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发表于 2016-1-3 12:04:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  The smallest distinctive linguistic unit that can contrast words in meaning and in form is called a ________.
6 I6 Q6 T. }, ]) k2 X% tA. phoneme
' Q( k7 y4 a$ M. x* S" T6 Q; z$ kB. phone# N5 V  k# ]- }+ |9 ?6 K! L" S
C. morpheme% o; N& p) c7 A" C9 @* h- L4 T
D. morph' R" k' ?8 z- D* I7 s0 R' l* D
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
/ U7 f& d% _2 _5 Y2.  [u:] possesses the features _____________.
2 a, w- u( |9 j9 ]# Y0 ]A. [+high][+back][+round][-tense]
" ~8 H; [# m4 m4 x( [& C9 TB. [+high][-back][+round][+tense]
# y1 l3 `  E- ?5 N3 nC. [+high][+back][+round][+tense]% z) x) V: i, Q$ ~
D. [-high][+back][+round][+tense]) s; M3 c- n3 F. Q, B
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
6 i" B. l$ R: i; l& y3.  Kodak (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法). R. d' ^; _- M) r; G6 t9 u& W6 h+ Q
A. Sound Reduplication
% U. e- ]8 r' f7 zB. Coinage, E0 ~# [9 A; _: Q
C. Eponym
$ }0 \9 `8 U4 |D. Clipping$ B, ?' L3 |3 k# k1 ~. o( T
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
- M/ o9 i/ B/ I7 E8 F+ z$ |* e& Z4.  An editor is a person that (edits) a newspaper. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)
# A& b4 w/ H. j  h( J! dA. Conversion
# h# e3 b6 y: H" fB. Backformation
: E' t5 h+ k0 w8 ^C. Blending
& X9 X- F; I' C7 W1 }, eD. Compounding8 [& ?9 C- O  f+ w# X" U) j
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分+ C4 Z' h: C6 m: o5 G6 a6 I
5.  The pioneering investigation carried out by William Labov in New York City in 1966 was to test ______ among different groups of speakers." `" }, n& E; i) d  T# p
A. sociolects
* X: c4 O0 m/ q6 r5 V3 V  S4 HB. registers
! Z& j/ U4 U' ~( fC. regional dialects# X! p+ S& Y; J
D. accents
9 h# i' F/ K( c: M4 h8 O1 j4 d" x      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分& H3 a6 y" `& V4 q
6.  The fact that Eskimos has seven words for different types of snow but there is not a single word equivalent to snow supports the idea of ______.
1 \" {. ^2 N6 e5 P3 kA. linguistic determinism
0 \6 b& Y4 R+ X/ v. NB. linguistic relativism
: |  g. h1 z+ ?' r' s* y  `C. different cognitive capacities of different people, B3 Z8 p0 T( Z
D. different linguistic capacities of different people
. ]6 X% q6 t* W# b6 r$ l      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
; R, N) b; L: o) M7.  to machinegun (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)
5 o1 h) O6 q+ N" U" o5 h# r! IA. Derivation5 H+ P: \  c, [$ [
B. Conversion
/ s) h5 Y5 Y% f% V! w* yC. Backformation
% n2 \2 b" F" t8 N" iD. Blending
, p, }- m$ K2 I# n      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分0 V) L2 l0 x% r, o8 A
8.  ____________is a process that creates new words by dropping a real or supposed suffix. Edit was originally backformed from editor, and peddle from peddler.
  B& `9 V& Z& T& V- nA. Information% i" E: g5 t4 J' T; J
B. backformula
8 w% ^" [0 q# F5 q: G3 A( I+ ?C. backformation( I) A4 L' q4 ?: W. t7 {* A" a# R" Q
D. backformative6 m7 E5 l( X* J# ~* t
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分1 G5 r- O* _) ^" M! P0 Y
9.  ______ is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field., d& O. T; f4 t# `! O6 I
A. variety
6 Q/ k/ N  Q* C+ u! N- V: V- iB. register+ Q  o; V: R3 S4 c# d9 v
C. dialect
) Y$ s3 _5 \1 f8 _) I8 o+ k# sD. Creole+ M  `" d8 ~) p! t$ h" B
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分" ?# M# U1 s7 v( B! ^
10.  “John explained the theory” is a ___________ process according to Halliday.
- Q: T: [# l! ]A. material
* K. m: P8 b8 kB. mental
6 \3 M' w1 X* o9 s# \% v; q* xC. verbal+ i1 Z) F$ G' j$ I1 S* ]1 y  h
D. behavioral9 C/ @7 `# d3 ^
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
' D6 `/ z% T: W0 Q/ A4 M6 Y11.  may be defined as the scientific study of language.' b- B9 Y8 T( p5 Q9 |
A. Morphology
, N8 P) X* r- w0 @( f$ @. G2 H, [6 XB. Linguistics. j% p+ r5 x. [+ s! `( b- y% V
C. Phonology
" M; |  b- J/ ?3 g* ]8 @D. Phonetics; u; `  c' |* y( @  P6 A7 f3 b
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
3 ?5 M' g' E8 H7 l' O12.  ____ is a typical tone language.
7 e+ z& I( m' X# RA. English
) g5 b  o5 }- j' b- k  ^B. Japanese( ~& D) X+ @& b* ?+ v& f/ T/ \
C. Chinese
6 P/ U. J' |3 Q1 d, rD. Korean
5 ~3 X* B# g, F% {      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分7 k7 q  _! M& L, j/ {6 R5 e
13.  __________ refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when sounds are produced.
, Y2 X! A, s9 H& a4 o9 G4 ^! tA. Voicing0 h! Y: k7 Z4 r( r
B. voiced$ R& e# [2 U+ @  }5 w
C. nasalization
. M+ I. {" C1 f+ O: RD. aspiration
7 `. Y+ O! U; \; e      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分3 j; ?1 m2 N! s6 W0 f: I
14.  theory holds that a linguistic sign derives its meaning from that which refers to something in the reality.- l4 ^' h$ t, E" V3 }) ^
A. Semantic
& R/ g! c& ]& SB. Referential4 d# [+ g: R9 S2 S& j) h' S" u
C. Representational
: p4 d0 h8 k  X/ {5 {D. Reflected
4 A" c# t' K  p/ a1 i      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
8 F, d6 @3 Q/ z6 D0 h/ e, s8 u15.  theory holds the opinion that a linguistic sign derives its meaning from that which refers to something in the reality.
+ h9 v: [% |% J/ ~9 qA. Semantic& ?6 J6 Y! a0 b  h
B. Referential
" D9 K1 Q4 O7 d3 n$ i7 i4 \" _/ C2 oC. Representational
8 h2 Q* _7 b1 H: F& r9 g  M6 K8 qD. Reflected( d4 a6 ]& K3 N6 j
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分5 ^; Y, G3 I  O
16.  Minimal pairs can be exemplified by ____________.( F$ H9 Y% \/ J- n5 O
A. moon/noon  K+ q! c4 G+ n. L+ M: k
B. foot/food
) E: u- I% b5 [# B0 x& F* bC. she/sheet
. X/ d* F# Q5 _! t) x% u- F1 hD. sea/sea4 Y! ~6 j( f& n, _+ J
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分6 v( B% s- N# @9 q
17.  The longest ____ in English may contain four consonants, as shown by prompts.8 ~, _9 M: ]' Y' e* s8 f6 v+ G/ L
A. word0 E) t6 U. ?$ V# i8 @# l9 [
B. onset" U/ M9 ^* c6 L7 Z
C. nucleus
" m* |1 {% l$ F0 b5 ^D. coda/ D1 z, c6 }' ]2 d7 c
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
2 Z6 {) ~5 j! F' \18.  The questions of “How is language acquired? How do people learn a foreign language?” are explored in __________.
  g+ t) z- ]0 M) q; O- cA. applied linguistics' \' n( j7 {0 d( f) Q- d( u" R9 O8 E
B. sociolinguitics
  h. ^0 g/ `6 y" Z' Y' dC. psycholinguistics
* M2 M4 t4 J) V) [5 v8 |- b2 Q8 ZD. general linguistics
8 b  W, a! c  ^& ?, u      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分* D. b: E- v5 l1 |
19.  Morphologically, Chinese is a(n) ____language.
1 q* O8 Y& c& e- `6 yA. analytic
/ L: c/ f* X8 k' {; ]B. synthetic& |$ [* ~7 e' k9 Y0 o" q6 K) z
C. agglutinating
" W: j. n# S$ w9 c! ]D. inflecting6 J: a; }: ?- y/ v1 E, e/ u
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
) {  e9 Q9 h# W2 }' g  {20.  It is the ____ function of language, in a sense, that brings the world into our mind.' J  o8 l6 W9 _& O0 D- N' S
A. Ideational+ ?. M7 d9 [; m# p, R
B. Interpersonal# F# h* x3 e( X" X6 R5 A
C. Logical- x1 V3 ~, K% [9 j
D. Textual
. t3 L3 ^8 H) B3 p6 {3 W/ v      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分 4 q: O8 O  |  h( h
4 h0 `! s) Z; ?  u: ^- E
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  A pidgin is a mother tongue of a speech community./ q0 `& Z* N; e$ u, G7 i
A. 错误
: x. O( a3 t* p' k) XB. 正确
1 n9 K2 o( j/ i" e+ q9 j      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
" G$ h  f) S/ v* K2.  The features that are found over a segment or a sequence of two or more segments are called suprasegmental features .
1 O6 {% I% D0 @  T: c& O5 j3 CA. 错误
% x1 B$ d, X$ d% P7 UB. 正确& X4 V$ b# X6 i1 A7 l
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
, z" e& |" C7 L) e; ?/ l3 t* H) H3.  Phonology and phonetics are both concerned with the study of speech sounds, but the two differ in perspectives.' m. y4 B' H* Y+ K% C; T
A. 错误
1 l& s6 S9 V$ w! a* hB. 正确
. H3 e5 s9 J& u" h4 }      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分9 E* |" ]2 X( C
4.  Metaphor is an essential element in our categorization of the world and our thinking process.
2 _3 P3 L7 G% n7 G& g& X9 }9 nA. 错误
4 F. E7 N' w. b* |/ Y  q& ~B. 正确
$ [! @, @' D: v$ ]4 }      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
2 D: C' N4 y# z0 W$ _2 s. R5.  The features that are found over a segment or a sequence of two or more segments are called non-distinctive features.6 A  Z0 j9 I3 j# S/ i
A. 错误$ O7 X9 ~! z$ X
B. 正确/ z+ Z  H; v: y$ I' s  e4 C
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' n6 t' N2 ]3 u# I6.  Beauty and siren both refer to a good-looking woman, but they differ in affective meaning.1 \3 Z: K6 R3 h- q9 V  ?. s
A. 错误4 _, ^  V. v& d& ]3 T( ]5 z
B. 正确( z- q* X' N6 ]7 Q3 A. j
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分- w2 v3 f9 f# S  A) h
7.  The voiceless bilabial stop in pin and the one in spin are in complementary distribution.5 p2 M4 a7 {% m% a9 I. s9 Q% T& w
A. 错误
5 \2 ^* J" N. [6 F1 ^" Q/ Y! l  bB. 正确
- l9 q4 [' M0 X% h; z/ r      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分2 \9 w/ o1 t/ m8 E" I
8.  Free morphemes were traditionally called prefix.6 |! y3 h9 m. r: l. }' D
A. 错误
* m5 c1 Q" z* eB. 正确
/ U+ N; f( l+ w/ M      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
- ?. x2 U: ?4 L" L; X4 ]; a9.  All the fricatives have the characteristic of.: l7 x0 i( i) d( ~3 o! ]
A. 错误/ _, H# D& i- J- C  p
B. 正确- h+ N2 T. X. z$ S5 A7 Y
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分* q: q9 E1 u4 f/ h" t
10.  According to referential content, deixis can be put into person deixis, place deixis, time deixis and discourse deixis.0 |! D( a* M, F( ]. k: s* J7 I: ?8 O
A. 错误4 E& K3 y/ I8 r4 r" Q$ k
B. 正确
8 ], C) r# n7 W4 `: E      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分. q5 D" r8 e7 A  i5 ~( M5 _$ m9 r
11.  An educational plan is an official document which authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.
3 z; M- C/ y# s- V6 Y, V+ |4 tA. 错误
8 w  \! }: k2 x2 ]7 I( g+ SB. 正确% ~! x) l1 n/ Z  V* t
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
( p8 d" D1 D2 U9 _# J* z+ K7 `8 s12.  The idea that the learners have a sense of achievement as long as they learn if of vital importance. This kind of motivation may be termed instrumental motivation.
: ~) `  l8 Z; m. f; c4 GA. 错误
! ?7 C% X+ ^7 {! ZB. 正确* p; f4 L3 o6 o8 R4 k+ E, g
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
3 U) @) U) j* F- \+ S+ [13.  Free morphemes were traditionally called roots, and bound morphemes suffixes.$ Y3 Q8 H0 h5 {" p- u" q8 R
A. 错误
, o1 w$ ]6 I" ?: O7 }, s! M3 y) oB. 正确. c  W9 b/ c0 w1 r+ e, j: F+ i
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
" E; z! ^  Z( X5 x# d14.  Language contains two subsystems, one of sounds and the other of meaning.
: q; R7 I- v- S5 j# d& F: i7 ^1 AA. 错误' M" P9 o) D  n6 H+ v
B. 正确- Y( {: M# G, X' S% C* u% ^8 i
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分& E& P) n' o) [, r
15.  Language is merely genetically transmitted from generation to generation.
. L# q  w" ?7 ~8 bA. 错误  |' u/ n; I: j4 A
B. 正确
. ~9 U% e% x' p  P; P  r6 L2 @. ^      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
. ?9 p8 c2 J$ e8 W3 c. f2 \16.  The word multinationality has 3 morphemes.( s( p- T- L' ], S+ W. I: ^! z
A. 错误+ h2 n! Z- q: {' `5 G2 G
B. 正确6 X4 v  L& K- a  k; _3 x
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
+ C" i+ Q' a+ [5 ]2 k# D17.  If segments appear in the same position but the mutual substitution does not result in change of meaning, they are said to be in free variation.
: ^) b' F" d& l  F% KA. 错误
0 Y) T" S+ c! _0 M* c* i) wB. 正确) u8 I" W& Y- O! z4 @: g
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分; d+ v- H3 ]4 |9 T' h4 `2 U" N
18.  When we speak or write we usually confine ourselves to single phrases or sentences.
/ y$ r6 s' O% ^7 ?; k  F0 gA. 错误
6 j; z; d6 I& p2 DB. 正确" {# R" `3 N% {( w$ |- b
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
  T. b+ ~2 N/ N$ O19.  The intimate style is used between family members and very close friends.
$ v4 i! P* A4 J3 M' I5 v, E) KA. 错误) U2 Z: @- X' W$ z7 {; C
B. 正确' z+ l, ~  H) {3 ?4 t) G. a
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
1 M: L! H0 a  p6 F7 [+ F; q20.  The meaning of compounds is not always the sum of meaning of the components.
" N0 R. `$ f+ f, YA. 错误. [& v( q  a& z  D7 Q" S# o
B. 正确& R/ z; f- _8 i# Q7 E
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分 * v/ @; ~0 q) L  `$ G
4 c. t3 M8 d0 i1 g* B" n6 e2 m2 g
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