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发表于 2016-1-3 11:34:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、多选(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.  Metaphor is NOT used in ________.
. Z) l% D6 V6 z9 B  n1 |A. Good prose is like a window pane.
/ X5 n) n6 f+ s4 Q* N$ PB. A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table, where a matchbox, half open, lay beside the inkpot.4 c! b6 _" s5 j( p
C. Writers share this characteristic … in short, with the whole top crust of humanity.. A3 z2 b3 Q7 s* n
D. I cannot say with certainty which of my motives are the strongest, but I know which of them deserve to be followed.
' A/ k1 R. V8 w) l' b      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
: T0 a. ^7 e# J/ a8 z7 ^2.  Simile is applied in ________.
" S( F4 E3 v& d: p5 B' Q( NA. In politics, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot.
2 d  E: ?5 ]  M8 p) y4 Q" l3 NB. And is it not, perhaps, a drug which—like opium—has to be taken in continually stronger doses to produce the desired effect?' Z8 g! p3 M9 u8 R6 A
C. When the Arabs, who had been used to living sparingly on a few dates, acquired the riches of the Eastern Roman Empire…
! U# E& B: b& y5 ?$ n) v7 I# `D. What he thought was, “I must have a Navy as good as Grandmamma’s.”
1 B( V; V$ {, i. r, l6 L! U0 a! v7 m      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
2 J; e0 l4 P7 U! G7 _3.  Antithesis is used in ________.8 j# W0 z  ]5 |# f# p
A. She said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and even more intelligent than college professors.
( J- w% h% c* V9 T  l3 \1 @6 s8 a3 }B. … I heard the soft-voiced Mrs. Flowers and the textured voice of my grandmother merging and melting.- \7 F+ b# l. ]3 O: F7 D
C. The sweet scent of vanilla had met us as she opened the door.
+ u  V) Z4 Y  D: t# \( TD. I wanted to gobble up the room entire and take it to Bailey, who would help me analyze and enjoy it.# r$ z# |7 }0 B( e% ^+ k, w
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分! d. X) R1 d' N2 ~/ P
4.  Which of the sentences below use the rhetorical device of parallelism?/ q8 d. G0 n/ i! W+ ]$ `! U
A. But it has an equally sacred right to explain that position in the light of the opposing one, to document that position, and to bolster it, not with emotion but with fact.  U# [4 X) O6 T$ ^+ Z  a) c
B. The one is dereliction; the other is deception.; a& v' d  a! j" u7 Z
C. It is easier to print wire services dispatches than have a reporter on the beat. It is easier to buy syndicated columns than find—and train—local talent. It is easier to let the ads dictate the format than develop a format that elevates news above dogfood. It is easier to write editorial copy that appeals to emotion rather than reason. And in handling straight news, it is easier to assume the pious mantel of objectivity than to edit.
: e' U$ e) c( z' ID. They have elevated the influence of fools to that of wise men; the ignorant to the level of the learned; the evil to the level of the good.
1 j9 n7 o( P" |8 p" P      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分 9 q1 p7 n) q$ O+ o& V1 V

6 u6 V% v( }4 U$ k, t二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)V 1.  (Four Choices for Young People) To deal with such problems, the young should draw on the experiences of the old rather than reject them altogether.
8 L6 ^$ H; ?! Z- TA. 错误5 e3 q8 y1 `7 `# z  @
B. 正确9 E0 g8 u8 K" d+ F
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分7 d; E7 f" D1 E" L7 D
2.  (Vivisection) Though the infliction of pain in itself is an evil act, it requires no justification if it can be done for a good purpose.$ G$ r5 D  w3 A' O0 J; Z" N) {$ K- f
A. 错误
  B' ~! e& b! W: ?" \" [B. 正确
& @5 _: l8 F" ]% \, q2 l& n) a. A" V      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分0 T+ l+ A% H! Y5 N% _3 C; i, u! B2 V* q
3.  (I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) The Watts riots give rise to a flourishing of ghetto literature and art.
5 J+ ]) W, O: BA. 错误
  b# `7 L- g6 |B. 正确
% C+ W) B% ^) W! L# d3 ?( {      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分+ q/ ~0 L4 ]. q, J4 H3 F7 H
4.  The Watts riots were a massive action led by a few civil rights leaders.  P& |. O1 s9 r! a( ]
A. 错误
( ~- q& L% M7 U2 d# d2 _B. 正确' T7 J1 R$ t& s) e& h% q
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
% K6 B* ^2 @+ ]/ f: _* ^: F) s, s5.  (On Human Nature and Politics) Some criminals enjoy seeing public accounts of their worst acts.
4 p9 c" n' v) E% S  u  A9 bA. 错误$ h* K" ^4 z" j- V) U6 N  K7 g; F
B. 正确
1 A: \# k- W: ^9 w' O# Z9 z      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
/ G% |% P; B; f% l* }9 e- Y2 Y6.  Mrs. Flowers had already learned that Marguerite was a quiet girl who read a lot but did not like to talk." J2 ]% ^5 E7 b
A. 错误7 o" J" `. |- c8 q( b
B. 正确
* }0 H1 U6 I4 c% n7 F  @1 d; [      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分/ A5 h5 v  b- g
7.  Marguerite met Mrs. Flowers in the town of Stamps where the Blacks and whites were equal.# [0 z) Z- v: ]/ g; A
A. 错误  A" C8 I$ y) d" b
B. 正确  ~) F* P# z! K# q6 q0 I& M" O
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分  k4 G8 i  [! I; ]2 _: W+ ^
8.  Some idealists can choose the fourth alternative because they are more practical, though no less determined, in changing society.
) E! m) d. p" ^6 ]A. 错误! |) W( i% e& U9 C
B. 正确3 B- l. U& V  \3 R
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
/ U" k$ t) z) D' D9.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) Priestley thinks he will become more famous if people know what is in his mind when he is sleepless.* _6 D1 X# z/ A7 d# a
A. 错误
0 \* ^  T1 a+ H* [; d$ VB. 正确2 z3 K9 G/ S0 X
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分1 \5 E  H- }4 h$ C$ D
10.  (Eveline) Eveline was more attracted to Frank by his wide experience than by his person.
1 U; a# f. t7 K" C# O( G& TA. 错误
- t: S' X! E0 x2 q8 ZB. 正确( W+ B' C+ F% a
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分( u7 b3 V1 M" G, u0 [$ X
11.  Sociologists and psychologists point out that Americans begin losing their ideas of liberty and individualism in the home.. e$ \7 e" z6 N6 O6 T' u9 L
A. 错误
  K1 i+ x; q5 J8 E5 mB. 正确
3 c5 q' @* {& P# [- z2 X      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分( `) G* R& O5 m, j
12.  (What’s Wrong with Our Press?) The same survey reveals contradictory responses to the credibility of newspapers and television.
" e* \# X* }" e: w& l4 yA. 错误/ o  E( Q& v) J% p1 g5 l
B. 正确
8 i7 O" C. @9 t4 e+ E6 {7 C9 k4 {      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分' s* U3 |. W' j% p
13.  (The Trouble with Television) The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.
+ s9 j" K- J: t% a) KA. 错误) T4 e& n8 e+ D$ q2 z- U* ?' {
B. 正确9 o# U3 p; E  y7 f
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分% e8 m+ ?$ i- a, M! U
14.  Lacking direct evidence, scientists have assumed that gorillas live in a manner similar to that of humans.
1 \; ^5 `! F# s- z* lA. 错误
3 Z) w* P( L* f; e/ G% g% X$ LB. 正确
1 e, L; H0 r; Z" ?4 M7 b- Y- B, x3 n      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分, t8 [3 }6 E; Y% M. S+ I  f
15.  Every Saturday night Eveline‘s father got angry because she was such a wasteful girl.& a) O( T0 y- i: w
A. 错误
! n$ n& I' m* j7 dB. 正确- W2 l# C9 y* Y" G  A" h
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
2 V8 R0 i  [+ [$ R1 A16.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) The author was sure that he would stand firm to gaze at the gorilla when he met one because he was brave.) V8 ]" t5 O# F- p
A. 错误
  U0 V6 a/ v7 P% o  y/ g* RB. 正确
/ Y9 r& V' n. c5 v0 x      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
& D( J$ K5 _4 n7 \; z/ ]17.  (Science Has Spoiled My Supper) The author thinks it wrong to cut costs by mass-producing “standardized” cheese.
. D$ U2 B: Y9 s- ]% Z% L. a5 jA. 错误7 G* n0 p- f) v7 j. W- C5 Q
B. 正确
: \  w! m' i4 x8 P3 d      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
7 Y6 }$ d% F- m7 P( l) {! A18.  (What to Listen for in Music) Musical listening is actually done on the three planes simultaneously.
$ B. b' x5 `* ~8 X( s4 L  VA. 错误
5 t6 Z$ e9 Q; e4 A# fB. 正确& C2 r1 M( J/ ^# C4 d
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分. T& O  g0 a/ c
19.  Clara had a peculiar taste of the physical world around her.+ [2 y. U3 {9 F+ j
A. 错误# Y( h, P6 ?: e: V4 [9 j, p, y
B. 正确* a/ {6 v- _( T
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
9 X1 L9 K3 C- K; {6 y- }. `7 `2 Z20.  The mental problems of the old are untreatable.) c! P( ^7 B6 |& R" d
A. 错误, d! W8 C2 N, U! m7 S9 k
B. 正确
  R; r1 \$ @# d2 z3 P* t, O# a      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
, l' B$ C7 q, W4 ^4 z1 L) M* O21.  (What’s Wrong with Our Press?) Documentaries on TV help the audience to digest the news and come to its own conclusions.! ~1 W8 E5 o1 k/ M0 z& Y
A. 错误
0 b. x- U1 k0 T* bB. 正确. O, Q" v9 a7 {! _" P) {, h
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
6 G5 s' [) q  E22.  (I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) According to the author, most American men are still reluctant to that there is prejudice against women.
$ t  n2 J  r2 d& S. ~6 [) x( xA. 错误
7 Z/ Y6 s6 `! d5 G1 PB. 正确) N0 L4 J7 x( A- Z- Y/ T. v5 x
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
: K, D# F1 x  B+ U23.  Though the infliction of pain in itself is an evil act, it requires no justification if it can be done for a good purpose.- X# ~7 P  ^3 f. ~8 s0 T& [6 w
A. 错误
) q& e2 l8 C  R7 sB. 正确2 |2 u" k2 F" g
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分8 U+ ^7 X" v! B; I
24.  (Eveline) Ernest, Harry and Little Keogh were all Eveline’s brothers.
( k, D  ?4 N. _- K" K$ y1 b/ N8 {A. 错误9 c) r/ c& u( L  u6 j' |5 W6 }* g
B. 正确% v& j* F2 Y7 T: U# i% b6 x
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
% V. s: G! h- v3 Y% _; Q+ t25.  As Americans are eating second-rate foods of more or less the same kind, they are actually eating the way hogs used to be fed by their ancestors.
. l, }- I; r$ ]$ n# }1 I1 i0 OA. 错误" F4 ?* x, v( c* [% u
B. 正确6 K) ?! a. _% F1 C, V% _! i( P$ a
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分  g7 i8 p* j" l' h% f
26.  (On Human Nature and Politics) The sons of a sultan fought because they were by different mothers.
# R; X- y* m+ UA. 错误
  |4 w5 Z1 _5 g) S$ P: v: O- kB. 正确
  P2 M  i% H# g+ a- b% Z5 Y9 a0 K      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分0 F! |8 X  e8 ~+ C9 W1 Z9 E/ w
27.  Mrs. Flowers read to Marguerite a poem from the book A Tale of Two Cities.; b1 N# x. O  z3 e: B+ h0 C  m! ^
A. 错误; b2 Z, A; G- |9 L- }
B. 正确, c8 O7 l! W( m9 |; m' O, `  y
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
* V4 C! y- q* p/ a28.  To amuse herself and to tease her teachers, Clara pretended to waver between Arts and Science.
. f7 h4 M; t: w/ k/ XA. 错误
9 s4 P9 f, d/ q# y6 Y" J/ xB. 正确1 n$ Q2 [" F; ], ~+ |
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分- t) x4 V( y- S. E' O5 Q! E6 k
29.  She is not satisfied with the present status of women in the American political world because she despises the tedious and specific jobs.
# I. k: `/ c$ b0 T7 @% d# P$ @; gA. 错误
* M9 z! A2 Y9 [3 C9 NB. 正确* e) Y4 j/ V& M  i
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分0 \  U" z7 f( z
30.  (The Tragedy of Old Age in America) Old women fare worse than old men simply because they have a longer life expectancy., d+ s4 D, O1 l! X7 A7 q  X& i
A. 错误
/ r# R0 @$ n+ b. ]/ ~B. 正确
+ B) o5 N; |( j* F& s% y      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
" {7 U& f; A9 T! J! Q31.  (Rock Superstars) Elvis Presley’s appearance on TV set the young and old viewers quarreling with each other.' [- v1 D3 K; M
A. 错误: ~7 w: Z4 H' `4 W* A* N* S
B. 正确4 z: W6 Z* z& V/ p3 p
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分
6 v. b: {% Q% b) z32.  (The Trouble with Television) News on TV is read very fast and made too brief and incoherent to be comprehensive.
  n: J9 Z1 }: M4 z1 z0 B! j. U, nA. 错误: Z' a/ A! p- p% L6 _
B. 正确
: Q7 w( [8 i; z0 m$ U5 h      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分0 j% |6 G2 u, j9 i8 {
33.  People choosing the second alternative hate human civilization and are unwilling to contribute anything to it.
  g9 H7 ~0 z' \* d* e$ nA. 错误
- [$ q  y3 G0 @6 V. l* U$ dB. 正确
0 W" E! |7 p. n9 ?5 P5 X% x6 s' C* a      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分* `: d  p; d& U- A( O
34.  (The Tragedy of Old Age in America) Old people who are poor have been poor all their lives.
! ?- M. @" z$ ]* D7 y5 wA. 错误6 z$ Y+ s- c+ d- Y7 ~
B. 正确; I  m. N. h: H) P& _3 o: w
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分5 G* {' e; A# N' v
35.  (Why I Write) Orwell believes that talented people have individual ambition which is a motive to drive them on.
% x8 o- W5 }6 t; Y( IA. 错误) i' w7 s* O* Q& m
B. 正确, n2 g0 Y( C5 l6 v! U
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分9 e7 t8 [5 g8 @2 c+ d; i3 C
36.  (Science Has Spoiled My Supper) The most notable device of style in this essay is hyperbole, deliberate exaggeration for effect., M0 L) M; a+ C# ^/ L( ]
A. 错误
! b- a7 z$ Z8 {- A) Q, sB. 正确0 d. `1 X% H) z' E7 Q: r1 ?; Z
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2.5  分 8 z7 `# Z) P" P7 s  o
& D8 U( ~' a8 F
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