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发表于 2023-9-27 01:01:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)大学英语(三)-[东北大学]《大学英语(三)》在线平时作业2. c" I) ~* |  O$ I6 O' e
试卷总分:100    得分:100$ g" @  q- W( G: h2 W) J" u( j
1 [" ~) ]) T3 x  V$ [9 c; k% UA、established) K  s5 x9 Q8 ~5 n8 x9 N" j
B、was established
# P8 y1 {' u0 f7 {. k1 l1 xC、was establishing5 F4 l% o, `& E+ q- B+ \3 _* z  c
D、establishes  K' R( _/ ]" q# R- m- k2 e$ s$ Z+ A
- T5 Q4 q" m: K- U
5 V: k% s' C( Y; `4 r' c6 ]/ N. p' \
第2题,Mostofherfriendsareunknownme' v% R1 g4 T1 s4 B2 M# C
6 z! h4 R" [7 s% BB、with' a1 Q$ ^/ s% |) N0 N; @0 z
C、as4 s; s) J% V1 m9 c/ J# L8 b
# V" r5 R3 q2 b% c5 W% S( a正确答案:  P3 g- J3 G# n% c% ~: ~
/ I9 T6 ~, ~5 b, z( p! ]  O
, C: `8 e6 H6 ^/ Y# [/ d( s1 t8 f
9 k  p1 q% h6 g* z8 ?A、repainted
0 e9 V/ g: @+ M# ]' R) ZB、repaint/ S, ^0 R3 S8 k1 w0 E0 z
C、be repainting
% R8 b2 ^0 P/ k. VD、to be repainted
3 M) l$ _9 ?3 W7 M正确答案:
0 K6 E2 S8 {8 p# O; m. Q0 w1 L8 [$ L- u% q) f. `

$ k6 p, V/ |" _" w/ e# g0 s/ g第4题,IwouldliketohelpIhaveotherworktodo
& I5 N; g- r9 WA、Though: b7 w0 {: c9 _& L, T5 ]
B、If& T+ `$ z0 ^4 N+ l" m
C、When. ]: x4 J, u7 h. O" T8 O
D、Since/ B/ E& ]! r6 g( H
正确答案:8 }1 @1 Q& H: q) Z7 z) I
; Y2 O4 o* X1 }

+ j3 Q6 {3 J) R! F6 a资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),HenamedhisnewbornbabythegreatscholarinancientChina, a) y5 t9 i, l- C* @; |
' }4 Z/ ^" A, tB、after
5 S; d8 p  u3 }+ O6 R. J9 CC、of
# t" B! R  n3 a# MD、over
, r/ t) K, [! A, E7 v正确答案:
# |$ y9 o& B# C: S) w: J4 c0 H" N8 k5 q
. i2 M8 q6 T0 J- i6 n: V
第6题,Areyougoingonholidayforalongtime& T1 i+ a) q/ h* W( Y+ \" ~% p
A、It was a long time.8 F) n9 z& O; j9 @. X! u
B、Two weeks ago.) I( T; z9 J1 @4 k; D( Y, u. f% E
C、No. Only a couple of days.! d; k0 ]' |( P8 P" g
D、Not long time ago.
8 h. k1 Q$ _+ q; d6 I/ D正确答案:) N& E& N& ]6 [0 M9 m

' N' E' q- ]/ D2 y7 O; G
+ r3 X8 E' @9 W0 z9 F2 P9 ^/ G1 f第7题,Theengineerbegantoworkthehearrivedatthefactory
2 {2 f/ |1 j" o" o7 SA、moment  n8 G# a0 `9 y6 S; Q* r; _
4 @* i! s" ?8 j$ P: A9 qC、time
% F: y* i. f. B+ m  ?- ^6 I0 {( nD、manner7 e1 [- R( U3 Q7 y. v
正确答案:" E+ p  w1 j0 J

1 [4 v+ [+ `6 M" b* `
% j  F2 m1 ?& ?% g' D第8题,Thebicycleyoureferredtoisn'tItbelongsto
6 b9 m+ |+ C% G9 x7 LA、me; you
. e; j: C# G9 n& w4 D* ZB、mine; hers; m' m: T2 @8 D
C、hers; his% n/ `4 n" w7 {0 G
D、his; her
" ~# k, k8 v' j9 q: }正确答案:
2 |, Z1 G$ L2 v! c! q3 k
8 x6 p2 m& p+ q, y7 B2 U2 C; |
# _4 w% \: Y# \第9题,Thiskindofclotheasily' E0 g, ]0 t3 C9 R2 @
A、was washed4 _5 q* t, O- N! y% ~
B、washes( Q. ]! _: ^5 k' S$ Y* M8 o3 f5 F* A
C、is washed
0 c$ N4 ?1 A4 r$ E; q" ~D、washed
! X" t; F5 E* _- {+ s0 }6 b* s正确答案:
0 `- x% u* f' F/ U: h( u
$ H1 M3 ^  l" ^( Z2 b$ Y/ i1 p1 h% n1 E: }
6 p, V2 H3 D" iA、I had the interview yesterday.$ }  k9 s) E; ]# @; g2 |' U# ]5 \
B、Do you know?
7 N! J, R6 s3 R! a: kC、I could not feel better about it.6 U7 I4 y2 w3 E' z4 N+ r
D、You must be joking.
! Y8 i' B: ~! k) h- U正确答案:
; E6 j- b* W% p3 m9 N
) ~+ y  u$ b+ k1 C
8 a: h2 E9 ~/ b8 R4 ^& i( f第11题,Idoubtifitisforyoutoreadthatbook& i, _8 I5 c; ~* d! m& Y
A、worth0 N: P% l" K8 ^! ~2 v4 W* I& S
B、worthwhile- K! C% }9 I7 q7 D; F4 W
C、worthy: L! B5 a% N3 p9 n
D、valuable% i6 U8 w& ^4 }' q; a* ^
) i- F( _6 L* `8 f+ j2 a' m% _
6 T2 }: Q/ M1 g  p" {% ], J8 W( |0 {9 `6 d' q6 j' B
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),ThisdictionarywillprovetoyouinyourEnglishstudy8 Z7 m; A  N# g# H  H2 U2 }% J+ u
A、be of some use
9 w1 |' L! D7 z( M* D+ ~B、being of some use
# ^) e. r: g) h$ r9 R3 F. xC、to be of some use% L  v4 o3 m# L) j' U
D、of some use
3 l, s0 j; S) b+ r9 B# `- u正确答案:6 U- y, H) ~, _7 l

7 {- M1 A8 ^1 ?1 e
. K" N% h/ J9 D1 f, }: F8 p第13题,Itisgenerallyconsideredunwisetogiveachildheorshewants
/ N0 a* a/ V" e+ I' }3 _2 b% _A、however
3 D% |/ I$ @3 B" sB、whatever
* K% P  z7 _' R+ f4 FC、whenever
8 m3 @% c  n8 s" N0 z. R3 s5 ED、wherever
8 P# B( b' P* T2 L! q6 X正确答案:- p! j3 E4 `/ ?
" R; G* [, {! a

2 [/ C3 O" L6 p, O第14题,Walkinginthegardeninspring
" ^& V% M. C3 W% uA、the flowers were blooming beautifully
- k$ ^7 u2 Y- X7 z% B. Z( I1 M" kB、the flowers bloom beautifully
2 p$ e  w0 ]" A2 Q0 j3 tC、you will see flowers bloom beautifully
9 m( c2 O2 E) T; f& PD、you saw flowers blooming beautifully
) b& f9 o* Y9 P# R( N4 V2 ~正确答案:" j$ I) f" V* ?8 h! h8 G5 n* @

; r7 }$ R/ R% J7 y. G
; N; |1 }0 m& O6 C+ j资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thankyouforyourgiftsbutyousuchexpensivethings  G" j3 U, L4 }# F, d
A、mustn't buy
/ R( u3 z' P7 W! P# W3 q, {& @B、shouldn't buy
! z; k; p, M& d5 MC、mustn't have bought8 F. ]9 n1 w5 {2 f/ t
D、shouldn't have bought% ~" k5 P$ \- {
正确答案:扫码联系微信客服4 S$ X  }( L) u1 n

  g) Y/ c  j. n7 r' e( W8 v
1 q, G/ k  S3 T6 l第16题,Anewlawtopreventtheexportofbirdsistobeintroduced
* G# s$ O$ H/ K. U7 t& p& W7 p2 OA、scarce; y: b* s7 J  u* p( u9 {1 g
; [6 I+ {! `7 m% o; A8 E1 B' e9 tC、strange
; p8 {3 j/ t0 P. H9 FD、specific
" C& B& X& s  H" n正确答案:
* W1 l  |. m" g) q* w6 E/ D6 l% G
* m' B. D8 h3 ?( @6 B) x0 |
/ r) _$ u: p) h第17题,Wouldyoumindchangingseatswithme
6 x) `! u( P5 Q3 r8 HA、Yes, you can! {9 m2 i7 ]/ T" W- U% W
B、Of course, I like to
* j# {2 B5 c2 ~8 z/ D, pC、No, I don't mind
# ~& L3 K- B) @* ~7 g' [D、Certainly, please do% |! A8 U3 J, ~, J2 K" v& \
8 b+ X" d) ?% S/ y2 y& c) Y
' d: O0 F( Y6 ]/ j3 m* l
5 n/ Q( H7 q3 x( b9 @) J" p; ?第18题,Oneofthesecretsofhappinessistosharebeautyothers; Z6 `3 |# {, [- e" U$ R
) i7 y5 x& h$ l* e  TB、with' L" D) e# k. M) G4 q$ H+ L
% _; }  A: L6 Q; W8 O# E9 CD、to2 k0 }! X+ b) }
正确答案:. ~% ~2 ?+ [- n0 \( b+ r6 w

8 w0 A2 T6 I4 n2 U2 C; F5 L& F1 E5 T9 p) N
第19题,SorryImustbeleavingnowbecausethere'sameeting- ^+ H" E$ \7 g
A、Oh, no, you can't" Q+ p3 [% R. G1 f  ^" E
B、Yes, you can leave if you like
  i! m2 S9 v. R9 N/ n; w# v# m8 IC、Do you really have to go? Couldn't you at least stay for another cup of tea?( Z& y1 n1 {  p5 i! s5 R
D、Oh, no. I don't understand  E2 ?% M' ?# t  M0 L& f
正确答案:7 \8 @9 H$ p; x) x
0 v- }% ^' c7 b, m7 }+ d& S

' v' n8 o4 y1 ?. a# k& C; `资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Canyougooutwithusfordinnerthisevening3 b1 q0 e3 ~# f1 Y2 T8 t
A、No, I already have plans
, ]$ I0 s4 {) l3 ~  {4 x% d* nB、Thanks a lot, but I'm busy tonight0 L6 a. k' R7 |  `6 ^9 ?
C、No, I really don't like being with you
8 P. t5 I& V2 s" m3 R) D' }& G$ eD、I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out for dinner9 w; {* `1 E- l! d! k) D
9 S# E  R2 R8 F. d7 k
5 {- C! ^3 u4 g. o+ A
7 t4 f0 R  a. U8 y( e" ?1 B8 ~( t" U  g7 ^) f3 v' z3 P: Q
" \: Y+ {! H8 r2 C( C* X' y6 q

( X/ t/ }: F; r) D) p
5 i- d1 |6 Z* R4 m- u8 z
$ a( ~7 x3 T$ e  p  Z3 N# J. n$ z8 ~! L* U5 |0 y! w; R) I' W+ w3 g
# t5 {! Y8 u, `5 v! D5 J3 y( S$ t: _

; G1 a8 N; O8 H" u% Y2 R% z# b
; @% t* p2 X  f, ?. A
! h" a) x& [8 y. s7 ?8 C7 v6 B5 a* B8 x7 x" Y& V
- h9 j- [$ D- z# R, i


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