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发表于 2015-12-29 11:41:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  Nancy is a professional ice skater. She ____since she was a child.
! r1 ]* s& R3 g& [7 AA. has skated
) n" p& U! u  U+ U- e0 M2 A; @! yB. has been skating9 q4 m8 [6 ?( M- P# W
C. both tenses possible5 B" `1 @7 E# u6 i3 c
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分8 C; L. w8 [/ n, X' ^' ^" `0 O
2.  Acoustics is the science of sound and ( ) a factor which must be considered when building a theatre or a cinema.( Z# V1 @, M: K) ]' |  S) h' n
A. is
& I- v7 e6 `- _2 w4 M' {) I1 f( mB. are+ d: y8 g% I2 m+ ]
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分1 \  P% K4 T% H" C3 m
3.  I had to fix my window because Mark _____________ it.
7 T' o* U( f6 K' n& a4 xA. had been breaking
; t; O5 K+ m; K1 H& aB. had broken$ p( y  A/ e: \: [, [
C. was breaking
# p; p6 P) e  W/ T- i# }2 TD. breaks' X/ X: R; v  K1 J
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
" ^: L: u) m; C4.  The most important thing about cotton in history is ________ part that it played in ________Industrial Revolution.. f, I; p( @/ l* _& q7 J
A. /;/. X( ?1 T% L" Z: t: i6 E
B. the;/4 P9 ?# l" r: w. D% J" r' p
C. the ;the
& }& L  x" P5 b3 |- A# kD. a; the+ y4 s8 R- a( \2 w. N" m# v) u9 b
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
9 E3 Q# m5 r; W8 Z' l5.  I would like to speak ________ in charge here.; M6 H% V7 M) o/ G
A. the person! B0 g1 K& J9 J& B! `8 n
B. a person1 X  h3 _2 N' B4 q" y& o
C. person
1 }8 l. o& p* I6 Q( B, A8 z9 C; ^9 [D. persons
, k# s5 f% @6 A; J9 [" b4 u6 n      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分/ l. F/ p8 ~& q1 _$ T
6.  The sun rises in the east, remember. It’s behind us, so we ( ).- f2 O1 v9 y% [9 q" A* W
A. are traveling' l. x8 b5 L( s4 r% [  t7 v) d0 m
B. traveling
5 G- F/ k' H+ l0 ~! Z      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
/ @3 B7 m& Q# R  s) a7.  They usually travel to the mountains, but this summer they ( ) to the beach.
6 C  f: K( A) _' d: R1 KA. travel( a5 O$ J& v6 X
B. are traveling
- r+ e( h( |1 A      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分. }9 l: I4 I3 ?
8.  _______________ my letter?
$ F7 O; h. H; ?3 tA. Had you posted+ l% Y& _; \4 K2 L1 G, R
B. Have you been posting
* d' z/ E6 N( V/ \  TC. Have you posted2 H' D) s' ]. x: G3 s- w* r
D. Have you been posted
. y1 F& g3 |& {' }      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分* G0 p' t$ a1 L1 s8 d) z/ W! R  T
9.  She can hardly avoid making mistakes in her homework __________ hard she tries.
( B$ ^* I0 Q" A7 qA. for
# `5 \1 \' _# A: T4 I0 j! ]B. for as
' w- y% p% V, TC. how$ c# N( N! G* M
D. however4 d) _8 {9 h3 l+ X( P
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分! c; D! W5 C( }9 j
10.  You have been drinking tea all day. You ( ) at least ten cups.$ J! U. v6 u+ I4 n  q+ x
A. have been drinking
( M$ N6 ?. U& o4 B* n, Y6 x( WB. have drunk
' e3 o9 c: f& r      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
  E) O3 P0 t/ u6 Z, i' {3 |11.  Mr Green likes books with large print. He ( ) them more easily.0 O* q7 c: T/ p) K, k, J: Q; m! v
A. can read
+ N6 i3 ^+ E3 S0 Z- I3 V/ P" w! eB. does read
  D  n- n& p+ s, w3 s" ~      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分+ u2 n  h* S8 M6 X, S2 r
12.  A computer _______ think for itself; it must be told what to do./ @1 I9 n/ y7 q2 J3 {8 K7 x
A. can’t4 s5 `! G8 R; i1 y+ Y  M' g% r; i
B. couldn’t  ^* a" s+ I$ ^' ~( s* z) D
C. may not
$ R# a) P! z- b3 o' V; F4 [D. wasn’t able to* k- m( v9 W/ {9 o; f& L
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分* ~7 f& o, R+ M) R3 z' m/ o" `
13.  The Smiths spent the weekend in the countryside as they _____ to work on Sunday.4 \" j0 g) B) q
A. needn’t have gone to
; F' G; g% `1 ]4 ~* ?& V, |B. mustn’t go
! M$ F' F" y  V+ }1 [4 o+ e) i' IC. weren’t necessary to go. W# U* ~  e( E2 U8 @# y
D. didn’t have to go9 y0 X1 @' V6 a3 A3 }
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
* L7 V; [2 `+ v/ B1 C( }14.  The question ( )we need has not yet been considered.
7 _# m0 b/ N5 k% Z" fA. what; I: E, s* T1 f' S' N0 I
B. that
: v* i0 n) J" p0 a6 A% Q      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分. H+ I! g+ x% S" A. P
15.  --Where are Rose and Nancy?--They ______ the flowers in the garden.# Q) q# z' e- A3 H  h/ C% ]- {/ V
A. must have watered6 `4 c% k! Y+ g0 i
B. must be watered
3 y5 h- ~! }: T: JC. must water
; _( u: ?1 l. \# N! o: @. SD. must be watering
9 k# d0 l/ g  ^- [  `      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
6 E* s! R$ P7 C! u4 Q9 _: I16.  You won’t find Jerry at home right now. He ______ in the library.
" F* M- y: |. B) u! HA. studies
. v* U4 I9 S3 |$ I& PB. is studying$ J  @. u8 n  m) o
C. studied
  N# ]% n( _4 V! C2 O4 T% DD. has studied! ~3 N1 C( n. d7 |, A1 k( O
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分3 u9 [- i: c5 j! v+ A- t, J
17.  It _____ quite hard-perhaps we shouldn’t go out tonight.
! F0 L( ]3 w0 _+ h# v' TA. snows
+ q" |% Y, h- n( l2 l6 ]; m8 fB. is snowing5 ^8 d4 A+ q5 u! E0 X' D
C. snowed
- f) ^" ~5 V' N; f7 }D. had snowed3 n+ Y6 z: E! `/ g% ]3 \
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分. X( R7 a0 g/ p7 S9 M* q: ]* O
18.  The cakes are delicious. He’d like to have ________third one because ________second one is rather too small.( l9 s5 O( n$ C# {) B
A. a; a
1 G: S& [7 b: j+ WB. the; the% {7 Y0 i# B: l+ `4 S4 t
C. a; the
5 w, Q; S1 V$ W+ gD. the; a
* t% o( T( w- X, D, S1 I      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分% n7 u0 f& Y- G) v: V2 {
19.  The test is for students ( )native language is not English.
. m2 o4 |3 C$ P% Y/ K( j' oA. whose
6 i0 E) a5 W" O( D# B  LB. who) A  d" V! p' ]; i- M; V( \
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
+ V6 q+ ~* G5 O. |20.  Could I have ( ) cream, please? Thank you.( }7 t' t$ e4 n! j; h0 x9 q
A. a# [  d- x3 b: h; Z
B. the
+ h; @$ _0 B1 S: R5 e; V( K/ t      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
2 J% B& l$ e, q( P- S* i% c! A. h
( w1 K& w4 B! w6 Z二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  I could lead you to the shop which I bought it.' |" e1 k, ~. G0 f* j
A. 错误9 C3 r: `$ u" H9 e# k4 h
B. 正确0 B, C( u1 l& s; a, Z% D
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分0 ~8 u$ E, U2 H6 k0 W! ^
2.  The more you argue with him, the less notice he takes.. ~6 v& i5 d& }6 M
A. 错误7 L: Y$ Z9 R* w  {- [% i
B. 正确
  d/ o* t; [' v  ]      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
( c" g5 k( W- Z3.  The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject./ ^0 r- X% A: L4 T7 U  d( ^* O
A. 错误
8 E- V3 u+ H8 s. c7 uB. 正确
0 |5 B& l2 z8 _% h; P+ M/ D1 |* D      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分# u( j& J) D* k# `9 q' v
4.  Those who show a little interest in improving people’s lives are unfit to be government officials.
/ R1 M) \# v/ Z- D3 CA. 错误
5 n: F; g1 u' R: N6 h$ mB. 正确
1 W+ ]9 O- x. f, V5 L- T      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分/ C7 \( D. }- |* A1 Z
5.  Adam was busy writing.
) U6 C' \1 }3 |2 bA. 错误
- J( t% K* Q: K* P. FB. 正确
: l/ ~  M! f2 Z6 i& A- H# m/ o      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
' w, d' t- j( ]/ ^6.  I am now belonging to the local tennis club.. J" c; m! o, w0 b
A. 错误# n0 T4 }( @. U+ a$ u1 F
B. 正确$ P/ j. ^$ I- S. R1 J
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
( K) \$ f+ P8 K6 x, M0 C7.  He is a man everybody respects.
1 T* b$ j) V* _9 ~' X8 p: jA. 错误" g, ]6 {' q; W7 @; r4 i
B. 正确
) o4 ?& [9 j' a/ \$ T7 I+ j% |4 L      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分! Q# I' O* m% X( D0 g
8.  That night there was a rainfall and I woke heared the rain lashing the window-panes.
; t: x. I4 v/ w7 e5 A) oA. 错误; Y0 I. O3 R2 }! U" I4 ~
B. 正确8 d; D- i, q7 [- p
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分4 a; \% L3 k# a3 d- n3 E
9.  Most of the doors he knocked seemed bolted.
  A, Q! @- Y2 }8 ]% D: ZA. 错误" \3 K9 b- n, p3 C
B. 正确
2 T5 k3 {; W- ]4 D9 D) x      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分1 B8 L* ]3 m  T4 e& S
10.  That she answered the question correctly pleased him enormously.% v' p2 h+ @! W
A. 错误9 T% K; D& w. _) K' S  T- t
B. 正确
5 E0 X* N, o3 D# B) @0 Y; t; @      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分0 H1 H0 X2 P: c4 [9 @- \
11.  The clock struck thirteen, which made everyone laugh.
' y6 P& i8 f- ]! ^0 w/ ZA. 错误
/ F- e9 D# o3 M6 w4 UB. 正确
4 O4 D2 s! n, A9 {6 A: w/ U& e      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分9 _4 g( e1 I$ y( ?* l( L
12.  The lowest pressure ratio which will give an acceptable performance is always chosen.
  H: `. x& a% a' KA. 错误  N7 ?1 k6 F, e& }! m# a
B. 正确
. k( j+ j! D- G4 x0 g6 ?4 a6 M" B# @      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
1 ~$ \3 o# i# d$ U% T' m13.  This is Peter, in his house I’ve lived for five years.
+ h% t) m3 k7 l; O1 L5 R* c2 IA. 错误
5 ]% G0 T0 `7 m7 c# ^B. 正确
( k5 m' C: z9 C9 u' c5 O- N      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
2 H4 j! Q1 D- K, D# e- C14.  I will never forget the day when has been marked up in the history.
  q! ~0 L: }& K5 f: N- fA. 错误
1 ~: P; \6 P. J- ]B. 正确: ~' f' |3 G$ A7 o& }3 t
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分1 b9 T0 W/ [9 X6 w! H$ U  i
15.  In 1909, the Frenchman, Louis Bleriot, managed to fly across the English Channel.
1 b5 m9 h' A  s& N5 o; F. RA. 错误
0 Y- J7 C3 j. [1 W% sB. 正确+ n# I: c) O# f& P0 ^5 `% q
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分6 z1 n, D! R" @3 B) S' }
16.  Ann enjoyed literature and so do her friends.
6 I, T8 r6 h9 Z. \& d6 a# {( }) GA. 错误: d6 G5 _# P: _0 p
B. 正确
, }0 L0 V; n! S$ \4 L      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分) r6 {/ i) ~. c
17.  Do you know anyone that family is in Xi’an.5 z$ ?1 j) r4 {) o& @6 f9 ~
A. 错误
9 _, y  }/ Z3 c( B* a& ^+ t, R) qB. 正确, \* \5 W8 I# o3 j5 f
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
4 `+ s* p8 z9 H18.  The old lady must feel the cold a great deal because she doesn’t go out in the winter.. f5 q+ H2 Y' h  u2 N3 m* K) ^$ _6 f3 ?
A. 错误& ^  X% h& p1 f4 x3 F' m, A
B. 正确: A: z* \: Y: E( Z
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
; u, ]: t5 u! g8 B. g/ E+ J  v  b19.  At the moment, we’re owning three cars.
  P7 ~% N, _5 H8 |: lA. 错误$ m, _2 v* Y+ H: Y, f
B. 正确9 l0 F; d9 w9 D7 ~& q
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分- t3 A+ `! H+ ?! W
20.  They will come to the conclusion that linguistics is very important to language teachers.
6 o9 i7 w0 S0 Y! ?A. 错误
) r/ O. a  c5 j$ a4 c! JB. 正确) j6 l' C$ i  p! ^& c
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分 3 ^& ?/ u7 p* T+ b* L

9 ?4 ^5 r' m5 F+ K
发表于 2015-12-29 11:51:17 | 显示全部楼层

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