m# _( H; S8 D( u* D. inform  
; L# ?* I, L, E4 m5 b6 T* q. ritiize
! Y1 A7 W2 r1 J: r$ w-----------------选择:      
1 t: @, [5 F8 r9 q# ?) x" S5 R3.  We n mke mistkes t ny ge. Some mistkes we mke re out money. ut most mistkes re out people. "i Jerry relly re when I roke up with Helen?" "When I got tht gret jo, i Jerry relly feel goo out it, s  frien? Or i he envy my luk?" When we look k, outs like these n mke us feel . ut when we look k, it's too lte.
: q/ n( w4 f+ kWhy o we go wrong out our friens--or our enemies? Sometimes wht people sy hies their rel mening. n if we on't relly listen, we miss the feeling ehin the wors. Suppose someone tells you, "you're  luky og". Is he relly on your sie? If he sys, "You're  luky guy" or "You're  luky gl", tht's eing frienly. ut "luky og"? There's  it of envy in those wors. Mye he oesn't see it himself. ut ringing in the "og" it puts you own  little. Wht he my e sying is tht he oesn't think you eserve your luk.
/ m1 _8 R4 ?8 w& B0 SHow n you tell the rel mening ehin someone's wors? One wy is to tke  goo look t the person tlking. o his wors fit the wy he looks? oes wht he sys squre with the tone of voie? His posture (体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop n think. The minute you spen thinking out the rel mening of wht people sy to you my sve nother mistke.; k! g7 c6 B. S$ F+ ^. Q) \2 V9 m( u

; E, J$ A7 D3 s" N; q4 i1). From the questions in the first prgrph we n lern tht the writer ______.6 k+ A% G, o: f* o1 {% P
. feels hppy, thinking of how nie his friens were to him
3 Q9 ~- x% ]8 L& z7 k  P! [1 t
5 ^7 x6 @* Z! n, `- T. feels he my not hve "re" his friens' true feelings orretly
: v* U! B3 x% t' `0 t5 e' @1 C3 w0 g
. thinks it ws  mistke to hve roken up with his girl frien, Helen# w$ D. d' u% \! ]( o

; o, b5 w' C- o" D$ `/ f# K! o. is sorry tht his friens let him own
3 |$ C5 R. S! e* u! a  Q! r-----------------选择:      
# I9 G# H$ F* H  k/ ?8 J2). In the seon prgrph, the writer uses the exmple of "You're  luky og" to show tht ______.
: e* P8 u3 _3 m2 m1 N; P& `.  the speker of this sentene is just eing frienly
: k2 H9 X# P5 N2 \* Q
) M  q7 R' ~+ S% L5 C. this sying mens the sme s "You're  luky guy" or "You're  luky gl"4 X5 }, O" k* S! D: O) Y

6 s6 E5 L. {% ^0 ?. sometimes the wors use y  speker give  lue to the feeling ehin the wors
7 S  s0 o! n6 x7 q9 ^$ V8 S4 ], ]- B& X
. the wor "og" shouln't e use to pply to people
2 R/ y! ~# t, f4 C, D  j3 O0 V-----------------选择:      
7 g7 [3 Y2 ?; |3). This pssge tries to tell you how to ______.
9 P6 K: Z3 g. L. h7 y/ y$ F' H" g. voi mistkes out money n friens
0 F7 {7 H$ J% {' G7 H7 X* s* b/ S% @
. n& F* ]2 t3 R2 L: i. ring the "og" it into our onverstion; j6 ^5 g* @: _$ B2 z
3 i/ {. v/ |  k5 N, _
. voi mistkes in unerstning wht people tell you. t6 a" s: ^  s' U6 f5 D
0 M3 p# `3 F) x! I' U& s' S, Z
. keep people frienly without trusting them
$ }5 L* e2 F! T: O3 ?-----------------选择:      $ x) O2 l2 w! d) U8 @
4). In listening to  person, the importnt thing is ______.
) C* f3 `" l3 C9 f7 V( u8 r.  to notie his tone, his posture, n the look in his eyes7 a9 r6 v5 P4 A2 b4 j: n
5 h2 z, M8 C7 x6 i) n
. to listen to how he pronounes his wors" _6 T2 S5 c- B5 u) T0 Q
" V1 \0 y# M6 b" y* `3 c
. to hek his wors ginst his mnner, his tone of voie, n his posture* y5 Q+ f9 c4 O& T9 ]) }" ^9 V
! Q0 {, }4 W$ Q
. not to elieve wht he sys$ Q# ]' {/ n8 M
- K7 Y+ b; w' @# b! K5). If you followe the vie of the writer, you woul ______.
6 m( X0 A! e) ?+ L, n5 t. e le to get the rel mening of wht people sy to you
, x, F5 A5 h$ g& _- X- J5 _  `' Y
2 x" i* t( \) T" r. voi ny mistkes while tlking with people who envy you
1 v; V, a! C3 J! ~  ?* s
9 r2 |( |$ M$ v. Z- d% \. not lose rel friens who sy things tht o not plese you4 R" j! J7 M& B4 e
7 O4 Z* }6 q# n. I. L4 o' ^  t
. e le to oserve people s they re tlking to you+ C3 R5 r1 {5 b# t) U4 j

7 r$ S  V! u) d-----------------选择:      
: n9 u% D, D, y4.  lert Einstein h  gret effet on siene n history, greter thn wht only  few other men hve hieve. n merin university presient one ommente tht Einstein h rete  new outlook,  new view of the universe. It my e some time efore the verge min unerstns fully the ientity of time n spe n so on---ut even orinry men unerstn now tht the universe is something lrger thn ever efore.
# w2 J- c2 `  A* {: Q- @  n0 H4 y5 [y 1994 the young Einstein h gine worl fme. He epte the offer to eome  professor t the Prussin emy of Siene in erlin. He h few uties, little tehing n unlimite opportunities for stuy, ut soon his pee n quiet were roken y the First Worl Wr. Einstein hte violene. The misery of wr ffete him eeply, n he st unhppily in his offie oing little. He lost interest in his reserh. Only when pee me in 1918 ws he le to get k to work.
0 U5 v6 F; f* X' Y# Q7 |% cIn the yers following Worl Wr I honors were inresingly hepe on him. He eme the he of the Kiser Whihem Institute of Theoretil Physis. In 1921he won the Noel Prize, n he ws honore in Germny until the rise of Nzism when he ws riven from Germny euse he ws  Jew.3 D7 h: n6 S7 n! a

" c0 P/ \+ m$ z+ y3 q4 b1 i  D1). The min ie of Prgrph 1 is ______.
$ U5 c1 G( R$ z- z. the time when people know Einstein
( P/ ]# _! Q* x) t: s. v: C* V. the feeling of n merin ollege presient
; @. I$ i2 O/ E, d: K8 ~. the hnge in humn thought proue y Einstein6 E* k7 M: b$ Z% k5 V
. the iffiulty fing tehers in unerstning Einstein’s thought
/ M4 U& B, Z) S$ A" j( L% ]-----------------选择:      
& o3 d: S4 R2 B- @+ M$ b2). oring to the merin university presient, ______.) {8 N% P$ W- b' P: M, `
. everyone unerstns Einstein’s theory toy
& [  f4 Z6 p, J  r, m; y) {2 l" R. Einstein hieve more thn ny other sientists in history
4 t7 J* C# T* T/ `, P! t$ n1 F. the theory of reltivity n e quikly lerne y everyone
2 ?, P' D$ H( t! e2 B3 a, @. our ies out the universe re ifferent toy euse of Einstein
3 q( d" W" V* L-----------------选择:      ( x5 n" C2 z) v
3). oring to Prgrph 2, lert Einstein _______ .2 U* a: @% V* Z6 y
. ws  fmous hemist  y% u% L9 T8 y) e0 z" k" S
. hee  reserh institute
) @' y5 }* h/ |; ~0 X, _0 u  L. ws fmous in the worl
! b8 Q2 n) f' f1 c9 h. enjoye reing out wr! p7 c; u, V: d# l8 P' N
-----------------选择:      - M  O; e* f' S. ?$ E  `: r  X
4). oring to the pssge, Einstein i his gretest work _______ .- \' U/ V* `5 t
. uring Worl Wr I
6 S4 F% Y( v3 t( X% f. when he ws young
8 R1 S% v  |3 P: L; L4 r+ k- d. when Nzism rose3 C5 ~# }# X; d* y* I* r; e
. etween 1906 n 19151 t- c# w+ r! g2 P: q. \9 J
& P8 ^) s8 |% h5). It my e onlue tht ______.% b3 Y) C% ]  c8 S
.  lert Einstein ws fore to serve in the Germn rmy- S2 q  v4 u0 ]3 v
. lert Einstein h no other interests esies siene+ z) j3 o( l. _! g
. Germns usully hve  high respet for siene
7 q) B9 {* R% [. his reputtion ws ruine euse of his work uring Worl Wr I6 ]2 Z% O: p5 S; z8 v0 h
. d2 E. f' O+ s8 h/ b15秋学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业3* ^5 o: o- `4 m' {5 f) }; C/ O
       + ^1 e- ]+ w  b5 f  u: o+ c
阅读理解 单选题 完型填空
" s" X8 e6 o  [  l7 I9 p' p8 E8 k, S

; n) p5 A& h# Y3 h# f4 j二、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 45 分。)! x, ]' m: P$ s
1.  —It’s very thoughtful of you to give me  rie.
  v* T0 a" k% T—_____________
0 ?* P! u5 O$ n6 f. ?) _1 b7 B9 b. It’s my plesure.6 R' A' q: A7 a1 T( ?* K
. Tke it esy.' _" u! y4 ]; k" M5 I4 F
. Sure. / m2 D; Q: ~4 R0 v- v
. Never min.
+ G$ l- x$ ~! C* X4 O5 u; P) n  a5 ?/ M-----------------选择:      
/ w" M; R# B7 k2.  ---- My I see the menu, plese? I’ve een witing n hour lrey.
5 I6 ]3 }8 I2 X% z   ---- _______________.
2 W3 F6 A: _1 U! ^. n. Tht is the menu, sir
: l* x1 L. J5 J  h/ {/ T. Yes, plese go on; G+ U# `0 I$ m; _3 P
. Here you re, sir
) o' f- W7 c) ~3 \' }. Of ourse, sir+ n, U0 m; j' h4 C& c
-----------------选择:        v/ n* D3 v" ^& p5 D- U
3.  18. The role of sientists is to ________ n esrie the worl, ut not to try to ontrol it.2 y! ?4 W$ s# q# ?; U' h
. 9 o- Z2 c0 F; b% e0 C
' V4 D# T/ E/ b/ L3 g0 ~$ d. : ~4 ?( \- c" l+ |/ \! |# N  z
isover. k) ]8 X2 H5 z; q8 m
. 5 {$ v7 s, p; G+ g2 b
notie) r5 t, B0 H/ q2 w) p# c" o
. & ?% U3 d) K. r) t
fin out
/ y! i: ^4 x6 e7 E% _( |-----------------选择:      
6 r1 v' z' p; g3 k2 }" Z( [9 O3 K4.  — o you min if I tke  ouple of hours off this fternoon?) y, w' j' n( g8 o' H. f4 E
   — ________________ .4 b1 a6 |4 }. m+ o% G. l" |* h
. Never min.2 f5 K" l# O8 {6 {
. OK, ut wht for?
5 Q! S' }" T: A* \- ^( D. Yes, plese help yourself( k( |$ \! \) h, {
. Yes, ut I on't re* [0 \, x) e. n" h4 [5 j" q( l
-----------------选择:      % z: f6 d' Q" x
5.  ---- re you rey to orer essert, plese?* b; K2 I. I5 U5 E8 O) t! i
   ---- _________________. ! R# E5 q8 ~5 t+ Y# g. l2 E
. Yes, plese
: @" M! B8 I3 X+ q  ?. Plese on’t orer it
% F; Z" s: y$ t. No, on’t mention it
/ }& p$ I8 s3 J) c: h. Yes, I’ like to hve some hoolte ke
2 n& u: b0 \# V/ w2 }; S; \1 p-----------------选择:      
6 r9 c4 o* O" N5 p% z6.  —Hello, is tht polie sttion?( ]  Z8 x; F7 {! E5 S" O. R
—_____________) F% g6 T0 t. z" [* u4 B# d) I' p
. No. Why re you lling?
/ f9 O, |9 E+ l7 K$ R. Yes. n I help you?$ @) p' l: M  ]% e. [3 j: `
. You re right. 3 t" ?2 |& L& i. e
. Yes. Wht’s your question?
& o* I( V+ ^! Z4 W5 k: k  T-----------------选择:      3 d. Q& O( M; X6 G& j4 B
7.  — Well, it's getting lte. I must e going. Thnk you gin for inviting me to the prty.
. \9 d6 ]- f  ~- @% j— ___________________ .
) ?( V1 _5 b2 |. Oh, it's so lte   
' n3 o, p1 R4 |: p" n. Thnk you for oming9 ?/ N1 @5 a. Y
. Oh, so soon? 1 B& T  u1 @, m
.  I relly h  hppy time
- d4 l/ Y- u: G; H* e" H  _: g-----------------选择:      
- @$ H, u' @# R' a8.  ______ the sweter is too smll lrey, on’t worry out its shrinking (缩水).1 [  e& {, @( B
. So  
! w; w/ A% D9 S. s: P, }. Sine ; Z7 e' B% \9 [
. If8 k' N! w6 |7 z) U) m$ K! i
. While
. U4 H/ M: i& X7 x+ O-----------------选择:      
: Z  f# o4 F! a: t& ^9.  Tht jo pys enough to ______ rent n living expenses.
5 {8 [5 _3 F) c& p* K7 K. over
6 C7 @3 `1 e% m. hoose
6 ?$ c% ]! n9 y. inlue
4 v! U$ P. ^& N4 p0 W2 c$ p5 R. inrese
" p& K0 Y; b3 z7 y-----------------选择:      " d/ g2 Y& v, i; u. [! z9 O' U# |
10.  The mening of time ______ from ountry to ountry., C% X. F% s' v! }1 r( n6 O; w8 s
. iffer: h# w; I$ a) s& Q; c4 w
. iffers$ h1 a0 G5 i; [' s
. ifferent
/ I: M6 v- v* i( V) t) `. ifferene
) N: X* z) @3 u8 ^' x4 E-----------------选择:      8 @3 s' R% O" {
11.  17. Without proper lessons, you oul _______  lot of  hits when plying the pino.
/ `3 U  L9 I3 m2 O
3 F1 I8 B# a( ]0 S& K.  keep up' l3 o: W( n; G5 F
.  pik up+ u9 [, A; o3 |) }2 Z, D" D+ x
.  rw up
$ l$ w+ i" w# t.  th up
# a' m+ H$ h) s/ E+ v& t/ |) K( e- x* ^( J9 s7 R2 J2 x
-----------------选择:      4 s, f0 ?; M. j: E0 s# b
12.  6 There ws  ig hole in the ro whih ________ the trffi. ) S, _. ~9 E+ c* T& `. M
/ x2 g% f  Y0 [0 ^0 o# l
. set k ! z- ]/ ^1 r, G  N4 R/ \1 `

" C" I, W1 L7 U0 d; p& q5 L# n5 |3 I.  stoo k ) Z4 p4 s4 h1 D" p
2 w% ]$ \, J: m4 k
. hel up5 t. f3 Z1 i* I) B0 @
.  kept own
" i, |1 f0 q# U& y6 Z- c-----------------选择:        {  _* I% g9 i' l- @. o
13.  9. In reent yers muh more emphsis hs een put _______ eveloping the stuents proutive skills.
8 t/ |1 U: u  E& X" l) S.
5 _; P  Z0 D6 x& h onto              
' E5 k4 ]3 n/ q- a7 [.   in                        
8 p3 O1 F% x3 Q& h6 c' _0 y. over               5 E) O% {( X/ z5 b5 M, B
. 8 C& r* G7 c  C9 A  D
& a- ?3 r% ~& N8 I-----------------选择:      ) ^7 F  C  A" y& P6 P
14.  They re plnning to hve the mhine ______.; d' A7 E- _  V9 A. h' L8 w6 I3 A$ g/ ^
. eing repire  
2 \' A8 E( Z7 x6 I' Y, X7 `.  repire   
" s- m0 F! b7 m( F. repiring * b4 ^) h! y- I8 Y) u
.  to e repire
( J% ]: ~. W, U; A3 G6 z& e. c; K7 H
' @9 R5 F8 i* g' V/ Q5 s9 r15.  ---- re you Mr. Roert Lee?9 t) {# D' s+ d0 O0 \% q
   ---- ______________. / s- @: R1 D% y- m6 s, j2 s4 s! y
. Yes, Lee speking
& B! m6 ?7 p; V1 j' m. Hello, wht o you wnt?" v3 n( j  i3 [  k! T+ f
. Sorry, speking: ]: s# \& N# P( E3 ~; {" T
. I on’t know2 W* B% e: Z) g8 O! n: S
0 N/ I8 a1 \( {+ h15秋学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业3
# f+ K( w; A+ z  X! J$ E      
0 u* W+ M, D& u' ^阅读理解 单选题 完型填空 & s9 J3 T0 X) B7 v1 P* l' F

4 X: V7 @* m  Q) i* o' Q% x3 z& j( M6 Q3 a: ?! \2 s
三、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 15 分。)
; _5 y, Q. J! ^) |1.  
  c9 c) S: b& B* X* U2 e+ n6 vWhen you visit Lonon, one of the first things you will see is ig en. The fmous lok n e her ll over the worl on the ... ig en __1__ its nme from Sir enjmin Hll __2__ ws responsile for the mking of the lok. It’s not only of __3__ size, ut is extremely urte s well. ig en hs __4__ gone wrong. One, however, it file to give the orret time.  pinter who h een working on the __5__ hung  pot of pint on one of the hns n slowe it own.
7 @/ x: q% g, n% D! [1 q( N1). 4 U7 C* U! M* X) b6 F
. who6 T! E6 Y  W$ _% H
. tkes  w4 p/ I1 L3 b
. huge$ r" ~) W3 |# p' ]) N
. tower* K% j1 W: o8 E4 l% o1 x) y
E. rrely
& X* z1 M- F8 G5 r. N) z0 q-----------------选择:        R2 ?$ `; j6 [+ u
( J. {2 e9 K, x( u. who
' Q; V1 }) d( ~5 T7 Z. tkes
1 ?& L' w2 e% I' v& w. huge
( o* {4 b1 x% p; X3 m- f4 Q* t. tower  
5 g4 K6 ^7 ^9 |! a8 K% r1 f9 sE. rrely/ a" h+ T3 k% m9 A1 n
-----------------选择:      * z* f  y2 d8 j" ]( |
3). . B; o  a5 C' Q
. who
) K8 Q3 [& A- Q8 r1 A. tkes7 Z& `5 p2 ?% K$ J5 h
. huge
$ Q: ^" x. d' K. tower; {4 K  O* j& a  X% b& S
E. rrely( _3 V' ^( [7 x6 T+ U# h
9 M/ N; {3 [  [) B" F4).
1 l' c$ b6 N; ^2 ^0 T. q. who0 V6 s3 R$ f( F- A
. tkes
0 i2 j% |9 s  D- Z- u9 b) ]4 b. huge
( k. s8 K, C0 A+ J: o3 F7 G/ R3 V. tower5 [# @7 I' o+ p  \8 m; ~; D' G
E. rrely% j' R# t6 p, j0 ]8 K9 R$ X9 P' H
3 P1 @! O! e# g7 Y+ p5).
0 c+ _) [7 V5 H" C9 S. who
2 F' z/ H- I* `. tkes % X" ^# R& y6 W4 J
. huge
+ w9 }/ T& i5 C' B* @5 W7 O- H. tower" `6 J- H6 F  V/ j  l" f# R
E. rrely
( E8 E' W# L. D& b-----------------选择:      
9 R6 [+ H7 \5 ^$ T+ C0 q; \0 w  s2 f


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