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发表于 2015-12-29 11:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  If human beings continue to abuse the earth like this, the result is hard to ().& p, A, _% |+ ]/ V( Z- R
A. believe
' H" r* o' H( E, O6 zB. imagine: M: M- J' ~8 c, i# O9 b% b0 }0 W
C. get8 v4 s' ]+ L% p, p9 I
D. reach
3 Y9 o8 A8 b3 S7 \      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
- S& R7 k$ U* B" r9 W2.  We have to adjust ourselves () all kinds of situations.
8 o7 [! O9 l9 U( B5 iA. on
: S7 w9 p! Y$ z  tB. to7 h7 ?: n7 g6 W+ Q
C. in" ?; m1 y) `* L
D. towards
" F# E7 x2 h6 p. b7 f8 K' D      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
% u  S$ ]1 @5 i  G- Y3.  A headache is an () pain.
5 f' b! [, z( T" a# M6 UA. inside
1 h$ p) C4 ^  k: fB. internal
- k) _3 f$ _; ?  mC. external
) y4 T$ R' v! Y. y% d) Q6 WD. inherent
: W8 d/ L$ P6 T4 M/ ~. N8 J      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分# N, ]6 I2 K& }& x% D* X2 V
4.  He worked hard on the construction site with a view () some experience.& h/ d$ D* K3 W
A. to gain' `- {$ V9 |& K% i% n# x/ c
B. to gaining
: B1 t$ \' M4 o! f0 X% }C. for gaining  f; y9 O+ U" Q! j+ I
D. to be gaining) l  x5 o* y% R! ~* N5 J
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
" }" o, r9 M8 l5 X5.  She has been ill for a month, which set her () in her studies.
* a; R7 I+ ~9 a6 w/ vA. back  U" ^! o' k, p4 `
B. off% d+ h4 |2 |# c/ `  S+ u  Z: g, v0 n
C. down
: R  m5 r; q$ s/ b7 }$ HD. in
* {# b- `5 G: ^( c      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分$ v5 w* B2 `5 l3 V( E: d! `! |
6.  People always like to hear (), while dislike criticism.( B  i& y: @* R/ a* P/ P0 m% w) z# A
A. music9 W& d( z3 t; X: t
B. sound
3 C* j7 S- V0 J9 U% [; }( h' h. B6 ~5 u0 `C. noise( n4 K7 w) ^# ~, V
D. compliments
. Q* [+ D9 k8 _0 K1 {) w/ f" L      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
+ [2 c$ r8 f9 r! a8 Y2 p7.  Tim always scores () at football games, but he feels frustrated at each exam.
  N& x9 D/ W: ?/ `9 C1 Y/ k: ]& `4 SA. points
4 ^3 g# o7 K1 T2 S- _5 gB. games
; M, H" n/ T7 K/ JC. goals: n" d8 G  Q) D# g# {- v3 z
D. targets
, `" H5 `$ D; q7 U; }      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
7 q4 Q2 f6 |% ^9 D8 o8.  It was () he arrived home that he realized that he had left his keys in the office.; D6 X% E: x# q5 B7 |: S
A. until
7 Q+ Z) ?1 V8 J8 E2 Z" {- SB. lestl
- ~) Q6 h, m2 K4 M% ^C. less4 Q# [" C( C" ^
D. not until
$ p( Y7 z/ Q2 {+ Y$ D- z/ n' Z      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
- t+ x8 V, c; W8 I) _9.  You should ask your son to () from bad company.
  N* s% z  f% }9 m. L* \. e) |! iA. work
6 ^8 J) w; T- o! `B. run  K3 {' L8 V" ]5 T5 A. ], g
C. keep: R9 ^5 V; @: i
D. manage. u1 h% R3 `# [- U1 e; V0 w. ?
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分( [4 S" w8 t1 j# A4 n
10.  Nancy is always keen () sports channels.
  C( I, c7 m3 N$ x- kA. in+ C9 X0 [  b9 h" H9 A
B. at" y9 i& h& a7 |
C. on
% T6 ?* w; n+ R$ j! S; {0 `% QD. for
5 S8 A! `1 B8 L1 X! V5 s4 Z0 P      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: E3 A$ f+ V- v, D9 w5 [% f/ K11.  I wonder how this place has () for a four-star hotel., C5 O  n. Y2 |! ^
A. gone7 Y: l, p  K4 l4 f4 l
B. settled; K( ]& n$ n" _* T$ P+ N1 J- v
C. passed
; u3 b. L! Q" z7 O' H! ?, Y( ^D. taken6 A  z& l+ E5 L0 L8 S4 v
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分& I' Z  Z- q$ Y6 i9 Z8 n- ^
12.  Cancer is widely recognized as a () illness.3 ^' Y8 e! v% @! ~3 `) y
A. dead+ n' e8 l4 o2 |" N% h; s, p! v1 @
B. deadly
: i$ m) \* Q/ M' Z1 Z  rC. fatal
! @1 k3 H( V" H3 l, m$ D& f% YD. vital. X* J9 O0 W3 u  [
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分  p2 s1 B/ h7 c( w
13.  He often () fun at his deskmate, who is undersized.
# e* q4 x8 S9 ?& K( }1 P" Q: UA. pokes
. i" o, `' K0 h3 Q( T3 J, ]B. makes- H8 g+ E) e3 F: J) d! K/ J2 F
C. causes
# a* o; y$ l4 b9 _1 u, E9 r& _D. shows. }8 C. h9 R3 X5 E5 r
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
) ~# I/ Y' I# n* K14.  With his child () to the care of his parents, he went abroad.
( M, m2 U0 d* |4 B1 UA. left
1 Y& J. ]& x/ u5 N, `B. leaving4 B3 y9 ^0 c( W* P
C. to be left( S( ]3 f- P& j
D. to leave% d3 p4 W1 @: A" d. @
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
. _- b8 V! J: `+ U5 D6 E15.  A Dictionary of the English Language,() by Dr. Samuel Johnson, was the first real attempt as a systematic and interestingly written survey of English usage.! N4 O- V* Y0 S1 a* i
A. constructed
6 ?2 m3 @# A- i/ Y% n! p& L: B) DB. composed
' L# l2 h- k) S3 l5 i6 \3 ^/ IC. compiled
- G* `! ?3 R/ D1 e  ^8 u: T8 \D. collected8 J# ?+ g3 P9 U/ P
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分* R5 w: U/ d$ W0 f5 t
16.  The apron () between the mother and the children is so strong that its influence never stops.
- k* g1 i+ v. x" [/ oA. connection' r! R( ~( O5 l  A# I6 B
B. bond
3 C6 W4 V+ j% r0 s! _C. relation5 F# _9 s  A& m
D. thread
) ]! Q6 n3 \) w, w' B: i$ @$ D! ~  p" `      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: @" p, M; [/ b. V7 @17.  People should break away from the stereotype that women like (), spread around rumors.* J  ^$ j0 I8 K% x9 i' d
A. bragging( f! x: g  b% i! N7 q8 C# Y9 P/ D
B. talking1 G- H7 R! S/ q& x; w( l
C. gossiping
! _% W8 Q+ e  z9 o  DD. laughing2 w0 r4 o8 n! p( E+ l4 k) ?- f, q8 Z
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
7 C+ v5 ]$ ]8 f/ I18.  This () your first composition, I'll ask you to write a short one.' w" t* `+ N2 o
A. is4 [& k. L0 \) N7 D
B. will be8 m. t. D; r0 o- j3 L: m# u: l. D
C. was
0 G7 v4 z- L/ n8 R# l: eD. being
1 I& J) ~3 b& s  p9 ?      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分4 c9 G" p& k4 B5 s# H& d
19.  The literature of a period () its values and tastes.
) E2 r2 D" z' l1 w0 `6 L1 DA. reflects+ Y. R7 l7 k, l" c2 {) I
B. talks
7 M0 A/ b+ w9 T6 m( TC. engages6 X6 e4 Y& M  s4 v( _
D. distorts
" Z& M# i( b! a3 e" ]' M( y      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
! C8 a" L& Q4 K0 C20.  Computers work according to () planted into them.
3 o5 W7 x; @4 o2 u0 W8 e; QA. genes
' |. @1 M  E1 M; t: H* C  B' }: mB. cells
- S- f. G, i% g& x; [C. programs
9 r. J9 W" ], M# G7 jD. plans
5 y% @, F  N5 e8 e' ]0 p- e. i      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分 ; F6 m4 l* Q: d# m- b! p( E. u% C
  |  |  o6 `% _& }1 W0 t% x
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  What are friends for?8 P; k* B+ P/ }. V" q
A. They can provide help whenever it is needed.
- S. x% W1 i! B$ p5 b  Y7 M" |2 |B. They can make you feel warm when you feel cold.
7 t  U- c; L8 [; s4 }C. They offer comfort when you are injured by others.' d  \# e" U- N8 }& Q& z
D. They will always be there to support you whatever you do.
- w$ u/ T2 f- S- s% ~' f      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
+ X2 e$ U$ V0 G9 C2.  NASA ().
4 J) A9 M' K+ ]; yA. stands for National Aeronautical and Space Administration0 {. }6 _0 B4 C1 O  I3 K4 ^5 w
B. was trying to find ways to clean the air in space stations, E: Y7 n3 o" r: F1 ~% j0 E
C. tries to find ways to clean the air in space stations. He discovered that houseplants actually remove pollutants from the air3 H( i; r7 `! N, c7 V6 i& a
D. has succe0 f; D# w8 d; ~) M8 f; ]2 a- c1 Z7 B
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
$ _( [% f" S% W- N7 L/ l; L3.  Hero Friends ().- h0 ^& k* J' S- p
A. are better than the rest of us
6 {7 I1 y# P  _! O0 H8 L% `B. are role models to us1 Q# ]# v$ R2 O) R4 W& Q; R
C. are sick# ]: x6 M) K. {( g
D. are disgusting
3 T5 \7 J. z! X: a) z# J      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
# h: s$ z; b' v4 |, b2 K# y# D4.  What the author will remember forever about the Olympic volunteer job is not ().
5 I' @7 [1 W; b2 j1 ]  O% p5 pA. the colorful outfits they were wearing in the big event
* a6 a+ G+ q% [8 ~( J, w1 f& iB. the advice and service they gave to the athletes' Z. B9 T. r8 J
C. the recognition they were given for their efforts' ]' S0 S) m+ g: H  |
D. working overtime
  l1 K8 \6 _6 j      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分! G- o* P3 N- v7 J/ |
5.  In which situations computers do not perform better than the human mind?
* d8 e, }# j5 ~7 o2 {# Q. r$ M7 QA. performing an operation/ c- ]2 ^9 k1 P: H
B. docking a big ship
1 Q" q7 Y2 `4 w' s3 fC. playing backgammon
6 }+ _8 _1 ~' T' s, w) gD. doing the work of a postal clerk* ~0 k+ x" ]& z2 Q
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
1 b1 J/ C) S0 ]6.  Which of the following continents are not poverty-stricken?0 K) j. i, K, A/ ]8 |2 D
A. Africa
6 Q/ r8 G9 P6 b& ~6 N; @B. Europe- R+ Q9 H. J. ^
C. North America
% l' M- ?- c' N, A6 I1 nD. Russia& }2 I' z# b  s7 ?
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
/ W% P& G7 ^6 y- q7.  What is the influence of computers?7 A( w8 N3 q: S1 H& s
A. Teachers can use computers in the classroom.
& h/ Y# G4 {" w2 TB. Each pupil may ask questions through computers.7 f9 f. J# n; G( M- Z
C. The computer can inspect and check the pupil’s replies.
" B4 A* C' U& x: eD. The computer can replace teachers.+ A9 V+ u3 j, O  z. u" M8 c' h4 m! C
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分9 k. T) {7 C( y: \6 g5 o8 \5 C
8.  Which invention has generated difficult puzzles for scientists, politicians, and philosophers?: [; t5 w/ a& p1 N# F
A. Theory of Relativity$ D6 T& V: J1 A. q6 G; K
B. the splitting of the atom
. k. _& B  q, S# S2 cC. the first space flight
; l' [6 a; X  q, v$ nD. Dolly's appearance
4 P* f/ d. O# M7 Y      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
( A7 [1 {( P  J4 c* {+ M7 R5 Y9.  According to the passage, her pride in being a volunteer in the Olympics does not increased all the more when she was ().& T$ Z9 o7 Q0 H1 ?1 w
A. wearing the colorful volunteer uniform and greeting the others in the street% n( y6 k# S+ P5 K9 m# M4 f# g
B. learning more about staging a major multi-sport event" C+ A- k9 ?& c6 t& A
C. understanding better a whole range of issues related to the Games* ~; h! d; {  ?! I. n) v. t( x
D. joining the ranks of those working in the front line& {  g$ P3 j+ c9 c5 G$ b$ @
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分# K* ]( ^+ @( r
10.  Why would anyone want to clone a human being?( x9 n& @: x' Q3 U- P/ R
A. People want to have a lifelong partner.
" {8 \5 O' @; vB. Parents want to clone a child, either to provide transplants for a dying child or to replace that child.! K* _! x9 n  L+ B. k) _/ N
C. Adults for a variety of reasons might want to clone themselves.
' h! a3 V  A0 C+ r  V7 k. rD. Twins are always welcome in human society.
6 w9 i- j  i7 x      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分 " H) g/ N- `& B* M$ z9 m
& d1 U& V" @! a( j$ \1 m
三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  Once we are in charge of love, it can be with us for the rest of our lives.. @& \  e3 @: W8 p( K
A. 错误
( _5 s$ \1 O3 o5 OB. 正确
- ?9 R0 \. }+ p$ m( I      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
3 I4 b7 A! V- b  E% }; G: y+ G2.  Since your work friends are just your friends in your workplace, you will never invite him to a party.. c" L5 l/ I0 c; @
A. 错误, z9 ~3 }9 K7 V9 i: p* H
B. 正确" d# r/ w5 J& E
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分: e; b4 @- ]& X7 ~. v6 E
3.  Nor Paul Wylie kept going when doubters suggested he quit.
) l$ @1 t$ {3 c. ]6 \; MA. 错误
7 u+ _: f8 |$ j9 }B. 正确
1 R5 z- t2 F5 U( s5 @      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分- r2 p* O! ]' s
4.  Children from a previous marriage can be protected by a premarital agreement.
: I% [1 R7 g( a% b8 s3 H* SA. 错误
  O$ I: i/ Y0 {- O. q' `8 G! KB. 正确
+ m8 @: E; V  }* i# N2 k6 S      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分0 U# A6 Q+ Z- u) {3 K7 v
5.  In terms of biology, a clone would not be identical to the “master copy”.9 y$ F* D  w, _) B
A. 错误
3 B: Y) N+ `9 n1 b8 ?6 J( dB. 正确
* k* r) o; s) }" n9 j      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分: M  H; ]& P: T$ y
6.  Overcrowding in many cities is creating terrible problems.$ R8 n5 x- G- n( ~% C
A. 错误0 k1 T0 p. M& S
B. 正确# D  V8 i9 i7 o. m
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
* U  T7 p3 n* B% r7.  The United Nations’ definition of refugee includes all people who have escaped their homes fro political, economic, and environmental reasons.
) T- z5 W* V/ mA. 错误0 g5 v& U! E+ A5 Y* j
B. 正确
6 J+ r) u4 i2 K# |      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
7 A/ o- J" \* a; h" z4 S8.  It is also found that the old have a big share of divorce.
6 U# y1 u- E# W: e/ |A. 错误
* ?& |5 D% G' k/ |/ U( h( v  \9 ^4 HB. 正确: x( X9 t% X8 u0 S+ }: N
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分) ~4 B$ `* S% P; h- s/ c
9.  Global warming results from the release if greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, resulting in the burning of fossil fuels, such as petroleum products.! d4 P5 \! t" H
A. 错误: @# r9 {' l2 e
B. 正确
% `) S+ D9 U* T# l( r" O. h2 M      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分: t" }2 H$ C5 q0 H6 t) m1 f
10.  The human can react to any situation, some of which he may never have imagined.4 _% Z0 y( r" L& h
A. 错误
8 I& [) F: }& L" X- J9 |B. 正确% ~6 I% L* d: f( ]' X
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
3 X1 h- E: c6 C, Y4 F- A% S) W4 {1 x  J$ H% r2 U/ ~1 K
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