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发表于 2019-10-15 02:22:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奥鹏】[东北师范大学]大学英语(一)高起专19秋在线作业2  Q5 U; s" Q; s" {. @
试卷总分:100    得分:100; e" p  M# p3 n& V
第1,What I would do is to go ______.' C2 j  X+ E* [6 Y5 Q0 ]) \, o/ d
A、really quietly somewhere" E! n0 ^( B7 E7 `- n4 T
B、somewhere quietly really
3 P) X. H+ |# H6 e2 FC、really quiet somewhere" i# e5 ~0 \; g7 k4 ?
D、somewhere really quiet  b3 D: Z- ^9 K: |
正确资料:* B) n( P8 u0 }

2 _2 G% |0 s( ~- l9 `1 a! W  ]( l0 l
第2题,That so many advances have been made in ______ is the most valid argument for retaining the research unit.
7 {- `  Q) I* j  @A、such short time
$ d' M1 P: ~/ [/ ~( _' f" `* R9 _: nB、so a short time* Q& X3 o2 d2 o. Q* J% t& r6 \
C、such a short time
) P; P( G9 k) T0 T3 Q- J. o, n8 u7 T/ }D、such short a time
# f* U; f, v% p正确资料:
: N7 Q1 f9 b' R9 H4 o' ]* Q. E% c8 X+ I/ c2 }/ Y" p

% c/ D  G8 _& W  n第3题,Ann’s habit of riding a motorcycle up and down the road early in the morning annoyed the neighbors and ______ they took her to the court.4 b' W$ A0 i& e5 H
A、in the end
& j, H! Z/ m0 J- D$ ^, i: p, CB、at the end
) v; l2 D- W# @5 o6 K$ c. HC、in an end
' ]: |; s; f; I0 x+ a" P0 gD、in end& q3 D7 ?9 d4 |& U; u' p1 {
, [& O* S9 e/ m/ F% b1 L& b7 |9 [* j; f; N" R
5 Z1 l* g9 c( R. j
第4题,Since your roommate is visiting her family this weekend,_____ you like to have dinner with us tonight?
" V8 H. A4 F. y& W) ^A、will
$ @0 g$ J9 b: G  P% H0 {B、won’t
, y1 v6 G" M, s3 _. V! zC、wouldn’t, p5 m, V. D' m3 O* g7 X0 a0 j" @
D、do7 h- |* ]  A/ ~( M: B
! M( E3 E2 U* t( z. o( i) [3 O6 v2 A% P, \

% S' T- a; T+ B5 a8 o0 j第5题,What beautiful weather, ______?
- c9 w  v! m6 ?% V9 vA、is it/ t  \  I! p8 K5 z+ h4 g
B、isn’t it
  j$ ~! S" y- n# L1 d/ o# KC、won’t it
& r1 u5 ~/ ^* L0 y1 lD、doesn’t it
5 Z3 ?% L3 B' E. [" f正确资料:5 w& ^2 {) R: n/ c3 Q. p
' Y6 s- A1 [2 S" o/ [& [
- r9 N0 i0 m. m; r5 m& t* k
第6题,The rise of Davy was all the more brilliant in ______ he had not had much schooling.6 c% e  e  a8 o; V5 e' F
# H7 X  V& q% S5 Q& ?- kB、that+ K/ ~# H! G  `4 r: s/ R# B* L( L) L
: h. N0 O1 g. m  h$ }D、the way4 c6 _: V" `' l  W  Z) L; A! D
/ C. u* Z+ X2 h, k/ \( ~4 @- s0 o9 Z8 [' ~

# D% u$ Q' T# O% H第7题,They thought it desirable that an armed guard ______ in readiness./ Y2 A, w0 K" a
A、stands* p; x" N( ]7 E4 f+ x1 w9 B
1 H+ T6 p9 s8 `* s, C5 WC、stood! E% D* v( Z3 E, f  n1 A
D、would stand$ A% ~: J7 T, U  w$ f$ g
正确资料:* x9 b/ M0 u5 L7 a! v# e, F
2 ?+ c% r/ S( \! z5 ^$ @, G- o
* @- W6 z) w/ x/ `
第8题,_____ is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
# O. p/ t" S/ O/ |A、That
5 l% R5 {( t# LB、Whatever$ |$ W8 J1 f# u. M0 A/ N
C、Whichever  I, `  E( }& I- V- `" P
D、However! `0 {# {) m" |3 P& Q
正确资料:* |5 Z" i$ E% d# \1 Z) G; J2 O5 g

* s& t- \% O( h# x& j5 Z5 t3 H0 X5 f$ [8 s7 `4 ^/ P
第9题,______ today, he would get there by Friday.
. Y, p) t* L+ i9 l. h9 l1 k/ hA、Was he leaving
2 A6 @# |0 A/ E1 G( _% K' M* ]B、If he is leaving9 A9 S+ [4 c( G% ]5 n
C、Were he to leave7 L: \' B! W0 T) f& i: l
D、If he leaves
$ p& V& [. V  g& J! ]0 _& u正确资料:) E0 l; t; r1 [, z4 B" ~' T" a

8 S* G6 S: B7 O& b+ A


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