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东师 高级英语 16春在线作业2

发表于 2016-4-22 13:44:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 4 道试,共 10 分。)
) l6 D4 |0 Y3 a' j0 SV) l% `1 q+ p5 s4 p9 u" p0 _
1.  Which of the sentences below use the rhetorical device of repetition?
& W; Z' h% `' F3 D6 _* j" IA. What’s Wrong with Our Press?
; Q( y# \3 z: l  u  [4 qB. Television may not have a Lippmann or a Reston, but then, what papers in America can claim an Eric Sevareid, a Walter Cronkite, a Huntley or a Brinkley, or—although he is invisible—an Edward Morgan?* K* ?- d6 [, R9 i- k! T
C. Among the leading commentators on television, you find no Pegler, no Winchell, no Fulton Lewis, Jr..6 d, F$ `( M' P# G6 e, ~
D. Change means trouble, change means work, change means cost.1 m7 h: K$ ^. [: ], ]
      满分:2.5  分5 [$ ]; W+ f! Z* a$ {
2.  Which of the following sentences use the rhetorical device of litotes?
: k; ]9 ^/ ^/ H* T/ _  ?% {, tA. Literacy may not be an inalinable human right, but it is one that the highly literate Founding Fathers might not have found unreasonable or even unattainable.' x; h4 Y% y7 g- y& [1 G- x
B. Mr. Baumgartel was not unoptimistic.+ u% H! K: P- m+ j
C. We drove first to … , along an uncompromising track that led directly upwards to the saddle between Muhavura and Mgahinga.
# A! y- N( q- n1 k1 ED. A vast cloud, shot through with sunlight, was tearing off the crest of Muhavura.
0 t$ L" n7 @$ x# _3 n) v      满分:2.5  分: n* L  h8 a0 S1 H: G+ T
3.  Which of the following sentences apply the rhetorical device of onomatopoeia?
% Y& d9 w( s, E" Q8 t7 ZA. Between chime and chime of the clock …) Z! \0 q$ \7 \) k6 v
B. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress, …% \, ^! K( V4 a3 i) b/ b8 o
C. They were interrupted from time to time by giggles that must have come from Mrs. Flowers.
7 Y' @$ n: c, \% x# s* LD. Discussing the question, … sleep drew the curtain.
  G- y+ p; {- G+ b' ^      满分:2.5  分0 ]6 N) p0 H* o4 a; J
4.  Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of antithesis?1 T0 J, r! t, M. Y0 i' G9 |' P( p
A. Immediately that one note is enough to change the atmosphere of the room—proving that the sound element in music is a powerful and mysterious agent, which it would be foolish to deride or belittle.) m0 O$ b/ u" |9 o, r0 `7 X
B. …because in order to write his music, the composer must also be inside and outside his music, carried away by it and yet coldly critical of it./ L8 m2 [8 B' {% c" J9 N! r  z" _# \
C. A subjective and objective attitude is implied in both creating and listening to music.
% ^9 R5 [- s% `1 u9 ^7 sD. Yes, you will certainly know whether it is a gay theme or a sad one.* m, V: a/ z1 R3 P- l, p6 i+ j
      满分:2.5  分二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)
4 c' g- d+ ^! O  s3 jV
- o9 z  z& F1 C6 m1 t" x1.  Mrs. Flowers understood Marguerite’s feelings better than Momma did." a: q2 F% D8 i" A+ e
A. 错误* X) X# M4 K/ g9 t
B. 正确
" J, i+ H4 b) e      满分:2.5  分$ {5 f7 M  j/ F+ @  \* R
2.  Over the hours of climbing left the author exhausted, ready to give up the search for gorillas.& |& `* D3 D1 I2 ?( D* Z
A. 错误
3 [' {+ C/ U) u* s( {5 Z) z6 eB. 正确
0 N! H5 ^6 e9 z$ F      满分:2.5  分% m( K! O) c1 U/ E
3.  When the male gorilla discovered the author and his party, he suddenly rose and was ready to charge at them.- q& x" u* y- \+ g& E  {
A. 错误% P, G# l- o' m* Q7 Z& U0 ~
B. 正确
, U9 Q' T" f, |/ ]" z  I. O      满分:2.5  分' f4 L- b, a0 V
4.  According to Mr. Roper’s survey, radio ranks third among the major forms of mass media in terms of popularity.
& Y+ ^& p. i/ U/ ]A. 错误
6 `9 ~* `" {1 q% R! E# a1 R8 ?0 _4 vB. 正确
- t% U2 G& q- x0 b, _6 Q9 S0 n      满分:2.5  分) A/ X5 e5 {3 ]; Y. d/ L6 R( h
5.  Clara was not sure whether her favourable position in the school would impress her parents.
* C2 i8 W# p" yA. 错误
+ Y3 q! W- ~& r7 ~) JB. 正确
1 u9 R, k+ X4 S      满分:2.5  分
( G$ K- o* q' n( X  ^6 P0 D$ b6.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) Priestley thinks he will become more famous if people know what is in his mind when he is sleepless.
. m$ M- q% ?% T" g  l# c, p; R2 IA. 错误
2 i, g; g: O8 w- }, J) x6 BB. 正确* G7 b9 y' s9 f4 t. x" [# Q
      满分:2.5  分
6 O* u2 M  U# [" L7.  News on TV is read very fast and made too brief and incoherent to be comprehensible.' b( J, V0 i4 M% c
A. 错误1 L$ d3 [+ s* r2 d2 ~2 R
B. 正确
) T2 X- h2 s, M: ?      满分:2.5  分
( n4 x$ V0 p9 [8.  (What to Listen for in Music) The more lovely a musical piece sounds, the more value it has., g0 S$ p7 m) ?) \1 _
A. 错误/ i) n( J" U9 w! R" A4 \& p/ [6 Z
B. 正确* Z, g2 j3 t9 \% @2 m
      满分:2.5  分
  S! K; T/ S" `2 g8 r9.  (The Trouble with Television) The author is against using the same technique in other programs as in advertising to capture the viewers’ attentions.
2 E  @0 M+ I7 N7 E/ y  l1 |A. 错误
" }# s' p* A, Q: F6 O+ v5 P. ~B. 正确
4 P+ x8 X0 U+ O0 [      满分:2.5  分
' Z2 j# Q$ s9 v0 S10.  (Jerusalem the Golden) From the absence of male teachers and students in the excerpt we can conclude that it was not a co-educated school.
! j9 B  B' b- O) ~A. 错误
, ^5 R: \9 L0 p, l9 Z2 f9 yB. 正确
- h. q6 \2 `& ]      满分:2.5  分9 |* A# W. |0 T' t7 r% M* R8 [9 X( {
11.  (The Spanish Bullfight) A priest prays for the matadors before the fight.3 [9 r9 \8 L) H. i* n6 x
A. 错误4 J' U, u% O3 G2 R7 p2 L; j
B. 正确
5 {$ X! R4 L! K8 ~! S: @      满分:2.5  分
  }+ q3 J9 q. v/ s# G12.  (The Tragedy of Old Age in America) Old people who are poor have been poor all their lives.0 m' y# w& j5 p* l: `& b+ X  P
A. 错误/ k, M$ V, ^( N, G2 Z0 `
B. 正确
2 C/ J" R5 Q# n5 D' Q- c5 B8 r& Q      满分:2.5  分
9 S9 [; u$ [' _9 I5 l13.  (Four Choices for Young People) Few unspoiled places remain in our world where the escapists can practice plain-living and high thinking.
' K1 x( U3 G. q3 d% D$ E# e3 `9 \A. 错误
$ h9 ~' ]+ S" t% A* _$ |) nB. 正确
' `1 |( A7 p0 o. F% x      满分:2.5  分* r3 x7 R9 @) ^
14.  According to one rock music critic, the teenagers express their rebellious attitudes through rock music.8 [2 u+ O$ y. Q, i4 W. x. L  E0 s
A. 错误
" Z! o% o* C1 ^B. 正确9 j( n* k: z/ L: U# I1 ~1 _% ^9 c5 k
      满分:2.5  分1 G. D' W+ O0 y% r- _( @
15.  (The Trouble with Television) Television stations in the US often organize the viewers on a guided tour to museums, cathedrals or other places of interest./ L1 U0 p; m. `. u8 r& r
A. 错误
$ S2 g2 C& m. H  K$ rB. 正确
3 }. O, t- D2 {      满分:2.5  分
; T; N% w9 S) e% m, s* C* F16.  To amuse herself and to tease her teachers, Clara pretended to waver between Arts and Science.- B' E* \' A' ^  e. `9 e
A. 错误9 \" q& l- J1 _: q2 `, g; M
B. 正确
+ W0 _4 D+ R/ l9 |. ^) \! s2 H) D      满分:2.5  分  w4 |3 R4 T( g! W! p2 L  Z8 [
17.  (What to Listen for in Music) Musical listening is actually done on the three planes simultaneously." R* L' e/ }' H3 T- H
A. 错误9 b: l, t0 N- i7 S7 v6 D, F1 M
B. 正确4 x5 w+ i, v9 A2 I& L3 ?+ g5 u
      满分:2.5  分. W9 \' k5 P* m/ ]
18.  Old-fashioned cheeses can no longer be bought anywhere in the United States.7 c- r* G5 y. H* c2 T$ U( Z
A. 错误5 u( ^! a; i& Y! X- [
B. 正确
9 {  v) [# k$ p6 O' Q& l0 u) O      满分:2.5  分
. G% s! M6 V1 S, h% A19.  (Science Has Spoiled My Supper) The most notable device of style in this essay is hyperbole, deliberate exaggeration for effect.1 A$ {% N- L' X% ?+ o9 N5 k) @
A. 错误( v- Q! E( e; ~; c7 \# }7 z
B. 正确
2 R3 S" v) e1 V      满分:2.5  分
$ T2 [, Y9 V9 _  }! x20.  Mrs. Flowers had already learned that Marguerite was a quiet girl who read a lot but did not like to talk.
  E; \# x3 e3 NA. 错误
! M# s/ V" p: S9 G% c' NB. 正确/ n" T# j  E) Q' j6 u7 H
      满分:2.5  分
8 V6 H& e/ b+ k5 v. J21.  An intelligent listener is satisfied with a general concept of what a musical piece means.
1 ^7 ^. F/ b+ Q# fA. 错误
9 T' {* w3 M: m+ j. J* MB. 正确
! s) G+ t# L) i5 M( l. |) i      满分:2.5  分
( g! R: r; a9 s9 ~. q; r- z22.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers read to Marguerite a poem from the book A Tale of Two Cities.* i  L: W/ y# j9 m. Q% q! G! |
A. 错误
4 H9 W1 y) c' gB. 正确
2 h% g  d3 k4 @: E& U/ o; w6 c      满分:2.5  分
. j& d/ i1 |1 W* `* N23.  The sentiment that justifies cruelty to beasts leads to persecution of men of other race, class or religion.( C0 l7 Q! G: Y' U9 _/ Z, j
A. 错误
) b" Q/ I3 Z. D+ k% q7 |! WB. 正确7 e) q3 ~; G2 B, H. G9 @
      满分:2.5  分! g; ~: a8 {6 N- B% C
24.  (Why I Write) Orwell first gives information about his early development because he thinks that one cannot evaluate a writer’s motives without such background knowledge.8 y) y+ o/ S' I# x' T. d
A. 错误2 W+ D5 P) Q- [, e1 g4 e
B. 正确% j4 [/ L/ z6 ]9 I9 m
      满分:2.5  分  @( n/ b3 j) F6 }4 L2 p
25.  (The Trouble with Television) News on TV is read very fast and made too brief and incoherent to be comprehensive.: P3 b" i) \. J1 L5 k
A. 错误; m. [, I/ _# E
B. 正确
* U, U) @& `* @6 G      满分:2.5  分
  T) w/ j8 u% e8 ?6 e26.  Huge clouds usually hide the peaks of these volcanoes from view.* c8 x$ B# _4 I7 S& r
A. 错误
% a' \+ [: @- a+ A* i( xB. 正确
! U* c# a! g, v$ J# P! J" n      满分:2.5  分; _( J( _  l3 R& H  A- q$ v5 }# v9 K
27.  The teachers of the school were equally respected and loved by their students.
4 h+ t( b# `1 @( Z+ F' LA. 错误
; t! Y+ a4 p6 o4 \0 T: g, LB. 正确5 g$ b: S$ L% ?' b! O
      满分:2.5  分( k) G+ ]& d2 d  T7 n/ O
28.  Anyone can perform miracles so long as he concentrates something; but television discourages concentration.
0 [* U$ q. C3 j/ r- Q& c% ?A. 错误
" D+ W# U5 ^! H0 L% ZB. 正确0 y: U/ k% ~% w
      满分:2.5  分
# y* ~$ N5 L5 ?/ G' o- w6 L* q+ H29.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) The author found the area very disturbing because the equator sun was beating down him mercilessly.1 b; K# @1 a8 |  s, t9 c& B
A. 错误
8 X  i; A4 a$ k: {) ~+ R- WB. 正确0 S2 [$ x  u* [8 f3 B9 K
      满分:2.5  分. ]& y* V1 d- o) g
30.  (Science Has Spoiled My Supper) The author hates frozen foods in spite of their seeming advantages.
8 N7 b/ ^6 S' y& [  o& O9 k* X3 bA. 错误& d: u0 a5 z9 q9 _# U# o% V7 R
B. 正确
- L" z. |, D- I% B6 V" d      满分:2.5  分
; ^, M1 ?0 _, F  [1 G, d31.  The Kaiser was impressed by the British naval review and decided to build a powerful navy for himself., v" o8 u4 L9 m" ~8 b) x% e# w
A. 错误4 h' ]8 {5 h% e
B. 正确
! J0 w2 u: J! I: J      满分:2.5  分
" ]0 W' _- q" Q32.  (Rock Superstars) The author concludes by pointing out sharply the true nature of the American society as expressed by rock music.( e' |# R: @' I6 ]! m# M' ^* @
A. 错误6 I* c7 |* T; |% e
B. 正确7 V3 T; a0 y1 ?
      满分:2.5  分1 H/ @! d+ h) p; k
33.  Clara had a peculiar taste of the physical world around her.. C6 b  c) a0 R+ f  k- D0 m: {
A. 错误
. t! w2 M" l- T9 L  J6 s$ C# M# h# {B. 正确
+ A+ v, `1 @7 L2 I% }4 b      满分:2.5  分
$ z  e! C% L+ L* z+ W34.  (A Lesson in Living) In Marguerite’s mind, Mrs. Flowers was a god-life figure.
& `& T) {6 g: |A. 错误
, e' a( \8 l: B+ Z; L0 wB. 正确" M( d% p' u1 ]* j) u. l
      满分:2.5  分% }, V/ j9 W. ?  j* c0 Z
35.  (Vivisection) Protest against vivisection used to be strong, but today no one dare show any opposition.
& q4 v1 e! v4 _2 lA. 错误
0 C0 a& p1 r+ mB. 正确
8 b* d) Z& [# ?& T7 N      满分:2.5  分4 U* K1 N: V! s/ u3 J$ ]
36.  Elvis Presley’s appearance on TV set the young and old viewers quarreling with each other., l+ z  v/ q4 o1 c! m& r
A. 错误) @1 x: q: S5 ~
B. 正确  s0 y; d4 w) r" z& L' v
      满分:2.5  分
发表于 2016-4-22 13:54:24 | 显示全部楼层

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