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发表于 2015-12-29 11:09:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  I don't have that much money. I have to()for a scholarship.
% k# F! g1 u1 v8 k. N; B! _5 I, NA. apply;
4 |$ o6 ?7 T5 p/ QB. use
0 ]; ^& X, x5 m7 V7 C* d      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
; h6 i4 @0 L( W% B+ v2.  Mary is a very()woman. She is successful in her career and she is a good mother and wife, too.
9 p9 _. ]! ~! y0 l2 m; E7 C" cA. able;
) D3 S3 D. @% r- [' d3 B6 AB. capable% a; }# [3 h: v2 \4 i5 _
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分+ K5 t9 I! K0 _) m& T! L
3.  My parents are quite()with their life today because they have experienced so much suffering.: n7 W8 ]$ n' x( N/ ?# G+ @
A. satisfied;$ h0 Z! L( R2 m3 V9 N, Y
B. satisfactory. K! s# r5 B0 S# h
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
4 V* [/ L& W3 j8 D4.  The()headlights of the cars could be seen through the fog." S1 K# q9 I0 M
A. glowing;: R, a/ `* R& Z) v% J$ l
B. gleaming6 H1 h% c6 i) B. F$ V
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分% L$ B1 I, E! F; J. m2 p. g6 L: _
5.  The old couple had no children and they lived().
% r2 L8 @: K) a2 w  IA. alone;
- W& s5 f/ X. }! w. j5 ]3 |B. lonely
0 y, F9 ]! t/ m. \2 t  P      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分7 z# p' B0 q) e; B# Z1 ^8 Z
6.  Last week we()a lecture delivered by Professor Li.+ ^0 n# H: @3 |3 k/ q+ h
A. attended;
9 X: q2 W- {+ S2 CB. attended to; t8 d: [) ~% P9 |4 n% ~
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分- M" G6 i9 |  ?
7.  Helen Keller was not()to see or hear or talk and yet she learned to read and write, and to become an author.  L$ W4 ?( ?7 J' @) l: ~
A. able;
6 \" D6 Q& u- Q/ ?( CB. capable
" {  O6 [. V. A      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分) I# P5 Y# Y3 p
8.  Does the idea of working abroad()to you?
, j$ `# n: h3 L  iA. attract;
& ?  R( ]! s6 b' v9 r6 XB. appeal' C: Q6 u! d' W+ C
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
6 p  |8 O+ o* v# ]% `" t' z2 _: k9.  When I looked out of the window, I could see lights of the village()in the distance.
0 ]% t+ J8 D* T) o# V& G7 RA. gleaming;  W2 z* y. i6 v8 [
B. shimmering
5 @4 V% T: z/ m- f7 w( |% q4 F      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分* p2 L8 v0 ?# g) g# G& y
10.  Now people in most rural areas can watch TV programs broadcast().7 L" |+ m* f2 o" `; k8 y" `; o+ U: I) O4 Y
A. alive;0 C; @! Z1 r- c, d
B. live
( C1 z; i, g- I& L: ^' G; K" ]4 x  M      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
4 P$ F) V' _* w" s3 `11.  In his spare time he()some classes to improve his English.
" U% A0 v/ a5 L3 N1 nA. attends;, Z6 U# b+ X7 |+ t" h) p
B. attends to: |( j$ d7 F- W4 f0 Y8 {2 y& Z+ V& n
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: m6 y9 _% i  T7 K% r  F7 R12.  I wish yu a happy()home.
2 @6 Q. ^( M( H  v$ U* H9 cA. trip;
" C+ M, \. H' ]( p& \B. journey; ?' T3 [2 p1 C6 S
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
3 O$ m1 M. R1 Q13.  I have carefully()your proposal of yesteday.
' v& u3 i. z$ V. ~+ Y. s$ mA. thought of;
! }, t% Q9 j% C( ^B. thought over$ `% A: M* Z  i+ y) L, p$ [
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分8 ^9 z3 w3 }; E8 z; ~3 [* c  W
14.  We should try to be()men.
: [. D* w& N) G0 O" y( oA. worth;
! C( A& t; C. ~1 `0 |+ {3 s( jB. worthy  _3 y2 Q6 i- d) w# g" u
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! U: B& P9 _9 I/ u5 `" W! @3 z; ?15.  She opened the window and heard()singing far away.
( b" j  W  k  N5 }' R: bA. somebody;5 H7 V; |# ?8 l! X) L. H& J! {
B. someone  w2 v, K4 J" I- B. w6 D
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分6 H" m$ R% _" z- b' C, E+ i
16.  I didn't want() to become suspicious.
  e, W  X+ J. I5 kA. anybody;" m4 v9 b/ v0 ^( Z4 O
B. anyone4 D% s) P" a0 d0 W4 u# i
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分3 J+ N, ], p5 ]0 p
17.  He is pretty stubborn. It's not easy to()his views.
  h; I5 }3 p( `9 k4 zA. exchange;4 n$ J# I. a9 h8 {/ b3 W! ]
B. change2 c2 F! q6 ~; I, M
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分+ d: x8 d+ j2 F6 J( {) ^
18.  Happiness is not something you can weigh on a().
! z3 z5 A( l. k5 E( {" a' K, g' sA. scale;; C# a8 L: ^7 N
B. measurement
. {  {) q+ w- }. p- L      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! p5 t) U* ^# ~$ S% n: ~+ T% T19.  I()looked for the meaning of words in the context.
3 x2 O4 X: `* A& ZA. continuously;$ Y6 q) u5 ~/ p3 g- H/ n
B. always0 `! s: j9 h1 g) Z9 L+ [
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分( K% ]! D1 V: {1 ^
20.  We all sat around the()fire and chattered.
) x! _  N' v3 P' B1 |7 K/ i1 L9 C. OA. glowing;$ J% V2 b: [0 a) f9 t  a2 }' U$ L) H
B. gleaming
( n9 ?+ v7 `/ e; l& K; A      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
- g( u# e2 `3 C5 p5 ~3 B; w1 k
) M; Y& m$ Z, x6 e/ t9 \二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Jack is planning to do part-time jobs to (see) him (through) college.  a! ~. }! a$ X" ]# |
A. 错误4 u7 v  I) |1 ?. ~+ [: z; K
B. 正确
$ g) R) v+ |: c' v7 c      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
9 P/ O7 `. N7 E7 q2.  She didn’t dare to (look me at the eye) when she told me the story and I knew that she had made it all up.
6 |' Y) n+ ~3 v& P# lA. 错误* a* _9 X/ @* c8 {' n
B. 正确+ }! u7 D) L6 {# j) N3 U4 M+ B
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分' J6 u% ^- I7 J% e4 F4 e
3.  (Settle down) in a strange land wasn't as easy as they had thought.
; Z3 q2 U) C  n% S3 tA. 错误7 W8 b. U0 `+ L) g. ^! t% I4 b
B. 正确. A8 G' \8 g# W5 ]4 u! e- ?8 q* ]6 Y2 }
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分+ A* Q2 _) [  h. M3 H: d
4.  At times of economic difficulties, it is the poor people who usually go under first.
6 ^; }9 o% V% b& u* }- O" w9 jA. 错误% \* L" c4 Q* h0 G( F3 b/ e9 b
B. 正确
  o- n: o( n/ \5 v      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
: [3 e9 ~, n$ a8 i& m* Q; K; K5.  Finally they decided to apologize to the passengers for what had happened (in the airport).7 [$ M. K% e0 u* [
A. 错误
) V: [* Y5 I+ @0 fB. 正确
9 R; g' D( f$ T  x% {, h      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分( Q; x0 ?; q- W+ T4 |4 F
6.  Dorothy opened her eyes on the sound of the door being opened.
5 O1 f$ J2 ~" LA. 错误. t. V5 N) p4 S3 K
B. 正确
, ?: Z) i5 X6 F      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
3 t* m1 @$ ]1 [" M, N; s7.  It was Rose who (saw) me( through) my most difficult times.
( O+ U4 H5 r# U3 mA. 错误
; k. x% d3 f" r" v$ D5 ~8 Y( CB. 正确- v7 O$ J8 ^/ Q  i  O$ I. r
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
, Y+ p8 N4 ~& a9 R8 r8.  I’’ve got enough savings to (see me out) six months of unemployment.  W: h7 z( m6 E
A. 错误
+ x! I5 @9 B( i$ \B. 正确9 ?' S2 K* @3 J1 s7 |- \; j
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
" @6 ^8 ?/ h5 I! z0 _# Q& k, N$ p9.  He asked the teacher what to do next. The teacher asked him to (continue observing) the fish.
, d1 }# r$ D" s, g/ M4 ]  A0 h5 EA. 错误
7 p6 |6 i) i3 w1 MB. 正确( d4 U; i, I1 x+ d7 H* ]
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
' \0 h& y! i! F; o& q# \) S+ s3 O3 }6 Z10.  My brother’s sudden arrival that morning (distracted me away from) my work.
% p' a# k' m3 wA. 错误( O& k/ S4 x/ }0 l" i
B. 正确2 v$ F2 S) S) ^& W, \/ |  }
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
1 p7 `0 b, ^1 D6 w8 ]11.  He (leapt to his feet) and charged out of the door.! y6 M1 X2 v) l  }7 O0 l1 j
A. 错误
1 a! D% [4 Y9 C: f% `8 bB. 正确0 c' L5 U% k+ ~$ i; R! Z
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分% t; h- ?1 Z) ^, ?
12.  They lived in a (luxury) hotel when they were on holiday.& x7 t; z0 B, U6 |3 e. ^
A. 错误) X$ R7 M0 I# D5 q: ~' G+ |7 z+ a
B. 正确( a+ X$ `6 X/ a4 _$ a8 G
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分7 S. R* e2 N3 h
13.  Fashions come and go. Novelty always (wears of) as time goes by.6 X: p' I' K( G, p2 o" q% l% |
A. 错误, H* N5 P, A  ^9 s3 T, q
B. 正确! r  M4 M, Q2 g! |2 T
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
2 U- E" ~+ M) C8 ]* @14.  How long can you stare without (blinded) your eyes?! d: B( {9 S% g+ a
A. 错误& ]/ B6 V& }8 Q1 b# F
B. 正确3 D$ I& v9 Z% s) N9 ?2 J
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分* T+ g% [  L7 e7 g
15.  I suggest that you first read the novel which the film is based.
  |5 H( z( W' GA. 错误# H6 W. }4 T- h& Q8 t+ d$ Q
B. 正确
7 L. |( u5 w* D( Z8 q: k* F      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
% ]6 b7 T% D6 ~. c% X16.  Is there someone in the office?; q3 ]+ d: k! L! ^6 U& L
A. 错误
) h9 W! s# b# a$ T3 i! j4 {B. 正确1 C8 k6 X, X6 b( H, p# W0 z5 k3 V
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分9 E, o8 ~* i" F& D( ~4 S* y9 W
17.  It was foolish for them to threaten others with sanctions.* r+ H' |, F3 P/ {  h2 s4 Z/ w
A. 错误
' m8 Z7 W  j* h/ \* x+ r- FB. 正确8 ]. D; ]0 J& A7 T! o  g5 M8 Z
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
: K- T, [; x: [6 ]/ D; f+ M$ s* F+ k18.  (Living) (live) in the countryside is far healthier than to (live) in the city.7 G& k! l  \6 r& q) K# I  [
A. 错误
/ j& ]! j; I& d/ U4 R8 k3 CB. 正确
) L8 S# e$ m1 X4 ]0 T2 z8 y% x      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
+ X) O( ]$ Z  F19.  She devoted her last years of life to caring for the disabled.
- ~, i+ n8 }7 t- V8 g5 ^A. 错误& G; ~) a& `) t6 f0 W  n6 g3 Z) A
B. 正确
/ _' p4 J5 c' b+ ^/ p1 F      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分! h; S" ?/ o% u: s2 x, y  ~. o
20.  For the development of our central and western regions we need a lot of things. It’s not just (a thing of money).% U9 k/ `( f7 _
A. 错误1 Y+ J  [' N  @
B. 正确( h0 W- d% S- ?" @( N& g- h' y
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分 , v5 u- }8 K0 E  S
+ v: ^  f1 h5 y! h- d% \
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