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发表于 2015-11-17 14:00:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  Tom, you _______ play with the knife. You _______ hurt yourself.
) `+ K1 i: H( z& aA. won’t; can’t
2 D! @: B8 f' g; _& GB. mustn’t; may# E. y4 I2 B. l* O1 G2 i
C. shouldn’t; must
" a5 _' Y' _$ S5 ?D. can’t; shouldn’t! J/ y, Z$ ^( d# W: A
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分) `, E' p9 b5 ]/ Q  E
2.  —How much does a radio like this cost? —__________.
0 o" m: q/ T8 g& `6 d7 SA. I’d like to buy it8 n! h5 W# h2 l: l) O2 I% k5 X% J' x
B. it’s of very good quality7 ~, t4 M( j; D
C. About eighty-five dollars4 T& [1 G7 {& P1 c# y
D. It depends on how you like it
, A& g! T  a* a7 h. X# U      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分" p+ B6 B* B5 [0 o7 U+ Q: `0 \
3.  —What do you think of this red hat? Do you think it suits me? —_______. Perhaps another style would be better.: c; {( @% P  I) p/ J+ G5 O2 t
A. I like it very much: m( _0 v% o$ `  m) V0 D8 k4 ?
B. Sorry, I have no idea
" A( P$ r  p  V  h  G8 ZC. I really don’t think it looks good on you( m0 \6 E7 d+ Q
D. Yes, I know what to say
# `! ~/ h7 V  `      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
  L$ |: n! Y- v* t3 {4.  We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.
( b. ]3 r5 V7 P1 W1 kA. 如果您能在最早的方便时候批准我们参加此次会议,我们将非常感激。2 ~/ ]& R1 W6 i8 q5 M. K( E0 A1 n8 G
B. 如果您能在最早的方便时候确认您能否出席此次会议,我们将非常感激。
( @7 o- {2 }) Z- h/ p3 h1 Z$ t; aC. 如果您能在方便的时候尽快确认您能否出席此次会议,我们将不胜感激。
  c& m, Y6 R% e# `5 vD. 如果您能在方便的时候尽快批准出席此次会议,我们将不胜感激。8 I: `* r6 T% W" ?
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
/ n) r% V9 y9 p: N+ L5 `0 |5.  The teacher said, “What are you thinking about?”=The teacher asked me _______ thinking about.* ], x/ v' {2 v1 J
A. what were you" U8 D, ^. t' }! K8 a2 C
B. what you were3 K+ M+ p2 G! U' s; {. T, R7 B
C. what I was
9 o3 a1 Q/ e8 c# e4 @; ZD. what was I6 t( Y$ {% j1 `5 y( K
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分6 r# X4 F) f( K1 K- c) o
6.  13. He didn’t go to the meeting last night and ______.$ E& {7 a1 }% X) X: v, e3 z
A. So did I8 ]( a% B" r& l% l5 z8 V; J
B. Neither did I
9 m/ t0 [9 A& \2 GC. So I did1 I3 Y) R( n$ Q% W9 E8 l
D. Neither I did./ G) ]/ W1 l& Q
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
8 F/ y" L+ z+ L6 t# X7.  —_______. —It’s priced at 100 dollars.6 o4 ]  ]% G% ?( M/ G/ p5 y  l% Z
A. Is it the sale price?
/ ^8 y- d& E8 g+ \* H5 GB. What’ does it come to?
3 C+ s8 D/ ?5 `) gC. How much do you charge for it?  m/ u( i) U2 |  D: k9 L
D. Is it expensive?9 W0 ~# P: b/ b9 x! _
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分( H2 b$ i- f! r  n$ c
8.  我们在过去几个月里已经成功地加速了生产率。
/ f6 n" B5 U# oA. In the past several months, we have successfully increased our productivity.
; a+ }4 ?8 A) X* WB. We have succeeded in speeding up our production rates in the last few months.
  R" V6 S, A; m8 XC. In the last several months, we have speeded up our production rates.
0 |$ A* U! R0 C8 b6 L: o/ ]D. We have increased our prod8 q) n( W/ I. R/ i7 P1 _5 o7 X2 w
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
- n6 R- P3 P+ H6 N: w) O5 U  s3 d2 ~7 @9.  作为不满18周岁的少女,她对自己的行动不应负全部责任。
7 f' D0 H. R4 a5 c  dA. As a young girl under the age of 18, she was therefore not fully responsible for her actions.
' p7 w# u* d- O2 p. @, i8 nB. Girls under 18 needn’t responsible their actions., K# v+ _$ Q1 d( ^( y
C. As a girl with age of below 18, she shouldn’t take duty for her actions.
. o3 o" F7 D" v% h$ ND. When she was a girl at 18, she wa% M5 O8 L9 @/ p+ _
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
* ]6 \) e# F0 O+ c9 l5 V- Y2 |10.  I _______ my breakfast when the morning post came.& }' R8 h+ B% A  U8 h, s7 E6 b- O
A. had
& v% n, S5 q0 F7 eB. had been having- j4 l, ?, z( ^5 r
C. haven been having
3 X8 S6 t, C; u4 _2 X  dD. was having
8 N" E7 n% l; O; w2 [      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
8 A4 }4 L: F# @. [11.  —Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brown’s office? —_______
# ?' O9 _2 ?' C! tA. You can’t ask me.
# \& s( E3 W* T" L3 JB. Pardon? I have no idea.
- v7 L0 Y: N% g- D' c6 e( eC. please don’t say so.# A) I* {3 O7 ~# g; Z3 i( a/ Y
D. Sorry, I’m new around here, too.
  J" r# J4 v* {3 v6 B! C      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
/ ?$ l* B0 d) |4 T! ]# |  e8 r3 R12.  Change, by its very nature, creates new needs constantly./ |4 ~$ t$ n# G! v! q- F7 u
A. 改变本质常常催生新的需求。( b$ J2 }2 r  a
B. 变革最本质的部分,会不断创造新的需求。' v0 V$ p4 Q$ y/ b$ S
C. 变革,就其本质而言,常常催生新的需求。
( [: r/ O/ Q; O/ ID. 变化,就其本质而言,会不断地创造新的需求。
- _* u% c; q  Q5 Y; n) ^% `      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
7 @" E8 [, O' k) n( Y13.  Grapes are usually either green or red.* e2 @) A- D- f  j' W' ]( C
A. 葡萄通常要么是绿的,要么是红的。
- e! |4 A) K/ j/ O1 P% uB. 葡萄都是有红有绿。: I% B4 V* |' D8 \: N2 z/ D7 N
C. 葡萄通常没有红的和绿的。3 w5 \( x: `: {. E5 N
D. 葡萄既不红也不绿。$ p+ j% x7 l5 E) c, t# m$ {
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
1 ^, O0 s* b' z' t14.  The high cost of labor is an important ______ in the rising price of steel.
8 c; W8 B9 u6 b& B( DA. result
5 V& t- W; t5 l) m8 j) R6 oB. factor
5 P9 f. ]4 X4 L' g% QC. item
" }" j0 l; l* N& pD. growth- i) ^4 _4 R  ]/ j
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
1 u2 Y7 O# l) y! o15.  5. The hall ______ young people watching the performance., g8 p. N/ C& K/ f3 w4 [2 }
A. fill in; r% E! W; ^2 U1 P% p) h3 o
B. was filled with
5 B. \" c: U/ ~4 o! S8 XC. fill with8 D1 l; p4 N; f
D. was filled in
: w- g$ F0 P! N3 b$ T      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分# v5 m4 p% S, s; u
16.  7. Li Hong speaks good English, which will be an ______ for her in hunting job.
, g3 B1 R0 [3 l: ~- z/ E- E, ~A. burden
0 M9 R6 O* y' ?  eB. advantage
# G- a, m% q, y  K  a; zC. advance! `- i1 c" Z+ M* B6 q: X: Q- R9 L
D. offence" J9 R! u8 F" T' U
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分% f; s+ J! k9 W6 k' c/ {
17.  — Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? —_______/ g% g9 O1 j) y3 b5 C( Q
A. Ok, thanks.6 ^2 B* _! G# }1 f
B. I like both.6 ?( O8 y' r; j% P0 T# u
C. Can I choose.1 D1 P' q( C6 k
D. Tea, please.
- k1 ^4 d9 [" r1 r      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分+ z/ \, \7 |5 y( |1 k0 D: J
18.  Read the text slowly _______ you may understand the story better.
! u2 ?* f4 @/ Q+ }$ d) uA. and
( X9 J/ j; j/ n; W1 n0 m, uB. for8 v+ W' U6 B2 l3 j
C. since
! p: a6 L8 r1 s/ x/ u* [D. because
; Q! |7 s/ w! k% X      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分. ]2 D0 z& }5 x' }3 f4 K  V
19.  6. We should find some way to ______ him ______. He is too tired.5 [, c! e" L/ w' ~! O
A. pull down
% e1 N+ K  i$ ], V- ?( o; a. x' y* [B. put down1 E* o9 v) I! I& B2 d1 e5 {
C. bring down; B) t4 k( V! p3 R) S
D. slow down$ @% q( _  w% I7 U! v
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分# S2 c' Q- B* U8 _( b1 H' k4 m
20.  The teacher would have to spend a lot of time _______ what the studen’ts already know in the subject.: p3 [) Y7 f; ^, D7 W5 {7 j+ G' m
A. find out& {# \! Z( M% f2 \
B. to find out
& o1 A& e; I( V/ kC. finding out
! l' i3 A! O5 w4 B. u# iD. found out
" [9 Z% s( ?% X6 ~      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
, i4 V9 A; S0 \, d5 [21.  The city government has convinced the public that the housing problem will soon be solved.
" w' ~* U, ~$ H8 F6 F; hA. 市政府已经说服公众住房问题将会很快解决。: R1 r; n4 i8 d' u8 y
B. 市政府已经被公众说服了,答应很快会解决住房问题。+ h# n& Z9 x$ Z' X. W
C. 市政府已经公开承诺会很快解决住房问题。! R. |; h; Y6 \% M, y$ A
D. 市政府已经说服公众赶快去解决住房问题。( m) @* {% C# I: B5 a4 g
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分% W: S0 O  H! I- ^
22.  The man I met yesterday _______ to be one of my sister’s old friends.4 |, C$ N1 X7 y8 o! ]$ N" ^, V
A. turns off* R0 l; ~: b0 A
B. turns out, |# w' X% h( D, H. M  x
C. turn on" }$ @/ n0 z3 }. Q7 U% F, X
D. turn over9 C' }9 k$ T+ ?& _
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
/ W/ Y" Y5 J8 P5 X1 [23.  _____ he was sleeping, they stole his clothes.
1 \& @6 n' b8 H; H2 F$ T) r, n' JA. While& w, k" ?: _9 @, k2 L- z& B
B. Where
" Y4 {1 d+ S8 |/ uC. As
  M# r* |3 t* s  }7 _7 g0 @; zD. which
3 t3 y; r( o0 {0 V4 Q3 |      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
$ @* S+ u9 I2 B- M( s6 C2 x24.  —How long will your trip take? —_______
! V, s& g! A; `  s9 j" v' RA. It’ will start tomorrow.
0 D+ u9 B- d" ]' E9 Z/ IB. It has two days.
6 U1 y8 C- }& j3 j' AC. It took two weeks.
" E. P- q) x- z# hD. It will take about two weeks.0 N8 i8 b1 U; l2 t: V9 t8 `) c3 F
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分9 N3 r" Y: }5 s
25.  If we ______ him earlier we might have save his life.
6 g2 G' B2 I: j. C' Z; `' c/ @8 VA. found
& ~3 X' @8 {2 X! j$ y# yB. find
# N, j1 r: z, `; B7 {. ZC. had found
. B4 t" p4 M: U- I2 k, T) rD. would find
* q! q+ y' _/ E4 v+ w' {" q; z" v      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
, a% E1 U) B1 {6 t26.  Where there _______ a will, there is a way.
! x. F' o& C* W! dA. is
6 g) v* h  k" F. i; ]1 g) xB. was( ]; Q  V1 W1 p& G: e. c  y
C. will be7 T5 I5 U# N* b* E
D. has been. U( e9 @4 H) H6 X* R
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
9 O0 r1 J" D7 t! ^+ z# D27.  —What’s the time by your watch? —_______
. N% z6 ]# D+ a, V- DA. It’s half past five.. @3 }8 @0 K( g9 H' R) E9 n
B. It’s Sunday.& Z( R2 P' l. S! ?8 _- y! s
C. It’s February.
2 k0 c9 k0 ?% x. qD. It’s a fine day.
( l2 w3 w6 ]$ m      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
) ]! D' s) h* Z) B0 C+ k) b28.  The mother demands that the children ______ her.
+ w9 P! B+ u- [" ^5 b4 R  ?A. obeys
5 a2 S# j( r3 V( V7 H) U( yB. obeyed
4 J) M/ O& S; y+ l9 tC. obeying" @  A5 C8 v& K5 L+ u+ D- S
D. should obey; O; y4 t' @! o. T% ~$ Y( ]
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
( p: {! y! f5 Z) p29.  —How’s the weather outside? —_______
1 y6 T$ Q( u) ?: u( B' gA. I like the weather.
3 R9 ?! O3 f" B' |6 x0 d9 |& cB. It’s not very hot in summer.6 A7 f% G$ K# i! J0 ~
C. It’s raining heavily.
  E. d6 l- o4 Q  t( m2 v3 V  M7 CD. The weather was very warm.
  g5 t2 G0 b3 j1 [9 B      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分4 w( d1 R# Q) e$ g0 Q! K3 M6 Y7 T
30.  _______ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.
+ `( Q; o6 \' |2 R9 k+ yA. What
) m2 o, i6 D$ e9 S4 c1 t3 N+ XB. This
" b4 q3 q2 }' ?* S$ LC. That/ e+ S# L- ~+ `: Z
D. It/ K0 d' O; r$ n' S$ J+ W/ D, ?: g5 |
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
: R1 }" Z9 [  h31.  It was in the Pacific Cinema _______ they had seen this movie last spring.
  |" A, X0 V4 SA. which: I1 B( _2 b" {# F
B. that! N4 D! a, _! a. ?
C. in which
6 Z' H) {% y- kD. where/ k8 m: x# x+ F0 k5 @' A
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分* U6 k  K" A3 |- v4 @" `. H% ^
32.  A number of theories have been put forward about the possible causes of cancer.! K  C6 f0 a7 z8 K% E
A. 可能造成癌症的原因已经被很多理论解释了。
) K, |: ]( P% j) \: o# bB. 人们就造成癌症的可能性原因研究了很多理论。$ T! |8 ^; k- s6 w8 D2 C1 k* ?
C. 不少理论被提前拿来证明癌症的原因。" ~2 \( X" ]) P1 `! s6 r
D. 人们就造成癌症的原因提出了不少理论。: N: B$ @9 A: L9 }
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
0 F$ x3 H; Y3 [/ n- \1 |6 N33.  他一到就告诉他我要见他。" F5 c  g- g3 |/ A) i4 a' a
A. After he arrives, I need to see him.
- i; l+ G- p0 wB. Tell him I need to see him if he is the first to come.
- l& ~4 a: f* f. G  L' p( yC. Ask him to come soon, because I need to see him now.; X  J1 G1 U8 B* ^' h' q& j7 k3 w
D. Tell him I need to see him the minute he arrives.. q! F4 ?( h! L4 ?1 I, W' h$ R- Z6 Y
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分# p! c% _6 ]. o
34.  —How about going to see a film together this evening? Let’s make it 6:30 at your place. —_______
" A% ?6 D* r9 E- t8 \3 GA. Yes, it does me good.
7 z2 u" r- |# S: ^$ f. _! E( A+ nB. Ok. I’ll be ready./ O% a/ b9 Z+ T2 L' G+ f  \7 m' _- \
C. I’d like that very much.. A3 y' N* }( f0 b
D. What’s the best time to meet?
) y) K: R$ b0 f: A! |# u      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分: D7 k. ^8 i9 `, i! C  K5 f6 w
35.  大卫和玛丽一样, 是刚从大学毕业不久的学生.9 R0 F/ |0 B4 v
A. David looks like Mary; they graduated from the university not long ago.) i1 f& z( e) ]% w1 b; W
B. David graduated from the university short time ago like Mary.5 V9 f$ o8 x0 ?" ]2 r4 S- j
C. David graduated from the university not long ago as Mary did.
  i# }1 m4 Q9 S# c3 R7 M) l2 R' tD. David and Mary are same, because they graduated from t
8 K9 W. {5 K( N0 v      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
+ p+ ?0 H0 h, h! I$ s36.  —Are you doing anything special on Friday, Bill? —_______ —Oh, what a pity!
$ ?% h( |! ~+ P& c0 P% ]; {A. No, nothing special: I% K5 A% b9 k+ U+ |& l
B. Yes, I have promised to call on some friends
2 a! O+ |( c' ^/ e2 FC. Yes, of course
! q5 f7 B4 w& B1 Z9 m4 Y- ?D. No, I’m not sure. Why?" P& A4 v  R/ E3 n8 u6 H
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分9 ^8 w# x/ [1 O) d
37.  When your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme.) L  R. u& E. `6 H" p9 n
A. 当你把心放在你的梦中,是没有什么严重的问题的。- `" Z7 a3 A* o  p
B. 当你把心放在你的梦想上,没有什么问题是严重的。+ F3 Q' m) Y) J
C. 只要你在梦中用心,没有什么梦是不可以实现的。; b  z; D1 J% o0 q/ X6 O
D. 只要用心去追求,没有什么梦想是遥不可及的。
0 ?4 H) s  T4 D8 R. q      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分' Q/ G  Y3 g% g/ K7 }9 q2 e0 r
38.  —I’m thinking of buying these new boots. What do you think? —_______
% J  I: Z! F- l' uA. Don’t ask me." }! U3 {$ M0 n2 w& M8 G) k% r- X2 f% i
B. It’s good for you.
9 L% [; Y: ]9 ]' o0 ]& w% X  |C. I’d rather not.
& K  v' _+ p4 S# z9 J0 JD. Good choice. You need some warm shoes for the winter.
; ^; `. I% r# b4 z: B      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分4 ^1 f, h1 g$ g. h& k' R2 J
39.  There’s a possibility Mary will leave for Shanghai, but it depends on the weather.
& _0 Z; g0 L& SA. 玛利有可能到了上海,不过这是天气决定的。, F# @1 S1 z# ^, J- n
B. 天气将决定玛利是否去上海。
9 |" ~+ \  [  i: [# UC. 玛利有可能去上海,但要取决于天气。  ~5 d5 @+ M) N
D. 玛利要离开上海,但要等天气好了。
$ v) b& Q. M0 S) Y      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
! x* ~$ [0 ?" s3 ^- ^2 u40.  I’m afraid these shoes are not _______ in your size.
+ _% N1 y' ?0 c9 A. b1 o" H; \  \A. applicable2 B! g8 t0 e5 f$ \, D1 ~
B. available
$ \1 W2 q4 k; I; uC. accessible6 F6 r9 `1 ?/ ~% J' n/ f6 W
D. adaptable
8 ?( B& O8 L: j# s5 ~5 C      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分 ; y' O+ P. A& S5 k

$ }7 m/ N, C" W% I0 g$ y谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。
! j/ x6 i9 N) s& k, ~3 ]( b


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发表于 2015-11-25 23:49:17 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-28 13:27:35 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-30 20:01:56 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-2 20:18:07 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-4 21:18:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-12 22:56:15 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-17 13:59:10 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-17 14:00:17 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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