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发表于 2010-12-1 18:53:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 B1 O+ d# W1 L试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:1009 W# j% f1 g" z  r
; T" P' A  [3 o * s- P+ v. Z, l7 m& f; m0 J* R8 l

. h# r/ f* ~+ {; l0 u' w2 L- U6 g. C! S" K9 q7 M: O" V. A
、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)    得分:100
, z* q& b$ E% \( V9 {3 z1.  -What does this word mean, Joe? -( ).! }/ J" k. C. n  o  W8 E
A. Sorry, I don't know, either- r: U' p; y+ n1 ~( g( c7 s3 ]* ?
B. Joe is a boy's name
- @" P7 {& M( G& y4 _4 ], }C. Of course, I'm Joe
$ a* E/ p/ p# E) kD. This word means Joe8 r4 \! @( y8 m$ Z7 w9 ?; I% u
正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2
* T# O; b/ o/ b1 p8 A9 b; L" K7 n2.  Three-quarters of people like it. So that's ( )90%, which is our target.1 g; J8 Q. ~3 j# |+ Q! `
A. precisely2 `" T0 t4 F4 D' g% x, U9 P9 H
B. approximately
; g9 w% `, M* u* X4 z" cC. under
- ^- b. [' |2 }7 r# U. W) C# B% sD. around8 X/ r$ f, d2 d; m
正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
( }. g, i! y. x6 ^3.  The concert usually takes place at the People's Square, with the audience ( )on the ground.+ i( k" x4 L/ T7 K
A. seating: s) s8 s( Q. z0 g
B. seated4 G  I' @$ f+ Q8 b8 K' m
C. be seating
3 c& N2 M: B9 m" QD. to seat
- ~" \# d" ]" T3 P* D正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2
# Z# J+ F7 Q. F; |; _+ o: b4.  -What's the best way to get to the Empire Hotel from here? -( ).
; P" L% U3 S3 h3 V% XA. It's five blocks away
$ s8 K7 i0 D9 n6 PB. Walking through the wood
7 b) {" b: l2 o$ d! uC. It's a twenty-minute walk
* G' K6 a% k8 cD. Half an hour if we drive fast
5 A) X+ U2 E8 O' r& r8 k; w0 w1 N正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2
1 U4 Z. m2 `/ J) Z* _' |5.  -Northwestern Airlines. May I help you? -( ).
3 T* y" v7 o3 `0 C1 m% BA. Yes, I'd like to have two pints of beer, please
8 B% _3 U1 K+ T* |; s8 h, x; |B. Yes, I'd like some information about morning flights from Beijing to Detroit
5 M; O" a0 e6 Q$ nC. Well, there's a flight at 11:00 am. It's a nonstop flight
' Q) G8 Q1 @! u' _/ y% yD. Well, all the seats have been reserved% P2 H" n" h5 Q0 }
正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2
( S# ]$ [- V# z* K! Z6.  - Do you think I should study Japanese or French? - ( ).
& H3 A3 N( V3 A. B! CA. It's your own decision
5 N+ ]* z) I- C& p& L3 A0 QB. None of your business
- K1 o% Z7 o% b# c+ ?/ QC. It's up to you
1 n+ d7 v& n3 g' QD. That's all right
& E9 W3 Q- J% l8 p正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
8 @/ f( d' f3 c$ o+ ]# d+ z7.  -What day is it today? -( ).
0 q1 R# F9 e! S$ iA. Today is March 25th
+ g, N" c8 ]( N) p. t& N- g& ]B. Today is Saturday
8 j) [3 V, @9 d( e: S9 L4 ~+ TC. Today is fine
& f- v3 k+ e$ N0 m- V% kD. Today is cold
( m9 q2 b% |: G1 f' c正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2
9 w  G" d% Z8 e0 a& g4 y8.  Bill doesn't ( )what people say about him.
/ p! T$ U# v. OA. concern* e9 ]2 T4 I9 v" \& |% D1 p& E
B. matter
; X9 E0 F' i; K; K, CC. care
9 u& p( {* u$ q3 E. R7 r1 w9 nD. disturb. m; y0 ?( S: N3 v1 B1 J- Y2 a
正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
, X$ p1 P2 O  H9 I4 w1 l1 D, l' _9.  The Gobi Desert is ( )than Britain.1 k- ~7 P# J0 }8 J/ w$ X* z
A. seven times bigger
& S/ X2 N1 M8 W/ Z/ UB. bigger seven times1 P5 F% ?0 B1 r8 W  H+ u% Z
C. seven bigger times. A9 x8 q: R# W
D. seven times big
* |4 W+ k0 C7 p7 }8 z, D- S正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2
0 Q4 t0 l1 G1 O6 \: W9 U' K+ i10.  Cities attract people because of the ( )for labour in the manufacturing and service industries.! b' J7 c' b- k6 }
A. requirement
' h& V& s* A: H; xB. call2 D  B( C6 c9 @! a
C. interest
, t# ?0 l+ y3 ?8 ]1 \! JD. demand$ f  s. e1 v! Q! P6 L8 Q5 \1 O2 V4 @
正确资料:D      满分:2  分  得分:2


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