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发表于 2023-9-27 01:04:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)大学英语(四)-[东北大学]《大学英语(四)》在线平时作业1* a# ^' O% @1 d5 g6 y5 a
试卷总分:100    得分:100
+ T) M" K* B9 ~$ _第1,19abadhabitisformeditwillnotbeeasytogetridofit+ z* T( _- _" ~, I8 m
+ ~2 v6 A8 R( {2 e( VB、Because% t- s5 A% E  @9 Q& E1 k/ N$ G# i
C、While+ {; a5 C7 {! w7 p& b+ Q
2 |/ S" j8 S+ j0 B7 j3 ^4 d" j& Y正确答案:
, \  i# z2 Q" }% W( i: P2 ?; U( p: x+ k5 |& @6 d, z0 B9 q

( q2 Y: G: N! M0 ?% N% U0 b第2题,23attheairportMrsRobertsonfeltagreatburdentakenoffhershoulders
9 t2 O+ }3 V. X" F( A* KA、Seen her two sisters-in-law off
* i! D& ?" M/ Y! fB、Having seen her two sisters-in law off
+ D1 y0 h* t7 u$ ^; KC、With her two sisters-in-law seen off
" s( }3 C  ~0 e1 N% i' A; w: [( ^4 g4 P$ `D、By seeing her two sisters-in-law off
, E& e  c. J) b& G正确答案:
: u2 V1 `" s$ T6 k. g# q
7 h# I" x, t6 z9 [2 o
  N/ w8 u, Z# d' \+ ]第3题,72Theworker'sdemandsarethey'reaskingforonlyasmallincreaseintheirwages# g% P9 j- |! E# j' o6 L, W5 w
! k" z! l2 q4 y. o8 A! {B、raw
3 O7 C* ?! Q* H: p( VC、super
% m  R% }9 [) [  ^; ^1 y# l4 oD、moderate
$ }# @! {; c8 K正确答案:, S) X* d$ n% U, Q8 u4 O) T1 a% F: Y
8 d( y6 L' o( d5 G4 Q, |9 A0 _
' c9 f. S  X" |# Y, v4 U, D
# h& j7 ]+ C) S, Q9 [# O0 CA、for  E* L8 s& o- X0 I+ j1 I; p
8 E  ~! N& w7 UC、while& B$ I6 T  T4 v) m; [$ P
D、so that
4 s/ s; j# x, c. A# |% D, H  R正确答案:2 _7 D9 Q. o! X* d8 ?

1 d& V+ `9 h. ?7 k! ?4 j
( b( N1 W/ K" ]% c: M5 B资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),65OnarrivingatSingaporewetelephonedtoourmother'suneasiness
$ ~6 t& Q6 f4 R+ SA、cut
! l2 b% o) K: n3 X1 {& C  RB、relieve, W' X% l2 q6 q$ V/ q( u
C、subtract1 ]. D0 p0 H2 J# f/ u4 j
! s+ S; p8 y6 ^. T3 k1 O2 N7 J- G正确答案:9 z' H+ k6 M+ O$ \$ T

+ ~& B7 d2 `, @& a5 N5 U8 b, d  B  x7 P, D7 O
第6题,80Idoubtwhetherhecanhiseffortsmuchlongerashelooksverytired" a+ W; N, j5 H% \& n9 q  E
A、hold up; E! e5 E" P8 T3 G
B、hold on% }, D# x: M3 B2 X
C、keep on; Z" D+ G  A0 }, }; s
D、keep up0 ?& R; y5 e; i/ E- F- t
/ E, W! L# E7 L6 C0 Y1 _0 A% ?1 g8 a: b7 p1 d

" Y/ n- h: \3 ^0 F7 K' g第7题,40IhavenotfoundmybookyetinfactIamnotsureIcouldhavedonewithit1 D4 }3 N$ [) T/ W
A、whether! r+ d  I' @% \' ~! p0 \/ }1 L
B、where% ?+ B6 _6 A, N0 U( W% c* c
C、when6 w6 Z# t# ~, k, Y0 O2 n
D、what+ G5 L8 L1 l! Y+ t  L8 y  ?3 ?4 I
/ @- K4 \2 z  ~- y- J" x4 n# t7 W7 I
9 v6 X) W) j' J
第8题,68HeonlytheletterIhandedtohimbutsigneditanyway; u9 y) y5 w: ~4 M4 \' ]
9 U4 ~' e8 J% p$ d8 _5 HB、scanned
3 X' M9 t( L; E! c$ cC、saw& J: |7 n$ }# m
( P  X/ o0 B& r3 ~1 u; r正确答案:8 J3 W( D5 n$ U

4 _0 y* ~" h9 h' o1 w/ s. d6 n
; P* ^% M& l% E4 V1 U' P第9题,62Notahasbeenfoundsofarthatcanhelpthepolicefindthecriminal
  D0 b3 x/ g. c; k+ AA、crew# X/ X& p% p" b
1 s5 L6 s6 t* A+ W- C- J; |C、crumb
* l; t; \+ ^1 {4 g" {* r. ED、sign, G8 l6 x7 x5 S2 e! N5 h
8 k& m! D0 `- \7 r1 I! ~* Y+ P$ I/ r

0 G. T$ }1 l+ W% K- k9 f6 H资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),38AbrahamLincolnwasraisedtofarmworkhecontinueduntilhewastwentytwo/ a$ X/ A' ?& d# q) r# e
7 l2 q: i% Z( z1 R1 S* v: B) @B、what8 W5 z" J7 ~% _' Q! r6 c
' d% p. v& C6 w  Z" i! [D、that, v. G& c! _' H8 a  I0 f
/ Y8 O2 V$ D! a
* f; R; X' w, j& Y! x( i8 @: f% b5 |2 g, B( t9 S
# \( J# W: l, T3 U  S8 g2 ~1 tA、statements
  R: X" c; U/ oB、comments
" v( z( h6 J% p3 m* IC、accounts3 l: d) `' D5 R! ]3 d& k
  G) {% a# p% C7 a正确答案:) @* d$ ?1 \, b; P9 ^5 ]. r
4 o& Z- H" N  P3 _0 ], v  l4 y. A
+ |; c# q7 P6 C) y5 o
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),24Evenifyoudisagreewithhersheiswroth, D0 ]+ c0 m& y, |4 B3 p; S
, B/ X% {1 I6 O' GB、listen to
- ]8 S3 Z; c$ r% M/ F% G. V( iC、to listen to
! ?$ l3 j" A; M. u7 M6 sD、listening to
* ^5 r1 e5 C7 D正确答案:
/ |5 E! z/ }5 `6 \! x! r# G. p* W2 Z/ x( n. {) ?

. }- J: T* Q( Z  Z# v; C5 y4 f, y6 n; o第13题,117Thisarticlemoreattentiontotheproblemofculturalinterferenceinforeignlanguageteachingandlearning- [9 ?2 M7 o3 S2 P7 l, X6 y
A、calls for
" ]$ Q: B/ N" Y' zB、applies for( a; M( _8 n4 U0 V- B+ q
C、cares for
7 b* _" n8 Z7 T8 a$ S/ J7 |D、allows for
0 y  G6 h+ M- v+ p8 l正确答案:
' Z, k) [4 d( C( `' I, E  I8 z, |

) G& E( B9 [; X- g+ `第14题,59Theinformationwehavegotthattheareahasahotclimatealltheyearround
7 X- w3 k9 G; d# aA、directs9 d. {; T4 |0 ~2 z
. U, P4 h. N$ `" a1 @C、claims
1 p  x* m3 B5 U  yD、contains, g6 z' t* V% c6 q9 D
正确答案:1 f0 W/ C0 s% h
& V2 G- [1 g  R1 F
0 f( w! M) w9 \  U. y9 [& N
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),111TheolderNewEnglandvillageshavechangedrelativelylittleagasstationortwoinrecentdecades: b3 B- I  A/ |* @
A、except  Y: n: i$ h: b* k
. C+ o) w" q4 S2 r6 QC、in addition to
9 n3 a* |" P7 a5 @; j% V& eD、except for4 w) j2 n' c; t
正确答案:' v1 f& |* l- [/ Z; ?/ p" h3 e
- d2 L7 [8 b+ [- i7 J

; l6 H5 n4 b- W# a" M1 K* g/ g第16题,116Allthetasksaheadoftimetheydecidedtogoonholidayforaweek- H. \3 s* A! k/ {  V4 O$ Y
A、had been fulfilled" |% L3 o* J' [7 G
B、were fulfilled0 S. `# Z+ M) A6 o
C、having been fulfilled
  d. l5 v2 A5 {& m: w* J) }% \D、been fulfilled8 |  R# J1 @) u, J- c1 @' a
正确答案:# s) U0 r& t  V7 _8 f6 b! ]3 i4 G

8 T1 T2 {+ E& p5 ?1 s! [
- ~1 ~: r- [: t6 J# w  B) A第17题,14Thebasicfireinsurancepolicycoverslossesdamageordestructionbyfireorlightning( @( O3 u2 E0 x" t" y/ q7 L
A、resulting directly from
  C# N% s1 Z. ?! Y, C( Z4 `8 dB、resulted directly in+ \; n7 A5 W/ T. O3 B7 ^* m
C、resulting directly in) C9 @+ w, T( ]
D、resulted directly from
% z5 L6 l7 Y. `正确答案:( X, `! k5 s: \7 k
$ I$ U5 a: G- m' }+ o# i/ u% G- l4 W  Q
. l4 }% O7 d7 P5 Q6 h) R
  K# U8 e" ?; y3 TA、should have gone
" T* K3 _" X7 J/ g" u" ?. @B、need have gone8 t# ~9 d1 o2 u  T) u+ N9 J1 P4 P" E
C、ought to have gone
: A' L( X! Q2 u3 s* _; o6 MD、must have gone
" E- r) [* P' A正确答案:, z7 U, Z2 [9 \0 _) A

4 e; T6 h# Z$ F  K' l2 b+ I" a
( O" w7 y! e3 t6 g第19题,61AstrikebeganlateinSeptemberinprotestagainstaofwages$ T1 w3 P) v/ d4 p
7 S2 B& v! }( b! R0 R* BB、raise
4 ]- r- x2 u( wC、increase9 p) U+ }5 J6 |4 T( }  x6 m
2 x& I. e: j% }2 Z! L3 Y正确答案:
; W9 u" s2 X" P1 {" R3 u; _- n$ `7 o: Y) w. ]% H" M, _' ?6 `+ R
, _- N- l. h! b# b
) g; R5 f5 }! s8 RAwhen                        Buntil                        Cas                                Dwhile
5 u; C- S% D+ P" D8 lA、when$ @5 j; |' D& J6 K( ^
B、until0 P7 ]2 n2 j" e3 b
* t. P  s) h! L. ~D、while
3 k& D; \0 M7 K* s* C$ o9 q正确答案:
  J: \& q6 U! @" ?# d# z2 ~4 W9 m" \1 o
! X+ b: o+ `, T. u
! \! s$ K9 B( z# l+ H0 n, E
, g' k0 \" N0 L8 N1 f- q9 G6 L  Z
9 R( ]/ I$ g3 [5 b3 M$ [3 t

" u  S# z4 e- x3 Q3 W& a8 W5 F  E# b* P, b: S
1 K+ _0 _2 ~, F9 p9 T+ @9 ?+ C8 t4 _+ }

# e% ^; y& F: o8 Z
4 m& x2 }; f! z' h
, k- ^0 X- k0 C7 p  v9 N& i) q$ r+ Q8 l$ }' k
( \1 Y6 y2 X. F! A# Z. z% d  x3 |

; b3 x4 ]$ T( C! u8 q


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