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[天津大学] 17春天大《外贸函电》在线作业一二资料

发表于 2017-3-23 11:06:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选(共 15 道试题,共 75 分。)  V 1.  ( )will be added to invoice amount together with freight charges.
A. Coverage
B. Insurance
C. Premium
D. Rate

2.  ( )the stipulations of our contract No.14532, you are to open the relative L/C before the end of September.
A. According to
B. Based on
C. Inaccordance with
D. Depending on

3.  We have a lot of( )in this line.
A. associations
B. relationship
C. connections
D. links

4.  We can not agree with you( )the time of shipment.
A. as to
B. as of
C. as
D. for

5.  We have sent you( )separate cover two copies of our brochure.
A. by
B. underWith
C. in

6.  We can supply the goods you require( ).
A. just the stock
B. in stock
C. outof stock
D. from stock

7.  Please keep us informed of the possibility of the export of our products( )your market.
A. on
B. into
C. of
D. to

8.  Since we( )the goods, there have been a lot of orders sent to us for the same kind of goods.
A. have shipped
B. ship
C. shipped
D. had shipped

9.  We are acquainted( )our customers' needs and can place large orders with you if your price is quite in line.
A. of
B. by
C. with
D. for

10.  We are glad to learn that you are making plans to visit China( ).
A. in next month
B. in the next month
C. in the following month
D. next month

11.  Although the prevailing price is somewhat higher, we will accept your order( )as before.
A. on usual terms
B. on the same terms
C. on previous terms
D. on offered terms

12.  I tried to keep them, but I could ( )offer 2000 yuan per month.
A. on any account
B. in no time
C. in any way
D. in no way

13.  As you are well( ), I will be arriving in Beijing along with my partner, Mr.Smith, on August 1.
A. known
B. aware
C. cognizant
D. apparent

14.  We would like to express our satisfaction( )receiving the first order and ( )prompt shipment of the goods.
A. to,confirm
B. with, confirming
C. at, confirm
D. in confirm

15.  Obviously your recent quotation seems workable as it is in line with the( )market.
A. depressed
B. prevailing
C. today
D. latest

二、多选题(共 5 道试题,共 25 分。)  V 1.  ( )you obtain the import licence we will confirm your order, if the goods are still available.
A. When
B. After
C. As soon as
2.  ( )you find our offer acceptable, please fax us for our confirmation.
A. In case
B. If
C. Provided
3.  As you know, this is a popular brand, which can sell easily( )our market.
A. at
B. in
C. on
4.  ( )your request, we are sending you by separate airmail two copies of our catalogue.
A. In compliance with
B. According to
C. As per
5.  We are( ) the punctual shipment of the ordered goods.
A. arranged
B. arranging
C. arranging for


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