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发表于 2012-11-5 07:54:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及提供代做作业服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区. w5 U2 p/ W4 g

8 B; {& q& @& {/ e6 O8 A/ Y! `/ `
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  He used to have a _____ of stamp-collecting, but he has given it up.  j9 g0 R1 w: v$ P9 m3 _
A. habit
/ R6 U2 z9 x9 S5 eB. hobby
. p( w# |$ j  ZC. custom5 m0 Y( p; F: o6 r" x& x9 J' T
D. like# ~8 ]1 t# @$ _. X
      满分:5  分: k9 u) s5 B; Q: A5 J  H  A
2.  The little girl woke up screaming because she had had a _______.7 g4 T- R+ w5 q4 T6 u: ~3 }
A. daydream
+ X8 r  n0 A1 I  eB. nightmare
. G6 a1 M4 F) M4 K. J2 _. @0 uC. fantasy
5 a, c( s) `: ?8 V5 OD. sweet dream
, l0 Z, f0 M. Y2 ^& ]5 n+ T6 ?      满分:5  分
  ]7 s* u) n4 v& Y# o+ m/ w3.  Up to now there has been no ___________ to the government’s new decision from the public.$ h, }  {* v0 I) F% J
A. prospect3 u1 @2 O9 G" v3 }8 }
B. respond
7 ?& X8 o& V/ X& T( k9 O; M5 U5 mC. response
# }8 G& Z5 x2 j% D; O0 OD. relative2 T6 i  P/ k8 F
      满分:5  分2 N* |9 Z* I5 Y1 j0 o3 _1 h+ Q! a! t
4.  Don't talk about her son's behavior at school. It's a(n)________ subject to her.
" Z3 t0 u. \6 m5 R& A. o# P0 F, d; m, oA. awkward
" v, u$ D! j0 W) I! G; _B. embarrassing& P3 |' O" N/ c. H
C. nervous* Y/ z+ L0 u1 A) |7 J
D. disgraced
3 a* h# @/ L( R* ^- }1 \4 q      满分:5  分
" T7 C- @3 a+ ]' H5.  As excellent work leads to promotions and wage increases, the workers have greater ______ to produce.
, K& U1 E' ^) @% T) {4 X8 ?A. motive; @$ |( |$ ?7 v8 N+ O9 K
B. incentive
2 p: I9 g+ o9 e2 G1 E/ JC. intention6 n# }3 z6 e  D9 k: j. Y
D. energy, g, w$ V* |4 G6 h+ k1 d# d% N
      满分:5  分: G) ~& L! j% N9 a7 }0 o
6.  China has great _______ to become an economic power in not too long a time.; B% |5 y5 T5 M3 w4 U# e9 ^1 c
A. chance! t2 P% {% o( J: O- }7 r7 L( P1 F, i
B. concern1 v. a8 B* T! `
C. potential/ Q- Z1 [7 ?* B' W6 `" [
D. opportunity/ V' T% P8 s  b
      满分:5  分
- Z1 d& r- x6 l4 s9 e7.  Mary found that ________ was always the best policy when she got involved in arguments with her husband.
2 Z+ T& M: ~0 m& _A. compose& S1 @: t0 g* v! _! D. r
B. congratulate
0 U$ S1 M5 T5 k2 b7 ~' N: `3 _" U0 [C. compromise
1 K3 H% N: [4 r6 m# c2 M, |4 W6 lD. content2 x5 Z4 o" V! U/ N# Y$ c
      满分:5  分
4 }- g0 R6 X7 k; v" W5 b8.  The old lady felt very _______ when her daughter forgot her birthday.
6 s6 X3 o/ L9 W/ PA. deceived
4 w) K% J$ K6 L% S- ZB. deserted' U% \' x* G& J3 O) Q  B
C. unfortunate
2 L) x9 a& A, U: A- ]D. disappointed# ?; Y; d0 R7 Y$ b+ h3 s
      满分:5  分& B7 G1 U" D' K2 d/ [
9.  The old lady showed her ______ by giving the beggar several dollars.
% B% K; w) n9 l) BA. benevolence7 h, ^  W, N8 {2 g
B. advantage
; k9 E  n2 ~+ d1 t9 w! H$ FC. prosperity
. I  |/ J6 B+ ^! S  x- F- `D. dignity6 j) X6 E2 D( N
      满分:5  分3 {: l# k5 R9 G1 ]6 s, x3 ^
10.  We have never seen anyone with such a strong dedication to the __________ of success.2 b# e5 @& |* V
A. tradition
0 u6 w" b/ _% g5 E0 eB. average% V- I7 x9 b- T9 B+ T* A
C. intelligence
7 N* ~' q. S- ?- S' \% s# u9 a! GD. pursuit
* j/ O; j. H2 F$ _# E      满分:5  分+ O; Q' X; t1 p1 z; d" }( p2 V
11.  That small country has ______ independence.
% s  Y) a3 l3 ^0 |+ ~2 k2 vA. ordered
0 P1 E8 B- n" W: X& rB. exclaimed
- M! N8 a  n7 ?8 P$ C5 T1 u$ bC. performed
- g1 J6 d7 ~1 N& F( b' k: J" R" ND. declared
' @  ~/ W4 s7 F. T* W4 ]# u# H      满分:5  分+ f, N( n! x' x! P
12.  On our way to New York, we _______ the town of Albany.
, j2 M- w2 F2 p; E) s9 ~* G, [3 l- _A. got over
6 S# s+ g( {. O' eB. came through2 ^: R& w6 ^" O+ D" f
C. went over) I- U0 G4 q$ x( B: j' U
D. got through* e% y" f% P2 L  w+ T
      满分:5  分0 [" A3 r/ M% E5 T) P7 ]! p( [- [
13.  You’ll notice that this railway runs roughly _______ to a river.8 f5 ?  |# b: a; l7 O4 E
A. entirely7 {5 I" h( M& t5 D$ c. m' G& ?& j
B. halfway
+ G' |& J% C1 b$ U+ IC. parallel* w6 E) H7 F( J5 R2 Y
D. relevant1 Z& y; _; E" h2 h" ~
      满分:5  分
7 d2 G* [- L5 n5 U$ S14.  He talked so much during the chess match that he _________ the game.
# o! H# [7 D6 v' v( P) t& i9 FA. distracted me from7 b9 K6 \9 R  q- Q4 ^
B. kept me from4 x9 [* S  b6 w0 V% ^* s2 r. E+ @
C. prevented me from0 [0 [! |- _+ }3 p% j3 _' y
D. stopped me from3 G; O  A4 D. h( v; G+ ?) q
      满分:5  分: }* m) r+ ~1 E/ E# v2 r! b3 o6 R
15.  While Mr. Johnson was away on vacation, a lot of letters ________ on his desk.; t% D" u5 l6 `  v; D9 k# `- n
A. collapsed
  r: E: X; p3 F* X) @* g# NB. staggered
, r4 }& D: K7 f8 UC. accumulated% ~2 o2 l, g) F4 @& M# A
D. contributed1 H; @( X% T: r# U& S3 F, Z
      满分:5  分3 \! i! K+ {# x& [) o. u0 T
16.  She talked to him for a long time and _____ him from doing that dangerous job.
+ N2 `1 |4 G! f" |# I$ oA. persuaded: k: J& H: A+ \
B. dissuaded! y' N+ h8 q% b2 {9 m3 C8 c" s
C. overcame% x' \! A' g' g. h. O& Y# ]
D. conquered+ d2 P" J, j5 {2 Z2 k  d: v
      满分:5  分: W. k* N3 f; S3 N0 z  f- z0 E
17.  They watched little Stevie dart from one instrument to the next, playing each one _____.
5 ]' ^! E1 }7 ]$ g' T8 e* ?A. at ease* r: ~4 U$ _" c8 o: S5 X
B. with ease' s! i6 ~" B! m$ R' n
C. ease in) ~0 h9 a2 A2 S# m5 r! S2 b
D. easy4 m' l* @; g( O! c3 x
      满分:5  分- _9 o3 B2 T9 `) M# s5 f
18.  The teacher told Bob that if he started working hard right now, he still ___________ of passing the final exam.
- X( h  X7 B1 PA. stood chance
5 T4 Y% y7 [# {$ G+ g, {3 ]% K  FB. held chance7 b& \* w  Y* N. r% W
C. stood by chance
; N4 j, S+ W8 yD. stood a chance
+ p  }9 q6 d7 p      满分:5  分- P; ?  S" o. K
19.  We often __________ advice which we do not wish to hear.
" B( B3 o2 t- z- ]8 f- j7 V; s; vA. ignore
- `. w* q; U/ J! @. k2 }8 B% C) G% mB. stick
- D* Z$ m0 c, x* h2 w8 s$ `C. draft
2 C% }# B& q1 p; G/ c" I7 rD. approach( T  b8 X4 a' I6 D% E
      满分:5  分: _7 X" K: k/ R
20.  Children have a natural _________ about the world around them.
7 z7 ]9 W% u- i+ Z: z/ a1 H* ^3 q7 qA. curious
5 l. z7 n! g8 e% i/ |B. concentration
9 ?, ?, ]8 I' b5 t( mC. curiosity; d. S+ v! T# j, @
D. ability2 F) ~6 J! ]8 T, R% }
      满分:5  分 ) H3 n' o' J9 z& W* _" X5 @7 Z

0 s) b6 u$ R* \% M8 P谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及提供代做作业服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区
/ `8 _  [+ n! \. W; r


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