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发表于 2015-12-29 11:22:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  In the army, soldiers are divided according to their ().3 Y  `7 n3 P/ H# ?7 d& Q% S
A. position
& p' Z( R1 U8 \! e/ C! y; R& bB. height( n$ A4 u* ?& d) W  P
C. skills
" g4 S7 u( u  ?) ?D. rank
, C. s/ Z& M9 r) q6 {# N      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: {& Z4 Z0 q) U, J+ k2.  Their passionate verbal fight at the conference is the () of the quarrel yesterday.
! q8 D% _, h! u7 qA. result: m& k# s! `0 X3 \! k
B. spark( r& Z" E$ L3 K, W- {# B% n4 [
C. start
7 f. _0 v6 D& @% o. wD. beginning$ Z' A( v# w' f
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分- Z9 v, m, Y. j" U! T- Y* }2 [
3.  The great () to living on a main road is the noise% ~; y, U$ l- u5 c0 o. c1 B$ f
A. advantage9 s; T) b, R# D# b; e5 Q
B. weak8 ~0 m9 s. A5 V  G; x
C. drawback* k0 V' y% Y; `; X+ t5 l; w
D. strength; |7 ~! H+ P& i6 e
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分2 {6 x. v  e" \; S
4.  She has () hobbies, such as skiing and swimming.
6 y! F7 q& a5 dA. reversed5 c) X9 F; A7 b: c+ W
B. diverse! T' ~2 o. H8 t( d, T
C. varied
9 ~; W7 F, c: oD. changeable
' ^" s. ~! }0 F4 m      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分; Q' F8 s0 `$ m' G
5.  Call me when you get () ane I'll pick you up at your work place.! Z0 g' g/ R5 K  P: i1 \3 n
A. off
- s4 ^, A% i4 BB. from
' z( u2 [7 e4 `5 O7 dC. down) K* o) S5 }7 v! f
D. over, \+ z, ?8 j( D* {2 X8 @9 |3 V8 Q! u
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
/ l, S' Q. s$ S) s% b: W4 t: n6 ~- j6.  The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the night to enable the necessary chemical reactions to () in his body.
; W. O& D5 {+ }$ `6 W* b, _7 M3 u4 KA. conduct
5 D; U3 J+ n% M& o! M3 FB. proceed
% l) r% F7 w: G; jC. progress  J0 \  Y" F+ [1 @: N8 d! \* j: ?
D. practice7 D* |& h1 W7 P
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分: b% a) s- B; @% x
7.  He () my anger and held back what he had said.& \5 G" Q) ]" @1 v+ n/ A
A. sensed
, s% }; ?5 _! v9 ?B. realized+ [8 {3 _; E, U7 h3 j
C. knew+ `5 Q( E$ N  l3 y
D. discovered( R; R& X/ ^6 Z  n. n, G; R% |- I
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
5 C! h: X8 x% v9 v% e) |3 U8.  I didn't want to get involved in the argument, so I held () my tongue when asked about my opinion.
. P4 d( \$ R% b; eA. on
0 x, R0 N- _( Z5 u/ j0 l) eB. up
. Y+ h/ l0 \2 m/ nC. in4 D" F4 B$ g. |6 w$ T* `% u
D. off2 c, v. K$ G5 |6 ?; N/ c& t
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
( ^" E8 p" d# R. l9 S) z9.  She has reached the () of her patience.
1 f, a; W: Y, J8 ?7 mA. top& V) E! r3 ?1 u! D
B. peak
+ e0 G% m3 h& c/ }, n+ \% g, YC. limit
( i% H# S) c: m9 n  O1 GD. degree
1 e, @6 g% L7 a  B      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分& W) J2 ^& `# r$ [7 f! d5 U& T' q4 x. c) ^
10.  Too much () to the sunlight in the summer might damage your skin.
1 _$ m3 ]% @! ]3 T  \A. show, p* |: m: a% M" J' a7 f1 \7 d& V2 I
B. demonstration8 C5 R6 U( ]& P% X3 v/ ?
C. exposure
; p) s4 A) G8 RD. exhibition* a5 ~+ d( F: c+ p
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分5 u' [+ ~* [" }6 Q0 k) `' T
11.  Our world is dynamic, changing every day, not().
- g: n7 W! v4 O0 h7 JA. quiet
  g9 X& F7 U: Z/ `* e5 ?0 `B. static' G3 v$ S- c7 |# H4 q8 e, u6 B
C. silent
' y& C% q; x/ {D. hush7 y& h* q# Y' C+ K# s+ }
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
  P5 R: C1 q6 T; `12.  He often () fun at his deskmate, who is undersized.
' v0 M5 n, w3 hA. pokes0 {1 t/ [( s$ V4 I8 f" s& Q
B. makes* C& M1 ]* _  E7 F9 S1 [
C. causes# ~9 h# z+ m4 t+ y
D. shows) O) }. G* M/ ~
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
$ I5 H; P4 _' S% O' W! Y" }13.  The husband’s () on her made Helen finally decide to get a divorce.
5 h* R0 p/ F' O' I* FA. fight
0 w$ n4 S9 Q9 |1 f4 GB. betrayal
5 z" e9 G4 C2 NC. go
! d/ H/ v3 q) O1 W$ hD. waste8 ~; V- ?' u  Q* l0 a
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分* H' ]4 A! P# f/ J
14.  Teachers warn students that () to computer games is dangerous.( u8 ^& D* B' N5 i' \' t1 @
A. liking
! x1 [) e2 ^' ~B. addiction$ o* }5 I* X) ?
C. preference0 i' C4 A0 h: u. [) @7 m
D. playing
8 ^" W/ ~$ R6 s; @5 Y: t4 \( Z+ ?      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分4 W: t; K/ m5 x. Z  o2 G
15.  The financial () the country is experiencing now has put a lot of workers out of job.
0 Y( x! _; a; z$ |. E# TA. difficulty% V, H. s+ p1 T' b% O$ E
B. crisis% h( J# W& e6 J. J5 h: Y
C. collapse% q1 X* g" F# A- W4 A6 g! ~; Q
D. prosperity. r7 t0 d% j1 o" E! N6 f
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
3 z9 _% H' L) O16.  In the consumer society, brand () is important to the survival of business.
& O% U2 w  W6 U8 k! g9 w. zA. buyer. d  d3 h9 [: I0 B
B. recognition. h1 {+ ]8 E3 I4 Y; C* s4 ?5 \
C. success# r1 Y% v, F4 j7 N
D. effect; X/ F2 z3 ?$ ^  w: R
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
( O* S* _0 E. N17.  The package cost $5 as the () fare.% Y7 k. n' E' g7 z+ B$ p5 z5 @. i
A. carriage
" I# o$ W) Q- H6 ~6 v) z5 B) GB. transportation) g# E5 r! B$ V) U
C. postal
4 G3 s  |' I: z3 x1 z1 bD. passing3 X* S! `: C  {+ l2 Z6 k6 `
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分: t7 I9 Z* C' e4 d3 Q' [. v
18.  His newly-() album became a hit.
( L1 g9 G  o( T" W/ h& i0 NA. discovered% t* k3 l' l! h, Q: ^
B. released- _: @& r" z6 f: d& f+ l* ^
C. made6 g: d' U; H3 c/ ^
D. produced
: B1 h; T( v; U" h% M3 e      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分$ E5 T  j& p2 g! F! H
19.  Jenny is not in the()for going to the party tonight.
) K( D( a" [# g! j3 k" IA. temper5 x* t$ y, m2 i& T/ u
B. condition" P" Z- l9 }+ o1 ^! ^9 k3 l
C. mood
) ~( f) H* ^: s' {7 W$ d& I7 YD. health
* P- I. q1 V6 R7 K# G. I8 h      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分! `* O2 u$ F3 X" }
20.  You can find his office number in a telephone ().
4 ?7 \1 r- q3 j' X$ vA. book. A" t8 ^$ v2 }& E- f" g% D% `
B. directory
2 p4 g( T; d% c; A9 A9 X4 }( l1 O- DC. record
  ~1 w7 S0 C7 R+ y) X' ZD. operator0 U, o/ `6 _5 {7 ]' r. P; I( j
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分 6 M- J- l4 R$ u; ^; }, X
8 j+ l3 f& D9 w
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  The urban population in () is increasing very fast.
, `9 ^( C; z& A% M' F0 ~A. developing countries: W8 C" _, F. d
B. Indian
. Z5 p" O) ?# ZC. Canada
! y+ o  }2 ]: M' k" @- ND. Nigeria
& ]- C  |2 h" K8 f& `7 M      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
& d& \; z  a4 ~' d% v/ g: ^2.  What is the problem with human beings according to Amrit Desai?, l* G& n2 |$ k) l/ z5 \
A. We have become addicted and greedy consumers
" G6 [3 n3 x/ K) f4 \; ?B. We ignore the connection between our demands and the exploitation of Earth.% ^4 c- L0 l1 b, s* y
C. We care for our earth a lot.
% H1 e9 o3 z, r$ \D. We often abuse the natural resources for our well-being.
. N7 a. |  i+ \( o2 C* ], n      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
! }. R7 e6 ?8 ~3 K. M1 n- O3.  A Faraway Friend ().
% _- H$ p/ {6 V! R! lA. is someone you grew up with or went to school with or lived in the same town until one of you moved away
# H. T: ~, l+ bB. calls late at night
3 E) ~4 K) i8 [. U* B& ^4 aC. says she is coming to visit and shows up as a surprise
: r2 a8 I. H* M; U! w3 ]# j/ \D. goes through phrases of intense communication, then maybe out of touch f1 }; I3 Q$ D! l" s' p8 U. I6 w
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分8 f! W& _" Q, w6 ~0 M' w
4.  According to the passage, her pride in being a volunteer in the Olympics does not increased all the more when she was ().
5 h3 _( g' F5 O- Y0 E4 r  B; OA. wearing the colorful volunteer uniform and greeting the others in the street* ^9 F& A  i5 f* X+ O
B. learning more about staging a major multi-sport event
8 m4 v' Y1 @( [  p3 F) U/ o$ _C. understanding better a whole range of issues related to the Games
% U, q, [! j6 [8 s$ bD. joining the ranks of those working in the front line
' q3 H6 ]) ~7 Q* v. f  c6 i" _      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
+ l$ p# E6 ]5 W# p5.  The educational systems in western countries show that().2 D! U: }6 I: m# g
A. students do not often memorize information9 N7 w2 U- `1 Q
B. students work individually and find answers themselves
0 j9 p6 I2 i+ k8 Z) X$ J0 q8 JC. students express their ideas in class discussion: b  r3 u! C% G6 b2 `7 p! g' i) m7 ?
D. teachers teach for most of the class time
) @; G) {7 U4 a, i' ~2 q      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
0 U# L+ k! |% B! w* ~6.  In most Asian societies, the people have the same().
; v! ~6 H+ w1 S  Y  e# P6 S+ oA. skin color! h( Y' G! `% o- X; M" B. Y' K
B. language
" V5 z7 |" M, [2 B; P- ?- W" b) xC. history
1 d, k, [. I; O9 bD. culture
6 B; N" l3 k1 p' M      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
+ M: ~+ H+ f0 l- v) d0 m% r7.  Most workers spend eight or nine hours on the job because ().1 Z2 N) h4 e5 g4 J
A. they need to make enough money for necessities.8 v0 ^8 Z% T1 ~! i9 `
B. it’s unavoidable6 [# D- q6 }, I- f5 E4 i
C. they like it9 B" M9 T$ B8 |+ Z) B( G( Y
D. it is interesting
3 J) F( S  I% u0 p+ R9 [' U8 @      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分9 Z  C5 ^' h" {* b2 B. c" Z
8.  What are friends for?0 _; O; m* F5 f) R" z& B0 @2 |. e
A. They can provide help whenever it is needed.
  P( B0 q/ N7 y1 g2 P7 H5 OB. They can make you feel warm when you feel cold.
/ U# y2 X7 u6 s% Z& vC. They offer comfort when you are injured by others.
5 _0 m( [, U9 m- X" R: x% iD. They will always be there to support you whatever you do.
  x# k0 u9 g+ a, F/ B+ S$ j      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
) t; `( ?+ @9 v- S# y9.  What is not the advantage of the Asian system of education?
# W: y( @  q( j4 ~' kA. It prepares students for a society that values individualism.* k% B0 b+ l( S
B. Students cannot learn much math or science.3 i. ^5 k9 w! R! q/ j# c9 T
C. It prepares students for a society that values discipline and cooperation.
, A- i; d4 `9 T" t1 _D. Students learn to think for themselves.- W" s: S8 w" a( W4 D
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
6 ?- {/ d( r+ Z, b2 V: Q10.  Many Americans and Canadians want to().
: Y& b2 N& i. EA. escape from pollution
8 B4 S, G1 I: w, \( Y& ]. ~B. get away from crime
" r4 h. S$ y- n& a  D& hC. move away from crowds0 j  R2 J$ |5 R# I. ^: q6 \0 b
D. get rid of noise) e3 `% A4 B# u& M5 R
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
* h( X8 y( F  Z4 D( F* ?) k# i
. ^+ y9 S: Z* ?8 ?  E1 F: ~三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  Love can be described as a restless horse which would in the end overturns the carriage.# ]) e7 |8 Q3 w
A. 错误
$ N4 v' [5 h4 K$ z  MB. 正确
% h, v" o6 g( S5 {# H      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分6 L. J% N- S  N2 o3 b" z- |1 R7 k$ ?
2.  An actual visit from a faraway friend is worth celebration.* F$ @6 c- w( a$ z6 h8 t
A. 错误" x2 M( b7 U4 U# h+ y$ ~8 G- O9 t
B. 正确8 p6 J( F( O4 {# I0 S6 {
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分3 o9 |9 O7 l9 M4 p9 a
3.  Computers are only effective when problems are not clearly described in advance.; a" K, S1 c! M& i2 r1 G& v" Z8 M
A. 错误" t) C' O  S3 B' l4 i  B0 r7 m) Y
B. 正确
; p6 ^9 N! M; [3 C# s( M8 P      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分- A7 F  i+ {8 D' n7 Y; J; x" v& O
4.  Nor Paul Wylie believed that goals can be reached no matter how many obstacles and botched attempts lie in the way.
- d/ ?( p4 {: Z' [6 RA. 错误
3 U; A) Z' s0 X9 x0 T0 d' H* {" ZB. 正确
; C# }& h( ?: {* [' O      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
8 Q% `# o' l: e% F5.  They work only because they have to.
1 j. x0 X2 R3 _3 H! F( S0 Q/ sA. 错误
3 M- p# c  b" z" }. BB. 正确
) ]: L% e3 K( d      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分5 _! _5 Z. o1 s  f( P. {
6.  Only famous people want to sign the premarital agreements.& _! A- r2 w1 {, ?5 [# i1 g) y: \+ Q
A. 错误' F: E9 X" h/ w6 y, H
B. 正确
$ U4 C8 \2 @1 i3 o      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分' q; ?0 U9 n* o( k, M6 x
7.  It is easy to estimate the number of refugees worldwide.
6 d  L7 u9 S$ q' Y: mA. 错误
' \' B2 E" f9 {( |B. 正确  u' ^, }/ G& l+ ^
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
4 c' n  W) P2 u4 j) G) t# I4 r8.  Hero friends can easily make you sick& B0 P+ E! Y/ o9 w
A. 错误
& K1 Y( E9 w# f" `B. 正确$ O% n% Z6 M- d# ?# R$ O! U
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
* Q4 {1 Q& S9 i2 G3 j7 W' |9.  Twins separated at birth do sometimes share personality characteristics.
, u: k$ I: i/ m& e# E! ^. rA. 错误
7 i* D! G- E# s( pB. 正确0 p2 \0 W4 m% ~1 o
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分& Y4 O  [6 b( B9 g. R& ]
10.  Each child draws a different picture in western schools., }9 x' W- s# L/ f" X) ]
A. 错误
: N) f+ B4 r/ n. e  V6 b) U* aB. 正确7 s0 H. A+ \% U* h  t8 r  V
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
/ H* D! ?0 w1 i' Q! d) d
( T6 \9 S! O1 I8 n0 Q# B5 ]8 [
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