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发表于 2016-5-13 10:03:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

总分: 100 | 及格分数: 60 | 建议答题时间: 90 分钟 | 最大答题次数: 5 | 剩余答题次数: 5

第一模块 资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com) (25 道题,共 100分) 1、In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _____ the developments and recorded every detail. (4 分)
  A  in  
  B  at  
  C  for  
  D  on  
2、--- Oh dear! I’ve just broken a window. --- __________! It can’t be helpe## (4 分)
  A  Great  
  B  Never mind  
  C  That’s fine  
  D  Not at all  
3、--- Thank you ever so much for the book you gave m## ---_________. (4 分)
  A  No thanks  
  B  I’m glad you like it  
  C  Yes, it is good  
  D  No, it’s not so good  
4、Most students in this class________ from the countrysid## (4 分)
  A  is  
  B  are  
  C  will  
  D  would  
5、Mr. Smith left for New York long ag##That’s a pity I wish_____. (4 分)
  A  I meet him  
  B  I'll have met him  
  C  I'd have met him  
  D  I'll meet him  
6、Henry talks to his dog as if it ___ him. (4 分)
  A  understands  
  B  understood  
  C  understand  
  D  would understand  
7、He was interested ____ books. (4 分)
  A  in  
  B  about  
  C  over  
  D  on  
8、In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _____ spring. (4 分)
  A  later  
  B  last  
  C  latter  
  D  late  
9、____ for my illness,I would have lent him a helping han## (4 分)
  A  Not being  
  B  Without being  
  C  Had it not been  
  D  Not having been  
10、This ticket _______ you to a free meal in your new restaurant. (4 分)
  A  gives  
  B  entitles  
  C  grants  
  D  credits  
11、I would have told him the answer had it been possible,but I_____ so busy then. (4 分)
  A  had been  
  B  were  
  C  was  
  D  would be  
12、Hello? Is that ? Please put me _______ to the manager. (4 分)
  A  across  
  B  up  
  C  through  
  D  over  
13、They ____ Smith ____ president. (4 分)
  A  named ... as  
  B  name ... for  
  C  ordered ...about  
  D  ordered ... on  
14、--- Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. It’s14.15 ---___________. (4 分)
  A  I’ll think your advice over  
  B  I se  
  C  We have 30 minutes left  
  D  That’s no problem  
  E  I’m afraid so  
15、Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ____ sicknesses. (4 分)
  A  normal  
  B  regular  
  C  average  
  D  ordinary  
16、He’s determined to finish the job ___________-long it takes. (4 分)
  A  no matter  
  B  however  
  C  wherever  
  D  whatever  
17、He _________ more than 5000 English words when he entered the university. (4 分)
  A  has learned  
  B  had learned  
  C  would have learned  
  D  learned  
18、Charles has not the least _______ of giving up his research. (4 分)
  A  intention  
  B  idea  
  C  play  
  D  desire  
19、Supposing the weather ____ bad, where would you go? (4 分)
  A  is  
  B  will be  
  C  were  
  D  Be  
20、I have never ________ him since he left. (4 分)
  A  heard  
  B  heard of  
  C  heard from  
  D  heard about  
21、The old man looked as if he ___ ill for a long tim## (4 分)
  A  was  
  B  were  
  C  has been  
  D  had been.  
22、We go to the cinema ________ a week. (4 分)
  A  often  
  B  once  
  C  seldom  
  D  usually  
23、His name is on the _______ of my tongue, but I just couldn't remember it. (4 分)
  A  edge  
  B  point  
  C  top  
  D  tip  
24、How the fire in the dance hall started __________ a mystery. (4 分)
  A  to remain  
  B  remains  
  C  remain  
  D  is remaining  
25、Television keeps us informed about _________ events and the latest developments in science and politics. (4 分)
  A  current  
  B  fashionable  
  C  brandnew  
  D  previous  

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