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发表于 2020-6-13 04:33:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 z$ v0 p: X& w0 M; N; m# f+ F试卷总分:100    得分:100, l6 {7 ]7 l! E& _% E7 b7 o
第1,() relates to the truthfulness of the data.% {  y5 T9 a0 a+ ^: W
4 ]! v/ t1 r4 W1 o; T1 QB、reliabilit7 H% i& x' L1 a+ f' @
C、subject5 W8 z7 \/ X2 C3 q, F3 B; [: W8 q" ]
D、object2 o- A0 P, m# i; f9 C: W: V
* B8 |5 G4 D& u& A! V! t
: o6 a' \7 E$ s" ?! i) Z0 Q. a. G
第2题,Look at the following words, which one of the follow options is an example of anagram. ___________" }( E- a# [* W( d7 b" R# A
8 F- f+ Z2 x; e" H# {5 MB、man-mean: w% k# |. o8 O9 ]0 H6 R
C、hive-live; O! ?# r8 `8 E( g" b( C; G+ Q
: t$ O& P8 X" t: |  z' D正确资料:
# c- c% c4 ]; p' Q( `
4 R. ^9 q8 B4 n+ S# p8 `6 Y& y; n+ s( b- f+ |2 t& P( x6 l" C
第3题,()involves the organization of learning and teaching in such a way that the traditional notion of the "average student" and "aiming for the middle "in teaching is abandoned.
# g4 F/ k+ G5 }% d! Y) w5 BA、pair work1 V4 l$ F: h0 R' g
B、group work
1 s0 ~6 U5 D  \5 y4 UC、teacher's help
) z* I0 y2 |' _2 Z7 SD、individualization
2 ?3 X3 n: e3 G正确资料:6 U7 W% U9 Y" ?% n" a; f& U% `6 q
* L( |, Y. A8 y- C) b5 m# O3 @
+ _3 T' F+ A% `8 b6 O3 A
第4题,What  arenot the causes of an error().5 h$ V5 V& Z0 v5 z$ P1 D. W
A、overgeneralization! u- G1 M7 y* n- H; J
% V4 H) R) G4 Z3 yC、simplification
' H4 l$ @+ N8 `7 _5 kD、deduced errors
! t8 t' h8 E9 x, ~* O2 h2 q正确资料:
/ {) D; e5 i! V( T$ a5 R' z  d/ v0 {3 g, w% r' c
- i, |, j: S* o8 n7 x8 h
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),In the language focus phase, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through ()processes.
, s( Y+ Z5 L4 ~1 `- DA、teachers' instructions8 v5 k& n/ A$ F- I! h
B、language acquisition
) N, H1 d/ t7 t1 O& r4 D0 eC、peers' help
; w7 b7 K0 X! `$ QD、consciousness-raising
( p1 I- y% Q( K( O正确资料:
/ [+ C$ c( n0 G- P( h6 t$ e8 x8 p% R4 b: k' F
  c" M& \4 H. L8 V" j* U0 H
第6题,()involves teachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their own classes.  H. {/ r( N6 D% G# C6 c
A、Literature review
, F8 x* i& B' E6 J1 u. z& w% OB、Questionnaire! z4 n( m$ i: d5 v& F" g. A' S
C、Action research
7 V' A* e5 I7 |# Z: UD、lassroom observation$ Y$ @) p# N  X
正确资料:4 y& U- B  _& _

; r8 ~2 y2 u7 \$ Z* G4 x
/ g7 ~! n7 a/ S3 \第7题,Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()
8 _- h; S: e# P7 `% M: |7 IA、teacher-guided correction, @! a9 X' w! X6 N
B、group correction1 j7 H( Q! [  w5 d$ u5 h; Q
C、focus correcting/ w3 c9 |# `' \, L4 Z' ?) F/ l
6 N7 V; c. |; B4 y" C( ?6 s6 N& @! t# H

1 S1 Z0 F2 O+ b' E$ X) q第8题,The first and most important step a teacher takes is to determine the () of an activity.( P  g' x$ v# p, p
/ j( P, W+ D& D; @/ [- KB、approach5 d# {2 m8 ^) j( h- ~
C、objective/ @! V$ H% ^& k- \8 E& ^' o
9 x$ i4 a6 D6 T  ^# p) f! t7 E正确资料:
- W7 }# }1 `5 k" W* M' {4 ~8 N' N; D& i( K+ M
# |0 e; }( f. S: L
第9题,()research must be analytic4 p: W: W$ ]0 R: t$ h* c, F
A、experimental& O$ n! f6 ]. T) ^
B、descriptive/ e! @# S3 t+ |7 Q4 A: i3 o
C、Action research
: w. k7 Q! V' o! U9 m" O& kD、A case study+ L% ~" ^0 h: y. M9 n; h6 X
% D, m; o6 |% M/ Q, L1 [9 f: n
9 `$ L! r" e) ]6 Y) J5 j, p3 e! l% J
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Which one do you think is not the correct statement().
. G# ?7 u: m  B; tA、as an assessor, the teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedback
2 [( f' D  w4 O  GB、the most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an controller
6 @: S7 |, ~1 mC、task-based teaching methods encourage the teacher to participate
+ K$ Q6 z4 o- h# P- n% K+ y正确资料:
) I# r1 d0 E# N4 ^, t0 g9 B: \# X4 X  A2 g% Q& J. q7 A( @

# K; C' e7 n, s第11题,Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?5 n1 M2 V# A( w
A、Tailoring message to competence
; `0 d. G: m5 f5 j4 C1 \B、Paraphrasing
1 t7 w$ @) y. s4 b! A1 m9 EC、Using fillers and hesitation devices
. s& w4 ]  d4 d8 xD、Appealing for help
: M( L) m! V5 t1 b正确资料:# n% l4 {  i& J  j6 d

! A8 I( ?$ _: q$ F. B
) Y$ [9 h4 a+ T5 F! ?资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),()is an intensive study of a specific individual or specific context, which is usually based on the assumption
7 F4 w/ E6 j2 [) ^5 jA、Action research
5 s4 T7 P) c3 `  D0 DB、Teaching journal6 F$ m- o. I0 ^# P
C、Lesson report
. _# i! ]% \$ N. L- |# G, cD、A case study8 }. i4 C( D7 ?
正确资料:( d3 n- _( S. d' ~! N

6 T4 Q) a, l/ t. N) Q+ J6 q% S3 U
第13题,In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning ().
( a+ p  q4 V8 l6 S8 b1 a6 qA、unit planning% f& o. T) r& d1 K8 P  D  r( D, c: z
B、half a semester planning
7 u% n5 N. A: Y& `/ x' LC、one semester planning
0 i6 r% J; V5 l: v* Y3 _D、whole course planning
9 A( L1 Y* X9 t正确资料:5 a6 m2 E& K+ Q& i
) U/ C- g  m1 D( P/ Q
7 q- O9 F& j, ]2 J1 S* Y1 d
第14题,The root of a word is also called the ________.
5 z2 t% ]6 i; H" |8 ^4 W8 nA、stem7 g5 X+ `1 U( O7 N2 n" z0 T7 ^  t3 N
* p4 {/ a3 P6 _0 v$ g0 l6 {% WC、base form9 \$ J3 n1 R; l
D、A or C/ o7 R9 |" o0 i7 A
正确资料:' V# T+ S) n9 j! t4 j# q) `8 d! X9 }

/ a8 h/ D! A" E" z  V. Y9 s0 G$ c& m/ K, X  G% D/ v4 r
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),What kinds of methods can you use when you observing lessons().
& ?5 W! r/ F/ m+ l* L" cA、using videotapes
3 N1 O" q) i* l. W' }B、using sheets
6 t: f2 R* J% t* X8 v6 `5 B$ VC、using checklists
. t7 t: j3 l* z0 C6 z" t4 Y) YD、above all) c" J" C3 j9 ]! M
, u. K1 A" _+ X+ C5 A- p5 q6 g3 E6 y1 i* u% |% V

/ F( k( }7 {3 D& d2 {第16题,One of the principles of the Direct Method is that  classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the  ()language.+ ~$ u; L% V/ b$ o$ {4 h! ?
$ ]; \4 i  i& ]9 K$ x; V; }B、another new) J$ M& R1 A. V" r, A( Q' s& I
C、target! v$ O1 b& W8 G4 V  [7 L9 ^: X
D、first  l# D5 C6 V* s4 \
" \) u6 M: P7 R( _* r& z. N8 W. X; L5 n& K3 v. f4 G3 }

1 @& r5 `- d$ w: C' H7 B第17题,Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?$ N4 ^0 N5 i* K) X  t+ {
, i. `* S0 u6 h' b6 i1 \7 MB、remember
: M3 l- N2 G# }C、think
3 r  b8 D2 L' |% t  y5 xD、practice
$ k  ?! b8 R: D$ C8 ^正确资料:
$ \' d  K% T/ c6 r2 q2 ?
$ F6 i. \. R5 S6 s0 S4 f7 j  J" [; v/ a4 r# c
第18题,A () activity is used where the whole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.
1 b+ A* i& o7 NA、jigsaw9 ]  s( S) e  q% m" U. {1 u
+ `% X/ [$ D2 b9 X; r) VC、hungman: c" T0 y: K3 i) R& U( E
, d; f4 M1 }* |$ b* C" _  y6 t$ m& k7 c正确资料:* q5 x) E- {) O  z$ g1 T. y2 l+ R

5 g9 O" k, W3 r1 X) B2 O* \7 D$ Z/ j" w& `, F. M" G
第19题,()utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.  D9 }; `; K3 m( h8 }- x0 ^
A、A group study
0 z6 e8 S( A, r; J6 k; }( ^B、Teaching journal
1 p0 V. z" I* L7 N% \2 L9 j. lC、Lesson report
' _1 m( w7 F  Q: ]+ C7 _0 dD、Action research
3 C$ c# k0 p! l3 H  b正确资料:
, w3 f! o( v( b# ?# b$ F5 K& `! h( {) N/ U/ U
, T6 [; l# V# Y6 G1 j, O
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),In the learning the established understanding is typical by _ syllabus.
8 p- K$ \) G8 N* x) y$ sA、Formal and functional0 V) E) ^# l' _; l' }8 {
B、structural and functional6 T. N, z& N( l
C、formal and structural5 U3 F$ T2 m, M0 B
D、type A and type B, K$ a3 m, h7 \' [& G
正确资料:8 p5 M; Z( P. e% P# |$ B9 P

2 M3 c% B  ]3 O9 p' N& Q6 e4 ?, C6 n. Q5 K  k( X' j3 T
第21题,For the public use of language(talking to the whole class) students will need to focus on()as befits a public presentation.
8 X1 E& g( t9 W& ]A、fluency8 s2 A5 ^0 c- O$ N; E# n
B、accuracy" t- P# Q, V0 E  q1 V& o
C、clarity3 S8 z4 K3 R2 Q7 \2 a% }" K1 _
D、organization9 o' g$ J. ?; l  G' E; G, _
正确资料:,B,C,D$ O/ Y# N6 Z  ]3 r! d4 X: P; Y; t
( W! S; A: L  C  r# Q! _, k% ^

2 F8 q0 ^, O. g( R( G: B+ P第22题,What kind of common techniques are often used in error analysis().
7 p8 g- \1 r& Q7 b: l. S' oA、error identification
- g$ H0 x) B6 r1 OB、error classification. `/ b$ Y1 b* o; V# h: u
C、error description
4 w/ d* A5 e3 o3 n9 ~- mD、error explanation
0 y% N2 y9 ^! I3 e5 ^3 _+ N) k正确资料:,B,C,D9 X& Q. @$ p2 V, s6 O
5 }" N( @( G7 ^
$ V1 A/ t( [# t8 D" n. K
第23题,Which  procedures are recommended in preparing self-report forms (Richards and Lockhart, 1996)/ E: C& K! k8 H4 V
A、identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the course
) I: F9 z0 @0 m- kB、identify different kinds of teaching activities, procedures8 ?; f* w  ^! R9 L/ }5 I
C、prepare a lesson report form
- J# L! s7 j  p2 g2 j. H0 ]2 GD、prepare videos" a- @% }8 f3 y
正确资料:,B,C+ z1 l  w3 E& j! z8 E8 Q* R5 n
. F0 f4 r. v9 s( H/ z! f# c
( H- n: I4 Y5 M# ]* ^) ~
第24题,What are the two ways of grading a piece of writing? are "impression" marking and "split" marking.4 @- x$ [9 W+ B8 g! V) J6 @/ p8 `
A、impression1 s0 t3 I6 h# U# f9 n9 M
+ B6 P+ h6 N$ O% r7 f+ TC、inductive
  x( N- h4 Y6 g/ B# M9 V. y3 }4 xD、deductive$ A! w, L: M; v* g
正确资料:,B- W; |3 Z& C3 B& G6 T3 ~

" T% r% l2 L* C$ V$ x7 ]: K+ L+ x( a- K6 C" W0 {9 |8 ]- I
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),What are the challenges in teaching large classes?()
' f1 k- [3 s5 I- QA、Let every student like you.
5 y1 |7 {( |0 vB、Keep good discipline.3 P2 S. {1 Q  I6 }/ ^
C、Give individual student attention.7 l- O" E% c/ F% d4 |
D、Manage classroom disruption.
: s3 u3 H4 V4 m5 ^" Y+ Z/ o正确资料:,C,D
7 o- w, S4 \1 [$ l, h/ K6 \$ ^& M" \  q

+ s  A" C2 x: u* z' W1 {第26题,what are the possible techniques to be used for practicing the structure that has just been presented?________$ i9 w3 x' n# z. ?! |0 ?' M
A、repetion& S# _2 d  t, e/ U& J1 d
- o- \3 s" E( L) y) t; x4 oC、single word prompts
* c) B; H6 g2 y1 {D、picture prompts2 h: c4 m  U% f) S$ x, o
* N/ U1 r! C6 W. E! O" F( S4 |% V$ c/ x5 m

6 @1 C6 y2 H$ m) L; ?6 \' X) j% Y第27题,Sensory Modality Strength categorizes learners as what?( A# B3 p! ]' q! g
A、visual3 P2 ?2 n/ X8 n( L2 O
B、auditory1 [" F! x! O! g/ u
C、tactile-kinesthetic- z8 J, ?* J" h0 q2 T. p7 b2 L
D、thinking* T6 V  R: l5 a. b' R% f" L' w
E、analytical& }4 F9 v2 [/ B, r& ^. N
正确资料:,B,C" }7 M) n+ M9 F/ F( ]

% |4 p1 m3 d: p# c/ p9 z5 v4 K3 g. x) V3 F& R3 R1 b% q( T2 i
第28题,To help students carry on oral communication in English, what categories can teachers offer?6 T9 ~; ~& d; F* ~$ j
A、language input
5 j% D) }/ [3 z% ?B、speaking rules, G# s; G( e6 t& E6 M6 q' {; s
C、speaking strategies
# F$ \( C2 N4 J  H2 @# p2 {& e2 zD、knowledge of social and cultural context! M, P) a) L; f3 H1 P5 m
正确资料:,B,C,D3 n  v- r2 ^; B- L4 y3 o! D
: b5 }! H0 s+ r$ ^

) M8 {0 E$ e  U* E第29题,There are three Ts that can help engage the students in the writing activities. What are they?
6 R8 `! ~% x  p3 rA、target
9 k3 L% m/ _* ~8 C1 U5 vB、tools
- F- q; p9 }0 LC、topic
" `: v' l# G1 s+ y/ I' e9 [; e& T) V0 tD、time/ N: u, @" K0 z3 y8 F0 h2 s
1 X9 v- A1 V; o/ D/ }
: G2 X  X! f. {/ E2 C7 }
/ S- F5 u- n# F/ j资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),What are the roles of teacher's nonverbal behavior in the classroom?(), S  q3 S# o7 T5 }) X" u! y
A、Allow teacher to become better receiver of students' messages.
2 x7 U* H. r6 E: `2 q7 TB、It will active classroom atmosphere., \8 {: y$ [7 K4 w
C、Teacher will become a better sender of signals that reinforce learning.
3 f4 [! n& c* e; G; tD、It will increases the degree of the perceived psychological closeness between te- w" c! [0 i! l, I+ P3 y; O1 O1 f
3 @' K3 G' F+ D* C) P1 C0 e3 L5 |5 M  f5 ]5 r# G5 u
9 q" T' T( v1 z  W  O2 \* c
第31题,Metacognitive strategies are skills used for planning, monitoring, and evaluating the learning activity.
& V2 |- }' h' G7 c* C: J3 L8 b( wA、错误
  C) L( B  \: a. w9 X/ P* hB、正确7 y5 J. ]9 R/ p: W. b
正确资料:√. i. k- i/ C0 G
5 b% T. ~7 y6 z  ~- z. Z2 v7 w8 a( `7 `4 S
8 L& u" O1 X" o3 B: }
第32题,Mistakes are caused by a slip of the tongue.9 y3 z7 }) S5 ^$ x6 c
+ i+ G/ ~7 K$ SB、正确
. Q; \# b0 e' i1 }: x& v正确资料:√
9 x; d' i; q: O8 \
9 O7 Y* H- b/ \( _4 c* E* {
$ L7 j4 D  U  C" r  ?; I% r第33题,Survey is used widely in descriptive research, in which sampling is one of the key issues.$ u* d+ W" O8 j9 b! g' T
+ O- r8 f0 }9 p& V2 o" A# `B、正确  u: _7 T5 r3 C4 y! y
. p( W' k7 d4 C. D# \5 s3 K# D$ ~
7 D6 B; H6 \# p% y% @% d" o7 V& w' M* Z: ]3 a
第34题,You should introduce new structure performing the same function when showing function.8 b- i# L2 N/ u9 s
A、错误3 Q* p* M; J  P) i, G5 w
B、正确9 I! b# w6 s+ Y+ J
正确资料:! r# k( l7 t. \! q# Z
/ u9 H8 R: L% i4 p# g5 ^2 e% t/ X

% o1 b+ h1 C9 k1 f- c3 N) E第35题,An important tenet of structural linguistics was that the primary medium of language is oral: Speech is language.5 a; S0 m; L9 u4 Y
& w6 a3 w, [& j$ G/ X: z9 R: y* BB、正确, E. F8 U/ ?% \! V
正确资料:√$ Y8 e' f2 A+ J* `& P4 H. S7 e

3 }" u8 n3 H) v, P8 q& C4 ~" O* I& J( J3 O3 Y1 v& i
第36题,Qualitative method is a research method that relies less on numbers and statistics but more on interviews, observations, small numbers of questionnaires,
: I# d- ], [6 P4 r: Q# WA、错误
* H* L6 a" O. h* cB、正确
) N& m9 C! Z7 M正确资料:√
* I0 e4 b+ U+ g# m6 @
1 `8 ]6 X: b+ T& h1 ?. e' `; g% }
6 l! G9 b0 f' W- K* X第37题,Adults' experiences are their advantage in the early stages of SLA.
0 m; g9 |6 u) I: z+ mA、错误+ g3 H% r! s/ d6 i, H
B、正确2 _) R- x+ j% W" x4 W
) i; M- Q+ y3 Y) s: }. B" R3 ?0 q
( ~( F. j0 L5 A/ {, W
; }; L: s( U7 M0 \' N第38题,Indeed the most important factor in writing exercises is that students need to be personally involved in order to make the learning experience of lasting value.
  p: k( |! ^; l/ {A、错误- e' T& T: a8 S6 S- q$ S& r2 F
$ H1 ~- N1 k1 s1 d- z# }正确资料:' a3 A' `( g/ w# p! U6 H

1 ]. T' T- X0 I  {- {9 r
% D# S; y6 |! \1 g2 _  X8 t第39题,The third step of memorizing words is to over-learn, which means to learn them so thoroughly that you can recall them as quickly as possible.  z: [1 o9 e; ^( n/ G6 J; @
A、错误( L% q7 X0 ~+ |5 V( p% P
B、正确" M" g/ i4 E2 I8 ~0 z
正确资料:8 b3 H0 d5 l' q% M. a# m. g
: \# |  W% k: n0 l  k) M

7 d# ]# p8 S$ m/ c1 [# ~3 S第40题,It is the best to follow the order and pace of the course book.+ b* L; M# G: Z- [$ [5 x' s8 U
A、错误6 o3 f4 D* f' K( o# [4 ?3 {2 f
) ?: g% H9 W% Y/ z正确资料:
; H: s& E8 w; [% h, u
2 X6 e4 U7 D( d+ z! x1 ]; S5 T1 o1 ^9 u6 s0 A* w" [5 P- Z
第41题,English is described as a second language in countries such as Fiji, Singapore, Nigeria,America.
2 v6 @; q  u5 E0 m' W% RA、错误
9 b2 y& s) `2 H6 mB、正确
8 X  T6 F, h. p' f: d正确资料:
! s' L* X" _- P7 ?/ K  u1 U6 x4 a9 q

" P. b+ K# R. b2 n. @第42题,A very good way to expand your vocabulary is to read because there are a lot of unfamiliar words in reading.- r+ o" y  i: H0 k2 U- b
$ F5 ^4 }, L7 E# cB、正确5 a9 [' c: X% |9 d& w0 q. @) K
6 |6 ?" J8 G. X, N) y9 x* f+ M. q% f# `  o: p  c: b
( d! P3 f  n: y! u
第43题,Learners can neither correct nor explain pre-systematic error.
" N- w( s8 x' @$ J! v4 c: yA、错误
* d/ L0 L8 X' j( p! |$ t$ oB、正确
! V: M( [5 Y, X# [1 E) I正确资料:2 N* P+ U" r. [9 m

: H8 q" R! a) F$ k8 ?$ Y7 r& O# x1 V' t
第44题,Teaching journals, lesson report, Audio and video recordings and survey and questionnaires and action research are major instruments in action research.
$ v7 _; l4 d: K2 TA、错误
2 H( v) A; `+ Z  J1 ]7 ~2 CB、正确
0 L' K7 X, p# C. E& q; |正确资料:
( y* a( _+ v) c, Z& d# d3 f8 k: I: o, V( i* H1 W2 H
$ C: j! `& o$ v
第45题,Information gap is a situation in which information is known to only some of the participants in communication of two or more people and those who do not have the information are interested in finding it out.; }5 P/ ^% J8 Q$ G+ N) h7 G
; J1 {4 w) t9 i4 J7 D) [B、正确
& _' Z7 R$ t( @7 ~' U3 g正确资料:√# x5 }! H; n* f# n. _5 }4 k
- h; s; z+ N" h. z9 f& U3 q

2 ?1 E9 t% i4 Z3 y第46题,Chomsky (1972) proposed a communicative definition of language which serves as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching.7 |+ i6 N7 \1 K5 U6 ~4 E4 N4 m* M4 D
1 H) ]/ c/ \  N+ w* |% bB、正确
- U( f: U4 w% \& l% s正确资料:
, @0 v# d2 l- l- _4 {( N5 _2 V# W- A2 k! @

7 }: l, f, v" p# X7 G- F第47题,A task means that learners use whatever target language resources they have in order to solve a problem, do a puzzle, play a game, or share and compare experiences.& U' \+ H( j  }4 [3 j5 f9 B
! s, q# X! a+ F7 ZB、正确5 I+ y/ U! \- j2 N
正确资料:√+ X* G; d' b% W! d% w% k# P3 }# c

, M4 W. `+ i3 ]6 ?7 f# \) c
4 ]5 R7 K0 F* [第48题,If teachers do not have enough time, they could finish abruptly or run on afte bell.
( f8 g; I; B8 W! }/ p' p* XA、错误
3 |; v. t- g5 G# bB、正确: W4 |; ?/ y+ J% L
正确资料:1 M. x, q+ C  e) ]' V$ e" Y* w

- Y% G* E" `$ W4 [0 W" A' L0 Y! l. R+ U& D! t; b
第49题,A task is a goal-oriented activity in which learners use language to achieve a real outcome.
$ y" s$ @5 ]. z2 WA、错误; }% r( \1 _. p& c% _) l3 m
B、正确. @  |$ K& U! o  D
正确资料:√- K' o  E! B; k! Y3 i$ Y

) M/ s: _! E- b4 W& T: O0 y4 _* o' X% D, Z  n+ b8 q/ |3 v
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Rote-learning ability is not included in aptitude.4 M" U. r$ l" ^
! w9 a; e' ~, f2 @- V: T" _7 \' TB、正确+ _* v. F" x, u) w/ r" m  E9 ]
正确资料:7 u1 l7 C5 T2 j% M8 J
9 X8 g) o1 l3 l) @

/ ~5 u& m; T& G* Z+ W2 q, [# u6 ^- F6 ^! \/ B+ a

7 g) r" x( F4 S7 D# }5 ^- [- h
- n5 ~/ U' H9 t9 l) _2 H1 T. B% L' l) l; B  C: l

0 y, _1 C  _- H# S
. s: Z" `9 m# U. o/ y4 [$ W4 ~! `, {, e+ U- X5 R$ a

/ p0 g! {6 O1 G: q9 o3 F  Y3 I# C; h( o8 v& @2 n
0 }0 F7 ~; ~  S, V

! z2 P1 P( I( U3 T1 o. T6 L; X
; W1 J' T  d3 l


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