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发表于 2015-9-26 11:11:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  The river ws t______loss when______wor me tht he ws forien to rive for speeing.
. ; /
. ; the
. the; the
. /; /
2.  Never efore _________ so highly suessful in his ttempts to moify the wether on  very smll sle.
. mn hs een
. mn is
. hs mn een
. will e mn
3.  fter  joint venture ismisses the surplus employee uring the ontrt term, the enterprise will give the ismisse ertin ______
. omprehension
. omposition
. ompenstion
. onsulttion
4.  The pries of the prouts of joint ventures sol in hin shoul e fixe on the sis of qulity ______ the prie regultions set y the stte n e hrge in RM
. first of ll
. with  view to
. regrless of
. in line with
5.  — You were rve enough to rise ojetions t the meeting. — Well, now I regret _________ tht.
. hving one
. to hve one
. to e oing
. to o
6.  They foun  ______ sttesmn to he the projet — someone who oul mke the worls of politis n usiness work together
. senior
. superior
. junior
. inferior
7.  Whether it is esirle or not ______ the importne of voiing rejets versus the importne of voiing ost inreses
. reltes to
. onsists of
. engges in
. epens on
8.  I hope tht I shll never gin hve to ______ suh unplesnt experiene; otherwise I might sue to the ourt
. unergo
. unerlie
. unerline
. unerstn
9.  I hose  smll room with the winow _____ the street.
. fes
. fe
. fing
. to fe
10.  On the whole speultion is ______ upon euse it sometimes rives pries up.
. frowne
. ispprove
. represente
. ffete
11.  Wlter offere us  lift when he ws leving the offie, ut our work _____, so we in’t ept the offer.
. not eing finishe
. h not finishe
. not hving finishe
. ws not finishing
12.  ______ tht they’re young n inexperiene, they’ve one quite  goo jo.
. eing
. Given
. Provie
. Now
13.  On the sis of the greement y the two prties, the ontrt will e signe ______ the eremony.
. senior to
. inferior to
. superior to
. prior to
14.  ______ is no reson for ishrging her.
. euse she ws  few minutes lte
. Owing to  few minutes eing lte
. The ft tht she ws  few minutes lte
. To e  few minutes lte
15.  It ws suggeste tht this prolem _________ t the next meeting.
. ws isusse
. will e isusse
. hve to e isusse
. e isusse
16.  There re mny hilren n olesents ______ ehvior is generlly uneptle .
. their
. who
. whom
. whose
17.  The pilot felt something ______ wrong with the engine just efore the plne took off.
. will go
. ws going
. goes
. to go
18.  _______ the importne of wering set elts while riving.
. Little they relize
. They little relize
. They relize little
. Little o they relize
19.  _____ I on't like re the long, rk nights of winter.
. Tht
. Wht
. Whih
. This
20.  The opposing politil prty is getting rey to ______  powerful ttk on the government.
. inten
. imprint
. st
. mount


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发表于 2015-10-19 21:53:33 | 显示全部楼层

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