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发表于 2011-2-22 11:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 ?) e" R$ C2 w" z6 D+ R" Y$ W单选
2 l* l/ \* H) Q0 f( p8 `2 Q. s! y% Z$ w1.Regardless of how hard she tried, Jennie couldn’t figure out what her boyfriend thought.  C# k0 F. J* Y9 A
A. 珍妮努力的想都想不出她的男朋友在想什么。1 U& I* `3 h. ?8 h
B. 珍妮想的多么努力啊,但是还是揣摩不透她的男朋友是如何想的。+ T4 F  p5 s: N+ r1 ~
C. 尽管珍妮很努力,但是还是不明白她的男朋友在想什么。
9 }, j- O9 k& H# L/ P) L% l3 D2 @D. 不管珍妮如何努力,都揣摩不透她的男朋友是如何想的。
9 N$ K' Q/ s$ d9 x! u+ x% E资料:D' s1 k" F4 z' Z# S) W' Q6 c! v
2.I wonder how many years ago _______.
9 b$ ~7 B. U& J% \6 VA. did you father retire6 ^8 Q; I+ y$ o4 D+ E: w9 }
B. your father retired
2 v. ?# Y8 I. UC. has your father retired! L3 a( z- d2 V* A
D. your father has retired
) o) e8 m- ~5 R& j8 Y资料:B
# w; U: G/ T: I' r3 }" R% ?* s3.If you _______ me, I shall be very grateful to you./ Q) ?0 F7 ?/ B- c9 V
A. must help# Z3 M+ h( V' |* I* x1 K; _
B. will help
7 }) V9 B+ Y0 q% F0 W6 eC. may help
9 l6 ^! m6 k: k! G" n# V; JD. need help, k5 Y" y, M& F' i. O  Y- d% l
资料:B  A, [2 R* x" M5 o7 {9 T8 W
4.Peter will _______ as managing director when Bill retires.; Y6 K! N+ B4 R* o4 y- x7 \
A. take up- J- `" }9 N" w9 Z) E3 A* R$ N# Q
B. take over
6 p/ m1 r3 U- LC. take on. ^1 g) [8 L  d, e
D. take in
9 b" A; a: H8 E* z- g5.— _______ — I’m suffering from a stomachache.
) [* \2 n) |8 h- GA. Are you feeling better?, y! j: }! n4 h
B. What’s trouble with you?
# I. _  R% [* D' tC. Is there wrong with you?
" y  N9 i9 p0 v% `1 vD. What’s the matter with you?
( T( ^4 k8 m1 z7 A  N  j( [! I' H8 J6.The truck ran out of control and hit a house.0 R, l# ~' U8 S6 Q% {: }, ~) E2 [
A. 卡车跑出了控制范围,撞上了一栋房子。
4 a' X2 }' Z" A1 f- VB. 卡车失控之后撞上了一栋房子。
9 `  v' b* S2 yC. 卡车跑出去撞上了一栋房子。
" N7 m$ z$ t7 TD. 卡车跑出路道撞上了一栋房子。8 q% k2 K* u' @) `! k, F
7.The old lady _______ is Tom’s grandmother.% k  c! x) |" {0 O7 G; f) k7 S3 {
A. you talked
9 p. V. z2 f3 n: [. u+ TB. who you talked to her+ `/ [1 `7 B0 c
C. whom you talked* |' s% X7 w, q- I- p; Z
D. to whom you talked  |, j2 w& o. @' J
8.We only moved house last week and we haven’t settled in yet.: l0 e+ K$ T: t7 D) ~+ R
A. 我们上星期只搬了家,还没有安定下来。# c9 n9 }6 x, {6 @- r: m9 A
B. 我们上星期才搬的家,还没有安顿下来呢。
) H7 f2 p% K9 u, PC. 我们上星期搬家了,但是还没有决定搬到什么地方。
& p2 ?  |8 a0 I# K. j% N4 jD. 我们上星期仅仅是搬家,还不需要安定下来。9 Y3 Y3 n2 {$ g8 ]  z0 z! F& y* M/ E
9.Peter, whom everyone suspected, _______ to be innocent.
# V9 T, u2 i* M1 UA. turned out( |1 \+ Q+ }4 d6 l8 Z
B. turned off& \% C4 E/ V* @. a( N. S: i
C. turned up
! J( V+ w' k* ^& `D. turned over2 y/ U% r1 N5 R! M+ b" ?6 }
10.—Didn’t they come to the party last week? —Yes. They didn’t want to come with us at first, but then we _______ persuade them.
- m& D7 C/ y9 {$ B2 P+ j! h# D' rA. would
# A9 P) ]' _0 D9 b9 T1 }1 F/ b0 eB. could# J. w# y- G3 l) k. j
C. were able to5 Z' `  G9 J  ]5 ^3 j2 a/ @
D. had to
) g! A$ z5 K% b* E11.Do _______ you are told; otherwise you will be punished.: T0 `! H. L% Q
A. that3 y5 L5 N: x8 s* I& Q* X
B. what
- l. t: Q; J2 [9 S  PC. which$ J! n# C1 [) D4 Y% S3 D2 l
D. whom! Q6 G' v) W0 @1 q
12.I want to open a(n) _______ in that bank tomorrow.5 K1 K- a) v& H
A. file
, J* b1 @3 J% w$ ?. N( p0 m6 oB. account
6 b- @8 a. W% ^1 X, ?# ^3 h  W0 ^C. check
% b9 y6 F& s1 q& t5 _D. document
' g2 g& K- y% O+ w13.— Do you think I could borrow these magazines? — _______
1 m* ?; s. d* f, A0 zA. No, you can’t.# O  r) k: ?8 R
B. You could borrow other magazines./ N9 K, x) m) }: ?6 y) b9 _
C. The magazines aren’t here now.
0 G& Q9 I$ x; x% kD. I’m sorry, but the magazines you want are out.
$ u1 G8 r- ^& a14.It happened _______ Lisa wasn’t there at that time.
* O! z" B3 |+ Y1 \7 P1 Y! GA. whether
0 G; T7 g$ X. k: A" q* h9 wB. if, W1 a% Q- u3 n3 w7 d& I: W' C
C. that
) a4 ~) N# ?7 MD. why' O! k8 O7 [1 p, X' ~) M
15.Smoking, _______ is harmful for people’s health, is nevertheless popular nowadays.
4 u% ?) w! u2 N, {7 J/ V6 iA. though
1 H* F. ~2 R# l9 R9 S: B. _B. that
. F! B7 I* {3 S6 |" sC. although' ?  v' F9 M9 q% U" L  \; k
D. which
& k" H& c+ n0 N& d3 n/ u16.Could you be more _______ about what you’re looking for?$ |. V0 o3 c8 b( M. F2 t2 X
A. particular
( o; G- p0 X/ y7 ^! iB. peculiar1 ?. K  v* Z, \; D+ [" r
C. special+ n: n- S2 t: Y( l7 i4 v
D. specific
" `. C0 I5 q3 g$ V& [17.She knew that society would _______ her for abandoning her children.  P  ?6 N7 Q- Y5 n
A. discuss
: W4 Q% j8 r3 K/ h5 i( jB. blame  X$ S9 l2 E, M% W7 U. S" B
C. say7 K5 H) Y# t" L
D. condemn
, P" Y( O/ U* T$ W18.We’re using technology to _______ our levels of service., G, \  ~3 R1 F" z2 g# P
A. enhance
/ g- {8 E5 ^  p  O& C; r5 ]3 @B. extend
, {) {) W& g! R* ^C. expand& ?$ ~5 R( Y, f3 G, g: r  C7 i
D. amplify
1 ~% S& M8 h! d: {+ S19.All _______ glitter is not gold.
6 {. p, d1 R3 U: j- E9 sA. which8 B* Z. `* B" J- |) _
B. that. m7 O' T; s& Q+ u3 ]4 A! i
C. who* C" n8 E; a, f, k3 V( ?+ q
D. what
! [6 D. Z* s* ~& a5 {9 E3 J. ?20.Mr. Liu, _______ at university in Changchun, works at Changhou Company now.2 L, P. R- k9 G( ~2 f3 ]: G
A. whose wife I met0 S+ l5 r4 N) n7 y  f
B. I met whose wife
% ?- ~# @6 t1 UC. I met his wife: i8 w; k  y7 C& X/ l& e1 A
D. his wife I met8 U9 V4 D0 o* `' m  V$ R
21.It _______, for the ground is wet.5 ~( z! l( U9 M# g5 x
A. must rain" m( ^0 q6 W+ S
B. ought to rain  b4 h% q  d' @2 }5 X
C. must have rained
( R* y6 N7 H( C0 c9 uD. should have rained
) ]  M" q. t5 H6 @9 u22.After Mr. Smith retired, his son took over his company.
6 c3 o# l: d: d6 W. f: N) T3 lA. 史密斯先生退休后,他的儿子接管了他的公司。+ e( E$ F! K& h3 P; O; w( X
B. 在史密斯先生退休前,他的儿子接管了他的公司。
0 b6 P: j& R! }C. 史密斯先生退休是因为他的儿子接管了他的公司。$ T* S; L6 E! S! @, g7 L0 O, {
D. 史密斯先生一退休他的儿子就接管了他的公司。
  m  B, }% Z( x23.— What do you find difficult in learning English? — _______7 X9 j  Z  b- a/ T
A. Listening and speaking.0 ^# O( d- C4 G" K
B. Don’t be afraid of difficulties.% L! l: S3 |" w! a
C. Learning English is useful.
2 B& I+ D* b# q2 ZD. Don’t be disappointed.1 ]2 G& |& |& c9 G2 a* _
24.In China, children _______ school at seven.
$ m& o+ ?% F4 B+ D" x4 pA. has to start
1 c3 z$ X2 \6 m8 gB. must to start. V5 E8 P) F2 M: `! q
C. have to start' g+ @. x8 p/ O3 ]( s
D. can start+ b% |: S# P1 [3 c
25.He always did well at school _______ having to do part-time jobs every now and then.3 k- U( R5 k7 u9 q4 j  p
A. in spite of  F# s1 X) S, k# Y. t3 x  r
B. regardless of
& d. m' r' a# s3 g: n7 F6 y6 F& B# `C. on account of
9 Z* N: u6 ]6 t$ P) e. ZD. in case of
8 b  ]* t2 V; ?- y" s$ ~26.— What symptoms do you have? — _______# J- u. j4 g+ h9 o, _* I
A. My eyes have been red for the past few days.# Q1 g' ~& Y4 e4 ^
B. I have red eyes for a few days., W# `5 R; v( J9 V0 }% _0 A9 W
C. I have a cold.( L' q1 [1 c( @1 v3 D! x
D. I’ve never had any trouble with my health.
( c: C) P; L# `7 `& m27.— How do you like your first term here at the university? — _______) e# p; S6 H2 N8 [
A. To tell the truth, I don’t like it at all.
" ^. g( N6 ^. B3 i5 u6 ^" e4 GB. I don’t know.6 H( c: S" B# L- `; g7 m' @
C. How about you?
' x, F! f0 c& V9 wD. I don’t want to talk about it.
+ L# R9 G! r1 R: a/ r28.Sending the child abroad alone would mean putting him at risk.
3 H" s' W0 t- L# e) X; A$ xA. 让孩子一个人去国外有危险。4 ]4 F4 s- s* \: R6 |
B. 送孩子去国外就等于冒险。
6 V8 L: M  k% v0 C% f2 |1 ]7 v7 X9 rC. 把孩子单独送到国外就意味着让他去冒风险。
  b2 H# s  W5 b8 XD. 把孩子单独送到国外意味着把他放在风险中。" [) a' o; r. {$ J+ p$ t; B. V
29.— I heard Tom failed in the exam. How about Mary? — _______
% D" D+ ]) R* HA. Sorry to hear that.- ^; }. B6 s8 N% W* L0 Y& g4 p5 o
B. Bad luck!
1 t, H- G( G4 h$ Y' KC. She came top.
+ F4 N) G5 x5 s1 tD. She’s very strict.1 n. ^! h% R! P- L
30.We consider _______ the instrument be adjusted each time it is used.
9 _6 O' Y6 k' R# z  _7 P# CA. that it necessary
1 n0 S, y2 t" C+ W' `) aB. it necessary that
7 ]- s( \, f/ }C. necessary that
: }! j; R% s- {. h# ?8 tD. necessary of it that
: K6 w- W* @: d7 B31.You _______ read the article if you don’t want to.
  P6 ~+ A$ p  J" r/ u6 w9 P) t7 jA. can’t
9 Z* G6 j4 ]  z" F6 ?B. needn’t8 o7 d0 Q& g( l# n. D
C. mustn’t# z7 A, x7 E# t1 ]) ?
D. shouldn’t& Q9 o$ {2 T6 h" ?/ e
32.The doctor didn’t _______ the truth to him., c- ^- }  j( C% a* `
A. open1 M3 F: ?, c/ f% Q" g0 V. g
B. expose
  a- u! _8 ~  m! g) BC. reveal4 y. e- {* e1 h( {* \* L
D. discover
% O3 [" G) x& f) F" z- V33.— Must we hand in our homework now? — _______
" m2 x) G% ?/ [$ Z5 E: fA. Yes, you will.
) n0 j. e* D1 a; R6 MB. Yes, you mustn’t .0 M2 O! M4 ^! z0 O( Y
C. No, you needn’t.
# P8 O' \4 M6 k- j: Z) |& \# _8 wD. No, you mustn’t.
, G- E9 c5 v0 A) `7 z, U5 R34.— I couldn’t find that book in the stacks. Would you help me to find it? — _______' J/ ?' {2 @  \6 M! P' F6 ^
A. Be careful. You can find it.6 [. U9 o  y/ y3 U6 E4 E4 N3 V
B. Depend on yourself.
# g1 G/ E' }5 HC. I’m afraid it’s taken.
4 @& G5 G, V) H8 g) W# I% D% h' gD. You must mistake it.
- }; H6 w( p: h$ s" l35.I doubt _______ he will lend you the book.6 T! @/ u7 r0 n" h- r- t0 R
A. whether
! q: p9 @1 C% z. \5 VB. when$ Q  n7 ]2 Q, c- K
C. that0 Y7 o: u$ g1 b3 W4 |
D. which# r" J) P$ Q3 {5 H( Z$ c
36.— Hello, may I have an appointment with the doctor? — _______
( J- D( i6 I! H6 EA. Sorry, he is busy at the moment.+ k3 J4 E, r" I, R( q  Z1 ^( O; B
B. Why didn’t you call earlier?
# l3 C# c& S0 F" b) rC. Certainly. May I know your name?( `2 ]. Q& O5 r1 R* b
D. Sorry, he doesn’t want to see you.( |, ?/ f9 b9 r; v9 Z( f
37.I will never forget the days _______ I spent with my friends in Beijing.
& D& v; k* R# C0 F# z; HA. when# T' y7 ~; i6 V: C% Y2 z
B. that8 K( t' K6 j, P5 r0 `+ f0 o: I: k6 L
C. in which  B/ V0 d5 L. n# O$ R
D. on that
, L- Z% a8 x$ @8 {6 O; @38.— Is there anything serious, doctor? — _______
9 L5 p2 B# R+ I. sA. I’m going to have another check-up.
& r$ I* t9 }! N2 iB. The results of the blood test are wrong.; T9 o. G. R! k5 T' B
C. No. Just stay in bed and drink more water.
% `% c5 j3 H1 T' V* yD. Yes. You can go home tomorrow.$ P; _! u0 z  y0 U
39.Unemployment is not the _______— the real problem is the decline in public morality./ ]) Z( i; Z3 y) L- S$ ~
A. trouble" ?0 P6 R) l7 h0 o  e5 x
B. matter
/ D3 h8 W/ S& _C. issue( F/ B1 f3 p9 I+ z. }
D. thing" J- V/ ?/ S$ n8 P5 g+ U
40.It was a good concert — I enjoyed the last song _______ particular.  j5 @, P+ L3 W
A. in* h( b. K) f4 v3 ^
B. for7 N+ Z- [; g% M$ N$ o
C. on, e. H, G: t( [$ z
D. with


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