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发表于 2015-11-2 12:30:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  The Audio-lingual Method was developed in the () during World War II.: q9 h$ v6 s2 `' o! u. U
A. German
' V2 [& D# T9 F3 L2 uB. China. f- m5 J! n8 k9 \# J% ^. J
C. France/ Q% u" ]: a3 |( z; ?
D. United States
7 |$ T7 D, ^+ ~      满分:2  分0 _$ U( x, h* E7 k) f: I
2.  ()is an intensive study of a specific individual or specific context, which is usually based on the assumption
  X/ c, Y' N0 ^A. Action research
. P# v+ d) s, M8 O$ ZB. Teaching journal
# T* z% J, e+ }& M1 lC. Lesson report/ u3 w9 y% L$ Z9 @+ b: B% G
D. A case study. z, P' j4 \' x
      满分:2  分8 o! v0 w9 f5 W8 z
3.  ________is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered boxes.: h+ H/ V+ G9 a: _4 ?" ^! b
A. anagram) t' w. w) z; O4 p% b1 |9 s
B. crossword
6 O% Q0 B& N5 u  o# K6 m& vC. riddle8 r4 t7 |9 D7 @+ C, N+ @
D. word puzzle$ V  j- _+ T3 V
      满分:2  分
0 X7 e0 I' ?8 k9 T  T. ]) K4.  Which is the pre-writing activityin which a student or group of students write down as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?" m& u5 k* [" L. V. D, T, A; c
A. Describing
! n' x0 }$ j# }- O* n$ @B. predicting% ^& O. ~$ M5 o, B6 A4 [( J
C. brainstoring
* x( a7 X& ]5 ^7 L4 o: r7 r      满分:2  分5 b8 E( w& ^6 T) L) k+ x
5.  The analytic syllabus refers not to what the syllabus designer does, but to the_ required of the learner.  G$ `( t9 \. \9 n/ l
A. doing
2 Y, Q9 T" l) q* w; H0 u, l5 EB. operations0 o: G. D) p! R2 A, b$ J
C. Practice
6 L' n- d. D, y% b/ K  M: RD. learning
  D  V+ L, h2 P      满分:2  分7 i1 X: I! F0 A
6.  Learners may be unwilling or even refuse to learn the language of a nation which is () to their country in economy, culture or social progress.9 A0 x: e; d2 w. H9 h; J
A. inferior
2 v5 Q7 b' u7 K  j7 }: D( M' P" UB. superior
$ s# @. z0 R6 C# jC. more developed
, O- C5 Q$ B5 S: ]4 T* f. Z7 F4 o2 {D. higher
6 E/ x; {6 I+ E2 L$ ?. K: O      满分:2  分1 G* O3 o* W; N2 ^: j4 F# Q
7.  The root of a word is also called the ________.+ _1 |6 ~" P* o& m9 |, \
A. stem' P' U! o; N+ z6 v+ i
B. suffix( V9 X2 Q* {& ]3 U
C. base form- `' q4 K( C: z9 E3 j0 v' i7 a8 M
D. A or C
, E8 F' n( u7 ^% p  i! f      满分:2  分
' w: ?4 D# e2 O. @8.  ()utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.
. [9 S7 S7 X% k0 y3 C& IA. A group study7 ~& @7 \$ r, O8 ~
B. Teaching journal
9 v, h2 r( V2 jC. Lesson report
9 Q% s- r2 k" v% Z% _+ WD. Action research- K2 }6 j- m! n  P& ?5 ]
      满分:2  分* \4 E- c0 c" J1 T# R" |; ^: O# ~
9.  A () activity is used where the whole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.
' Y% ?' Q- x. L, J9 m9 ^1 [A. jigsaw2 M6 A6 h2 f( V
B. gap-filling+ r$ a: Q8 _8 @4 Z* x
C. hungman
2 w. {/ n# `, f- f: FD. bingo
# v5 ]2 g: f8 `      满分:2  分- l4 s! Z* x* X! ^: e6 R) X- S& _
10.  Which is not belongs to cognitive strategies?& O  n' L4 x8 I. r1 T
A. resourcing
/ c6 o: |9 g; y# I* YB. self-management
1 Z0 {6 E  ?& d4 VC. translation0 f: d+ k0 d4 i: e$ u5 h
D. inferencing  h8 f4 t% {! X) s8 l& |/ D0 y
      满分:2  分
$ Q% M) N+ _- E0 i5 F2 h11.  Which of the following options is not used to show a lexical item visually? ________
9 p6 K' L4 F8 B, {A. showing by an object
9 B  C2 N5 g  X6 ^8 RB. showing a picture, G! q6 g# |" Y1 F
C. showing by miming
2 G; _% u) _/ _0 u: h8 C/ hD. showing by listing opposite meaningsf" |' l. B! R4 F5 l3 E
      满分:2  分
; {3 t8 @3 v- d- Q; F; Z12.  We all know that the teacher needs to know his/her students, in the following items which one is the most difficult to ascertain().
2 ^9 y$ t, u4 A. V: v& f6 cA. sex& ^# v& A7 c' N. U& G* l1 N8 R
B. age) a- B! c9 P: ^9 a/ o
C. social background
* J" d& Q2 s1 }" A: ?D. occupation
- q% L5 H$ J1 W  l# z0 R! @      满分:2  分
2 C/ a2 a$ t- [, U$ S9 X; b13.  Which expression about eliciting is incorrect?()
/ d/ m; H/ e  G2 {3 Z( WA. Eliciting involves the class by focusing students’ attention and making them think.
! L" a, A/ I; _* Q; ]B. Eliciting encourages students to draw on what they already know or partly know.
4 M8 w7 G' M, qC. Eliciting takes less time than straightforward presentation of new language.3 ~) o0 ?9 G  W
D. Eliciting g* g1 f4 l  H& t
      满分:2  分6 @1 g& W% |: \4 j
14.  Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?3 A  g7 m3 e% e, i+ K- j
A. perceive
; l" b; S$ @; ^( e- q/ [B. remember
, `2 g: k+ W+ u% }" @! aC. think
1 ~/ K/ B( l0 Z& Z; _9 QD. practice$ P, Z: [, W9 D3 g( }- r" x
      满分:2  分" J4 T; P/ A4 j/ n: X0 d0 g
15.  () relates to the truthfulness of the data." H1 E1 X3 V- C2 P4 C' h
A. validity$ z" V( Q$ k% R+ n# q2 }4 z
B. reliabilit: v# `% y0 I, L
C. subject* {/ m, \7 |* T
D. object; m5 k' p- G" P! t3 S3 B3 E
      满分:2  分
* E& a$ L* J7 A* S! d' Q# [. F  ~16.  The biggest problem for group work is the selection of group members. Below are some possible ways to group students. Each of them is appropriate except ().
' i/ m' f1 a0 q1 U# PA. group the students according to seating arrangement
0 S- G2 K( q( D/ m' v' S6 ?, DB. students select their own group members (risky)
: w- s& }9 B4 d6 R8 |1 r/ E4 uC. group the students by drawing lots
& _4 p! S. x$ e4 J# C: KD. divide the strong students and the weak students into different groups
& R* T7 x4 N7 P9 m" }      满分:2  分
9 Q1 N" V8 h/ K17.  Which of the following are not the main types of error correction().
! R+ T3 O( x2 X5 t$ G+ pA. self correction
! E4 t4 b6 i7 k! gB. peer correction
- W" I" S! E% t4 P8 pC. teacher correction
2 [7 y8 O0 `$ ~3 u" S' dD. classmate corrction
2 s1 {# {5 r6 F" m* g      满分:2  分; X  i# ]% ]0 t7 e
18.  If a writing task is more general (for example, developing informal letter writing skills), then what is the best approch of correction?
# Q( ~' w2 v; k2 w" n4 H  S* @1 BA. teacher-guided correction: V6 l2 `2 J2 X1 q( t
B. group correction! n  o; t! ?; F& r3 F7 v: ]
C. focus correcting
; [2 N) \3 x& @9 q/ M+ q6 _8 M% H      满分:2  分
! w; h. h3 n, X0 W19.  In the following sentences, which one is wrong?()
* Q/ o* ^/ N' m% q- {# [A. Vary instructions could enrich course contents.
! L4 g/ |6 Y( n1 b) l5 s' J2 RB. Vary instructions enhance opportunities for learning English.4 l1 U7 a7 q0 Q8 W8 D; g
C. Vary instructions helps develop students’ language awareness.- T6 B  r+ b& X4 C% r
D. Vary instructions enhance the students’ memory ability.
- T) j3 `; Y3 U; @      满分:2  分7 U, \4 [8 ~: \
20.  In the following sentences, which one is wrong?()+ t" h8 e6 v" k) t1 E
A. Vary instructions could enrich course contents.
7 A/ u6 n5 _( b* s, |B. Vary instructions enhance opportunities for learning English.. L& |1 b, q+ C3 j9 w- ]
C. Vary instructions helps develop students’ language awareness.
! l- J  i* X6 a4 ?D. Vary instructions enhance the students’ memory ability.( {3 A2 K0 ]; O1 d, {) k
      满分:2  分
2 Q: j9 m) n' V/ n! P' r- P( d' @二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  For most cases, teachers have to search for and develop their own strategies to maintain discipline in their classroom. Which measures do you think are proper for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students().1 I. H5 V2 E8 H
A. talk to students in the class
* A+ I* ]: N9 O! K  r2 o% b- BB. stop the class. v: Q6 {9 S% S0 x& R
C. change the activity6 y6 V: J. l6 X. p
D. rearrange the seats1 k5 o) q" s5 n0 a4 \' V
E. putting them in the corridor& F2 R6 Y! W& [* c* w
      满分:2  分
% E) K: ^1 t3 z2.  Techniques of noting an error including().& W5 g' v9 Z4 W5 w2 P1 W
A. facial expression
* v5 a- c3 d1 Y3 [B. sentence completion+ J8 Y2 \! l3 j: D+ F, ?
C. clarification request
0 L0 b8 ~3 j: G" P1 CD. explicit correction
6 ?! _/ o% b, P1 H! F' ~      满分:2  分. J' V; ?) i+ }2 J
3.  Which are cognitive strategies?
1 B- `" }# b' V6 `6 z: eA. resourcing
+ w  S% S) ~& E. ~& p- nB. translation5 J4 t/ r6 S0 n/ ^3 w
C. elaboration
2 o0 ~# U/ j) K0 ZD. delayed production
4 ^! Y. x7 X, j$ M1 P) ]E. question for clarification
# ?9 V0 z; W+ P* L/ M: f% D      满分:2  分
3 u4 D6 g, ~0 N5 ~4.  In the classroom there are some rules to follow for making instructions effective. Which rules do you think are proper().
+ O5 S7 @' g* Q' V8 N. UA. use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the students8 Q. l( y% G- b( J
B. use the mother-tongue only when it is necessary( d+ }5 C% [) c% k( G
C. hardly use body language to assist the students’ understanding" @2 ]2 f' E( P& V1 Z" f: l
D. we want the teachers to be careful not to do all the talki! G7 f- M) b) c- H' f4 H+ M/ a
      满分:2  分
6 R* ~- P, F" X5 r5.  Why teachers should not correct every error().
+ B" p/ Q' h- A2 w8 r  gA. affective concerns
% J+ @$ o4 p. ]8 n5 V8 `B. attitude concerns' G# o2 z' t% A- P) x
C. classroom management concerns+ K* F& U$ _4 T9 q
D. teaching concerns' x9 c3 q, Z$ J  x; Y
      满分:2  分
7 F- F; e+ j$ @1 }  z6.  Which is right?
7 G$ a; \( `2 V' e' nA. Children are in all ways mors skillful in L2 learning than adults are
& ]/ N* I; j0 Q- lB. Children are superior to adults in SLA
$ s: K8 P- K+ f0 L# eC. Adults'experiences have a positive impact on language comprehension
' c1 N( q( n6 X+ S" j; L9 l/ rD. Adults generally receive more comprehensible input
" d3 ?$ ~/ J5 a      满分:2  分) p0 L- Q  f! |5 M) r
7.  What are the three different views of language()?
  B' o# E# P! T4 rA. the structural view
, d4 W0 U& |# b' H& v( s. XB. the communicative view9 A, v  U7 d) k6 e! \4 F
C. interactional view6 ?' y3 [. I0 U' l. s
D. functional view4 s" u5 }+ f# d* m% V7 C+ U
      满分:2  分
- D3 ~- V: }& s1 _8 d8.  Which procedures are recommended in preparing self-report forms (Richards and Lockhart, 1996)
( T  K6 q' k( o0 TA. identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the course
  p+ T. ^) A- o1 k! D7 |1 PB. identify different kinds of teaching activities, procedures( a2 Y0 ]7 E$ o* T2 }) b: u
C. prepare a lesson report form
) Y* ]7 J/ \" o2 ZD. prepare videos  @" ?! u4 i+ o" E( H1 z2 g
      满分:2  分( b8 E' p, o7 R$ i
9.  What are the cognitive processes result in the rules which compose the interlanguage?0 w5 X+ h: V# M
A. Overgeneralisation
$ x; S6 j6 w, ~9 oB. Transfer of Training
3 C& R, e* M# E) c. d3 |9 SC. Strategies of L2 Learning$ w" a" t7 G) j7 t8 j1 }& o
D. Strategies of L2 Communication
8 ~) i, i: |4 G% Y# S, ^E. Language Transfer
, P3 [3 T( B* h9 `$ h      满分:2  分
) I% y+ [/ i+ v7 q# b4 k10.  Effective teachers have command of at least three, broad knowledge bases that deal with ()., x# o% f" l3 E. c5 W3 H9 J- t
A. subject matter
  F) V7 ~+ u# |: X% F+ H% [B. human development and learning" Y5 u# W: e7 h) z( r2 Z5 ~
C. pedagogy" u3 F! `1 d# l; w9 t# y; n- S  w) |
D. healthy habbit% L% f7 L" u2 C5 R/ f# K
      满分:2  分 & U8 {  `2 {$ ^" S" w- V3 V1 k

" z# J' v! E" E三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Self concept is the image that people have of themselves and how they think other people see them.% v% S9 E% c+ z3 I  @
A. 错误
! T( }; M0 u: h) G) R, cB. 正确0 n$ k, `' l/ _) W
      满分:2  分! w* v' S  M% D! M) b: _* Q, n0 P
2.  A role play where students have to act out roles as company directors but must come to an agreement or find the right solution within the given time limit can be considered a genuine task in TBL.
1 s- A! g  `5 A$ _% xA. 错误
5 }5 H# O, l5 g4 TB. 正确2 H, x: T5 m& A& i  i$ ]
      满分:2  分
; q, V. k$ y8 ?+ U8 `, k# u3.  Survey is used widely in descriptive research, in which sampling is one of the key issues.% g4 C+ c& o/ Z, O9 `
A. 错误/ k* q1 ~& d; [  o# Q
B. 正确% H1 {: N3 T$ [) w' K$ M8 c
      满分:2  分: r! x" V+ @2 _- L! X
4.  The Audio-lingual Method has a goal very similar to that of the Grammar-Translation Method.9 p# B  [: L7 D" e0 {7 ?0 X
A. 错误( ^7 r% n( s! g* |+ ^- k% X! Y; D% |1 ~
B. 正确
( o" D! V) p7 h# Y2 h6 x5 e      满分:2  分
' \. U+ d4 H8 p0 I, X5.  A very good way to expand your vocabulary is to read because there are a lot of unfamiliar words in reading.
# s# f$ _9 H% Z7 K, o% ~A. 错误7 O; B$ \1 [: c5 g5 J8 g' _
B. 正确
" W0 E1 K+ `2 c$ x      满分:2  分0 g$ @/ w. y' |, N% _5 B
6.  When students are not sure how to start an activity, or what to do next, or what to say next, the teacher should give appropriate prompts.% N1 _: s3 C/ l1 M: g: h/ t: X) Q) K3 S
A. 错误
; P: ]5 `' k2 B0 ~B. 正确, A  p# }# e5 Z& D& h" j
      满分:2  分
2 o4 Q6 g3 F- K+ y  u% ^7.  The teacher’s role can be defined as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant and resource-provider.. {( c5 H; D( W. J+ D( m  v
A. 错误$ t7 d8 V2 P# x. _3 h
B. 正确- i( l# \; c, Y1 E( s5 l
      满分:2  分/ N* ]8 s9 m+ U" D: C; N& v( ?
8.  Concrete perceivers absorb information through direct experience, by doing, acting, sensing, and feeling.
) n8 S. N0 s! k( @: b# |" _A. 错误
$ }7 W. h/ }& K6 o, N7 e' C8 QB. 正确/ V+ a2 G8 g) {
      满分:2  分! z  D6 W0 V  S# X+ _
9.  In L2 teaching, the use of a variety of different kinds of tasks is said to make teaching more communicative since it provides a purpose fo a classroom activity which goes beyond the practice of language for its own sake.$ H( U$ L2 [7 }$ z0 Z) D5 M5 x  l
A. 错误
5 X" {, T+ w$ u6 iB. 正确
( A, C6 _% M# q/ |3 K0 \) K) H      满分:2  分
& @& E' {8 A$ E- C) [1 T. D10.  Chomsky (1972) proposed a communicative definition of language which serves as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching.- p, O! X% i2 Z" X, x5 Y
A. 错误+ w- h+ ^  P6 f' U" K* J7 J
B. 正确5 U. Z4 P5 X9 K1 g
      满分:2  分
7 w, d5 k% I9 [$ B11.  Observation is description-oriented qualitative research with no hypothesis.7 L( N* W" m$ A* u* F/ u) O- r) ?# e: S
A. 错误
1 o- G0 D- G: K7 O% SB. 正确
. V- [1 l" u- t  l, ~; R      满分:2  分" H5 G, o( |, O6 B0 k. s
12.  Intralingual errors originate with the structure of the native language itself.: ^/ @6 R) m1 N% ?0 p9 B7 W
A. 错误& y, S. u: S3 x% M( O# v% Z" ]
B. 正确
4 M  A% _- [% K7 Q: M' ]      满分:2  分
' x# C% o8 g4 j/ S13.  Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and micro planning.( j/ ?: Z- B/ i. {0 O
A. 错误. _; P4 S6 J0 d( J. ^
B. 正确
! y& S2 B* E1 J- A7 V  r      满分:2  分
5 O$ D0 t9 ^6 w2 i$ u9 f14.  Metacognitive strategies are skills used for planning, monitoring, and evaluating the learning activity.
6 z* Z" U1 _$ h3 z$ M6 b' `A. 错误5 N7 t- ]# B% Q) @. W  G7 P
B. 正确# S6 U0 E1 L5 A0 }
      满分:2  分2 k4 b( U6 b* R, Q4 X$ D
15.  If nobody corrects leanrners' error, they will never learn good English.
0 d1 l+ E6 I) o4 z9 Y' PA. 错误3 Q8 i# O: |; l9 H2 F$ y
B. 正确
& ^% `( i6 ]+ `* p! r. B" M      满分:2  分" B1 y5 b$ N  M0 m* {, r$ z+ ^7 Z
16.  A distinguishing characteristic of experimental research is that it adopts manipulation and control to measure internal and external validity.6 ~8 M' n2 {; c# D$ w
A. 错误% b& q" h- u; n7 \8 d" @. L# j7 n; C7 p
B. 正确
. Z+ c, T) l) P8 s. i+ b      满分:2  分- ~, E0 c0 Z: s7 r4 v2 z# E
17.  According to Noss , there are a number of facilities available to implement the language policy.7 e6 v& z7 N( y/ j/ M
A. 错误6 f- ^0 f6 {8 X2 T. t0 y$ t% d
B. 正确
" @/ A% p5 l- ]. G% s      满分:2  分
) k3 m. m4 t. P; e18.  Good writing does not happen by accident. The teacher should give the students both tool and time so that they can learn to write.' p1 Q  Y" S8 N3 e  i
A. 错误7 s5 C& t2 l* H# y- {: g
B. 正确3 N( @# w6 r* q
      满分:2  分9 Y( j5 q8 H( K1 T& m
19.  In Communicative Approach , the focus is on language form, rather than on meaning.; m4 s0 `& p  U* [; e/ |
A. 错误
" F. v$ a2 t% w7 k4 ~( R- s) w5 |B. 正确2 i4 G' p: ^! x) b" |
      满分:2  分
/ \# Z) U- O8 [! f) ^20.  The role of English and other foreign languages differs widely from one country to another
, h  k1 f7 g- `! m) \. D6 @0 |A. 错误
1 ], n- \$ r6 s+ {B. 正确
6 @! }. z" G& F3 m2 i' B* o      满分:2  分 + J& h+ D( s# q' o& P# K7 Q6 Z

9 n/ T$ p0 a+ v$ A; D5 }
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