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发表于 2020-3-1 16:08:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷名称:20春学期《大学英语(一)》在线平时作业1, j4 a; P* ]9 t% |0 M. ]
1.This skirt is very nice. Try ______, _______ you?* g5 c1 y) J: f1 T" [# q
A.it on,will
5 Q; N! @; D& b: L1 |9 o2 \B.on it,shall
) L' i3 z5 @& `C.on it,will
6 z! _* b' d+ H6 Z9 ?; i  t& b, ^1 W8 WD.it on,do/ P& ?/ [; {8 Y3 |1 K
8 E# D  V) j/ D& d# L5 V  Z
$ m  i1 F  S, ?/ n  w2.Computers are the second most useful ____ of the world.
  }$ `9 d! ^, |& c8 B! ]6 JA.inventions# X9 x& i7 g, q# w0 Z2 f# A
B.inventors$ C4 [% l$ W. M- k7 z2 q3 F9 f
C.invention' \3 |' f6 [# |6 i
D.inventor! d, H% e* B* z- S; K
+ ?5 @7 F- C, t- F+ W" i& ]/ ]6 u1 B! q9 e! V
3.There is a close link between a rising_____of unemployment and a rising suicide_____.5 ?2 S$ n7 P0 T) l# a( x
A.ratio; ratio5 b- _/ K0 ]$ N3 A' O3 b* [7 o
7 F3 b3 }& S3 |7 @6 K  dC.rate;rate( I. X& E) n( ^/ W# m$ ^& x+ h+ ]) ]
D.tendency;tendency) n  [  ^9 i2 J7 L4 t
! J* K5 `+ W; S0 }3 T; w1 |5 W8 s4 O
4.Which is the way _________ the nearest hospital ?
; _. ~, F, N! h  aA.in
7 K) o: Q  U0 v) Y% F8 pB.too& W# x, G8 ~) _) h  X+ o  ]
8 M' K! r* O1 C  j8 O- D6 qD.at3 [: f' A' X+ T! H6 D' F" G# {  R' p
! S. C2 |/ v; n1 T9 q5 z% C1 z6 ^% i- k+ k% m! g6 F+ {5 b0 j2 V
5.While she _________ TV in the sitting room, the bell________.- y' B5 O5 C  g
A.watches, rings9 `, ?$ I6 G& Y0 R/ i  i
B.is watching, rang
$ c7 [, b  U& Y! Z1 C+ M9 OC.was watching, rang3 ?" L& J# _. A, z
D.watched, was ringing
$ ?* E, ]8 V6 }" ^3 s* c4 V2 {资料:-
8 u3 M3 J+ Q! m, c7 Z. Y& _8 L! V- t
6.-- You seem to like sweets. --________ . I buy sweets every week.
" |* e7 u0 X, [. A  e4 N3 C5 qA.So do I# `8 S7 k, k1 u2 K& n
B.So I do4 F8 P1 d& v4 r2 \1 t
C.So am I$ E) m- }1 L5 W. E& [, L
D.So I am' R) n0 A, y! ~$ [' S
资料:-, C# [7 w' U' m& l# a

6 H; A$ g& S9 F' H5 }7 H3 u7.What has he ______ the meat ? He has just cooked it.
6 g" e- K& g1 `: d+ V6 S# _A.take care of
5 I( c1 Y6 Q2 HB.catch up with
, E2 a! N0 {; f5 w; z1 R, z2 DC.done with) l+ C& y0 L% K. m+ _
D.paid for, s4 ^6 o: b: s1 D
2 M6 ~' V8 \1 y8 @' h# N& u. X
2 Z. s- `' r. ^) [; B8.--Must we finish our homework now?--No, you ______. You _______ finish it after school.
- L8 D* ^8 _$ V' V+ f( KA.needn't , may) c% E. `+ Z9 a' _/ ]% T- d
B.mustn't , may
1 r" z$ B) m% i, {1 f2 sC.can't , can, z8 R' Z% f) _0 k
D.needn't , must
1 T+ T: Z, i4 N) L/ \* y3 e. P资料:-
1 C0 E0 Y: y# |- {# u/ ?* Z" M& q6 E, I7 S7 N/ V8 E1 o7 X. [4 h+ W; y
9.Mary doesn't like pork for dinner. I don't like it, ______., U: w7 J$ p: H0 N' F4 i4 a: |
A.neither$ u% ^( t2 I+ {8 `, |2 n
! n. F* l& D7 D$ s5 KC.also, i9 y- e% d* S/ b
D.either  B" _9 t9 s. p* @* a
资料:-( d3 p$ P2 R5 r5 H, N) @

8 ?. q4 s) Q  p4 |' b8 a/ r10.The museum has some new _____from India.
( P) o  w, y. C6 Q: O4 eA.exhibit
; `- X' T2 ~$ }4 E4 ^% F1 {' `B.exhibition1 M7 _! X# M' u1 O: W
C.exhibits- v2 t  B4 B1 _$ P: @4 F
D.exhibitions: U* R5 M# [2 s; o4 t- ]
. l! ], E3 n3 v( a. T9 I# a- F2 m9 \3 H. r' l; t
11.Our teacher is very strict       ourselves       our studies.- l4 }! q2 g5 _- m2 B  {
A.in; with5 E+ e8 J7 S/ \8 B7 [
B.with; in. u, M3 l4 F8 M3 l  H: ]" R
C.about; with$ r+ U  ?2 |" t3 u
D.with; about& b) u* c9 R: ~9 y4 {5 e  ^
资料:-! H: V) e1 |( Z! W" v; ~9 D% e

4 e2 e1 }) m' z* G+ z12.Do you usually go to school _____ foot?3 r% ]7 i- U2 B. u5 ]5 n
  J% ?. O( f1 p1 T" v8 c" K5 h- @B.in
% t" I% i6 J7 ?2 K& \/ N% f: UC.at+ n" N5 T* Y( q. z
9 m! f  d) {6 |8 D) q) K- O% Q3 k; e资料:-% X6 s) S  F: F8 Q

$ E. O" ]/ r3 F2 C4 {  K13.He is        with his new beautiful house.
- T3 m: I  h% q; {2 gA.pleased
- g  z+ T: Y/ kB.sad9 L3 Q* M; a% M9 Z* v
C.pleasing4 ]; j' o1 \0 ]9 ]6 e) e
6 I7 T4 J' m. Z; ^资料:-
/ T" L( G  b5 M+ ~8 p0 `1 g0 R- E( b. X- F8 J$ A1 i5 Q& O
14._________ away the old books and __________ me that new one.' M9 u- Y4 `( u# u0 W! h# f
A.Bring, bring& _2 |6 ^8 _: C5 `" }. h8 M" [
B.Bring, take
' q  S1 `$ l% L# o! }+ W; r5 jC.Take, take4 w" {% I& X* `4 X7 I$ B5 a
D.Take, bring  K  C+ e2 O' Q
- X' e' ~0 \' Y' S/ ]" ?
8 Q; v' A: z8 c) h+ O1 ]15.--Must I clean the room now? --No, you __________.+ \7 a6 c9 t9 u$ H
A.can' t1 w. |1 y( i3 _, u8 T, v, b; j5 d- y
B.may not5 z3 R8 k" R8 `+ E) L
C.mustn' t
" `; Q" g) x7 d' rD.needn' t
) g6 R! p4 y# u( C% g2 I资料:-/ \; M6 K: ]: ^' `2 `( z3 B9 |8 Q

* J0 ?) Z4 ]6 Y9 x: |* [( z16.Andy has _______ for five years. Five years _________ a long time.- h% P! U0 L6 R0 J: g
A.come back home;is5 F' [6 r8 L7 ~; U0 R
B.come back home;are2 z$ N2 W6 j0 y$ y1 }0 V9 M
C.been at home;is7 r) j1 D% _2 S( C* o0 ?8 _+ ?
D.been at home;are% Z1 A# t7 w+ c( k. Q
  W/ ~, e! D* k7 `$ H0 R$ X+ P6 S9 h1 s2 I
17.We should work hard in       of our dream.* T5 J$ K4 v/ U7 J! j; g4 F
/ R) s4 _, }( [4 BB.finding
0 h3 N1 `: l" aC.hope
& Z# p. o0 D! N) [/ w+ o, s6 AD.seek. S" n- [, d% N1 u6 v# e/ Y4 Q
" E9 J2 x8 B+ a- e2 a, v: D
4 |' ]. r6 {. Y1 z2 f0 P* ^18.If you want to learn English well, don’t forget intensive reading and _____ reading.
( r: U! K1 W: U' _" tA.extended$ i$ g" ^; q1 s& m9 p
B.extensive6 \; R' B* H! g" k' `6 {
6 a! N% W* a# M" J, O- PD.external, l, L4 K1 r" p' x, [/ @
资料:-: H+ _; _6 `/ N

, W/ R1 q2 A( x19.They gave me _____abuse for no fault.
  b( M: M" d$ B$ J$ j8 a' g7 g: JA.many
1 J2 S, }- t/ C6 O1 Q7 IB.much
# \9 R/ o0 `8 R4 x" @- _C.few
! u. d1 M& B: bD.a few; r) R: V5 z2 {  F5 p* w
1 O6 s4 E/ ], T! k( ?0 \1 J4 ?8 _" Y. ]+ a1 u# D
20.The students put down their pens when the teacher_____ them to stop writing.: N/ T& ~2 O) q; K2 |& ?# c% u
/ V# ?) K# U4 E8 @B.spoke
# x; @- c9 q8 FC.told7 }  x& S) @  X% [- n7 I
' p8 M3 g/ M" @" C资料:-  D& l+ g/ D- U: ~: ^$ n
' H# h7 X, T5 P$ N
21.The evidence found in this search is always incomplete and _____, it is also frequently partial.! w, x9 L8 X5 v5 J0 Q
0 H) M* s8 X3 |5 B7 H$ o/ ?B.scattered
$ I4 W8 W1 x& o! ]! nC.scattering3 f1 ]! j$ d: ]7 R2 z
D.scattered to! @0 U9 p  P$ m7 Q% \* X
资料:-5 H3 i" R( [  I; {. y
, t5 f/ t( Z' K) `! Y# f
22.-- I' m going to school now, Mum, Bye!-- Just a minute. It's cold outside._________ your coat, please.
6 w" G6 u2 T1 V9 Y3 [/ k% JA.Put on* T4 q3 X) v; [4 R9 ~. _
B.Take off) p+ r! y$ b& ]! a2 a9 P* Z7 u& n
C.Put up
) C$ S7 E: z' f' Y$ LD.Take down
9 S7 n; F2 [0 P8 Y  j* W资料:-1 X1 [7 j  t; p" l

: U" [% |/ i8 C0 k- x4 D6 s2 l23.Some people don’t think that online articles are _____reports on facts.
* z% ^! q3 }) W1 N' D# H" k% Q% q! bA.prevalent9 _* Y: A+ w8 J8 ^3 o7 Z: A
B.available- H/ t0 t8 J& i. m! V  F5 r
  P7 p: _/ r. q2 N) w+ E% P6 pD.reliable, g8 ?: {/ }( T
资料:-. C) Q& h) o/ R5 M, \' |
$ G9 x; q* x# C' W3 O# X
24.Before 1992, there was no airline _________ the two cities.' h+ ?. r0 V- H: s
' d! C/ t* U( D1 N+ p3 j0 `B.in9 E7 U8 _- m% U- ~' t* M
C.between, b/ A) S  T. U
6 w: R& @; z1 k资料:-8 b7 r+ O" Q, P  ]% _  B. J; h! t
$ X" i  z* `/ ?- G# k9 L
25.I’m sorry to learn _____your illness8 _* m% D1 p! z4 d
A.\' |, _* c4 a5 A
+ p" r2 c" i% V4 lC.that$ D0 Y' G* {" f3 j
D.of, }/ q% S7 l. {. w- m
6 v+ b7 e1 D% w! p
$ `" c  V! L# S$ y& H; q2 R26.He is the only one that        the accident.# L1 O' r$ K' K, ?
( `! p5 n, \, w7 X4 Z+ ?3 \B.lived
  j3 T1 q' L' k) H; dC.survive
/ s& s  C* `. |' Q/ x! OD.survived. g0 F( K! T9 V7 s. [
& k: ]7 T: X1 L1 m4 p" K
9 u8 K3 y, B; ^8 k! g% s& F! J27.Here are some pictures ________ .
* l) b# ^, Y6 `7 |# ~; MA.of him" I2 }+ }! J  x7 c
B.of he. N4 z. S  |1 s2 v! I
C.about him  w  ^; J7 P/ e
D.about his  m, R. E; L) [' U% T, m
资料:-; C! h# K4 i* Y8 |( N
; R; z/ h0 r. R- \* }
28.Please show ______ new picture book.
; ?6 e: [7 {  {3 h8 s- l! R1 TA.he your
, J+ `8 B, L& Z! xB.his you' f6 Y' G7 X. A- S
C.him your
  |# V. X& h0 Y4 uD.him you
( k9 S7 X" z2 l( l1 n* b! s/ Q资料:-: V1 o9 ~  w5 j  L

+ |- j8 P2 D5 ?1 J. o29.Figure      how to solve the problem.
: \' v, s! Z# i& \  ?A.in* S+ A2 Q1 A) c) h! U- @
  q4 X. N+ T% X# ~C.away& _7 J* D+ b8 p* M1 d0 v6 L& E
D.out. B( F. R( S3 y  d, L1 M0 N
资料:-! n& b0 r' D3 k  ?" r

) V7 e' ?9 C/ A: ^% I( d- O% A6 R30.There may be something wrong with her ___. She can' t see things clearly.
9 v) ~# y. D( X; C( h; GA.eyes
0 }+ W" C5 v$ pB.ears6 A" Y* ?; Y# F+ R  F; y, v8 }
C.mouth5 b9 B4 i4 j' `
D.nose- \+ s4 Z' h7 Z  w5 t  b7 s3 f
: k4 t" K4 p0 h! ?* l; _! m4 x9 O7 |: P, F# g' V
1.University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and it’s one of the top university in the world. There is no clear date when the university started, but teaching began at Oxford in some forms in 1096 and developed quickly from 1167.  There are 39 independent(独立的) colleges at Oxford, attracting students and learned men from across the world. There ar  e over 100 libraries for the students and learned men to use. At University of Oxford, they also provide a number of money for the best students. Of course, if you want to study here, first you have to reach a certain level of English language.    College life at Oxford is very exciting but busy. The groups of college provide a friendly and welcoming home for students while the college are strict with students about their studies. Many Chinese students are studying here. The number of   Chinese students at the university has grown quickly over the past 10 years.
0 B# u/ I( ^& e1 X$ }  D资料:-1 r% J, y9 n& @3 y* }+ x
9 K; |0 w9 o. O* B. m+ W
2.Sometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they were sure to be there. They serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be: your classmate, neighbor, teacher, long-lost friend or even a real stranger. But you know that every moment they will affect your life in some serious way.    Sometimes things happen to you. At the time they may seem terrible, painful and unfair. But later you realize that without getting over those difficulties you would have never realized your further ability and strength. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.    The people you meet affect your life, and the successes and failure you experience, create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.    Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and really listen. You should set your sights high, hold your head up, tell yourself you are a great one and believe in yourself.    You can make your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.
, N+ O, C6 U+ J: a资料:-
5 h  X- K9 |$ y
; m, c. T9 |, n# a" h' M3.More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!    Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit (受益) from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way.    Folding (折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.Health Benefits of Bicycling:? It helps to prevent heart diseases.? Bicycling helps to control your weight.     A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.? Bicycling can improve your mood.      Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.? Bicycling is healthier than driving.
4 z" |7 E! K8 v+ G" A- H资料:-2 H$ H$ [# @' q% H! A5 X  r

( b8 Z; r; u& F/ S4.One day, Tomas Jefferson, the president of the USA, was crossing a river with a group of travelers. The river was overflowing its banks. So it was very dangerous to cross it on a horse. Each man was fighting for his life! Then another traveler came and he wanted to cross it, too. But he didn’t have a horse. He watched the group and then asked Jefferson to take him. Jefferson agreed immediately. The man climbed on. After they were both safe to the other side of the river, someone asked the man, “Why did you ask the President for help? Did you know him?” The man was shocked because he didn’t know Jefferson was the president. “All I know,” he said, “on some of your faces were written the answer NO, but there was the answer YES on his face.”
: i" h$ N5 r& p: i1 T资料:-" U' A- ^6 j* }) }

" I+ F8 a, v& Q2 s' p1 U


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