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发表于 2023-9-27 01:15:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)大学英语(二)-[东北大学]《大学英语(二)》在线平时作业3* a1 y8 J. S( b, c  ]# T
试卷总分:100    得分:100; D' ^" [/ ^* h, U) `3 L- j3 A
( }4 n$ {) X! Q9 a8 S  [A、Never mind.
8 `" v8 r' {3 n: NB、That's all right.
, W$ B. ^+ q) I  h. V( I' xC、Good idea." N9 _: e2 J" p9 f( P' {: _' }, w7 q8 P
D、You're lucky.: ?4 W: ?6 p: |" c0 w8 l7 e. M
正确答案:! L( E* W" g( g: b& o, j3 {) }
& x( x9 y' a- v3 X; h
/ B, g* }5 f" n7 c* E
第2题,Theradiosaystherewillbearaintomorrow& y* k. z$ m2 x3 f, R# R3 ]" z
A、big3 X+ u7 ^  j# h" _) H
# S! e% B8 K; C- a. YC、heavy+ U) K* F' p0 v+ g+ F" Y" ?
. o3 D& H7 d5 l5 [& f1 B正确答案:% C0 ?" I+ ^8 ]/ k, Z3 ?

; x4 z9 A  p8 {8 f) a7 N' @( Y; ~  {" O' J7 I! F' R0 `% ?
* b2 q9 u! B8 X+ d8 C" V7 t+ AA、youself
6 q4 H: t2 e, \4 c# m) ]( RB、youselves
9 \, }$ j- Z. _6 u/ @- \3 GC、yourself
6 y! S7 k7 q" T) d1 pD、yourselves, H# a. D& \4 u/ W: T# ~- a
正确答案:8 c) _% Q3 @% K! }; }" ^# [( g' v
: m) X* p0 h# L; i+ m
' p" Y' I! Y; ?. `3 E" W
4 V( ~2 E; m3 h' PA、Sorry, I wouldn't3 f$ K4 {9 `+ G/ k+ D8 R- F
B、No, of course not2 _2 \4 f) }$ ~) i! d" A: \4 Z1 E
C、It doesn't matter, d: t0 ^# \. y' m8 H# @/ `2 R
D、Yes, please
% i& |: ?& _' w7 O6 E2 Q/ ]2 [# O正确答案:
1 p5 F  v& W. {& t
0 o1 O/ C# Z! M+ h3 f5 d2 G2 p, m1 Q
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Allherchildrenarecleverbuttheyoungestdaughterisreally/ z' z$ W& _. n6 G
) S6 m. V+ V2 w/ U$ yB、exceptional1 F, k2 r( `8 u! W' x  j% v
C、except- C/ D$ r# V; ?! m. x  Z8 M4 Z
8 Z3 Q2 F4 F1 m4 O. ]正确答案:
4 Q8 w& ?9 s% P& O, Q7 _0 T* |- n6 J$ b3 Z/ @' f3 P& ]8 {$ @
3 B0 R9 Z6 C% w: ^
4 ~) ^1 g3 s+ q) k' KA、cover  r! v$ b9 q$ r3 ^  M0 v! S% Y
B、spend3 e# X( L4 c9 R- R  j, ]# l* ^
C、pay for
0 N+ F& O0 |* X# N' RD、take$ b9 ?8 s3 ]9 ~% y
8 t$ T) p( x% \1 s: u1 x8 X& T  y: h* r- M+ u0 |" }

/ t( C5 Y3 S# U( O第7题,WhenLilycamehomeat5pmyesterdayhermotherdinnerinthekitchen8 i7 ]1 Q% ~: M
A、cooked0 n7 K2 R( a% s( ]
B、was cooking4 Z$ C' C* N' Y# q
* J. X6 Q1 p9 g9 M8 A9 o% u) mD、has cooked; b/ ^1 }, c8 w1 @* K! B' c
正确答案:扫码联系微信客服4 A" v; A; T2 @  E# ?; _

+ w4 h! q. W2 \  j8 |
! o7 ?, h3 k; G. Z7 k7 T" A& S( b- m- J第8题,athoroughinvestigationnotraceofDrSouthwellhasbeenfound
) ]! D( H! H3 |' dA、Besides
% m$ m' Y: a6 Q% ~/ o( IB、Except
7 e% W8 v# K% ^: xC、As for; ]1 I  i! P* B/ ?' w8 i  i0 h
D、Despite. t8 R5 [1 k/ |5 d
$ z9 g& N7 v3 C8 l; V5 S6 k
- |4 O/ |; r) u9 X2 e8 e4 V4 i' a4 t* G( d6 h
- ?/ [/ }# p* D% W- mA、enough easy
8 V" i, F/ m$ gB、easily enough
# {, T' A" p0 _C、easy enough# |6 ]* v+ H1 D1 B4 c# l) U
D、very easily$ y1 Y( x2 v; o
! r/ F: @) |% q% x
7 Z5 y; b; ^2 F1 i1 w. X1 y2 l1 |3 S) H: o. a
& y( g/ C) P+ ~6 c5 t$ T# b/ VA、taller7 o) J' w2 O8 h! p7 i8 W  r
B、a tall* |7 \& r" B2 y: Z7 L
C、the tallest
; u/ x# ?5 E) j. M, L- h- ID、much tallest8 Y8 \. K. U  t* e! g$ [6 o
9 B; J- |1 C+ [. ~) U
5 C. l" S. K5 b4 h
' m3 r( Z4 o9 M5 W  I8 v0 ]第11题,AliceyouonthephoneI'mcomingThanks
/ B" r, V* ]1 o. _- i! VA、want, X1 `8 W- p5 j- e
B、are wanted
1 L4 |# I  r9 v3 I) K/ `C、are wanting( `/ |# y# C& `. X$ f  X
D、have wanted# W* }* B: S6 k
, l' D/ E/ f5 {% l4 B0 t% }
5 ]% \% E5 M% u/ Z' E* u9 f
" e- j3 \" l  e9 F, E资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Helearnedhowtousesignlanguagetowithdeafcustomers
  F1 K! j  l( r) Z; u' V7 E$ d4 l" EA、contact
; A, k( K% F7 H5 |# O; \) }B、talk
4 i) O4 ]5 v& C/ g$ sC、touch8 E+ g: Q4 n0 C6 k3 d1 k3 l: Y8 v
4 J9 g, d/ U' g3 s* G正确答案:
9 _) n: o3 y9 }; Q9 v/ t  c& i+ L9 Z

" P' o) Q4 S% N8 j+ O7 [第13题,LookThatmanlookslikeMrBrownItbehimforheAmerica- }1 r) F: e% B! H/ L
A、can't,has gone to
: y+ G, X  z4 u1 q: uB、may not,has gone) S4 M- V2 q9 Y
C、mustn't,has been to3 j5 K8 `9 X  `3 h- ?. p0 p
D、can't,has been to. Z! h! \, T' Y  M4 e1 @/ K  i
正确答案:* p9 @+ g8 j0 g- M1 j# I+ `. R3 I

$ V. K$ ?, J. |
6 J* O  N# m. b( k, P" |( J* N第14题,Thisinformationiselectronicallytochoolsandcolleges( v) m& c' o# c2 Y
+ }' @, l! d! k8 C& yB、transported
2 k. l& e4 b3 R, H: b( ]; mC、transplanted! H( B* K9 U% a  ]/ b  e, s
D、transmitted2 j& V' R& Y$ V- \/ }& Z7 Q" I
正确答案:1 V# I) Q1 g+ O' T# g
; r9 P6 A* ~4 e: x- [" `7 s5 Y
3 B$ ~0 v5 h1 P+ w3 M5 K, y
6 C; I7 c/ u4 L7 b& F9 TA、when I could
, S4 q: }& {2 h) e6 |5 A8 JB、I when could
3 m* q8 H) Z. q5 JC、when I can
1 F4 L7 z# V( ~% H6 Z* z7 E4 ~D、when could I
: M; i/ N; E  b2 i, f3 w; z3 N4 P正确答案:! _+ o. N5 p7 n7 E  ~$ Z2 M

, r6 ?, F5 B- E! X0 N/ m
; H& ], l3 c8 |1 R+ p  m8 [0 A+ _第16题,I'vebeentoldtoloseweightandstop; T. ]; e6 b+ I1 V1 U0 _" |
A、smoking/ N& ]/ T. Q) K  c0 R) t) e
B、from smoking
" \- Q: K/ `2 M2 T6 G, Q+ WC、by smoking
- D+ R* O0 r! N) |. eD、to being smoking
7 u" s7 I% I  f: n正确答案:
) b% x9 b8 ~$ M( s, L& k  ]
/ b/ f/ Z# e1 E1 r2 z! F4 \: e% Y/ ~
0 _8 }1 m' W& G. r: O+ p  nA、standing* m; V6 j7 p  c! Z  G' o
3 j) G# |) J3 S5 Y2 dC、stood" u# d( g" u5 p
6 X& b/ X- x$ h: K7 d1 G' n' L, ^/ w正确答案:
7 h: Q0 \8 b! A" i. G# b
0 I  I# I/ i8 D  c
7 {2 m" Z" y) {. N% a2 L' |' ]第18题,ItoldthemIwasperfectlytohelpiftheyasked
: I; y( W3 ~$ H9 R" ]A、willing4 J/ z, p# O& ^% S% ^# @3 R
8 o, ?3 |8 g' g3 D% yC、kind' h) l9 s6 S4 i8 M) B1 q+ b
D、exciting7 K! N" [3 o0 s: V' c* Z: b* i
& @) v7 o; ?) p3 f5 P' F# Z( d! \4 B) c* ]! T

1 s# v! G5 j, L% T/ M' @第19题,Hewasagoldcupinacknowledgementofhiscreativeachievementsforthedevelopmentofthecompany
9 J6 m+ c, ]: ~2 u0 n% f( gA、award
1 Y4 G/ ^9 \0 l$ u9 H- `- lB、awarded
  y: S% o- {0 I& r: y6 ?5 XC、reward0 K# g2 N* I9 T. J& ?+ m
' I+ t. x4 X& E+ U0 h; M正确答案:
: @: F# ?3 y0 ^, R$ F# W0 ?/ j# l$ [/ F7 V9 h8 ~2 s$ @& ]1 r9 P
( @8 f( [) G& M6 \& }$ c2 w# c
  t8 i7 R1 D: `" |: PA、under,for
1 ]2 \. q3 `) T8 r8 cB、in,to9 y; B7 q; x1 k& K3 L! z( {0 W
C、in,for& k- m: U; W. I. w6 B! f* I
D、under,to4 A2 H6 \3 {# |( n0 Y: Z
) u. m/ U4 K8 g+ G
9 Q% x' R8 q# x, y
: q3 a$ ]7 b& L4 ~8 F5 m第21题,Thereislittlewaterintheglass
% D- `0 O5 O2 V6 g' yA、isn't there
3 S0 U% l! K4 @' ?: g/ OB、is it
& r, m$ N$ h; |- \C、is there
/ E9 p' s: B  N) q' q0 o' i, KD、wasn't there! o6 R3 H# X3 m; x3 b! ^
正确答案:! j3 W8 a: F' e3 a( l) ^* e5 S7 O/ v4 h

; B/ y, Z: ]7 `& i
! s- r# q/ L; C' W! t  ]6 @第22题,Marycombedforhermissingglasses
( e" _4 a' k4 s9 wA、through
! X6 ?0 I9 T1 E# T7 mB、across/ c/ S0 w/ ~2 f. U3 p
C、throughout/ ~; z2 ?) V( E
D、over6 M1 c2 }% F, v+ D
; R4 C% B. f, z* d, ]" N. m( C7 f
( Y/ m% X& h5 u/ x/ e1 `
第23题,WhatdoyouthinkofthefootballmatchyesterdayWellit'ssurprisingThestrongestteamofourschool8 Y  w  H% K8 L: ^# {
A、was beaten0 H9 s+ v8 r% G  @
B、won# Q5 H) }# h; i4 `( M
4 V6 r( p* @; E, N$ wD、was filled
$ N; [' C* _8 K" O3 H/ k2 i正确答案:
" G' I4 h+ ?. V& h$ k, v+ Y9 o9 x5 [( {* H* i

6 J& P4 i+ n, U2 W% _第24题,OnmywayhomeIsawadogontheground' B+ A. m! \8 [2 }. H
; E! a' i8 ]  ~! H3 z3 [; w7 B' FB、lies% u$ }8 ]$ d) [* W0 E5 k$ B
C、lied- e- f& A' Q. e0 g6 F
D、lie# _# c9 J8 X: d
8 S) D6 l/ @  j4 o
  m$ a/ @1 E  m$ A" Q# y, P5 l4 ^% W, R" N3 W
4 s0 s' Z+ D: k7 x4 ?A、cup of coffee) M: A3 z9 \; q& z
B、coffee's cup
1 _* i3 w0 Z% L5 c+ f, ?5 KC、cup for coffee
3 H5 U! O* j8 i# N3 v# [- g+ QD、coffee cup
4 U+ A! ]3 x7 j正确答案:
# Y6 Y& G+ q- p" c7 u" K, @7 z8 a/ j5 R
, s' W: a# Q! r4 j
第26题,TherewasonceamillionairewholovedmoneythananythingelseintheworldHedidn'tknowexactlyhowmuchhehadsohetookonalittlegirltoallhismoneyforhimItthelittlegirlsixdaystocountallthemoneyWhenshetoldthemillionairethathehadfortytwodollarshewaswithjoyandasked"Howmuchdoyouwant"HethoughtthatshewasonlyachildhecouldherintotakingaverysmallamountofmoneyThegirlsaid"wellIworkedforsixdayssoIthinkyoupaymeforsixdaysGivemetwopenniesforthefirstdayEachdayafterthatjustgivemetheamountyougivemethedaybeforemultipliedbyitselfThethoughtthatinthishewouldonlyhavetogiveheradollarsWhatalittlegirlSoimmediatelyhehislawyersignupthecontractfearingthatshewouldchangeherOnthefirstdaythemillionairepaidhertwopenniesandontheseconddaytwopenniestimestwopenniesorfourpenniesEachdayafterthathegavehernumberofpennieshehadgivenherthedaybeforemultipliedbyitselfAndbythesixthdaythefoolishmillionairehadtogivethecleverlittlegirlallhismoney8 Y. w1 f& I+ X1 R0 a( s! P
* V* r/ ^: D. Z4 S
  ]0 [  @4 F& a; t" K. n
  E+ l1 y- F& X$ x$ \9 j, X+ Z# b, _第27题,"Whereistheuniversity"ThisisaquestionthatmanyvisitorstoCambridge剑桥askButnoonecangivethemaanswerforthereisnowalltobefoundtheuniversityTheuniversityisthecityYoucanfindclassroombuildingsmuseumsandofficesoftheuniversityalloverthecityAndmostofmembersarethestudentsandofthethirtyonecolleges  Cambridgewasalreadyatownlongbeforethefirststudentsandteachersarrived800yearsItgrewupbytheriverGrantaandtheriverwasoncetheCamAwasbuiltovertheriverasearlyas875thetowngotitsname"Cambridge"  InthefourteenthandfifteenthcenturiesmoreandlandwasusedforcollegebuildingsThetowngrewmuchinthenineteenthcenturyaftertheopeningoftherailwayin1845Cambridgebecameain1951andnowithasapopulationofover100000ManyyoungstudentsincountriestostudyatCambridgeThousandsofpeoplefromallovertheworldcometovisittheuniversitytownIthasbecomeafamousplaceallaroundtheworld3 O) j' Z7 w9 G- G9 P1 U
3 J* G' b! ~* C3 {/ t5 U
! j. ]: l5 M( L+ h& ?; e% W2 @8 o& h5 a" j( G+ [8 u$ P
+ {4 _. D3 ^" |% `) V  l正确答案:3 a. P3 S" j0 o% {9 X
! [6 L9 i- }7 j0 p1 v
# i& P& y* o1 ]
  W8 [; q/ K' K/ {7 f正确答案:
4 d$ K% Q% U+ d/ }2 Y7 |7 }8 v8 K- W$ H* L
; J. S" a) G6 U$ ^4 F$ B* y
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),IfasnakebitesyoutakeaphotowithyourmobilephoneItsaveyourlifeThisisthesurprisingadviceofaBritishcookOnedayHenryJacksonwasworkinginarestaurantkitchenHepickedupadishfromatableandsuddenlyasnakeappearedandbithimonthehandAfewdaysearlierthesnakecametotherestaurantfromAsiainaboxofbananasItclimbedoutoftheboxandhidunderthedish"ItriedtopickitupanditbitmeIthrewitawaybutitlandedinthefridgeSoIclosedthedoor"JacksonsaidAnywayJacksonwascoolandhetookaphotoofthesnakewithhismobilephoneSoonhishandbegantoacheandhewenttohospitalThenhischestbegantohurtDoctorscouldn'tsaywhatwaswrongbecausetheydidn'tknowwhatkindofsnakeitwasThenJacksonrememberedhismobilephonephotoThedoctorssentittoLondonZooWhentheyknewthekindofsnaketheycouldgiveJacksontherightmedicineandhelefthospitalthenextday"SomyadviceisthisIfasnakebitesyoupickupyourphoneTakeitsphotofirstandthencallthehospitalShowthephototothedoctors"suggestsMrJackson"Ohandifthesnakedoesn'tsmileforitsphotodon'tworry"3 Q  q. c. c7 S* c: \3 `9 S
) {; d' ]9 ^5 {0 q; G6 _) L
' Q+ |7 n: U- ?, j% F
+ M3 e, j& _# l第31题,HerearetwostoriesfromdifferentpartsoftheworldTheyseemstrangebutbelieveitornottheyrealltrueJohnLeewasanEnglishmanwhorefusedtobehangedIn1884thepolicesaidLeehadkilledanoldwomanwhoheusedtoworkwithTherewasnothingtoshowthatLeehadkilledthewomanLeetoldthepolicehehadn'tdoneitbutnoonebelievedhimandhewasgoingtobehangedOnthedayofthehanginghoweverthedoorinthefloorthroughwhichLee'sbodywouldfalldidnotopenTheytriedthreetimesbuteachtimethedoorstayedclosedeventhoughithadworkedwellthedaybeforeIntheendtheysentLeebacktoprisonwherehelivedforthenexttwentytwoyearsAtalltimesJohnLeesaidhehadn'tkilledthewomanandhebelieveditwasthe"handofGod"thathadsavedhimfromdeathbyhangingThepoliceinVenezuela委内瑞拉inSouthAmericafollowedamanhomeonenightHewasthethieftheywantedtocatchHoweverhalfofhishousewasstandinginVenezuelaandtheotherhalfwasstandinginColombia哥伦比亚Venezuela'sneighborWhenthepoliceenteredthehousethemanranupstairstohisbedroomwhichwasinColombiaandcalledhislawyerTheVenezuelanpolicewerenotallowedtoenterColombiasotheycouldnotenterthebedroomTheyaskedthepoliceinColombiatohelpTheColombianpolicerefusedtohelpbecausetheman'scrimewasnotacrimeinColombiaIntheendtheVenezuelanpolicegaveupandwentbacktothepolicestation8 E- l- b+ R- S, M- l- T" g) y
正确答案:) O  \" M0 y5 y& d

/ d  @9 W/ d' U1 k
' I" ~) W# L( u5 @/ m
" H% Q, P! h6 H7 F4 c
8 y' P# C* F$ e  A4 n* |8 A+ }2 j, w2 I* n. }+ A/ Y: ~

' U6 z9 \) Y( r* S( v, m% y7 g/ t+ c) O5 q: z

  }/ u. F8 Q% A9 S3 R) u/ ?8 g, s( n# J1 w

+ i0 j$ Q' K$ p+ B
; {% x% q1 u! c
2 D7 c7 l. K' r
2 w0 }; `, i4 J% m6 i% i9 g- R
! P6 }8 F0 x$ x9 }$ k5 S


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