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北京大学16春 大学英语3 第3组作业资料

发表于 2016-3-10 19:44:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com):  85072

1.Skating is such a _____ sport in the northeast of China that almost everybody there knows how to skate.
A. A. likely
B. B. famous
C. C. popular
D. D. long
2. The teacher suggested that they _____ in the exercise at once.
A. A. had handed
B. B. should have handed
C. C. handed
D. D. hand
3.He did not go to school yesterday because he _____ his father who was ill.
A. A. must have looked after
B. B. would have to look after
C. C. had to look after
D. D. should have looked after

By the end of this month, we surely ______ a satisfactory solution to the problem.
A. A. have found
B. B. will be finding
C. C. will have found
D. D. are finding

Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ______, of course, made the others jealous.
A. A. whom
B. B. that
C. C. what
D. D. which

Linda, ______ has lived next door to me about 10 years, will move to another city soon.
A. A. who
B. B. which
C. C. that
D. D. what

The visitors felt greatly surprised at ______ they saw in the museum.
A. A. who
B. B. whose
C. C. how
D. D. what
8.On no account ______ held responsible for the accident.
A. A. the driver can be
B. B. can the driver be
C. C. the driver docs be
D. D. does the driver be
9._____ by his friend for his mistake, Jim felt very unhappy.
A. A. Criticizing
B. B. To criticize
C. C. Criticized
D. D. Having criticized
10.Would you _____ to come to the meeting this weekend?
A. A. be so kind
B. B. be kind as
C. C. be so kind as
D. D. be kind

He will write to me as soon as he _____ home.
A. A. will have returned
B. B. returns
C. C. returned
D. D. will return
12._____ is generally believed, there is no water on the moon.
A. A. As
B. B. What
C. C. That
D. D. It

He devoted his whole life to _____ care of the disabled children.
A. A. takes
B. B. taking
C. C. took
D. D. take
14.The student continued his university study _____ his family was poor.
A. A. even though
B. B. as though
C. C. now that
D. D. since

His father was put into_____ prison,and he had to go to _____ prison to visit him once in a while.
A. A. a; the
B. B. the; a
C. C. a;/
D. D. /; the



When Daddy will come back, I am going to tell him everything about your poor performance at school.                    
A. A. will come back
B. B. I am going to
C. C. everything
D. D. at

Some people like to eat apples, but others prefer bananas for apples.
A. A. like
B. B. eat
C. C. prefer
D. D. for

Most tree frogs change colors from time to time to fit in with its environment.
A. A. Most
B. B. change
C. C. from time to time
D. D. its environment

The teacher, as well as his students, were present at the meeting.
A. A. teacher
B. B. were
C. C. at
D. D. meeting

Walking alone in the desert, the traveler is boring.
A. A. Walking
B. B. in
C. C. traveler
D. D. boring



Coffee is a powerful drink. On a personal level, it helps keep us awake and active. On a much general level, it has helped shape our history and continues to shape our culture.

Coffee plants grow wild in parts of Africa and were probably used by travelling tribes (部落)for thousands of years, but it wasn’t until the 1400s that people figured out they could roast its seeds. “Then it really took off,” said historian Mark Pendergrast—author of Uncommon Grounds: the History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World. By the 1500s, the drink had spread to coffeehouses across the Arab world within another 150 years, it took Europe by storm. “It actually had a major impact on the rise of business,” Pendergrast says. Coffeehouses became a spot not just to enjoy a cup but to exchange ideas.

The insurance industry was founded hundreds of years ago in one of London’s 2,000 coffeehouses. Literature, newspapers and even the works of great composers like Bach and Beethoven were also inspired in coffeehouses.

It is often said that after the Boston Tea Party of 1773, when American colonists (殖民者)attacked British tea ships and threw large boxes of tea into the harbor, Americans everywhere switched over to drinking coffee. “There’s a lot of truth to the story, I found,” Pendergrast says. He mentions a letter John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, in which the Founding Father declares his love of tea but says he will have to learn to accept coffee instead, because drinking tea had become unpatriotic (不爱国的).

For all the upsides coffee has brought the modem world, it also brought its fair share of downsides, too. Europeans carried coffee with them as they colonized various parts of the world, and this frequently meant they made people into slaves in order to grow it.

According to the passage, which of the following has nothing to do with coffee?
A. A. Literature.
B. B. Newspapers.
C. C. The insurance industry.
D. D. The oil industry.

According to the passage,which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. A. The Boston Tea Party took place in 1773.
B. B. Europeans figured out ways to use coffee during the 1670s.
C. C. During the 1770s, more and more Americans began to drink coffee*
D. D. Coffee is a refreshing drink.

The author of the book believes that__________.
A. A. drinking coffee was unpatriotic
B. B. 2000 insurance companies were set up hundreds of years ago
C. C. Europeans were responsible for the existence of slavery
D. D. coffee actually influenced the rise of business

The phrase “took off” in the second paragraph means “_________”.
A. A. dropped to the ground
B. B. became very successful
C. C. removed its coat
D. D. went away suddenly

Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?
A. A. When Coffee Became Popular
B. B. Coffee Is a Powerful Drink
C. C. How Coffee Influenced the Course of History
D. D. What Impact Coffee Has on Human Behavior


As the Titanic was sinking and women and children climbed into lifeboats, the musicians from the ship’s band stood and played. They died when the ship went down. Men stood on the deck and smoked cigarettes. They died, too. This behavior is puzzling to economists, who like to believe that people tend to act in their own self interest. “There was no pushing,” says David Savage, an economist at Queensland University in Australia who has studied witness reports from the survivors. It was “very, very orderly behavior.”

Savage has compared the behavior of the passengers on the Titanic with those on the Lusitania, another ship that also sank at about the same time. But when the Lusitania went down, the passengers panicked(恐慌). There were a lot of similarities between these two events. These two ships were both luxury ones, they had a similar number of passengers and a similar number of survivors.

The biggest difference, Savage concludes, was time. The Lusitania sank in less than 20 minutes. But for the Titanic, it was two-and-a-half hours. “If you’ve got an event that lasts two-and-a-half hours, social order will take over and everybody will behave in a social manner,” Savage says.“If you’re going down in under 17 minutes, basically it’s instinctual.” On the Titanic, social order ruled, and it was women and children first. On the Lusitania, instinct won out. The survivors were largely the people who could swim and get into the lifeboats.

Yes, we’re self-interested, Savage says. But we’re also part of a society. Given time, social norms (规范) can beat our natural self-interest. A hundred years ago, women and children always went first. Men were stoic (坚忍的). On the Titanic, there was enough time for these norms to become forceful.

According to the author, economists were confused because_____.
A. A. people’s behavior was disorderly on the Titanic
B. B. people did not act in their own interest on the Titanic
C. C. most men did not act in their own interest on the Lusitania
D. D. women and children could not climb into the lifeboats

The expression “won out” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to“_____”.
A. A. took the upper hand
B. B. went out of control
C. C. ran wild
D. D. shut down

According to David Savage, _____ was a critical factor in determining people’s behavior in the sinking of these two ships.
A. A. social order
B. B. place
C. C. instinct
D. D. time

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. A. Both ships were expensive ones.
B. B. A similar number of women and children from both ships survived.
C. C. About the same number of people from each ship died.
D. D. Both ships had a similar number of passengers.

Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?
A. A. Why Didn't Musicians Play on the Lusitania?
B. B. Why Did Musicians Play on the Titanic?
C. C. Why Didn't Passengers Panic on the Titanic?
D. D. Why Did Men Smoke on the Titanic?



The mind-success connection is strong,and many obstacles to our success are also mental. Some people rely more on facts, _(1)_ others rely more on feelings. There is no “right way” to be, but we all have the natural ability to “feel” our way successfully _(2)_ an unlighted path.

I learned this _(3)_ I was standing on a curb (路边)in a city in Vietnam (越南). My objective, a restaurant where my husband Tom was _(4)_ for me,stood on the _(5)_ side of the street, I was _(6)_and could smell the food. But it seemed as if the restaurant were miles away. The street was _(7)_ with motor cycles, bicycles, cars, trucks and buses. Rather than _(8)_ the traffic into two lanes,the yellow lane markers apparently served only to _(9)_ that you were on a paved (铺设的)road. People passed, stopped, turned around and crossed center lines.

Traffic flowed both ways in the same lane, and more traffic turned onto the street from side ones. Even when the signal tight turned red, traffic _(10)_ to flow as drivers entirely ignored the signal, rushing to me from front, back, sides and all angles.

A. A. a
B. B. while
C. C. where
D. D. when

A. A. along
B. B. with
C. C. beside
D. D. under

A. A. where
B. B. what
C. C. when
D. D. which

A. A. waiting
B. B. looking
C. C. expecting
D. D. seeing

A. A. opposed
B. B. nearby
C. C. different
D. D. opposite

A. A. earnest
B. B. hungry
C. C. splendid
D. D. worried

A. A. grouped
B. B. pressed
C. C. crowded
D. D. provided

A. A. dividing
B. B. combining
C. C. cutting
D. D. joining

A. A. strengthen
B. B. conclude
C. C. indicate
D. D. express

A. A. responded
B. B. transformed
C. C. recovered
D. D. continued





The results have been encouraging: more sleep, increased attendance, better grades and fewer driving accidents.

42. Previous studies have shown the longer the mom breastfeeds, the more benefit for her body.

One of the biggest worries for governments is that the longer people live, the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability.

Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society.

The number of students learning Chinese is tiny compared within how many study Spanish or French..







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