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发表于 2018-10-16 05:47:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& J" e5 e1 z# {7 `4 u+ [试卷总分:100    得分:100
- ^% c: x1 A- j" B第1,In topical syllabuses, ____form the organizing principle-sequenced by the likelihood that students will encounter them.4 E2 `& O/ v) S
A、real-life context
) U! }8 A: o2 Y* P2 \( u1 q9 @% j2 xB、topics or themes4 V% V  T! |% y
C、notions/ a  k6 Q8 j7 c3 x+ y5 \* c
" K: N- x9 M5 r3 V$ U" {, v2 a/ U) p- b1 W$ X+ w# p8 R
9 j# D5 }7 \: C2 P( r2 p

2 r9 j( ~4 \3 J第2题,____ is not fixed in time and space.$ c- k0 D& R7 |" I
A、speech* @# w1 x: G  {& j5 E. S! b: Z4 K
B、written discourse
4 ?- _6 @6 O' J8 B7 |5 f( lC、spoken discourse1 F& X6 S7 {' e) Z5 h4 D
% `0 U* H  p* x
7 t8 y( @$ n* t' s& F. b8 T4 ~/ S
. q  B9 c8 ~6 f' Q. K! G
4 O2 W" R- W1 f" A* h  g' ]第3题,Reflection as a ______process indicates that our thinking is not an isolated activity. Instead, it is an inward evaluation of oneself with the social environment and an outward revealing of our inner beliefs through our behavior.& [. N9 |* Q$ h5 H: V- g' P6 W
& r3 K& ^. e& C2 C8 W$ h1 K6 DB、developmental
3 R3 ^# N+ E* l* h) Y; vC、political
' L* k' S% h+ m$ T$ ?) Q  GD、social/ s, R& x* C/ X! s) M
4 {$ D" b: M) }3 e2 b' h
! ?0 h( \2 I4 m8 ]. c
" \6 u2 R' D: m8 w* x3 s6 e
第4题,Levelt (1989) comments that is a human beings' most complex skill.7 N" t5 P7 A- g7 c3 J
/ Q) h4 f! |1 c6 {7 U' \4 y( A- EB、listening
8 U% H* P5 J( QC、smelling
9 f. \4 v" V& d1 t  N% S' bD、feeling
: t+ e7 U3 T  A: [% T5 v
* d0 X( J% P! Y$ J6 x5 D! \: }
5 u0 I: n9 S3 D& F  T6 Z3 \0 V# L7 P* u" L% a* J
第5题,The essence of personal growth is to develop______of oneself by comprehending one's past, potentialities of one's future, and one's place in the present environment (Burns 1979).
6 \/ A$ \0 ], l$ ]# d% ~A、abilities
6 O$ Z, z, `3 RB、perceptions" s5 S0 p& b6 q& O- |4 R5 n
4 m) s3 r; k0 o; ^5 }D、knowledge  u7 @9 e: ~6 p! F3 `8 D

; `6 F2 {- e/ P3 k$ |6 e3 s* _2 b# Y+ C9 O' |. F
: B+ h6 |7 Y; U) W* \" r
第6题,Poster, cue cards, or pictures that teachers prepare before the class are about___.& L* m* L: }$ G% ~7 o
A、audio-cassettes- I: s  D4 l6 F
B、visual materials; i0 ^( X2 l7 }2 ~
C、supplementary materials
* `; Q3 Z$ b3 j1 q. hD、videodiscs: s6 ~5 d+ _5 ^

' x7 b' e0 t: P5 Y' j# Y
( J' U& g" d- H$ O- A  \  S$ U/ d% w7 L* e! }% J( a! c
第7题,The tests designed to provide information used to place students at an appropriate level in a program or course are called ______ .$ p; c8 }" m7 n, j( O
A、Proficiency tests/ y# q" ~2 n6 d0 }3 U, j  T
B、Achievement tests5 {: A$ s- M5 m( E/ C, s
C、Diagnostic tests
$ X8 `# S* O. z  R6 RD、Placement tests
8 U9 v5 i7 L3 t) h
) i4 q+ y) @" X. e- q* `& U; O9 ~7 w. o

) I2 d4 P8 y# ]: ^; s* M- g) F第8题,When learners are trying to build up _____about the target language on the basis of limited language knowledge and skills, they make errors.+ E3 Z3 B1 B5 l% D, p4 t: `
' s- r- d( x  q' gB、thinking
3 \; T- Y) o) a& s9 {: V' RC、beliefs+ Y$ S( a4 P% ~3 {' V6 l
D、believes3 O8 v! C" I7 |  L/ o- P
4 b& W7 G; M. y6 p
1 |! R  y; C; A/ [3 i8 a

9 p: K/ K+ I% _% ?第9题,Perception refers to recognition of the____ impressions in the light of the individual's past experience and present needs.6 s& q+ ^6 Y! `! a% O+ s
9 _9 w3 G! H9 v2 b) i- C& iB、audio
# s- O4 E, L* `/ P% AC、watch6 M( X, X8 \! a0 Q
: p/ u; u: t/ |* c: f7 _- F5 Y- ?" F3 s1 a, _

- s4 _6 X; v! G9 j  K, i$ c% v, R4 P- ]# i( a- Q6 E# ^
第10题,Writing is the result of employing strategies to manages the composing process, which is one of gradually developing a ____.
6 g$ x! G- K, ?) SA、speech
, x  _/ c" Z3 ?& T  S6 \B、text" O. a% Y8 _; `9 K; f
9 `/ l) \. ^% E3 b6 z, T0 KD、idea
3 V" A6 n, O7 e/ r" X6 k% [# f) m* t
0 m* C1 Y8 V4 g
: d2 f, W; p* `- O1 |% R) r0 v* c. X
第11题,From a psychological perspective, Levelt explores several components that exist in a person's speaking. They are______
( X: K# K! @" NA、conceptualizing
% A" ~& g0 ]( O  l, z! I# mB、formulating8 d- K' o. F+ u( D1 e  ?
! }0 F6 [7 ]( RD、consisting speech-comprehension system, making 'self-produced internal and overt speech available to the conceptual system'6 r5 q' Y8 X. |* w3 j) z
,B,C,D8 z$ j0 K% t8 b; J: W/ |+ Z
+ m; \: q7 o& z3 F1 ?

) D8 n* L' \, |& F; q" R第12题,There is a variety of reflective approaches to fostering reflection. They are____.9 f# S3 x; O0 @: H
A、reflective writings
& I$ z$ _; v( r( ~1 q8 C$ L! [( q# cB、readings3 d+ z1 |8 R% G4 \/ \* g: x6 f
% N6 E' n; Q  {; U6 b; UD、actioning
& Q' B: d4 W4 a/ R# d; F8 `,B,C,D' L$ n! f6 W3 A$ g
1 }. W* F# x' m# ^
2 M5 ?3 U0 w8 E: m  I5 r. D$ e
第13题,The reasons why learners encounter difficulties in reading English text could be _____., }  K5 x( f5 E6 c* Y" B
A、linguistic level
9 u4 ?6 e. z- t) A3 KB、discourse structure' D& j) H$ |3 Q  Z! l; L$ U
C、background information
* u+ j7 t& @# l& a! ], o3 n. gD、reading habit and EQ
  R; T& T+ [9 U- I" D) n,B,C,D
. T- t) f: j% b7 O3 Y; ?; @  S8 D

4 {- \  {' g; W% K. w8 F& K第14题,The gradual process of professional development throughout a teacher's career is characterized by different stages (Leithwood 1992): ______5 t/ D7 S- Q& u; T
A、developing survival skills; building up competence in the basic skills of instruction;
. F4 ~. ?3 Q7 g( a! O+ s1 HB、expanding one's flexibility in using instruction; acquiring and developing instructional and professional expertise;
# d: T% N  Q& X, P; b! [4 nC、making contributions to staff development, and0 a# W$ y4 t: X$ \; J! i1 Z( X7 `- a
D、taking part in a broad range of educational decisions at all levels.% G5 W; K' S, \6 c
,B,C,D2 f) ]$ d8 _1 ?+ E. K# ]
& |0 E1 L! Y% @+ Z, S* K
# K9 b4 R* j2 p/ O- A1 ^/ c0 F
第15题,The following is Penny Ur's ideas on "Types of Grammar Practice: From Accuracy to Fluency" (1996: 84). It includes _____.
( g; v3 ~; u+ ?6 \* `  aA、(Structure-based) free sentence composition; & b7 {: O* P  S  v% F
(Structure-based) discourse composition- {+ [) }/ m$ H- S6 A2 S
B、Meaningful drills; Guided, meaningful practice
2 w: M& e0 _/ t6 n  V' c& c6 ]  iC、Awareness; Controlled drills
. N6 \2 h1 @8 ^0 \5 l9 ?D、Free discourse
+ Y5 E. v3 ]' X: ~/ l9 N# B8 J4 Y& |,B,C,D5 M0 v: p. Y/ r" k$ w4 b2 t
' i4 Y4 \0 y1 X# j# ]6 A1 E
! q. B% R4 E+ |( n9 C
第16题,To allocate only grammar time to teach grammar items intensively have some problems. They are_____.
6 U( `# M. b9 |. \4 PA、such a way takes too much time., P6 z5 L9 f1 x( h! o
B、too much grammar over a period of time seems too overwhelming for students to digest.: K4 F& ^' }) F) S
C、such teaching is not interesting. There is no variety in classroom teaching.. q; d8 W& Q5 J+ C
D、only grammar teaching deprives students' of other skills development.
& x/ `9 P6 j' s4 J+ [,B,C,D
9 ?% ~% B- w* {1 f: z: t+ T/ f4 ?: P! I! r1 Y: H6 v
* h( c; H& o1 q* |. _
第17题,The ability to understand students' feelings and problems can, a: d" K5 w( T! ?* w
A、tell nothing about the teacher
" m* Q6 Q$ N- V! MB、decide the teacher's attitudes toward students* k" t0 j- H3 S5 x7 X) t- p: w. |
C、build up rapport with his/her students.
2 N9 r$ A# l- E2 {$ PD、exhibit the teacher's pride/ V9 s0 z) V- d3 _* d+ O
,C* M  o$ W1 o" Z4 a
( a  q  G. f( i$ q' I# g

$ b" {) |* Z5 }! H) {- Z第18题,Presenting grammatical items is an important stage in grammar teaching, at which students are introduced to         .  (Harmer 1987).
  B2 V. r- M0 ]( UA、the form) f5 e) u9 f+ D
B、texts. [: X- [! I# J7 v9 l6 ]3 o/ F
C、meaning) _5 f! F; y8 D( o6 p& v: w* Y# q; R
D、use of a new language item! A  w9 ~: ^5 g5 T1 N4 h+ ^) ]
,C,D$ w, b/ E. u4 S; k7 R. G
- ]1 p' b1 Y7 t! g: ~; e, a

$ T. ~' ]3 Q" h6 u第19题,Based on Hughes (1995), testing include the following ______kinds.4 n3 p0 W& l) x5 {. u* {* V
A、direct versus indirect testing
* `' i  S0 A" J- d% |6 l9 Y, P: oB、discrete point versus integrative testing
: d! j- h% r2 c. ?C、norm-referenced versus criterion-referenced testing
2 T3 F7 i! S" i  e4 R6 j' W% GD、objective testing versus subjective testing
0 I# Z0 n5 z6 r,B,C,D- Z' R" u$ F; `. Y  N
" p! W) u! M9 x( W* G7 k
- w4 g: D" U+ L* f* Z
第20题,The following are the principles in teaching writing:      .
1 b  B$ K' ?1 v; K% e! KA、Encourage reading
  k/ c1 F" r: _4 A/ a  p! gB、Encourage self-discipline0 L  t0 U8 C, M5 I5 d7 ?" a, H
C、Encourage acquiring process0 q3 B- S' P  ~. ~6 G% A6 C+ }
D、Using different checking techniques
' e5 C, E" L1 ], a4 l, C0 q,B,C,D& E  C$ S7 l/ Y! {
" g% |& Y/ c2 Y* R9 R4 s

, d! v0 c; W& q9 S1 H第21题,If the teachers correct too much students' errors, some of the mistakes can be fossilized.( L6 }1 ?8 h/ |' J
5 U. ~2 N: q! b3 |B、正确
$ ]* y% p* M8 N5 X( v. O! V9 w/ m  q7 v

" I& n4 q3 A. Q  a% ~8 P# ?& a. B4 O+ L
第22题,A test that is inaccurate or against systems of language learning will not harm teaching and learning.
. P8 w" R; K- t* iA、错误, @; X* b9 L9 b/ t9 H
$ T0 B9 i" T/ ]+ T" F0 e
+ E* r# M4 M' B
, C7 G8 l2 @5 Q' i1 ]% T
2 P$ a& i, ]2 q: q) D+ j第23题,The students' appreciation and recognition are the happiest reward for a teacher.0 l  i5 _3 k  x
A、错误" o! V& t4 O( L) {6 ]# ?* z2 u  H
3 F* D8 o% n& |0 P" L4 o# m
% \0 U  W4 v, b- A& l$ s( q& `3 B6 K# x/ b6 Z
* p/ q0 H! k  _+ b7 h
第24题,The meaning of a (or part of a) vocabulary item are always fixed." k; e! [2 A$ t% Q. ?: G+ z8 }
% H; N0 }3 l. P! t4 yB、正确
+ Y; ]) `& q/ D$ k3 G' g
' K9 H2 W4 [$ e/ B
, F8 o: u9 a# V+ u0 U
, x( j, Q# V3 y  Z& p3 }第25题,Being collaborative refers to team working either among teachers or between researchers and teachers on a project, according to Cohen and Masion.
) g# g# M" E! b$ {7 a3 RA、错误( J& `& I: f/ q1 i7 J% e$ @
B、正确3 r6 w, O" H# o" c
7 ]! _( {) I1 J$ z
! Q' N- O8 {( e# _( D% i

6 x/ p: r" M: G5 V7 i' M( R  T第26题,Backwash is a term that refers to the effect of testing on teaching and learning, which can be either harmful or beneficial.
1 B* l( W% u& b- t& ~% }: qA、错误
" U1 l8 E+ ?/ r  @1 n2 N4 \& c! _; jB、正确7 w4 \% y4 w; w+ v  x4 \
" g0 `  i3 @" P9 r  {0 g
+ t, X4 L( ^! }% ]( M6 i
# z+ u" s7 T: I
第27题,Chinese equivalents of English words have different denotative, connotative and contextual meanings.
, R# }0 g0 z$ F1 @( Z( O7 ~* ~A、错误. [% `8 `& Y8 r" b
* @2 V# k) R4 b' T5 R5 q) z% ~# ~( t
+ s  B8 j  ?6 q8 b7 q

- e; j" l" `' D7 h2 P9 c0 f: m第28题,Sound reading is much faster than eye reading.4 y) Q  Q% d/ \  \4 Y3 I1 `  Q
7 {# m) d$ i- @3 V" n5 @B、正确0 B  c0 a  l5 c

$ T. q% }. ]4 F5 E7 y, S2 Y6 V9 u/ F9 F
( E' t9 N" o' z
2 K. p3 ~5 d" {6 M6 L第29题,The major learning tasks and activities in the Silent Way are designed to encourage oral responses from students to commands, questions, and visual cues.! @5 Z9 u6 a+ ^* _3 O' \  j
5 ?" ~( ?# j9 o. ?! B3 [# @B、正确
1 w. ~" y4 T% m2 F4 c
+ D, p0 w& Q  R6 M
' s  k: s# j0 z  [
5 ]( @& D) {$ l第30题,A syllabus has implicit objectives. Such objectives are usually expressed in the introduction.% }  @; J" r- w
  z: _- `$ ]8 P2 i4 M6 R( @7 jB、正确
3 s8 t  x- Z' Z$ Q% q% L- [. g- U5 K) ~( c. o' |

) W' {+ |, Q" ~: G
3 s1 P- w5 X3 P* M% n, X) k8 z. A第31题,As for the Direct Method, only speaking is used to introduce new language points.* f! u" j6 ^& t2 w$ u/ ^
A、错误$ u, h; w2 m) ~9 m- B
# B/ J1 m& Y/ w/ H4 E
, E% v7 A, N+ h1 a' r
+ Y( ?- x5 w2 Y: C% J% P. R" v( i# W3 D3 X8 ?. A% d
第32题,Real life listening and classroom listening involves  the communication of only two parties.3 o% s4 n+ v7 Q4 j! Z
3 G2 u0 A1 b9 n) v$ x# l7 ?B、正确
2 d9 p* z4 l2 o8 ]1 A" A  T* n1 N; u6 K% }+ b9 {. l# O6 }1 t( Y5 h' R# f

1 F  o! ?2 Y! v* s  i6 l
. s8 ~; W% k+ C1 Q$ I. n. x# C2 x# M第33题,Additions refer to the presence of an item that must not be appeared in well-formed utterances.2 r0 ?& x6 U8 O% `' u
A、错误  [1 S+ r7 G# l1 ]. E2 K
B、正确+ Z9 B4 T8 `- }1 D( X' j% L. v; n3 z* [

; S8 z) [6 G: B9 T) b; L+ V/ u7 }$ w( y7 l0 o7 e6 V

( L, \& G# ~! k2 q  x第34题,A long-term plan is one to be made by the teacher over time. It can be thinking about the course the teacher is teaching throughout the week, month or even term.
6 H9 D& u* v* ~- k* x& {- M6 ^A、错误
+ q/ o' z' ]3 [0 `# O6 qB、正确1 }; L1 w$ e. {+ j3 k3 |

: E' Y: @$ U5 e: B, o: C1 A* n0 y' T- m( ~- K
) i. [3 L# s: A+ k7 b. e# O# j& Y% u
第35题,Professional achievement has positive effects on a person's self-esteem and self-concept. In turn, a person's psychological maturity motivates and increases professional competence.
& }+ y2 e- l, R8 H' ^# D7 YA、错误
3 O( W; m; w( Z/ OB、正确
$ p) U3 L( y: [, y
7 q; Q" [" o( N; w. @# o
8 h  D8 Q% X7 o, ]( D0 x. U: {) p' w7 T8 @( L5 _; X5 V1 t
第36题,The self-evaluative feature denotes that team members themselves take part in the research, according to Cohen  and Masion.  |& E+ M, x; @3 B# r/ @; \3 h4 E
+ F- r# I. F# [8 F2 M5 EB、正确
3 J4 Z  l5 l/ {: S0 p+ [
; u, W3 M' t5 f: G" Y. B1 x5 F! v0 e, y0 V
6 b! ]# g) F5 j3 E8 m: b! p
第37题,Contextual knowledge addresses immediate situation and the text itself.
% [- M0 Q; j6 h1 o' rA、错误
3 f  `/ g: _6 i/ w0 e5 SB、正确9 p7 Z5 Y' M" a+ I
0 e8 d) L7 w& t% K8 _7 z4 b" n, I

7 _7 q7 m- i$ q# G! G" Y$ w
5 U( I5 \  s/ @. O第38题,A curriculum contains a broad description of general goals by indicating an overall educational-cultural philosophy which applies across subjects together with a theoretical orientation to language and language learning with respect to the subject matter at hand.( L. z8 d, K+ Z8 U4 p
( s$ X5 k& o4 g9 d& G  D4 J; DB、正确
$ X+ l) X  \2 S3 q3 x& U8 I9 m6 E$ B  w7 b

4 W/ {3 W, t, U% d) `' D; ]2 {2 b
8 N9 {) q1 v" P) G第39题,Reading to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage is scanning.
( N1 |2 a, v$ @3 vA、错误
% N( h  ]& S1 O7 m5 w$ r% b- lB、正确8 ~/ T5 u  O% I# B/ V$ _

. X% E- K" V- c5 N* a7 L( @& L' A0 R. V; q5 C

: K/ X3 {* ~4 |- |) E第40题,Situational syllabuses take real-life context of language uses called situations as the organizing principle。& R$ i  L" i: w. u, `
3 Q2 u: H2 \8 X8 s& @6 s7 G" ~B、正确
3 I' l) P2 t1 c$ I: M; v- A0 D9 r: J0 G4 K. \7 B5 R( n0 r0 Q
) `; C$ A8 f1 N/ ?; V

$ s$ e3 K/ [6 c! e0 `8 B- N/ R5 N( T2 D* O# t

! V8 K: w& ?4 k+ I9 n& z: M. r  b$ g6 g* ?* ~/ ?$ _% R

  N- M9 V; L0 k# b; h
. H0 ^2 P/ S1 T! [1 W- x' f% k, q: R6 e7 c0 b* X
5 ^* c/ Y0 D& s0 g% I: m

; D1 s+ d) k0 ^# W" A3 T' @( S( a1 A4 K# ~$ D' u! L5 d

: Z7 ?0 }  O$ {6 {
5 N$ W% H" i5 F8 h' d. T5 f* ?  _. }0 g$ L8 O8 C0 m


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