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发表于 2015-9-26 14:38:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
单选 判断题

一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)
1.  Sle Pkging refer to pkging whih ____________ sles unit to the finl user or onsumer t the point of purhse.
. reue
. inrese
. onstitutes
. give
2.   ill of ling is use for se shipment n is  ertifite of _________ of goos;
. mrk
. possess
. ownership
. holing
3.  LIS re efine s the people, equipment, n proeures use to gther, sort, nlyze, evlute, n istriute neee, timely n urte informtion to ___________mkers
. messge
. prout
. eision
. servie
4.  Thir-prty logistis (3PL) refers to the _________of trnsporttion, wrehousing n other logistis-relte tivities whih were originlly performe in-house, to  3PL servie provier.
. implement
. rry out
. outsouring
. holing
5.  Open top ontiners re suitle for rgo tht is more esily loe from ________or oes not fit in  stnr ry rgo ontiner, ut still nees to e sele.
. ove
. siewy
. ottom
. k-en
6.  The Reefer ontiner mintins  set temperture n _______the environment within the ontiner to prolong the life of the rgo in the most ruous environments.
. stilizes
. freeze
. lower
. heting
7.  y outsouring ll these, orportions my fous on their _____________n on improving yle time n elivery performne, therey inresing ustomer stisftion.
. mrk
. ompeteny
. ownership
. mrket
8.  _____________________n e remove from the prout without ffeting its hrteristis.
. sle pkging
. groupe pkging
. trnsport pkging
. protet pkging
9.  Pkging plys n ___________ role within logistis n its optiml esign is importnt for the effiient funtioning of the whole logistis system.
. inispensle
. inepenent
. epenent
. ig
10.  LIS n e use to ______trnsporttion mngement, wrehouse mngement, n opertions plnning n sheuling, et.
. rry out
. prtie
. implement
. support
11.   3PL provier, who hs long een operting in tht ountry, will e etter le to ________the logistis opertions.
. rry out
. possess
. omplete
. hol
12.  vne Tehnologies refer to tehnologies tht ________ eision-mking pilities for trnsporttion mngement, wrehouse mngement, n emn foresting n plnning mong others.
. enhne
. mke
. implement
. rry out
13.  The ir wyill is n interntionlly stnrize oument, printe in ______n in the lnguge of the rrier.
. hinese
. English
. Jpn
. Frenh
14.  Unlike the ill of ling, the ir wyill oesn’t represent the _______of goos.
. mrk
. ownership
. possess
. mster
15.  Flt rk hs no sie wlls n roof whih llows it to rry the items with non-stnr imensions. Loing or unloing is performe from______. n it is lso goo for overweight rgoes, livestok n steels.
. wy
. wlls
. siewys
. ove
单选题 判断题

二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)
1.   ill of ling n only e use for se shipment.
. 错误
. 正确
2.  Tightly enlose prouts in shrinkle or strethle films n provie prout with extr protetion.
. 错误
. 正确
3.   ror ontining 20 oxes of igrettes is regre s groupe pkging.
. 错误
. 正确
4.  When you wnt to sell the goos you n enorse on ill of ling n hn it over to nother uthorize prty.
. 错误
. 正确
5.   vriety of LIS hs een esigne n implemente for ifferent logistis tivities.
. 错误
. 正确
6.  More n more orportions ross the worl re outsouring their logistis tivities.
. 错误
. 正确
7.  If ompny outsoure its logistis tivities to 3PL, its ost will efinitelty e higher s the 3PL proviers on’t work for free.
. 错误
. 正确
8.  Miling n fxing re no longer in use, euse EI is  muh quiker wy to o the sme thing.
. 错误
. 正确
9.  Moern ontiner n its stnr re innovte y Germny.
. 错误
. 正确
10.  ulk ontiner re esigne for trnsporttion of sefoo, fruits, s well s photogrphi film, plnts, elite mhine, n phrmeutils.
. 错误
. 正确


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发表于 2015-10-20 19:25:37 | 显示全部楼层

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