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发表于 2019-9-18 02:39:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[南开大学]19秋学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909)《会计专业英语》在线作业' p) l! w3 o) U7 Y$ w& t# o
试卷总分:100    得分:100) T" p5 p% q0 _+ X( W
第1,Stockholders' equity (  )& o# j# `5 c* e: _7 u
A、is usually equal to cash on hand
  L2 h4 ?7 P0 a. F5 ~B、includes paid-in capital and liabilities; n9 ]5 Q8 `1 t! o6 d) Y' b
C、includes retained earnings and paid-in capital
% l6 W1 e1 q  |* L0 N5 SD、is shown on the income statement
2 E8 C! v& r# d5 ~/ n正确资料:
3 V" c" H5 J8 b  O% c; a; F# Y) L5 @- i( ~0 H
9 S3 o7 }  |2 Z6 P* y. ]4 ^2 c
第2题,Merchandise inventory at the end of the year was understated.  Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?
$ i: J, S7 ]0 k. |: V* eA、net income is understated
- H0 B% q, H+ a8 G! OB、net income is overstated' P( i. p: R/ n4 {1 R: N2 f# F8 m
C、cost of merchandise sold is understated& z2 S) C- X2 Y1 R
D、merchandise inventory reported on the balance sheet is overstated/ C4 h6 l: H4 z$ I
正确资料:+ Q* |3 i8 p# G6 L" j8 f: |
7 n; T4 a0 }( H: p! f3 `: N1 \

, Q! t0 z3 D, p* x5 b; h7 C第3题,The excess of issue price over par of common stock is termed a(n) (  )
$ a! e; |" e- B4 \# r% g/ VA、discount, E/ E+ M' x2 M7 O9 {2 ?8 u4 ?
2 l! u) C' {1 D$ {; dC、deficit% M/ b6 l% ^- x& X
: B8 N( R* S' h8 X1 f; `正确资料:
9 B. k' W  o2 D6 e1 C( q6 r! B

0 e8 B' r. o$ |2 }第4题,The journal entry a company uses to record the estimated accrued product warranty liability is (  )
) O5 I5 n0 K3 e1 _) V' B' u( QA、debit Product Warranty Expense; credit Product Warranty Payable
% D5 @2 [1 t6 b9 Q  WB、debit Product Warranty Payable; credit Cash
) `  W9 u6 ^* X+ ?- pC、debit Product Warranty Expense; credit Cash  d* W! {" f5 ?+ X
D、debit Product Warranty Payable; credit Product Warranty Expense
+ z7 b/ S' o# Z9 O3 l% r正确资料:+ Y5 a( P: l) h# k
0 ^# ^0 U6 D6 X  s' j

5 h. M$ a0 B  f# [$ Z0 \第5题,Cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in the/ l2 c0 K9 _; k! c
A、financing activities section
+ Q- S, k0 o4 }( ]4 xB、investing activities section
2 D# E& ]" Z; h$ v+ WC、operating activities section
# A1 ?7 U3 e  ~- z' m9 _D、supplemental statement6 \  j& o1 r- L: x: z# ?) }) j! c& ^
" t# P  {, M4 W3 }4 L
! V+ t8 a) ^( B1 C! X
$ X* W4 E/ }: g2 x$ n+ t第6题,Cash dividends are usually not paid on which of the following?4 `0 ~# ?" N) l( ]) X* [
A、class B common stock7 ?) ]& N3 e$ S& D0 [% Y
B、preferred stock
% R- C0 O& v, i! B* D3 `% v5 ~* TC、treasury stock
9 M; ^2 h. w0 \5 O# I3 MD、class A common stock5 u; o! k, j8 }) ]% g7 i
0 ^  V$ ^, @& G3 q+ f
: e2 ]( g2 c; j1 m, `
' o  u& ]  |, s$ p$ z1 w9 C7 L9 D' C第7题,Which of the following concepts relates to separating the reporting of business and personal economic transactions?
' g4 {+ h' J# lA、Cost Concept
- W+ t5 |& I+ E8 Y, mB、Unit of Measure Concept
8 y- x3 T/ O, B1 R  V' KC、Business Entity Concept
9 Z/ p% u' t3 B1 X6 WD、Objectivity Concept
3 K& o5 i1 v" S, g* r: q5 l2 Q正确资料:
, O6 J# p0 Z& U3 I# b! C0 e2 ^, P2 d" w5 s- G/ k
# O: T0 w. U5 N
第8题,A capital expenditure results in a debit to (  )" S; D4 ^; |( p8 K; I% C( b
A、an expense account0 b, Z3 ~, a" H3 z
B、a capital account
& `8 H7 {5 y% J3 U: \( p- j9 R& cC、a liability account% m9 K) M) b3 d5 N/ D4 f8 t  f' \
D、an asset account) k5 X8 H6 H% u6 w2 Q) q# ]
: q9 v# \: f( Y7 M/ S( _1 B6 \/ P4 H$ O! ]
8 _) h/ d+ G, S; c4 J- s
第9题,The characteristics of partnership exclude(   )
* |* P: D4 d  QA、more financial resources than a proprietorship% S7 q9 G0 U4 [. E2 X
B、additional management skills
/ F+ M. j$ ^5 d) y- K2 wC、limited liability
! d( Q9 C  p) j: y% OD、unlimited liability
% h' c; W+ k9 ?8 v$ v* o正确资料:
( {4 ?0 u9 I5 n) }3 v$ J+ U8 R
% h! `0 z7 h: }9 {6 n, ~+ t& X& V/ p# m' K4 s: X5 _- k" H
第10题,Current liabilities are(  )2 `: C$ }1 ^0 {' D: F
A、due, but not receivable for more than one year: ^5 ]' \% Y7 e8 N1 F) |" w; Y
B、due, but not payable for more than one year8 J5 j1 X' r' w, ]
C、due and receivable within one year# \9 h% T/ v- ]5 H0 R5 W
D、due and payable within one year
8 D9 U6 l( N2 b0 b  i0 |) t正确资料:% y$ U8 N# e" T1 f# |" x
; L; L$ C% R! a/ o9 i

  Q2 [; `" l" ^5 T" P  j6 M第11题,The debt created by a business when it makes a purchase on account is referred to as an0 e6 d( @8 q3 H+ l4 }+ H6 A
A、account payable) b. ]% U  p0 X2 T
B、account receivable3 B; L# E/ _3 u* P' q0 X
C、asset" H3 t8 D; |5 M- m, M
D、expense payable8 Z1 m$ l; y! C' c% ^
正确资料:# D& x2 T% G) J9 Q6 O* x
/ l, X6 o9 ?2 ^2 V% c0 X0 E# s2 T

7 Z) A2 k' w  p$ k" q" Q; N第12题,The most widely used depreciation method is
% J% H8 H0 `9 `- f6 p* {" WA、straight-line* M8 R  I4 A$ ?
# _1 R: l8 L. qC、declining-balance
1 I+ \$ A+ P' Q$ a/ @D、units-of-production
) W# ]) s6 t1 A. J/ w6 x正确资料:4 s- e- R' `' f
( a, U5 D# N7 L% G/ D
  p9 I$ T( n0 W* m
第13题,A business paid $7,000 to a creditor in payment of an amount owed. The effect of the transaction on the accounting equation was to1 f) A- D; v0 p  Z( I! D5 u
A、increase one asset, decrease another asset) ]2 ?6 @% f# T& u
B、decrease an asset, decrease a liability9 S6 v9 ^* H+ b
C、increase an asset, increase a liability
9 Q0 ~9 I9 y& }D、increase an asset, increase owner's equity5 o; a  b! S+ @5 N* i6 q2 u3 y
! p3 R$ e4 z" Z6 \' W. K6 J& \+ E$ e  \- g5 G& h+ h

1 ^5 s9 J0 b  e第14题,A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because (  )( f" m+ m5 e9 M! Y
A、the depositor's records and the bank's records are in agreement
# J0 n: Q" F, ~8 l" ]6 G" vB、the bank has not recorded all of its transactions
% a2 J" B/ s; w1 s, _C、any differences between the depositor's records and the bank's records should be determined, and any errors made by either party should be discovered and corrected
/ ~. t; C& |. b5 WD、the bank must make sure that its records are correct
  n8 N4 Z3 u+ L) _5 q9 p' ~4 [' O) k正确资料:
' ~$ e: `! X( j' B# ^2 M: x" j  a& S! P- P7 h5 M8 F
1 ]' k5 E, H, L0 F
第15题,Notes may be issued (  )6 \" [* u3 K' Z: I
A、when assets are purchased5 B$ c* ^& r% e  X
B、to creditor's to temporarily satisfy an account payable created earlier2 I1 t) M! C% i7 N
C、when borrowing money
' @( E; a7 g5 L: c& B1 V6 VD、all of the above. s* Y5 p: E/ T
% [9 W) p3 F! o3 ~/ y, I. K; {1 J9 h

5 {; y& g) D+ r  Y第16题,Merchandise inventory at the end of the year is overstated. Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?
6 f* K+ I7 P) W" u( {0 q0 wA、owner's equity is overstated
- [' z! @8 |$ l9 T; U4 TB、cost of merchandise sold is overstated8 I, K! k0 L( b$ O( Z( ]1 f3 o
C、gross profit is understated1 m" P$ q/ q+ K
D、net income is understated- O9 _" C- }7 p+ v. V; _
$ n0 x. t0 O5 g) H& V( C2 V
* R5 y. y% Y8 ^! d4 E. d' `# `0 t- o7 ?. e( Y+ k
第17题,Sinking Fund Cash would be classified on the balance sheet as (  )5 j6 r" i3 o  @4 X" o  [9 `1 K
A、a current asset3 B0 i1 q3 u( q1 E/ k) b
B、a fixed asset
% h) }- N/ w) ?( Z; B4 m0 C9 GC、an intangible asset
# M  ?& Z1 a( P$ }5 }D、an investment
, X, @* X8 ~; M2 `$ S正确资料:
3 x9 {1 C; D: h1 {. U
" Q5 T& j! K/ j  Z  T& I! m7 K, h# T
第18题,The reduction of par or stated value of stock by issuance of a proportionate number of additional shares is termed a (  )
8 o( D. ~$ B3 }5 a; G/ ~0 z$ ~- AA、liquidating dividend& \) X; S! V& R
B、stock split4 {" s7 P6 [5 a0 e
C、stock option
& }: L9 m+ {! A" M" RD、preferred dividend7 k; o+ l1 T: O* d& A+ L
# f" f5 v& V- s1 y5 a, s3 l4 k& S

6 K: O" |  L, Y  V  z2 O) B; x. G- ^第19题,If the maker of a promissory note fails to pay the note on the due date, the note is said to be(  ); M  b( K; L; d# R  T9 j: Z9 I
A、displaced& t9 e  c! B7 W9 I4 k0 L
B、disallowed" Z5 k( G* y  N( s
C、dishonored4 v: K, Z. ~% R) W$ T2 I# B/ {
D、dishonored% @3 r/ o- p5 ]" J$ e7 F/ K2 K
正确资料:$ @; _8 I! S/ [6 ^
; m# J; M: B" F9 q

( t1 Y2 i3 V6 Y第20题,The most widely used depreciation method is' C/ \: Q( K3 q3 y0 Q/ Y
A、straight-line) U1 S! y( q  I/ s, R' d6 \0 x& g- K
B、sum-of-the-years-digits3 b  ?% R& m6 ?+ z
C、declining-balance! f) h$ i2 R& E( l, N
* s- p0 K; L& I* B) _6 |9 f& {2 R正确资料:0 I+ X- {2 [; q* m
5 M, C7 x, R( c1 m+ `
1 r" n+ v1 r9 }# S9 U
第21题,A balance sheet is a list of the assets, liabilities, and owner's equity of a business for a period of time.
4 w  _. E8 I+ }1 D6 D3 ^8 C8 U) }! hA、错误
1 g6 c! p' T. N2 JB、正确
* k" r( C4 \4 @3 b, H  U% R1 W+ J6 I$ X正确资料:
* v  I+ w2 u' ~/ C7 {# a" f) L- I" h9 V3 t! h
7 r: p* Z5 [! L. p& o
第22题,Investments in stocks that are expected to be held for the long term are listed in the stockholder's equity section of the balance sheet.3 G' k# K$ @" t1 R
7 w) j: m7 t; Y( W' kF、错4 d" B" T* _: ?
正确资料:F8 u7 m0 F, ?; L0 \
! W4 U8 Q# R- ]) V! v
: x% d8 ]4 x- E8 i* m
第23题,The relationship of each asset item as a percent of total assets is an example of vertical analysis." Y& |. F: t* t* K$ p
T、对; I% }. Z. L8 E$ t
F、错+ K% x; k# e. Y
; k' a3 C+ w; L! V( p
: t4 q( p% g2 E3 I0 G
7 t! i2 T+ F. T% t' E5 [- C第24题,Merchandising businesses sell products that they purchase from other businesses to customers.
+ `; S. u9 L: o. x" B4 NA、错误8 E5 Y2 w3 q  p( Q/ m9 \/ ?$ K
B、正确: A( j( ~" v0 I- H! b9 Q3 d
& L' Z" y1 R; Q; k( S
9 ]0 `9 K# f# H! j# b0 ~5 [# }/ ^5 M8 r, q$ g3 P
第25题,Purchasing supplies on account increases liabilities and decreases equity.8 n5 Q( C" k* D% v+ f7 p. Z$ h. N
% m% e* [& Y% \% eF、错" D% K, t; u% C8 a# @
正确资料:F! @, ]2 o8 {$ G( h/ a
0 ]1 ?$ }# V5 v" k
% I9 i3 n7 D7 Y
第26题,The amortization of a premium on bonds payable decreases bond interest expense.# Z6 z% x* O  e, E
" L8 j( M  ~. Y4 H/ N' pB、正确
+ P2 ?! R7 ~3 Z; C9 ]$ \) H正确资料:( W3 F9 ?/ G$ Q' m
! H9 V! ~: }9 a

! W( {) W, E5 Z9 f! l第27题,Merchandise that is returned to the vendor is referred to as a sales allowance.
0 u  F: f# Q8 g, `5 P* J  IT、对0 [  w# s% {- @. C$ q7 i
' B# B8 I. E5 l/ [5 U" |) j正确资料:F2 T0 r. \0 ?; I1 c$ L  Y
' ?5 G1 ~; W9 ?
3 {4 {+ T4 |& @" R% _) S' n: A
第28题,The amortization of a premium on bonds payable decreases bond interest expense./ }- m) V3 t4 L6 j& `9 ^$ K- n, t
' d7 s9 @6 I2 A  V% gF、错
( {# N4 A4 O, H. D! j" {$ @正确资料:T9 p  _# P- ~* u0 F  z0 Q' s5 Y. K/ C
! E4 P3 q3 H, N, ?; z# }( O0 O

7 O, B8 Z4 a: T9 E# [1 W3 l, H第29题,An account receivable is a claim against a customer arising from a sale on account.
* X# m+ }6 m% J3 r8 B$ jA、错误+ M3 d) l, |# E; g5 m! d( W
" `2 G6 p4 U/ x5 `# a) h/ V正确资料:/ z- @+ r) A' a) H4 h: B. A4 I

- s1 G5 z' H$ e% M- D; z  y- H5 I# @  M% W* y; [, ^# _
第30题,When common stock is issued in exchange for land, the land should be recorded in the accounts at the par amount of the stock issued.
4 n& c5 o- P! H. ?A、错误
( \( l' \' ^: n+ O  O& {B、正确: V5 l3 Q- o- F) l  f
( y* t* A* u; [6 d" F, ?+ P! M& |# l8 T2 I. g& _& K# J0 m

5 i: h# ?+ B, N4 {9 n4 j! F7 h/ s第31题,The two main sources of stockholders' equity are investments contributed by stockholders and net income retained in the business.
2 E( e2 b  S2 m4 j. T5 O5 sA、错误
/ O; y  R5 s9 B8 j2 ^B、正确4 u' e- \3 U" C/ y& L6 m- Y+ `
正确资料:" [0 K& S8 {& o  Y; V; P1 L% a# H

( l6 S' ~; l/ r! X& {$ e
0 a2 h% t' G. x& ^5 v+ F第32题,A sale of treasury stock may result in a decrease in paid-in-capital. All decreases should be charged to the Paid-In-Capital from Sale of Treasury account.
% a* Y( Q8 h3 CT、对- Y) m0 m8 R/ j: K8 F
F、错' O# K" M& [( B: F
正确资料:F% [9 `0 A5 R1 t0 C% O5 C- h* a
$ ^; I9 e% O- w8 l& l1 `

$ W' g% M7 Y. d. u4 `" @第33题,Liability accounts are increased by debits.4 V) b( G0 {+ j2 r9 q
7 E5 e( V% Y+ `4 s9 L1 nF、错
( H6 t+ X6 j! u& i正确资料:F# E. B6 l2 z  b  I) U: z& L
2 _" W5 a5 o0 K& i1 \9 B5 Z* y
5 N3 K% Y& R0 |. @0 q
第34题,Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is a liability account.5 \3 Y2 |' a! d: O
( M- _& V( Z) e- q4 [B、正确
3 L5 K6 e  Q: P, X; e/ e" }! P, X正确资料:
) d/ C4 u1 q- v
. E6 o% y; n+ }+ X" J( P- q% s' |7 u. `# a, T. D
第35题,Bonds are sold at face value when the contract rate is equal to the market rate of interest.% x7 _# E& s, ?2 S) {% |9 ~5 G
A、错误) ^, O9 @2 M! w) a+ \0 m! k
) P& ?, l: L5 E0 D0 d9 U$ ]正确资料:  V( |' f7 P( Y  n% f7 [2 W
* |5 N" J1 X0 C. p; ~# ]! A! k  X

6 Q9 @; o( g# k! S/ [第36题,The accounting equation can be expressed as Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity.
0 j8 W# K6 X# f1 ^T、对
; n8 B" O" E  z5 l3 }, b! qF、错1 k* j8 C* y* \
正确资料:T3 C0 z4 d. ~+ ?4 d6 j' g
3 \. X5 w, M- f. k4 {/ A

; ]8 Q2 w  `+ V& }; [0 y+ J第37题,Any difference between the fair market values of the securities and their cost is a realized gain or loss.1 d5 d2 [1 P) L. G
T、对* T# @* M. T7 ]2 s3 g% s
. G' ]* g" P1 ~1 f$ l7 v% `- e! @正确资料:F" z9 ]5 l  p" _; u2 z, C2 n4 p
, U6 a* q( c* f5 u  e- M, J
6 v  b+ r+ W- Z$ X3 B0 `5 v
第38题,The declining-balance method is an accelerated depreciation method.
8 ?( ^0 F9 Z2 J9 g  z" Q7 r% K, xT、对$ J$ O" L. i0 ^0 S6 z
F、错7 e1 n8 G$ a; {" u0 }
, _# x! s; K; X' a: v" l& U
" l, U; U) N& T& N2 B. B" S3 \) D6 p! d
第39题,Treasury Stock is listed in the stockholders' equity section on the balance sheet.: x. ]# _1 [& H5 ?% _7 z
A、错误+ p8 Q3 a* o7 ~& y8 z5 i$ q  H
7 h  R3 h( `4 |4 d& g: _正确资料:
) E5 g- B; F' F, a% W1 F
: w/ \5 R$ e8 J, L( q- v, C$ g- f
" a: ]! `8 |5 ^! T$ q. n第40题,The declining-balance method is an accelerated depreciation method.
  M! o! i$ @' j/ e2 ]! r9 i: bA、错误
/ r5 O0 ^3 H" i$ q: [0 q; WB、正确; J- j; I8 t& r( ^' ^0 {! ^
/ [2 ^1 u0 f' H- W6 ]+ L8 K
. [0 r! B/ z) A. y3 {) o! }! R+ s7 @( j
第41题,If bonds are sold for a discount, the carrying value of the bonds is equal to the face value less the unamortized discount.- Z  B, ]7 L. X# e/ E
T、对; C: e4 n# P. d
F、错9 J5 c4 J! e3 G+ J
正确资料:T9 J* p8 k6 ]2 A+ k# Z/ J: B, h
9 @' R% ~4 B7 d

) y- ], j# @" ^第42题,When a large quantity of merchandise is purchased, a reduction allowed on the sale price is called a trade discount.
/ O' R, l$ w2 o! [A、错误
" P( i' b5 Q, P* m' i" [1 F: X$ z! D) fB、正确9 R2 `! s) [. b
: o, ]0 \  t% [( i; [6 F" ^* ]8 r5 b9 g* H. m& O/ x- z" Z
0 L4 v! t; a8 c+ z
第43题,Every adjusting entry will affect at least one income statement account and one balance sheet account.5 ^0 ?" `& i" F$ J2 b+ z
T、对, l+ E5 M$ C8 n' K5 f# i. Y6 J
5 Z' T' m% P' y4 Y正确资料:T
: t0 d/ A! N( A) K+ p9 Q2 t/ w% `: Z& ~' ^0 L9 C1 x
/ f& G" k8 T( g9 K0 Q
第44题,Liabilities that will be due within one year or less and that are to be paid out of current assets are called current liabilities.
7 x; ~6 Y$ r1 gT、对) l* W9 I$ c# K6 e1 J
7 ^3 N* n% Z: H7 g9 L正确资料:T4 H1 t0 y8 O' O, c/ q" w

, O/ c) d) N/ Y( }' P' _" f. c7 ?. |2 m: y" s( ~
第45题,Paying an account payable increases liabilities and decreases assets' k( V0 m( ?0 R+ {
T、对' `0 [/ F1 K  ]# W3 m
* K% o2 D+ H% J: m4 K2 K正确资料:F
% m, L) L, C6 q# v* _
- Z/ `3 ?" d6 |4 \* f
9 }" n7 G' V. ^; F" M第46题,The matching concept requires expenses be recorded in the same period that the related revenue is recorded.
# {; T& ^- V2 m, W; C  VA、错误
. S8 C( ]% r6 a2 O( ?0 iB、正确
6 q7 s: e4 N$ ~2 ]- R) J正确资料:
! E4 z1 E7 B" X  I4 @8 H1 P3 X
  P: M( V# `" z7 h( c2 p) j2 t5 ]4 z9 x2 D; {
第47题,The increase side of all accounts is the normal balance.
" P/ f. O: |( k& `  P8 TT、对
; U6 W' m' P) H: `F、错: s1 g& V2 e/ h: U% v% h5 t
- y- l" J# p: j
9 U, O1 ?2 ?" x6 J4 Y' N( `  k, G( b! x* T9 c3 R* `
第48题,The journal entry to record the cost of warranty repairs that were incurred during the current period, but related to sales made in prior years, includes a debit to Warranty Expense.
! E4 U) K- b. V( {T、对
: k% s% L6 J7 ~; FF、错" d* K4 w! }; n& K& z; w
正确资料:T! l# N( }2 `1 X; C! w
# e  y2 J- l  k* T, m
* \2 X, V- Z. D4 ~" \- d# x0 D8 t
第49题,Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users.
& B/ `" M6 ?; q$ @' j' ^4 n5 KA、错误
* _+ u$ ^, n, |( IB、正确7 Q4 R- D' y9 W- P" K
正确资料:( A6 U( h6 X1 |1 x

7 R2 I5 w6 [# w. Q4 r& l5 F* G6 M- P0 s
第50题,For strong internal control system over cash, it is important to have the duties related to cash receipts and cash payments divided among different employees.
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( G9 P- R6 {+ }" ~正确资料:: l2 s* S2 D. Y/ U, M# D) p( t; H! C) Z

+ Q! O! [, G% D# x


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