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发表于 2015-11-18 09:33:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 22 道试题,共 66 分。)V 1.  Having considered that problem, they (switched) their conversation to other matters.
+ f6 Y+ @  L  Y' M6 N7 bA. changed
+ H8 |4 {. r, W: q6 DB. exchanged
) B2 Y8 |5 q' f7 w" }$ }) x! mC. broke3 F" S  o0 g& m" c
D. finished
* R: g) ?" `  r# @5 `      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
4 d( S1 t) t$ ]2.  His inability to learn foreign languages was an (obstacle) to his career.% }; @* f) r/ |  u/ F
A. cover3 L5 N& i! A# P0 [
B. brick7 R8 z) A6 B' O6 `2 T2 E
C. barrier
% E4 G0 }, z4 e. W$ vD. difficulty7 p" ]9 ~2 v! S/ w3 ~
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
9 E1 q; c+ h. S' _( J) o$ K3.  If a smell (disgusts)you, then it
$ Z  Q; W, t& P1 C  p4 sA. pleases you.+ x* m( p5 _1 J$ \! V2 y9 w
B. surprises you.
( M& G$ S2 v- u! NC. makes you feel sick.
5 f, I* n5 ^1 ?# d- b& b% S5 u      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分4 G8 q" I  h" ~7 Y4 _6 F
4.  Elena’s new vocabulary skills have ______ her to read more and to be less shy about talking in class.
8 |* w7 N6 R4 _" I7 `2 D6 S( T3 f$ xA. protected
3 K* u$ X: s! d& x$ o3 r7 @- EB. inspired
$ D5 c! @0 V, |$ g2 {& s8 BC. claimed, |0 M8 T# R2 ]7 t. c
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! \. X3 w- G: M# D& ^% e0 N( f5.  If your (refer) to a trip you took, you* ^) C& S$ X; J
A. speak of the trip.. v* R3 h1 h! o/ l6 ?- i) Z
B. tell your friends not to take the same trip.
1 n; o3 q& k& G" C8 \C. say you will go someplace else next time.
- ^: j3 F9 P/ G/ Z, S" U) V" ]) b      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: W$ V( I6 f- p" _8 X6.  To (suspect) is to:
7 t9 e) n5 Q8 n% o2 d3 |8 }0 KA. hope
* s( `: Y* u  [7 y( r8 P9 GB. put away
2 M! o5 g. b0 J+ r, ~C. think' z6 S" H5 }7 ^6 K/ s
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
' W5 @, P2 i  u* D5 p! m5 i7.  The doctor told him that if he wanted to hose weight, he had to have a special diet that (excluded)dairy products.
" x7 b- f1 z9 i. ?; R! ?A. contained
2 ~8 i' I1 D9 {4 S, `! lB. composed; ?6 h' o# H( q5 {
C. omitted! `1 f% X* v% s9 X' _/ p1 s' G$ w# {
D. excepted7 q* l$ _5 i8 u' ?1 I  v; P% X# v$ O
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分( o8 r' w" M$ O/ ]# }0 z
8.  A spokesman said that this would not (suspend) the aid to that country./ x7 A8 U& A9 V
A. hang
2 d: `+ v- P9 u2 SB. stop
) `) d. y- t# U$ i. P5 LC. remain6 {& X2 M) l' X
D. announce2 U( `2 |: D3 o/ g0 u1 e
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
- l4 J  z5 }# u( B0 ]9.  The first time Wanda ______ to ice skate, she fell down and broke her wrist.% J5 ^+ |& g  Z) k  @% d
A. mentioned
0 I+ I9 ?* }" r9 ]0 z, {. zB. attempted
. x7 [1 @" i' m) FC. requested
: {5 E7 M9 F; n, W0 z2 V      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: y; S/ {' m0 c4 G. v% _10.  If I (suggest) a school project to my children, I% R: n$ R& ?  V& A
A. give them some ideas to help them get started.
1 _; ^2 v+ x; Z8 \B. do much of the project for them.6 ]0 o* J" F' q- y! v( K
C. tell them they should not come to me for help.
) V  b! P4 b$ C4 e6 m* B. c      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
1 ~' E2 U- q# _7 X+ q11.  It is not easy to learn English well, but if you (hang on), you will succeed in the end.. d- ]8 E$ p2 _" B- K' P: P
A. insist
8 g$ p0 q9 Z7 F: MB. hold up, |6 F; \# ^& E* K- x' r
C. hold on5 R9 N; T0 p+ L3 H4 u4 B
D. continue: U0 ^: Y6 W( ]/ ~) v. p
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分4 y4 v! t4 @0 O& X" X$ U, p& W
12.  In some extreme cases, the agencies (vanish)immediately after getting the money from the clients.
9 w1 b# {  X" PA. Whip
  e, g& M7 O5 `- ~, D3 G# J( sB. furnish
: Y: p( z5 G% ZC. accomplish% l  j, S  |8 U& D
D. disappear6 _9 d5 _0 F: ?( X
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
( ?# u0 r3 z: c# z3 H5 ~13.  The opposite of (similar)is:
) L. G+ n% c+ A. f% h# oA. smart: |1 ~! N( j/ J
B. different
& j% m+ o! C2 ?/ T/ g" _& `6 @1 E% \C. broken' J( z/ [" S$ G! S) r
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分5 h/ r& r" [7 a7 j. b. o6 W
14.  Because I have no car, I have to ______ on a neighbor for a ride to work.1 B5 @* K9 {- B- g0 `
A. prevent9 U& y6 g% w7 j/ G' a
B. inspect3 B: I! F( `; j" S8 f5 m7 W
C. depend! O; P/ Q- X/ S( j. V
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! q9 f; j8 d5 y. u  G15.  You (assume)him to be innocent before hearing the evidence against it.8 z6 i* ^, p3 z$ ?& }, G. [
A. think
. l* ?! R5 m- z, s( z" RB. suppose
+ X* y6 l( a8 S6 p1 J& Q+ D7 [$ P- yC. believe& @8 i8 ~/ w* O% n5 B, m# ]
D. pretend
) P6 X2 E* w8 r% o7 T+ V      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
0 [4 `0 X1 [( o3 p3 p16.  To (increase)means:
5 }& ~/ I) j9 t/ T# d" k1 {8 YA. to make smaller! v6 L' T! g1 Y/ H/ V
B. to make greater" T0 R8 f. p1 Z$ M5 ?# F4 g, z. M
C. to get rid of
7 n3 H0 s/ m* ^1 ~8 z      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
, X; O/ a( u, K17.  If you did something that you now(regret), you feel; Q( Q5 S0 B2 K
A. sorry about what happened.
# |  ^: ]+ U8 R3 b6 L; j4 J4 M+ [B. bored with what happened.0 i# z6 \- z( E& R
C. good about what happened.
1 y% h) s6 f! x0 O. t      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! C- W' P1 Z0 ~# I18.  The opposite of (enormous)is:
0 v0 v& B- Y0 p* N8 p. |& a6 U  XA. pretty
1 S( p4 A/ e0 D* c- k' _B. warm
0 i1 V5 \7 a" v* W8 w/ kC. small8 x, L3 |$ ?& ^+ t
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! n9 f/ D+ T# [  R1 x19.  I would like to (identify) the beautiful flowers in my neighbor’s garden. In other words, I would like to. A; R! x2 C/ ?6 Y
A. find out what kind of flowers they are.
9 u# ~9 ]/ k7 x4 q$ u) Y& FB. plant the flowers./ D' P( h, k, t3 d! @2 o
C. take the flowers.* {6 `( }+ X6 l* W1 C; V; z2 @
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
/ P; J+ y4 N+ g5 C. i) y; h20.  I’m lucky. My family has always been there to ______ me during the hard times.' t! s- [: l( j' |9 x( M' q7 P
A. support
- u( o9 }4 K# A- I7 A2 Y1 MB. alarm
6 t" @& @) S2 s" x' y" ?& C5 @C. fascinate
# ^6 B1 ]; o+ G6 @. V3 t      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
; E; W2 k' I6 K- k3 v21.  The most important ______ in our family this year was my grandmother’s wedding.. i- T2 n7 A( a7 w9 u& _; Q; ~
A. talent
' f: u) d; g6 f0 l$ fB. event/ A" o0 L* j$ Z5 D; p
C. conclusion
5 m; ^/ B2 l# V, ?+ a      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
6 x/ O, S4 m6 D$ }( o4 ~22.  The people in town ______ the government’s plan to build a garbage dump near their homes.
0 E5 U) e( ?5 [0 Q7 p1 RA. opposed# h# f( l  d+ Q( t: @5 y( U! c
B. satisfied
% w/ w/ @6 b$ ~+ I3 ~- ?5 ZC. protected
: b# ~; {' t9 f0 g1 E) D4 b2 }      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
+ B6 q, y/ g8 i& C" D
* h5 W  V- h) J" p二、多选题(共 2 道试题,共 4 分。)V 1.  ______ his mother, the little boy stopped crying.
5 H9 I" A' h* W& k" _A. At the sight of6 t( K5 F% Q, J2 C
B. On seeing. _! Z+ D% X$ m1 O/ j) w
C. The moment he saw
! X$ j% B5 ?' N* T+ Z$ ]D. As soon as he saw
) H* e; Y2 p8 Z1 b; A0 d      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分% X+ a2 X4 t3 I  f6 c
2.  He is a man ______ means what he says.7 [3 Y' j% J$ }. C, G9 b9 ~3 V
A. /( C' p8 y- W9 N. ?- {& c+ }' u
B. that
; y1 Q- c* L2 C5 XC. who4 L2 P0 q! G! h& a5 e3 i1 l, x
D. which/ v0 L2 @9 q3 m) X2 [; {
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
( Z% H. K  ~' l, F0 h7 A; A3 i7 m" `* x+ ~, g$ z2 ]' H- w! h7 |0 x4 U: V
三、判断题(共 6 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  Bonnie is a (negligent) baby sitter, always making sure the children are safely in bed and the house is cleaned up before the parents come home.) E/ S7 Z8 _! d
A. 错误3 J1 J7 h' c) E8 ?; Q7 n
B. 正确$ ^: ]/ T: n' D- I6 e# t
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
- F  C0 l+ |, H' j2.  Teenage boys are sometimes nervous about asking a girl for a date because they fear (rejection)./ w' n& C# t$ W. i! m6 \& Y: b( T
A. 错误
9 G9 @7 _5 l+ R1 n5 W+ V/ DB. 正确
5 t2 w* ~) }( i      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
. L8 o9 ~& ~9 y& H* d3.  Although Marla was abused as a child, she has (overcome) that terrible experience and is a kind, loving parent herself.6 H# C; D" Z1 {* K5 N8 ]
A. 错误, [9 f7 z# a3 R4 y& g3 F" y
B. 正确/ |+ n5 W. y& s& P3 U. e: ]
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
% v) r  C: X* b$ o5 l* ?4.  Imagine my (frustration) when I learned I had earned straight A’s for the semester.
( O' v" P! m/ D2 vA. 错误" Y$ J5 ]8 E0 R( q) e
B. 正确
5 o7 E. i7 {, F+ e% z% d# q# g      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
% X) x: X, o7 I# H. x, A5.  The house’s (internal) appearance is neat, but inside, it’s a real mess.0 T4 K0 O' p: `/ V- T( X& Z
A. 错误9 D: s7 k6 Z' P8 K6 W
B. 正确. p% s- h! |: F  u( S3 I9 t) B
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
$ S: j$ \" k5 o+ W) f- @( p6.  Naturally, most people are (reluctant) to win an all-expenses-paid vacation.! V& s5 \/ @- W& _, W
A. 错误
# z8 Y0 ]0 ^4 Y9 FB. 正确
- |- z5 z! g( f      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
6 x, p2 x0 X2 m! r2 _- a' A+ l, q3 l, B9 x9 o3 R
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