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发表于 2015-11-18 09:34:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 22 道试题,共 66 分。)V 1.  The promise of money can ______ people to do things they know are not right.
% Y1 f$ p. C( O$ r' F/ |. O! j' z5 CA. tempt
: m  u3 @% {4 L7 u' E# ZB. emphasize: v. s- f6 c- M* {! p% W  r$ A+ ^3 X
C. oppose
+ H6 m* b/ }2 \! ~3 j      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
# _* q) B" _4 B  g& J$ X7 Z2 i0 U. k2.  I cannot remember the ______ time that the train will arrive, but I know it will be in the afternoon.
$ o* R  q+ x& p% w: b" W, n" J8 aA. humble4 l: V  }! u& z6 Z6 E0 K4 \
B. specific
( j2 b6 W, a6 t/ U0 K* CC. motivated
, K4 n8 j! t+ p2 t1 d      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
* z9 O' ^' B0 K$ O. I3.  The fruit store has (excess)bananas. The store has$ z3 U) \, k) ^# x! w3 ?
A. too few bananas.
8 o& D4 n) f& S  qB. too many bananas.3 v2 p2 A# v/ X4 ?$ S8 o
C. no bananas.
2 w, V( Q# c" u  Q/ G  l! y      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分, M$ f4 ~# n/ ]9 |/ f
4.  Although penguins are birds, it is ______ for them to fly. Their bodies are too large and their wings are too little.
8 H! O; a5 w1 _; o0 D7 U! zA. ideal& Q7 H! I6 T; C2 \6 V' I
B. gradual( {0 r4 Z9 g, ]: V1 e
C. impossible
- s; p$ e4 w/ n* t' N      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分1 Q) N& c7 W+ A& i1 i
5.  After two years, the prisoner was given his (liberty).& s; C" g2 ~: h$ d, z
A. freedom
* r+ m% N# P% e4 o$ dB. right
" F+ t; l8 h( Y' ?; PC. property: z0 c* Z+ k7 F& j7 g4 l) ~
D. chance# G3 s+ u6 a! D3 V
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
) |+ i% l- I& E* e6.  The police will give you a ticket if you (exceed)the speed limit.
& h& \! F: r1 bA. hit
0 t2 z8 e& z9 h0 D( C# j. I6 O& LB. overreach
+ t1 E& B9 S- V* F/ b2 GC. past% W) g( E8 j- J2 d/ A
D. cross( k% j& a# H7 k3 {! P( s
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
7 |" }+ {+ y0 `- N, w7.  Something that is (constant) is:
8 o0 b: O' i5 u) b8 |* k- DA. never-ending# L. h: k  Q: @( y9 Q% Z" e1 B. a1 ~
B. quiet, |8 O: q! j1 ~
C. sad7 M1 O1 G; A) M( m& E
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! \( I- }# t3 _8.  (Claim) means:" I; P1 i8 R0 Q" V/ J$ @! N
A. to say something is true
: k" G4 y2 s  GB. to hide
3 `  h/ G' A5 S! i! g, ^C. to forget to say
/ _/ P5 a+ c* `4 Z. `! r7 _8 a      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: @, n' d2 O/ |/ L" `" W9.  If something is (modern), it is:) K+ C2 E9 q8 _- `  u) p- b3 a6 P
A. up-to-date
/ e& K0 L5 ?; k; |% G  GB. broken down
8 F2 z9 a" L5 W, c" dC. strong; o" Q/ s1 \4 S4 T9 k& y
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
  \% s+ n( C7 Q1 X10.  The new Prime Minister is (cultivating) relationships with these European countries.7 S, b" j: ]  h$ z; k
A. planning
3 _- `8 A* Q1 b/ r8 DB. communicating
  e  l! O$ Z4 y6 \0 X! E& |& r& oC. expecting
) i; y5 H4 h% A  zD. developing- [- h/ B1 n/ t5 }* M( i  L
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
9 {% P3 R. x! u. Z6 Z/ f) [11.  If a three-year-old asks (constant) questions, the questions+ I. U6 M0 @# A( E2 d
A. go on and on and never seem to stop.
: `3 r  g/ b! ~5 n' IB. are hard to understand.1 o* ]$ ~" ~, O
C. are about private matters.
; e: s, S2 f5 R: b. h      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
2 H7 ^* E- _1 l. i3 R! C+ [12.  The opposite of (grasp)is:/ T/ i' ?* |$ |( q* ^# m4 F1 C9 D# ]
A. let go
3 v, I4 d* c" iB. smile+ ?" Y& e- T4 w5 g
C. shake6 S* o' j0 U( \3 s8 [) m
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
& @+ c% f  N: @; W2 j7 ^8 C% e% ~13.  We were planning a surprise birthday party for Troy on Saturday night. All that day, we ______ that we did not know it was his birthday./ A' \5 \5 K" l4 t. T" \
A. requested- G4 E8 h$ r2 i9 l3 p
B. achieved1 M5 K1 g3 S4 `0 y! d* V
C. pretended% m' P" t& |* Y: k, r. @( h9 l
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
, `8 n6 h- K* K6 C. @+ t( L( F14.  If you (conceal)a secret from your friends, you
/ K% ~6 Q, E5 lA. tell them the secret.) y# R9 S- R# }& @! q- V" z
B. keep the secret hidden and don’t tell it.# A- f& n9 w7 d; T. V& q7 m1 W
C. hear them tell you the secret.0 P' q3 @+ u6 ]4 V+ U
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! y; B" Q% S* c! X6 _; U( J! y: b15.  To keep up with the news, I read the ______ newspaper. But my husband sticks to Time magazine, which comes out only once a week.
8 ]$ h1 I3 U$ L+ F9 m/ EA. daily
- r5 T& I' T) m- Q' aB. humble' q. `3 Y3 N" @: o
C. negative
5 x7 O0 Y# N2 |% \! b6 _      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分4 J: Z0 R" \% F1 I
16.  If you (resolve)to get more exercise, you- i) K  Y- N& f; h5 O  D4 P) x3 Z
A. do not need to get more exercise.4 m) ]" \4 O0 u8 r' O" Y
B. do not want to get more exercise.- `% @+ K( d2 M' r/ D
C. decide that you are really going to exercise more often.9 n/ v8 D2 T9 A5 _
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
  @9 k; H1 d! S; o2 L17.  The opposite of (continue)is:' o" |0 @" W+ t. ^; l6 D# u0 R
A. stop
+ _6 h- p1 ^$ KB. shout
7 H: I# H( c( ]! w1 SC. push  i$ O; V, ]' ?' E, J: b
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分6 ?# y1 G' X/ L/ B8 L- ?
18.  The opposite of (cautious)is:
, t. B4 o' j' g( Y) aA. not easy
+ ~( b- Q& S7 M7 q) YB. not cold2 v( ?! Y4 q- t
C. not careful; K/ {5 j5 M" S% ?% n* I& \* t
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
9 c$ H" \. s8 ^4 }19.  You write a note to someone saying, “I would like to (express)my thanks.” That means you wish to$ |8 J3 ^+ i) u: ]3 b* f0 S
A. put your thanks into words.  s; m  |) d- U% u
B. repeat your thanks./ D: r' T7 _$ w2 p% I
C. take back your thanks.2 V1 K' `- C( h: t9 W2 H) ?
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
9 f) [, B6 G4 C' V20.  Malik’s sleep was ______ by the loud sound of hail smashing against his bedroom window
& R. l! t6 z4 }+ S$ F5 bA. interrupted" P6 i/ t8 J7 W. {3 e$ g9 r
B. concealed
4 t# \1 ]0 a; Z' sC. assisted
# S' A4 T4 @0 `      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分4 b2 j% q  |; z" G' {! G6 L
21.  He keeps talking about all these (mythical)“job prospects”.
5 s( U, N/ O5 Q7 NA. mutual' K9 R& I3 f4 u( \' v7 o. t9 |
B. potential0 i5 W* M" e5 U# X+ b  @: t
C. imaginary. N* B0 U8 |5 H0 ?. c  }* I7 ?0 G
D. mysterious
* D( A- `" Q- }3 t) [6 z7 H      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
& Q2 L+ w6 c& p, {1 _  v" h5 P5 ^22.  The reporter asked the professor who wrote the book (How Many Spacecraft Have Orbited the Moon).3 t; I8 [8 w" w* V4 y7 T
A. Revolved7 c5 _: L( k& i0 k
B. circled& D- ^0 d: v/ Q3 t/ Z. D8 V" y
C. turned: c7 q$ _4 V) m
D. rotated
! \4 C* r1 I( W% M8 R      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分 * G% F' j# e( I2 a  d

0 k9 q. W! A5 J' C$ [0 G4 l二、多选题(共 2 道试题,共 4 分。)V 1.  I’m tired; let’s ______ a rest.
$ f. \5 J' b! U' ~1 J+ OA. have( Y- s/ c" M" s+ J1 j1 ?+ j
B. make
2 ?/ }0 W/ U3 x0 f+ @3 F# vC. take5 w7 P# v) ?  _/ T# V
D. do4 g3 _4 F& \$ g6 o* f% }
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
% D1 F; g6 ^" @  W- I1 D/ p2.  They had ______ talked for half an hour __she entered.3 x  B2 V7 F$ T9 ~6 S8 ~) u. Q
A. hardly…when
+ O* n! f1 H5 V* `) ]" X2 L6 F! HB. scarcely…when* T$ B! V  {4 B- w
C. not…before
# {# m, W- H+ x! R2 c; X$ W  ~! @  ND. hardly…before0 {# A' R- o& b% i: @
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分 6 L' y1 u8 z& g  n5 q  b
! v! V% |- |: I% o
三、判断题(共 6 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  Drivers in our state must not exceed a (maximum) of sixty miles an hour.
2 N$ I: {) a9 g" Y* d' FA. 错误& k6 q1 B0 A1 m- v5 ~* Y- P5 K4 O
B. 正确+ m" r8 H3 J' x0 p3 M
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
6 v- b# }  M+ b2.  To (preserve) the seat covers in his car, Denny had slipcovers put on. Then he put plastic over the slipcovers. Then he spread old sheets over the plastic.- ]# t! d; p4 _3 w# a6 A+ P
A. 错误* j7 ?0 @8 k2 _. G% i
B. 正确
- Q% C) j+ @/ \      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
0 T5 j, U3 A+ y1 {1 h( M" o$ P3.  The angry diner called the restaurant manager and complained that her meal had been cold, (adequate), and too expensive.
0 `) L( ~3 C  l% M+ C! W  lA. 错误
) A, \' B8 G* z& S! q5 y8 h+ H$ v! EB. 正确! M( ^. X6 W0 J6 ^5 {& z4 l8 v6 e1 B
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
' a. y% n$ d: y. q' A0 E# h4.  When Thomas tried to explain how the accident happened, he was so excited and confused that he only (clarified) the story.
0 C/ E. L& k! d' m# O0 ?  qA. 错误
# o! L7 c( S+ P. E) |7 O- _B. 正确7 }+ Q& |7 j1 A( v( I7 \2 B3 v/ L$ Q
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分
2 o/ K) Y8 `2 h! {9 {5.  40. Have you ever really had to write a paper on the (theme) “How I Spent My Summer Vacation”?
* u! ^5 W; L! k9 ?* u/ z; gA. 错误2 ~' E4 N. y, z" }; E2 a
B. 正确
; j7 K, a6 f% ^; a) u  d- s      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分! b8 I- c3 V+ E8 I9 N; z
6.  It was fun to go to my first soccer game with Franco. He knows the sport so well that he could (interpret) everything that was going on for me.6 {9 C* v1 x0 N- l. u1 O9 @% z6 e
A. 错误
' x# v# a  v  V1 I9 e. ^B. 正确
7 I4 q& r/ `% m* ~9 v+ V      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:5  分 8 [6 k4 B% M( t" C" T' X

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