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发表于 2016-4-22 09:34:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 20 道试,共 40 分。)V 1.  ()is the flow of intermediate goods and services from one business to another.5 K- j* U' `* X/ q& r1 @7 U( c
; F2 {2 S) O7 TB. the supply chain! F4 C6 [$ Q3 ~) Z' P( Y& `$ b$ `
C. EC' r% K+ g' l1 X: h, u, W
D. TPN$ p* Y# N# {0 i/ x
      满分:2  分
  S' P& f' ~6 n0 M9 j2.  ()is the flow of intermediate goods and services from one business to another.7 \2 N1 p) S4 t0 n, M
$ B5 r& ?/ H/ t3 @7 eB. the supply chain' I* W, F9 T& E% u5 c& y
/ |5 F" w& W8 W; [  GD. TPN
9 y' y. v: U1 J3 ]- T      满分:2  分1 D5 Z5 r' Q& }9 S" H
3.  the main advantage of the electronic exchange of information between individual companies that are linked along the supply chian is ()$ R9 S+ e; o* H* U
A. speed7 j2 T8 c! E& ~. g" H% Q* _6 z
B. accuracy
  X  P: u! F9 u! b4 s9 b7 A+ BC. security
4 Q5 R# i5 v/ c* T9 L  M2 ID. improved speed and accuracy
  [  Y3 I4 y1 Q2 h: s      满分:2  分
; ~- X1 V3 u' a* ?+ G  u. \( i8 f4.  ()is a point of entry to the web, usually a search engine that includes diversified content or services.$ G4 k5 d1 O+ q( N+ B
A. portal' I  \  Y8 \1 }) L& ]/ \
B. classifieds% i6 K1 X) B( z, Y$ M3 q2 p
C. paid placement1 z* j  r. K# ~: X1 J
D. contextual advertising
$ a7 l% W) t5 u      满分:2  分
4 _) O5 j  l2 s2 O- j$ s, N" U5.  To B2B EC, the focus of vendors' competition has been turned from the()to service.
. |/ \' f$ G6 b! f6 H, BA. profit9 u5 ^/ L9 I& p& Y
B. products
2 N6 b& b+ H5 b! FC. low-cost! x& F% M/ |: [# u. W( F
D. efficiency2 c( q6 }) }7 B& b
      满分:2  分
8 b/ z4 a% }$ x) d6.  The movement of goods and services on a timely basis is critical for successful delivery,accurate produciton scheduling and ()8 n: m9 S6 T( x* E; A; P* D+ K3 g7 e/ E
A. effective inventory management
+ o2 R1 _2 c6 y  w( u# u. v( [& vB. effective internet browse. B& A8 x7 x  {* C0 A2 O9 B2 J
C. quality of products
: M' J! a# q) R' L; L& wD. personnel management
0 m/ a, [( y2 x4 N1 H! |0 N, F6 i" ~      满分:2  分4 P  V/ p) m9 z$ s7 `4 m
7.  E-commerce was first developed in the ()
, Z3 U  Y' x. b# KA. 1960s
) n3 M0 h& @0 X9 I5 N% LB. 1970s
1 `2 P+ }5 G3 NC. 1980s  Z8 b1 c( H/ H. I1 k
D. 1990s
5 A$ g/ t5 [. C      满分:2  分
- m( S4 S2 {( [8.  one of the best mesurements for what sells well on the Internet is ()* }: k) {, n5 t9 n1 K6 f
A. common sense
$ i6 B% f# ~# n  mB. technology
) s: [; P5 K( IC. quality5 Y/ x( u. t9 Z2 I% {* |- Y' }) m' E
D. marketing
: N% e* o6 R& k5 c6 o      满分:2  分3 h4 T7 `3 t7 k9 \$ h+ O& z
9.  ()involves holesalers and retailers of goods and services.% w+ }; i+ h' `: S7 g
A. utility model
" {+ c8 y3 Z, o! d3 B. q9 X/ WB. auction model
; A; F  E# B" ^1 X9 L! wC. subscription model) R) D8 Q3 e0 G+ z) `# x
D. Merchant Model
0 l& V6 z# x5 b6 J; v; ?. ]4 \) ~# I" t; t      满分:2  分2 a7 J) ]" i/ R6 u4 p5 [- q0 v
10.  Transaction broker provides a ()payment mechanism for buyers and sellers to settle a transaction.) v( G: q2 G' @1 e; ]( B6 ?. c. ~0 g
A. direct: T: k% L) V- |8 e' d$ `* R
B. indirect
4 W8 Y+ H( S3 X3 t9 e5 p8 J! tC. auction' X# X- N2 f& \
D. third party
2 s. r6 w6 x0 y) u6 n  W6 s      满分:2  分
9 w" J' y: o% c- X/ e, p0 w5 n3 G: z11.  ERP's best values are improve the way of taking an order and ()9 U: l2 |" N5 w+ h4 I" j3 Z
A. adding it to the shopping chart; J: `/ F- ]& q( M
B. maintain relation with customer
% W. h" x6 ~, v8 {1 hC. process the order into an invoice- M: B) G8 x) q* N
D. making enterprise relation policy1 e' q2 \( I2 H8 e, P3 @
      满分:2  分7 [0 D! i6 x& i
12.  The operation of the Web relies primarily on()as its means of information retrieval.
; M% {- z4 I' J- IA. telnet0 n4 [% {+ i" A' [7 A; |8 R4 A, i
B. hypertext  Z1 P7 u) ^' T( N
C. image
: v' r$ A  B( rD. home page
9 ~/ j6 ]: i$ x  D5 c0 ^0 Q      满分:2  分
- B! d1 i/ Y7 J13.  ERP is ()4 A# A# f! s; q+ @6 B8 r
A. enterprise resource policy( V! U3 |0 L! E& G  g* X& E
B. enterprise relation personnel
: |4 U! r$ d# u' FC. enterprise resource planning software
: N5 D; }+ p& [! z. m% d0 HD. enterprise relation policy
: T0 j% b* x8 g2 |5 N+ w9 B      满分:2  分
+ J5 p, p; ^" T* W3 ~14.  business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectural property that can be protected with a ()
4 u+ |4 U9 a2 }# A/ z+ s7 f* hA. password
# M7 z5 N/ X6 |- ^B. system2 v) A$ F. e- S# K4 Y
C. patent
' `6 f; T/ {  Q8 VD. strategy
# _4 w. R3 e: P+ r3 C1 O/ m4 G  A      满分:2  分! u# J& e- B# W: P- L
15.  business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectural property that can be protected with a ()8 P# d3 J/ N) ~; k
A. password
( M9 S3 @+ t7 c3 A4 D  Y+ lB. system  g9 L# F" z" d
C. patent# b/ t/ q% l5 C0 X
D. strategy
- T/ f9 Z8 t& e4 a      满分:2  分
; A& b+ K( I: o# C) w16.  ()is a method to verify the buyer’s identity before payment is authorized../ [/ e( s* \2 Y( r" R5 o
A. password+ F' F) e# e: C5 b, b" P% Y
B. Authentication
; t8 H/ [8 W4 d- N( {, iC. profile  ~2 w% u- k/ c: N/ C9 t# T- t
D. identity
3 z, L6 i+ g! ?" B" K% G  o      满分:2  分
; w% e" J0 b& e' m: J' d% n8 c4 H17.  TPN refers to()
7 c, Y6 W5 D' f! \A. Trading Process Network Post$ P& _# e, N. R& @8 u( p
B. Trading Price Network Post3 Y: ?7 E0 r8 Q6 @/ I( x, M
C. Trading Price Net Position
2 O, ^: J! ?) E2 }5 p4 }# v& ]D. Trading Process Nigation Post+ v/ W" T4 r$ F( z
      满分:2  分' I- R9 H; h2 b: [& k
18.  ()is a network of networks that is contained within a company or enterprise.& d% q% q3 v: z( I- r) `
A. extranet
% z) t' P! D6 j" P6 SB. intranet
) Y+ d$ Y6 }8 hC. portal
% g7 Q  Z& V2 L8 RD. HTTP2 k* a3 m) r, E8 C, K- ]& a* k
      满分:2  分
! e  U% S& h1 ]/ A19.  To B2B EC, the focus of vendors' competition has been turned from the products to ().
1 h9 B& K8 m) C% Y, a8 s' yA. profit
8 y2 z  |( \, `B. service4 B) g' F5 {8 v
C. low-cost
; |$ W0 N; }- v( S2 V5 gD. efficiency
" K+ Y$ T1 b8 y9 e# G3 Y2 d      满分:2  分* w: o8 z. L% W3 Q! f+ P3 Q
20.  Manufacturer model is also called ()' g% r& B# n: l0 L, Q" ^8 n
A. a direct model
4 w0 V& l& {! k& B, O: yB. e-tailer
0 v, i( \( K4 Q8 qC. catalog merchant  h) o' O: V0 |' `: S
D. Bit vendor, m; g& |! `/ w; Z( k2 j9 u
      满分:2  分 1 j! ~4 R5 {2 `2 C& R/ W
9 ~3 @0 v) \1 Z
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 5 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.  In merchant model,sales may be made based on ()7 i; |$ j/ i5 V7 D) R* z
A. ilist prices9 \. s" [2 _+ K- [
B. auction* Q/ W: w" j9 B/ e3 ~! C# Y! V) U
C. brokerage
: D& ?% u# Y, Q" S- o$ X$ RD. community donation
0 w. a) ]* o& y      满分:2  分
/ ~6 a/ L* C% [: r9 ^* X5 J# i2.  Industries affect by M-commerce()
2 v- U8 `: E! d$ PA. financial services
& s5 y* G+ j& w) F7 a! QB. telecommunicaitons
7 a2 }5 p8 W" F5 w+ xC. retail+ q! W2 o3 m' R
D. information services; u4 l9 r4 g& J3 l  |
      满分:2  分, x! U  _0 I$ c8 x) M
3.  In general, the major benefits of B2B are()8 P/ Q; a7 D- R
A. reduce administrative costs% Y  t1 q9 F! d" _
B. lower earch costs and time for buyers# z: H+ J, z2 }+ o2 Q6 s/ c
C. decrease productivity of employees$ l, h2 J) K- X3 Q
D. reduce inventory levels* [2 ?  K/ P, ]) M
      满分:2  分  R( {+ P4 R4 F9 U$ |
4.  ERP's best values are()
9 B7 n5 K+ B3 z1 F+ T$ F( {A. improve the way of taking an order9 ?& m1 h  D3 n" e. Z8 R9 A/ _
B. process the order into an invoice
$ D% r- F7 i0 q5 R* \8 wC. handle the up-front selling process; M7 Y/ V# w  B& V, F
D. update the software) ^% R" }7 Y/ J8 [
      满分:2  分$ B; }2 R7 e; s( W
5.  the Amazon.com business model combines()
. a5 F1 N: C% n- v0 ?, k. SA. direct marketing
. `/ M# @9 i* J& y" T0 ?B. the intermediary role7 Y* b$ Z! f0 B' N
C. virtual community* L" A- g7 [6 {+ E, M1 k6 S: Y
D. content provider/ x3 X1 u4 N! |+ L/ f/ R
      满分:2  分
( [( D; G1 H+ d! M0 B3 B+ t- S三、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1.  E-Commerce is doing business through electronic media." c' H* @) B/ u8 q! J& n! S$ _* B* m
A. 错误% a7 V) p9 l& x3 |" \
B. 正确8 k$ R6 X# `+ G3 H0 S4 P
      满分:2  分
8 q" o/ t# M' q5 j, Q4 X- V: L$ b2.  lite EDI will significantly reduce the costs of the companies in threi business., F# K: [; \9 O1 P5 ~" l7 A
A. 错误+ _6 K3 L+ Z5 r1 A
B. 正确0 _; I5 F( M% S, ~5 y/ G
      满分:2  分
4 }" |! y( [2 h8 I3.  The viability of the community model is based on user's professional knowledge.
+ X, w! y  C1 A/ y  WA. 错误. @; E! S, _0 L% @$ j! M
B. 正确
) y. m( ^0 Z* H, ]8 t8 L9 Z      满分:2  分6 l2 v- A, l% x6 `4 Q( b& i) f% M: ]9 Q6 Z
4.  The responsibility for the successful management of a private EDI net work clearly falls to the network operator.- T8 i5 `5 @/ x7 f% B$ c
A. 错误
& O7 ^7 n, K6 Z8 |) [B. 正确0 X, s/ ]+ U) d- s9 ~
      满分:2  分+ J) y; Q7 `) H) ]7 ]
5.  Metamediary model can facilitate transactions between buyer and sellers, and it get involved in the actual exchange of goods or services between the parties., v" N5 [2 V  o# e% O1 t' s$ y
A. 错误/ {! j* j% X- x8 x2 x* w% Y1 I$ t9 a
B. 正确
; Q+ e; h0 _& ?  `      满分:2  分9 m1 ^1 Y/ s  m$ {, V5 w
6.  GPRS can not charge the user per data bit of information sent and received.
" K/ C: z2 A; W1 S; eA. 错误( s1 A, J9 a. j7 z' e7 u2 |( D
B. 正确
9 F) _& |2 o; D; j      满分:2  分
8 g$ s5 ^4 r, r+ N  A7.  From a web marketing standpoint, one of the difficulties you face when you offer a number of products aimed at different groups is to facilitate the feedback speed to visitors quickly and move them to their own sections.
8 L# D. A. p. k) ~/ F/ z. T. LA. 错误
2 n5 u' j$ D! J. dB. 正确8 S/ O1 ~* q" i, [% |& G  v, h
      满分:2  分
& ?/ g/ s3 v& U) [* L+ C! K; B/ ^8.  incentive market provides suggestion for customers for making purchases from associated retailers./ w& E$ f# F  X: y3 R7 I" w7 R
A. 错误
7 y' [. `0 F4 |/ x/ {- T7 t# ~& C% ^B. 正确
) y/ Q6 ]* x3 ]      满分:2  分; F' `, w" `* ^7 e: R" N- _* f, B3 W  u
9.  Two levels of network policy directly influence the sales, installation and use of a firewall system.$ }* M6 i, e) T
A. 错误+ l  Z' b# y$ C0 s. f" R6 K; I
B. 正确
( U8 E9 f7 L- c- E9 d$ M7 t      满分:2  分
1 S) q) r% h9 L$ ?3 R* O. h" Y5 o$ ]10.  The real key in EC is not techonoly employed but the attention given to the business aspects of the site.1 l; z  G* T  s$ ]
A. 错误
& m7 _9 z; l5 d4 K: W6 d0 z  }B. 正确
% f8 I! {) p, o% x- B; d% c8 q      满分:2  分' i" q& \! ~0 j; O$ a8 u
11.  In global Internet marketing, marketers can take other countries and their populations for granted without restraint! N' S& W6 P1 N/ |
A. 错误- G* @! t. x3 c+ X; e: H' n$ x. C
B. 正确4 J, C: l- ?' Z, K
      满分:2  分
' k1 S2 K; R) m# E4 A" |; `2 Q12.  The responsibility for the successful management of a private EDI net work clearly falls to the network operator.
2 j5 E7 `- ~* p2 I" UA. 错误/ V- l  p7 c5 y1 Q8 x0 {8 L; T( H
B. 正确/ ]. b, u8 U! U
      满分:2  分
) R( e9 z& v' {6 l. T+ c# O: v13.  A firewall insulates a private network from a public network using established controls on the types of request they will route through to the private network for processing and fulfillment.
+ K' a- u* e! R" nA. 错误
% ]# w) O( I4 ~* D1 jB. 正确
9 \3 L3 ]9 l+ D1 B) S! h      满分:2  分
1 X' N5 r) ~: o1 \* M14.  GPRS can not charge the user per data bit of information sent and received.
0 [4 p% F* l/ o1 yA. 错误
  z- D: X6 v# }9 G2 R1 w/ NB. 正确
* f9 `6 g3 f) j- f) Q% z4 q      满分:2  分
& O% E/ D# _2 B! y+ Z) t3 w15.  it pays you big rewards to be aware of the differences of customers and adjust your maketing strategies./ |1 g% x: _6 v3 a& u( U8 M0 r
A. 错误9 ~3 E8 ~8 ^( Z1 t- R1 R, G
B. 正确
$ `3 @. `) `$ I6 P0 C      满分:2  分
9 v* D- h" y4 A16.  detailed and accurate sales data can help to increase stock level and operating cost.
; q9 }/ G3 e# |/ F9 lA. 错误
; [3 t' R' b$ {. KB. 正确; ~4 C! {# @4 U% h) a/ U9 p7 U
      满分:2  分
8 x' m6 C6 g$ c3 l17.  incentive market provides incentives, such as redeemable points or coupons for customers for making purchases from associated retailers.4 V9 ~) f" p% N* h. l& D3 o
A. 错误
0 N6 ^' f2 G. d% x, T+ N1 BB. 正确
! S8 E; b% P& w$ e7 r& X) i5 R      满分:2  分0 R$ L, p6 w0 M( a8 ]$ A+ K5 `) J
18.  The main purpose of an intranet is to share company information and computing resources with business partners.
; o4 y* i1 R5 |! {/ C0 n7 XA. 错误$ q* q) `1 z- ?: n
B. 正确
: x$ @# L6 ]* `& N) o' m# p      满分:2  分
$ R1 |7 s& i7 G19.  If the EDI net work requires the receiver's computer to be in a ready-to-receive mode, it is more common.
$ `- D3 h5 w, i6 }A. 错误/ U% l+ M  U0 y
B. 正确  r" C% @+ }$ b9 ?7 c
      满分:2  分
  E/ R5 q+ n. Z8 K( U; r6 R20.  If the EDI net work requires the receiver's computer to be in a ready-to-receive mode, it is less common.6 K( B  [4 e, r; L
A. 错误
+ K$ }. ]# T; }' V# }4 z* YB. 正确
& V: h  Y" \5 G: v3 G% H+ G& Q      满分:2  分9 M& Q' B9 T' x2 D& ]8 ]( H
21.  ERP is often referred to as front-office software.
  q! J- @$ S/ L3 h5 g' b( jA. 错误+ M- w- n  R! U
B. 正确
, r0 S2 M% h4 D/ t; y, S      满分:2  分
' [7 V1 \' I- ]. C) J. C+ O22.  WWW is a system of Internet servers that supports hypertext to access several internet protocols on a single interface.; \$ s8 n3 L  |
A. 错误
: H5 ?& h; R" I; z. m6 cB. 正确( l9 j2 z% l4 O3 V
      满分:2  分
: z  m( n" g9 E0 F6 O23.  The viability of the community model is based on user's professional knowledge.6 F. a0 v: e- `- N( ~
A. 错误: e; F* f. S" j
B. 正确
7 T. \6 Y, F  w0 d5 b8 b) T  }1 C/ j2 w      满分:2  分
6 ]0 H$ A" l$ v# K- ?3 m24.  When dreaming up ideas for your e-business, keep in mind that everything sells well over the web.
( O! W+ ?3 Y2 w! o7 h% I& vA. 错误- l  G" I' P* C. X* C
B. 正确
. w( O7 \& D) I/ Y      满分:2  分) t: b4 ?1 b2 d3 |: j3 x0 S
25.  B2B electonic commerce implies that the buyers are individual consumers.1 X6 |9 `, x! W: S$ U
A. 错误% f6 X! s5 b+ x9 n8 V" p* H: u3 K5 b
B. 正确+ ~8 o: V2 s. M# t; S0 k
      满分:2  分
7 H5 W5 G( y% P7 c0 ?. `0 ~, M- D, S! h) A5 z5 Q  m
8 |8 f7 R' _: W6 C/ N


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