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发表于 2016-4-23 08:51:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试,共 50 分。)V 1.  ( ) is the study of speech, focusing specially on the relation between discourse and its contexts.
5 P/ y. h" g" CA. Pragmatics
4 J, P! l  D$ c1 xB. Discourse analysis
" ]; D$ I1 s7 v. |+ k6 ?1 S. SC. Dialectology, E3 F# I5 G( Y+ u
D. Morphology
$ ]3 C$ P: {$ ^% }  T! f, K      满分:2  分" p5 H6 I( y  N, o+ F; I) q
2.  ( ) is the first stressed syllable in the tone-unit.
' o5 n4 h7 d4 H% D& K) LA. pre-head0 o; B% t7 t6 N1 G  ^
B. head- M" s1 r; @6 S# V( ]5 \0 B: x2 I
C. nuclear tail
- y2 Q0 Q  T. H* {D. nucleus$ d6 g3 F- w+ v3 n( g( }. Z4 O  l
      满分:2  分
3 W, ~) H/ c0 a8 e/ D3.  ( ) refers to the primary and commonly accepted meaning of linguistic forms.
0 v4 A) |4 i& |$ @: ]5 mA. Lexical meaning$ M# W+ s- P% f6 y& k
B. Sentential meaning( C; i1 b1 B" b# I- N5 A, r( `& R2 k
C. Utterance meaning( C' R, s$ [& E$ n
D. Literal meaning! f9 |  ^3 |" l! ], y% f
      满分:2  分
8 L# |! j( P( v; b4.  ()refers to the juxtaposition of two elements which are semantically in opposition (or complementary) to each other
; P' N% r, c0 I5 VA. Collocation6 t% E2 X3 ~( [; u  R
B. Reiteration, m. ^, E" N3 h. P$ e7 S
C. Lexical cohesion, H2 H- u. X, @. l: r9 Z2 N
D. Coherence
/ B- E) ~6 ]# V2 k; T# Y# ?9 b      满分:2  分  X9 M) u1 I8 W8 z1 B: R' a& S1 k: u
5.  ( )the main source of energy for speaking, initiating the airflow for speech, hence pulmonic airstream mechanism.
# B7 M6 Q7 Z, S. n+ _) ?A. Mouth# N  m9 g& L0 ^$ ~5 X
B. Heart/ G6 A* {2 Y# E5 r/ s. ~
C. Nose- U1 W2 U8 s# U
D. Lung; N4 T6 Y; n- |8 U! q% z
      满分:2  分
3 [1 n( i/ ?, C6.  ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels." ?' M  T" w9 L! _
A. Arbitrariness- }) _) [1 V0 w8 i
B. Genetic-cultural transmission( s/ r. m+ _6 `  `" ]9 Y5 d
C. Non-arbitrariness3 J5 @$ F* p5 ~$ Z6 m0 r8 H( ?
D. Duality* `  [1 O1 L! x% r; Q
      满分:2  分6 w: [2 W! \# a# v7 f/ |5 k: ?# x
7.  ( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.
! l6 E4 w& U5 Y$ Z% g4 I/ f/ P8 `1 [A. Loudness. ~, m+ d$ t; s8 L& W0 V7 v+ h) J3 X  l( Z
B. Rhythm. d: `( I1 i+ W( t' |
C. Tempo
7 k" U1 H9 x; @7 o5 aD. Tone. c6 c, T. V/ R1 H  q& Q: u
      满分:2  分, `. m3 I3 b9 J' j! Q+ R5 w7 P
8.  ( ) refers to regional phonological or phonetic distinctions in speech.* @2 b# a: S4 B1 S
A. Accent
( h4 d7 K4 O7 R& oB. Dialect
+ n; m, `# _# T# m% J+ V+ U. A' gC. Sentence4 }( w* c$ x7 F/ j# n0 a- N% w& i) u
D. Utterance
/ B4 n% y2 I3 h% |3 k9 L1 v, k      满分:2  分
3 F7 l) q0 j" H8 i0 C9.  ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels.7 Y+ k! d/ S/ u; E
A. Arbitrariness$ z1 {* H& U. u4 s
B. Genetic-cultural transmission& Z2 a# }' {' u* ~% B  B' d
C. Non-arbitrariness
: a) M0 `* V1 cD. Duality
' S: _0 L6 k( Z( H# H; P      满分:2  分$ Q9 G- ]. p  K" @  U- s
10.  'Language has ( ) that distinguish it from other semiotic systems used by humans and animals.
' P- p: C# m" _0 l0 r8 e$ xA. function
. i6 T  N/ ]. v4 O* a; NB. design features
/ S2 J0 a- X8 X# u- l8 j) z( eC. importance! d7 I' v) M% N5 b7 Y/ r
D. performance" x+ I; s1 p$ y* f8 L7 g1 h: |& ?
      满分:2  分" n8 L6 ^4 C2 d) f
11.  ( ) is the study of the various aspects of the relation between language on the one hand and speakers and society on the other.
7 \% p" k0 Z4 QA. Pragmatics. q" B- B9 ~4 @$ _( M6 }3 F% I
B. Sociolinguistics
+ G4 A7 E: c3 UC. Syntax
* F! ~/ b+ U$ lD. Semantics
. ~( b# o$ |) G% T      满分:2  分
$ e1 l+ x% R4 K( g12.  In the tree diagram ( ) is the point from which two or more lines descend., ^! C. i8 n. B2 \# a
A. Node
' u; h+ I; }0 V7 B* \B. Initial node0 l* O8 _- Z% F6 K$ J/ t$ i
C. Branching
& l$ R% b" v+ u: t4 K* N! B. QD. Intermediate node. I( D8 Z( k7 Z& O
      满分:2  分+ C  c' t* U/ O- c
13.  ( ) refers to a variety of language which is appropriate for a particular situation, T. q/ v& j) r" }* u
A. register1 |& y: q3 b$ }$ h5 I( I2 `
B. Style! Y* x) {  q* s# U
C. genre* P8 L! M/ @* |/ M
D. Form
0 P- ~; r$ O$ D" S/ X2 U( d. |      满分:2  分
# D5 d* v- v* ~  B8 G14.  Language has ( ) that distinguish it from other semiotic systems used by humans and animals.
, @. e2 n4 c6 y3 M9 zA. function
' ~1 R6 w) L2 Q: b2 |B. design features
; R' {* t& R2 u! O1 V+ e. WC. importance
3 e% A5 Z: D( ?/ S7 ]3 t$ H& P) \D. performance
% N5 Z: W6 }3 |. L; I      满分:2  分- H  ?3 s- |8 }+ g: _0 d
15.  ( ) morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word.' |: R2 o& M8 K6 F' @- |1 T2 }
A. Functional
- b9 h0 U5 g: v& f4 v; y3 ^) F! ]B. Lexical8 u9 C5 Z7 x( M; [
C. Grammatical/ E7 o6 J, L* _  C; H, A( _: f
D. Performative
& b5 l& v7 q5 S: {9 L& s6 [6 k4 y      满分:2  分) ]- @. g; s3 ?$ n
16.  The locutionary act ( ) refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular language
5 A) v' ~" W2 B- Y  lA. illocutionary act' p, Z9 D9 c1 l- `4 I2 Z
B. locutionary act
6 l+ V( D3 N" G( [5 g& mC. perlocutionary act, x* Q9 K+ j  N
      满分:2  分7 p) q* E% `. Q* P/ d# \7 U( w
17.  The phones that can be grouped together as variants of one phoneme have to be ( ) similar1 G) x4 I$ G2 t, V# c- b
A. phonetically* X- |* B) N7 U+ g
B. phonologically* b4 T8 x; G( ^7 x& L# |
C. sound
6 z$ j0 ]0 a& |  [0 l" UD. seem% e+ S+ [$ E* ?; q, x$ ~$ O; U+ l
      满分:2  分
9 d/ R; C% c6 w& {18.  '( ) refers to the sameness in meaning between two or more words.
8 S. F! N) H/ J3 _& b  T0 OA. Synonymy
0 T9 S7 N! M5 x* c! X% s! `B. Polysemy* p8 w! Z9 O: J# }- A) F
C. Homonymy
2 S( H. m, v" @% s2 f; KD. Antonymy1 k  V5 V1 v5 ~7 Z6 L/ c
      满分:2  分
  d+ c& _4 z$ g( l19.  According to ( ), language determines the framework of speaker’s perception and thought.
6 F5 F8 B5 a% J4 w2 `A. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) J% X+ J/ s0 o1 \
B. Positivist theory7 l: H9 v# A5 M9 `( z8 A7 J- B
C. Use theory% x/ A& J; o+ {5 _6 e  x, R. Q; Y9 H
D. Speech Acts theory. J/ ?7 R# f* d5 w5 V
      满分:2  分
1 j' \- \# y$ z( P; Q20.  () refers to the sameness in meaning between two or more words.5 r. |: X% V5 m) F: n
A. Synonymy
; \0 C# a  R5 E, jB. Polysemy5 r# N; |0 ?0 @$ K# i8 T5 N
C. Homonymy
4 O( R- E6 }4 b4 ]/ W" cD. Antonymy
. m/ x' ~: H4 F      满分:2  分
' j" W- p- A+ [9 A6 O% R21.  ( ) are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the context within which a text is produced.
1 }/ J9 c- p) s. W5 N8 ]8 MA. Nouns2 l! }8 n! n0 U  u
B. Adjectives9 N+ D8 R: S& n* @
C. Verbs
  Y6 X: o( p' Q& L: i8 s% WD. Deictics- Q# q/ z& ]# U8 ^
      满分:2  分3 j7 E" `% K6 J' @/ T' s) d7 f8 k
22.  ( ) morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word.6 Y6 Z; k4 _. E6 @/ y! m  d
A. Functional
5 i! {0 P/ \+ P1 f  CB. Lexical
4 n4 V7 x) D0 I" I- ^, K( V. UC. Grammatical
2 E6 G7 [1 v. b( Q/ T/ j# BD. Performative) M) L( q" i* a
      满分:2  分
3 P: U: b: s/ P, h. ?23.  ( ) is the study of speech, focusing specially on the relation between discourse and its contexts.
: X4 W) {8 Z. L  @$ V' uA. Pragmatics
& K* R  e& ^+ g$ P0 aB. Discourse analysis" U4 I/ ?5 ?# v  n8 b1 M1 T
C. Dialectology7 y5 I1 B; x  J" L0 K
D. Morphology( l7 M8 U& p# p& c/ U% [9 o
      满分:2  分
! u" h: M, e$ c0 G: @7 u9 F% i24.  ( ) refers to the speed of speech.
! n) I- o0 b# I0 ?A. Loudness
4 B6 R; z( {) i) rB. Stress
* t; n: i3 X/ {; [$ J6 Q6 nC. Tempo
( i# \/ W6 u, ]& |, e8 }, eD. Tone9 ]2 _8 w: F. [$ ]# ^  o* z2 o6 ]  |
      满分:2  分' ^- X$ R+ P( ^# c; ]
25.  ( ) is the science that studies how speech sounds are used in language to convey meanings.
3 c1 F  W" ^; K" U; U3 K& h5 GA. Phonetics
# d9 _. U: P2 v0 ~0 d2 dB. Phonology& E& h, f6 x( S( w  Q2 J0 d. [4 ?
C. Morphology; r5 ~$ y. K+ h& o- h: ]# l0 m
D. Dialectology
+ @9 T; \$ s7 A- x- _      满分:2  分
9 n1 f; y5 K, P: @9 w# M4 {% a二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1.  Affixation changes the grammatical class of the word.* @+ |, f$ W- M' Z7 S* @0 q( N
A. 错误
) m& A# w) ]( G! X9 qB. 正确% x' l2 `3 a( w7 E- }7 F  d
      满分:2  分5 r5 P5 m# q: j
2.  Duality makes it possible for second/foreign language learning; ~. q3 @6 g9 \: z) a; K
A. 错误
+ j8 z: P. j  }5 n$ KB. 正确
( T; E- W8 `9 F  U5 l; s3 A      满分:2  分' X3 o: P- c! B5 `7 h# ?( e2 E
3.  'Utterance meaning is context-independent
) K' _( h+ |9 V! s$ @: NA. 错误
# v+ ~7 }" I6 X! NB. 正确+ }( G# a) ^6 m* n) Y6 Q$ ~) Y- d
      满分:2  分
8 l& q  B+ C: T$ Z8 \8 `3 s4.  Arbitratiness contributes to language flexibility and versatility and makes it possible for language to be passed on from generation to generation.
/ H$ A- t9 s, p' z2 J, M1 IA. 错误1 `4 T2 ?9 N& a
B. 正确
6 F2 u( F4 A$ |, J      满分:2  分
5 p/ j9 [1 d( R4 R( l8 @. |& E3 N4 e5.  Utterance meaning is context-independent
( _( Q( s  ~: p" z# |8 S- o% b# `A. 错误9 C' R1 {; k5 m+ m7 ^6 F
B. 正确2 X8 f. L2 W6 ]: r7 [* e
      满分:2  分) s% s  T* E2 s+ Z
6.  In speech sound production, lower part of the oral cavity are relatively stable and function as a foil to the upper part in its articulatory movements.0 G  m8 u5 T+ S0 ^. H
A. 错误
' k5 W, Z6 N$ }' d2 x/ BB. 正确
0 J8 G# {: k* F4 D6 H      满分:2  分4 z- G4 E& ]2 r+ @
7.  Constituency approach is bottom-up in nature.
5 b) f4 M# V& B% u+ FA. 错误
3 |8 C8 b( d8 ?% P+ l1 F  vB. 正确
& z# w- u( k4 E- i# ?      满分:2  分
- i& [6 J/ s& [6 V$ A& Y8.  Langue is the language system that speakers of the language conform to in their verbal communication.: Z5 J+ k, c) |) n
A. 错误
7 E5 ~2 Z; ?0 V& Q9 dB. 正确& [. K8 T( W: o: S) C
      满分:2  分
% e) s0 Q3 P1 T- I6 j# p0 Y' E9.  Sense is the meaning that lies in the relation or contrasts among linguistic forms themselves.
7 t/ |  a% `5 wA. 错误
3 T% Q$ {7 ~8 \/ s3 g/ O1 nB. 正确
5 h2 F5 k+ T: \$ g! S      满分:2  分
( Y& W2 b8 C" o/ Q  K" E! q10.  Hyponymy (p.226) refers to the sense relation between a more general word and a more specific word.
; n. Q9 w" A/ O4 m/ ]A. 错误
( U4 |# E7 |, O- R8 l" Z# ?: EB. 正确+ x( n6 F3 ?& s0 Z$ H* O
      满分:2  分
- n: S* a' v" b* V, L. E11.  Lingua franca was originally used in Mediterranean commerce in the Middle Ages.
! |0 e3 F$ _+ o( D, eA. 错误
. X( \1 i/ k) G  e2 o! C7 w1 f. qB. 正确: }9 w! p% i* H7 B' R: ~& u, i
      满分:2  分
7 a+ N- B: l/ v* [' s/ b/ ~: [12.  Oral cavity is the place where oral, nasal and nasalised oral sounds are shaped.5 o1 G7 B1 K9 T( `
A. 错误
1 I+ @# A7 i( E! M8 ?. C) B. Z8 lB. 正确5 T* q% K6 t4 m  l+ ~6 t$ _/ C, r" T  _6 G
      满分:2  分: q* l; J4 s/ o( t# I& j" [
13.  Diachronic linguistics focuses on a particular phase in its development.
  Y" g9 I6 q- xA. 错误" M4 t! A- t; [6 m# Q% r
B. 正确
- Z2 l9 M0 K4 W$ C* Z      满分:2  分  k7 ~) u1 j) a% k
14.  Substitution refers to the replacement of one item by another in the text and is concerned with the way substitutions realise the grammatical cohesion in the text.5 @' N7 q5 C, A: _3 {5 A, k; v
A. 错误
# a. e: z  Y; y1 n; ~( fB. 正确
8 _- O, ?& |( Q& H; h      满分:2  分
/ p3 i% H% V; I* E/ y15.  'Duality makes it possible for second/foreign language learning+ p7 P/ i2 H& b
A. 错误
: B4 o* W' M3 E' s0 x, ?B. 正确
% ?9 L, e1 c+ M* A2 k0 ]9 H! v1 s      满分:2  分2 A7 D! a- a* t$ t9 ^$ |
16.  Cataphoric reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text after the word or expression that is presupposing.9 A3 a: ^' B& W6 k
A. 错误$ |6 J& h* o; L
B. 正确  e" G* a9 Y) }8 n1 g
      满分:2  分6 b% ?9 `' T" k& R
17.  The arbitrariness of the relationship between the linguistic symbol and its referent distinguishes human language from animals’ languages.
# s. H: x- L' o. c3 ~* HA. 错误
' @6 x9 u8 r% g2 AB. 正确) M3 o7 t- ]7 Y/ |0 Q/ q1 N2 @
      满分:2  分
' S! T9 c* b9 S8 ^; W# _18.  The distinctive feature of place of articulation alone can make necessary distinction between some consonants- T+ j6 }  x7 i. Q7 O
A. 错误
: h8 I; N1 p" s1 V! Q; wB. 正确1 e; w% F. Y2 L/ p& \% P, N  U- ~
      满分:2  分! L) Y! E4 G1 e5 |' J
19.  Stress may play different functions in different languages., s/ s9 Q& T$ f# B6 H
A. 错误
, G2 ?( S7 G: ^7 Z0 `- tB. 正确" P$ u, p- `! B3 G. l5 V
      满分:2  分
4 A7 p; Y* j! J, e6 g5 p% ?20.  Implicature refers to what a speaker implies, suggests, or means, as distinct from what is literally said.' P$ O! R2 T7 D! h! [# P& k
A. 错误
; N* Y  \8 |& L7 F: ^. o( N5 cB. 正确' ]! r& x5 A8 |  L/ W9 L
      满分:2  分
& l, @5 N! L: S& G4 Q8 A7 V% O21.  Distinctive feature theories use the same set of distinctive features for classifying both consonants and vowels.' M1 V" B% y: l% s4 M9 L
A. 错误
- Z: T# v0 o# i$ ^/ U: L% z2 ^8 D( ?+ G+ }B. 正确
5 t, N) o% _0 K* a% C      满分:2  分
! g. j% U- Q, B  F9 D! v0 q22.  The critical age for language acquisition refers to the qualitative difference in language acquisition before and after the age around fifteen.
- W1 T1 A1 m: H4 KA. 错误  p% l, f, y7 H' ^% E" q7 T) \& ]
B. 正确) `5 Y( p' ^& _! B: \/ \0 N- @2 f* }
      满分:2  分# x; e6 D5 h; E. E- U: z
23.  A morphological rule is a rule that introduces the morph or allomorphs that match the morpheme concerned./ k9 t: `4 r" N+ b( a
A. 错误6 B3 n: |% E' `: c6 n8 `
B. 正确
. ^3 j) L" r- Z- g6 N) B1 ?      满分:2  分- Y3 F+ H4 I4 Q/ I3 K6 O6 }
24.  Transformation rules don't have to follow a set order.8 ^$ S( J6 s' X1 G6 x2 h# p7 {6 w, q
A. 错误
" d  n! B5 l5 p5 Z$ oB. 正确
% c4 h2 O, g+ @, X! Q% G      满分:2  分3 ^8 N, r* X/ X8 G" E4 t
25.  Different language make use of the same set of speech sounds.% Q4 j: @$ s% o: I# e6 j7 l
A. 错误
: f. z: U8 K) Q& h: qB. 正确
: `8 Q9 i, B: |3 Y) C3 b      满分:2  分
) I, T9 ]: z+ J! B# G) D  ?/ o/ _& |
6 K/ \9 D1 p$ b1 A/ \& x
+ \: X/ F* Q/ f# `; A


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