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发表于 2019-12-20 20:51:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: V, a9 P' ], Z. o: s2 I+ v) |试卷总分:100    得分:1006 H" s- T, x% N) V: z
第1,-Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside.
  ]3 E/ w! J* {' n-________________* Y" L# b. l( ]( w4 z+ B
A、Not at all.
3 T4 H5 P; a$ h' R3 qB、Sure, go ahead.2 t* X% ^( R- u) \, a( W6 ~
C、Why not?
: P1 ?: ]4 Y# W. I* o! XD、Yes, I would.5 O# g/ i# f* ~& Q: \
正确资料:2 g# Q! I; i' S& q
7 j- e# ~+ {9 p; P0 A& e7 u* H5 ~+ B
9 L1 _; @: i( X+ f/ x( t, W
第2题,Henry would never forget _______ his mother-in-law for the first time. He was so pleased with the gifts she brought for him.
- A* I: c; G- EA、meet" j, Q* l1 o1 a- X$ A# O: w
B、to meet1 i+ z; Q% z! E8 }, Y; K/ e8 a
& l& u- p- O1 e. v# e) {D、met
& R: }" W7 ?1 ~/ Q. f正确资料:2 O/ W" X- H3 t, k  h- k

4 N  S: I3 ~/ S4 ]1 D& K5 d9 f0 \4 m. s3 S
第3题,-What do you want to do?
0 M% E1 U# O" e& o2 _-________________.  y6 m: h+ w0 J+ _
A、No, I don't want to do anything.) x  B3 H$ i2 o5 G6 i( R, @* E
B、I want to watch TV for a change.$ t( b( Y8 L8 g  @" l! }
C、What do you want to do then?
- K" W$ }* H5 z* _  Q2 aD、How about having a picnic?
$ h- n. [1 F* y" k正确资料:8 |1 H" w+ P- Y9 g" a# f% S

) R1 I, z2 V. D& w# o  |* \+ \* ]% v1 v0 ?/ U0 z
第4题,I ________ an old friend on the way home yesterday.5 O1 g. k. _6 Q/ W: `' T5 |
A、meet& o1 h9 _+ E! ^& J5 ^
B、met0 ^9 z( I# u* m* _
C、have met
' d* p1 l3 o/ j: ED、had met% s- `$ T( v& ~! t7 O
, p! R+ o) V! W& G4 }6 t
  ?4 I: K7 W8 U! L; Y- U8 p
$ j) u4 d# u0 n( X5 `第5题,-Can I help you carry the bag?! M- F' L( L! m5 E/ u
-________________.1 j6 g1 q9 S! E1 N- \
A、Needn't.5 k7 D& M4 k2 ~, J0 l$ ]
B、you couldn't do it.+ F- I' w2 ?* R- t- Y; @; B
C、I could do it myself.
8 z, E2 a: v" A1 {8 B  yD、Thank you, but I can manage it myself.7 f: ~* j1 P8 p" E4 q
, p7 \( p) G8 W0 _5 ?5 F$ a4 V* E: C
/ c$ v" |' j- J. ]. }& X1 g/ S; [& X+ O3 J
第6题,正误判断题:   If you travel by air across the center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers. These great forests are the oceans of trees. There are thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals.    However, the world's forests are getting smaller all the time. We are cutting down the trees because we need wood, and we need more farmland. Some people say that there will not be any forests like these in 20 or 30 years. What will happen if they disappear?    If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world. In a lot of places the new farmland will soon look like the old deserts. Crops will not grow there. It will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hot. Perhaps the climate of the world will change. This will be dangerous for everyone in the world. That is why we must take care of our forests. (以下为试题题干)The need for more wood and more land help to protect our forests.& u4 g1 \! F. Q) O
0 m9 C3 k2 L4 ?+ u) UB、错误
' B4 q2 i! C; x; |/ c3 G& v正确资料:√
3 _' t2 W8 B1 }4 c+ m
3 }( p' [3 a0 j" Q. Z! ^9 _% P/ r2 w5 U/ U; u
第7题,_______ at such a time, his work attracted much attention.
$ _3 ]# }5 \6 R* HA、To publish9 w  x1 K, g. {) s! n+ K1 c$ B
B、Published7 A8 Z. `5 S* Q  r" c7 Y
C、Publishing! N1 w/ Q4 d% g4 b% _
D、To be published& N  }, C- k/ A5 u+ N3 y
正确资料:+ T. n! T- k. l& X3 w  ^' I! u
9 `5 O$ P# \9 }3 I. |5 N+ h
' a! s+ U0 s9 c7 e3 ]+ e* E
第8题,I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary _______.  Z, z7 B# u: p" ~. ?1 _$ y: n4 }
A、anywhere& d9 O0 q. X3 z: n0 E& ?8 w
B、everywhere6 O5 [/ M. R1 z  `8 G8 t- {
C、nowhere4 D/ |: \+ _. ^% Q4 o
D、somewhere6 A. u1 l: b* v7 G9 |1 q1 ^
& z: n) y1 b5 v# z& t& `+ U/ `/ h4 P" f4 ?
# ?* W! c" u- P3 p
第9题,As the bus came round the corner,it ran ________ a big tree by the roadside.8 S- T- h" m1 q+ R6 ~
A、into  \' Z% L- [5 q
5 S) Q, X3 o  DC、over
+ b! }; b# G7 O7 B/ G" M& Y$ bD、up. o' G" b. i4 @; L# n1 x' R5 Y
" I6 a! S) n  S6 `( U$ G* A9 e+ T# W
1 w  R( t9 G& _! k3 I9 a
第10题,Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo. She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States. She spoke English very well. Though she was very happy she could go abroad, she was feeling sad at leaving her family and friends. As she was thinking all about this, she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her to pick up her luggage and put it on the scales (称). Maria pulled and pulled. The bag was too heavy and she just couldn't lift it up. The man behind her got very impatient. He, too, was waiting to check in his luggage."What's wrong with this girl?" He said, "Why doesn't she hurry up?" He moved forward and placed his bag on the counter, hoping to check in first. He was in a hurry to get a good seat. Maria was very angry, but she was very polite. And in her best English she said, "Why are you so upset? There are enough seats for everyone on the plane. If you are in such a hurry, why can't you give me a hand with my luggage?"      The man was surprised to hear Maria speak English. He quickly picked up her luggage and stepped back. Everyone was looking at him with disapproval. (5)、The author mentioned Maria's age at the beginning of the story in order to show that _____ .2 ]9 F: E  m" g4 \3 F: ?( }! y
A、she was young but behaved properly
1 b" @4 _/ @; w$ Q* q1 j; lB、she would not have left home alone
% R/ G. G  `- v1 P5 I8 I3 e! AC、everyone around her was wrong$ Y; {0 g/ x' u$ p
D、it was not good that nobody offered to help her3 L$ J  T( ~& V* G% ]; Z
' |) L# M! W  l; Z+ `6 i) {9 [# x5 e  i' a5 t* o3 e8 w

5 E4 }' D) h' d0 I/ j* H9 h第11题,Jim _______ Japan in 1980 and _______ in China ever since.
6 g# j# p+ X+ V4 ^A、left;lived8 M+ U& o) M  O
B、left; has lived9 r8 S: i; {/ ~7 [6 H! x- x
C、has left;lived
$ g8 W) x# ^$ A% A. o- e& fD、has left;has lived
0 R. j0 Q6 Z2 Y$ ]  N; J% Q正确资料:
7 ?" h7 o- `; n) i! s, n! f# m; g! M3 C& L( w

+ Q' R2 ^: U3 L) Z1 c/ [第12题,- Thanks a lot. You've gone through so much trouble.
. W% [( |% `# ~& t  X-________________.* a2 Q: H) m  t$ {. d. G8 r) L. d
A、It's no trouble at all7 K5 L  }9 c# G! P' @
B、That's good.* l6 c  H5 g4 j- n4 M$ s; R6 t, [$ F
C、I don't think it's a trouble
' `" x: Y/ _8 {D、That's very kind of you
$ C; C7 |9 Q6 p7 X( c2 b0 X正确资料:
& U' _1 ~8 F# x/ D+ A. x% E% }5 H9 i- d! e( X( ^
: t. D9 R0 @5 v& D
第13题,When will you finish _______ the outing for next Friday?  Y4 f! }* F+ l/ C. P' X; Q) l
A、plan% u  A" s! \, r6 G! X
B、to plan. S( Z/ o3 Y& V; I5 V& u
* h7 C, u5 v8 C) L6 QD、planned
; d' ?& v% T/ ~, |正确资料:
. @$ X3 J$ x* g
5 G/ z# _2 h. }, V! k
+ Z8 ]# ^9 B' G5 ~9 U& q' C; Q4 J第14题,The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition(展览).
+ W$ _% O1 B6 f7 w* ~8 O0 k. dA、to make8 N& U; K' f9 |9 q2 I8 X, X$ W
B、with making
* V/ o' ?; g" L% ?C、being making; S- `0 a2 p2 ^4 n0 Z3 o/ w
5 e$ N) ]- E. j  {& ]3 d正确资料:; C/ v. \9 ~4 ]) a6 I. Q- O

- y- Z# w( g/ b8 B8 \6 |9 j# k# E* `4 @3 U$ b
第15题,He has been ________for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet.. T1 }0 ?' j& h1 I* x! ]
A、sad% K' O5 a5 w9 Y  M' z9 i% n2 F
1 e% b/ ^3 ^. X0 }6 U( cC、evil7 V" d+ h) T3 d) w
D、joyful2 d+ ~& P$ D- R+ J; k
正确资料:' w5 X6 i6 Z9 k. p- t

& e0 M0 m3 w- l0 Q3 |- k; F: H6 ]+ v
第16题,Nancy is _______ girl.
8 n6 D+ K+ U+ J: H" IA、a eighteen-year-old3 C2 d( m3 i0 ^+ ~
B、an eighteen-years-old: M# q' K) o' v4 ^9 E
C、a eighteen-years-old" c# J# v# `5 G% Q% Q
D、an eighteen-year-old
- i& Z& X+ @% g' O( N/ W正确资料:+ \" j8 e- _) H) \2 O

$ Q5 t4 ^' j6 w; L
$ m. N6 C1 o0 I. a4 q; X2 @4 O0 W" Y8 F( Q9 T$ [
6 b% H# q% `" N* Q' G4 A5 ?/ b8 k
1 d  J; u0 a+ t* Y1 l& Q
0 w: t! Q6 v7 f& b; Y# L+ a8 f
) c( c# g5 c3 Z0 ~# ^
) F9 |9 z6 N) n; l) n$ @. z; R
* g! [. e- t0 y, B

0 x3 W. a2 ?9 o7 m7 e
# W0 W  y; V8 _- {& e% b7 E0 o' t$ P' Y

3 U$ O' A* ~' q( C
& y8 N. \1 l2 h# S


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