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发表于 2023-9-27 01:07:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)大学英语(四)-[东北大学]《大学英语(四)》在线平时作业3% e' |+ e3 s7 ^2 X6 b0 g% O3 I
试卷总分:100    得分:100
8 A  s0 {6 Y# A$ U8 M/ v第1,120. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak ____ Chinese.0 ~, |! f* y* i, V! B( L
A、smooth: w1 L; t" {2 L& }
# \: l8 b8 _- C0 n6 K7 Y! ]C、fluid
) K4 \/ }4 d/ F+ h, R5 OD、flowing
/ Q$ k9 e+ ^/ u% Z2 s, t0 u正确答案:扫码联系微信客服9 w: k- X; H) _
* U+ \7 ~& I% X9 p% `
5 R; r8 z$ l1 c* j' Z* B
第2题,84. Her parents tried to _______ a subtle pressure on her to marry someone who would carry on the family business.2 j: M, T( E1 x$ H
, ]: U3 P' ]* L" [B、employ
8 |5 f8 ~) _) DC、bear
  I8 Z4 y- Y1 D/ |' M9 ]4 y: jD、exert
* \, ^5 }- B$ t7 S  c正确答案:扫码联系微信客服
8 P$ q" x) A  O' e+ w& W; ~* _! o* j: d6 B* }
- D; M/ F" `1 T9 p6 j8 {" b
第3题,91. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we __________ here for tow days.
. Z2 L  q7 S9 LA、have been staying; ^( V. Z$ w0 V( ]
B、have stayed  C$ m" U3 j- J4 h# }3 u
C、shall stay  P! |; C$ x0 }; y- W% l) w
D、will have stayed
6 @$ _7 @4 I0 Z1 }/ J7 K) t0 ~正确答案:扫码联系微信客服: l0 @/ N1 ]% @' g9 E2 K4 J

9 ~5 E  U$ q. ~0 }- |4 _; S4 i! O. s4 X1 V# U
第4题,13. It ______ that the best applicants will be employed.
$ Z+ w3 P9 m+ ^- HA、remains doubtful, p5 O9 m  Q) F* {9 e7 B
B、goes without saying# o, p/ e' U& _' o
C、hasn't been clear
! n4 K6 x- l8 }0 S: t4 R+ \D、doubts2 v0 E3 k  i$ L2 Q
* D7 P, _7 y" K5 {# j. Z8 g1 a: i& G% A! Q* R9 `+ [

! l0 I1 t9 H  B0 M资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),101. The fire was finally brought under control, but not __________ extensive damage had been caused.
2 G- t, E% B2 g8 W2 ]* T( wA、after1 z$ p# f  o* v# j1 ^# x+ n# F
( h$ u+ }5 c4 t2 f+ ~C、since0 F! I+ Y7 S7 |" b$ z4 I% |+ x
. Z$ J, Q- L$ A1 Z2 M* }$ s, [正确答案:扫码联系微信客服
7 {+ K- @% V, w% [! e) k5 H0 ^  c# I& J4 l

  ?* W$ {+ H) K1 R3 T* ]! ~: Z第6题,34. As far as computer programming is concerned, this model is obviously superior ______ any of the others in our department.
. X/ n$ }  k0 dA、to
, k: _% k3 T& ZB、than
0 |, B$ q- p  PC、over
; Z$ A' L8 z( PD、from7 V2 O1 j# T/ H  S
; v3 o; [2 ~# X3 J8 w
3 O. \  R; s3 ?$ o: Y' J3 q
6 u( u7 L# W' E$ U+ T, X- z( {+ ^第7题,63. This is confidential. Don't ______ a word of this to anyone.
9 {; K- ^. K5 Q+ B4 B7 S' n( FA、let( B9 b& R) @7 Y* X- @
+ ^+ k+ }8 @- u: cC、leak( ]9 F; Z- |* `# G2 [3 N
/ g8 _9 I6 v( \  e+ N正确答案:扫码联系微信客服, ^+ E/ x; |: D

$ @- R- o9 [) E! ~! z* W" r3 i3 w. M2 A% |7 m
第8题,82. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _______ by the judge.) n2 s* b9 \# Z8 ?" [( I6 F4 l3 e
A、service1 A9 M# X  x0 C6 ?$ }
' a9 G" Y4 ^1 TC、crime- o4 |6 [4 l+ V- f: K. b" M
D、crisis5 a" M$ }& R* T2 U  X% b
/ P3 B6 W# n2 E# a1 \+ V# w) z8 z& Q* e% t8 n8 q1 G3 R
( K+ E5 Z2 J# Z% H
第9题,7. Miss Evans knows that Arthur and I can't be ______ the same committee. We are not compatible.% f% [$ \+ s& ?4 O' C
% |* H) W& X1 B! {+ E2 p! S4 DB、on0 }  _: Y! @% v- R( j
C、by1 {& J* O7 q7 z! c
# g+ H/ n- B& {  ~& U* B正确答案:扫码联系微信客服
5 q% H% b# a% f  r0 i/ i0 L  h  t9 Q+ K

6 v* H/ O5 l+ q. k2 s资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),53. Two problems seem to ______ if we take this line of persuasion with school boards and parents./ G6 x% |# w) ?5 r# k
& [; k/ K& F- z$ U) |! ^B、enter
# {, G1 X1 z0 XC、represent
# A% u/ h9 y# ]4 A6 K* LD、emerge
5 C+ \! A9 F4 _/ s3 U. K6 |正确答案:扫码联系微信客服
; L6 H' G4 ]6 |6 W& M7 {  C/ q, w1 _
* O+ M/ S6 F3 X8 w' X$ o% c5 ?; h/ h9 @
第11题,98. __________ in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience.
3 x8 i  e0 e! s9 @! `' P; u  _A、Some
& e% {4 l- l, x9 a2 A7 e/ e; lB、Anyone
/ o2 Q, c' B# i2 N# \! yC、One
) `2 n2 N3 E; j& j' X+ E2 Y; xD、Someone
3 |& T4 q4 D  Q1 v+ g0 x2 Q正确答案:扫码联系微信客服1 y9 A! `  f2 `) k
, E1 k, w* E$ C: K' q+ \  |

3 M+ d3 u0 v: k! V' ^7 l资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),93. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, __________ all practical value by the time they were finished.
: f/ Q" O3 D% w% `) w9 IA、had lost
9 Y; J: H8 c, _- `2 M+ DB、would lose; a; l7 ?. D7 b! \0 x; V7 {# @# B
C、would have lost8 g1 R  j- j& p
D、should have lost6 }1 h9 |. @& U
正确答案:扫码联系微信客服& S! ]" J- U6 _6 C6 E0 }& U) O

; f+ T0 P- X1 {
8 p+ @+ E3 t% `7 z/ D第13题,33. His parents do not sympathize ______ him in his point of view.. G: b0 F/ A3 J6 q0 V
" X1 s' @# d  yB、at7 B# ]/ Q3 I) L- Q7 R1 e
C、forward) p/ u+ A+ B0 A: |: K, H' [# |
D、for% e0 t# O- D, X
( Y- w. K: q5 N+ k$ e
3 c4 L( y8 `$ l0 V8 E, t" }
& p) x! C2 t' T% i' ^) R第14题,2. ______ the uncertainty of the weather, outdoor cafes are not a feature of English life.
! B$ V! W6 d6 @5 g5 r# v) KA、In spite of
4 E1 |% H1 T3 @# x3 W! E2 \, w; MB、Owing to+ X; ]/ g4 J, r$ e% E$ i# G2 L
C、Belonging to
. `9 C2 q, X! R" w  L2 U8 _8 TD、Without3 P, c0 C3 }, B. e
, B- e: I$ Q7 v, @3 Q% H# y
4 {, x% H  d$ a! K+ ~" }  D% }' s
3 P. R* O3 ~1 v/ p( F, g资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),116. All the tasks _____ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.
2 R0 O3 t( y7 T" ?9 y. F) U2 XA、had been fulfilled
( p8 {7 J7 N1 VB、were fulfilled2 H, L8 C) i9 R' o
C、having been fulfilled
' U, i1 R( f$ i( E" VD、been fulfilled* S6 j6 h0 c9 M8 j! E, q9 c! a7 W
正确答案:扫码联系微信客服) G' J; `$ X% S
) P  v2 m3 ]& X4 h- {
7 X3 i( i: D4 [! g3 {" H& l
第16题,99. In recent years much more emphasis has been put __________ developing the students' productive skills.
- [! `/ Q' i& V* D, LA、over& \3 t) A: N! y0 J4 R( o% m4 b
B、onto2 t" ]3 J8 @7 ~
C、in, R6 t% f$ [8 L. b
& q; X3 m. V# \0 T( M  Q% T正确答案:扫码联系微信客服3 N: ]* q& s6 `. m

/ V! G; p6 j! b  W$ H5 r$ P( W; e' }+ P4 O! S6 i' H
第17题,57. A policeman's first duty is the ______ of the people.. [$ {, \" \) \( ~8 ^
A、benefit2 L+ P8 y/ E7 ]7 A1 J' [; e
B、safety% ^' o0 R1 N* M* @
C、responsibility0 N+ W- v5 E& }( A- l! N
D、protection% d4 E/ X/ O6 @* g
正确答案:扫码联系微信客服, k  v1 ^# X3 r! y4 o# s/ X
% U- T; [) J: y: e! k
* B; H2 |/ Z: R5 ~5 @
第18题,81. My father has lived a long life, and done enough to _______ great respect in his town.8 s  r9 C7 g  B8 R1 O6 Z2 G6 l+ a, X
A、employ! l! Y2 p& H: u$ ~/ c- ^
B、achieve& W9 O/ z; {5 R$ V/ s& S
C、use3 h0 i9 d. V0 ]1 F9 S) k' h
; _4 z1 {, Q5 c1 N正确答案:扫码联系微信客服3 B  i3 W' A% f$ x' H. R) c
1 _- P  N% x. o
9 A3 ?4 C% [$ S" i& B2 y8 N8 d3 n
第19题,86. I can not give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.: ?7 ^6 m! M, V2 H9 I, u
A、an expense) Z3 B5 s3 j8 i7 b
B、a charge9 I. Q1 B0 S9 A1 y
C、a purchase/ Q. t1 O9 Z. K, p. l# v
D、an order4 H: o3 s' e" ~0 P5 V" m9 X2 e
正确答案:扫码联系微信客服! O# h/ t5 N' t2 Z- }
+ d. D7 Q( }* Z3 t* s2 |. a

1 S* S9 C" q6 ]+ O资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),66. It is reported that two cars ______ into each other this morning on the highway, killing both drivers and two passengers.
1 m- `  R, @3 [7 i) Y: `) DA、crawled- w# o# {( ?5 U0 X9 O( l
& _: }' }3 W& n: r! _4 [C、pressed
! P6 k% `7 d' _* G2 }' y  aD、crashed. ^% i+ q' X& Z3 D, F
正确答案:扫码联系微信客服7 A5 v$ `5 D  V( ]+ W

6 p+ }' I2 w, o; I, A
; l) I- A* V) y: m3 [$ j5 a2 s/ |5 E! c# t. ?& _8 |* l) Z0 M6 c9 n

, f3 t! e) I6 g& Y7 Z. C' I" ^1 ~* Y5 X# ~  m# l  |; p
2 I; u' p; E0 X$ e

+ O. p$ b6 E) m7 H; e# _. f" a8 V9 [6 p  ~
9 E, o8 Q+ N+ L

3 s; k% j) N0 ^7 B2 y2 N$ d% h# f% C
! W/ P0 y4 c, `7 c3 e
! C: x5 G8 p# O+ j

; \3 [, O, D" ^


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