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发表于 2014-10-12 13:11:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 T( X' x( ~$ c4 ^( U6 c" t* l% b2 r1 l$ u1 a* B

2 B( r( T2 E: y8 P# d+ }* V吉大14秋学期《新视野英语(一)》在线作业一
* j/ q4 D8 l, }6 P* ~      
% p" Z. |/ h( U单选 # ?8 `. D( G  W, h& o) i
& S# ?4 Y; ]5 a9 o

4 A9 N$ v. `$ l* i+ \6 ]3 @- e  M一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)$ f/ ]( ~" J% Y" N
1.  The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ________ on benches, chairs or boxes.
, J- ?+ @- g7 h0 @8 G8 rA. having seated( T) d) l7 l$ x& m% |
B. seating
1 e) j, C1 p, r$ }C. seated5 i6 w" k) u& B  a3 Q2 m
D. having been seated& e; _6 Z4 j* b# c! Y. |/ Q/ N4 p+ K
-----------------选择:C        v6 h+ S! Z+ U& ^- c' k
2.  It is our ________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
7 p5 ?3 @4 P4 |A. consistent
3 [* u% S( z6 \: g* {. DB. continuous
6 m9 O7 h# U4 _2 [( JC. considerate
/ P: V8 |% j' D7 |; zD. continual, P! N4 B& V! |* G
1 z4 q- E. r9 Y4 A$ ~: w3.  In Britain people ________ four million tons of potatoes every year.
) ~2 k2 c3 e& U* I# s7 w- K- hA. swallow/ T' m/ c. p2 o# W
B. dispose
" G" Z- \* I6 l* gC. consume
* [& d) n$ H. `) v* o+ ^+ m+ uD. exhaust
6 P. ]/ j3 N( b-----------------选择:C      
2 o+ g  j; }: M- |4.  Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it ________ in Cuba.% W3 n) x8 H7 @
A. being cultivated
: W% a1 m- [* e4 D3 G' r4 TB. been cultivated
* f8 b* U/ j( G6 X  J5 mC. having cultivated8 F' z3 m/ `9 m8 t7 r
D. cultivating
1 }$ U6 I( @1 A0 F# e-----------------选择:A      / v0 |( K( @% `9 [
5.  He is ________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.  ~9 Z7 w& u0 B/ m% [7 `4 X' B' M, p# `
A. optimistic
0 u; T; O* P) \. ~B. optional9 I) e( l1 I4 r2 @
C. outstanding( Q, W, N6 n; o& f
D. obvious& z4 h$ M: B. j1 T- i! J& B
0 R. U3 B, r' W: F0 s' i  I6.  Mike’s uncle insists ________ in this hotel.& m. h4 R  q! V% e) w
A. staying not
: r' `/ b- Y" t0 J- S# ^7 lB. not to stay/ y7 p, ?8 B8 u+ Z# `# H8 r+ s: x
C. that he would not stay3 ~, L* i- o( M# W2 E3 \
D. that he not stay
7 F4 J2 E1 F: _-----------------选择:      
9 y/ D. o' C$ j7.  In a sudden ________ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.  U1 x. [7 y9 Y9 x' p: X
A. attack( l6 G, _- x! Z6 |5 g( d7 s' {
B. burst) d! M$ X) P+ `7 g, P$ c4 g! O: R) F
C. split2 h; y- z# P4 p! o
D. blast% X3 ]3 b( r- ^5 B  x
* ^: _8 f6 y- _! q: n8.  The director was critical ________ the way we were doing the work.
  H# W4 j4 I2 BA. at9 N# ~+ o6 V) `1 r: E' h# {( J
B. in5 v4 X0 h+ L! U6 z9 H
C. of' j0 z, ^: o/ I, j
D. with  V( J( m! _% g9 F3 {+ Z! z1 Y
  Z' ?; V  R3 F! j6 l9.  Some diseases are ________ by certain water animals.
# @& W+ O. }8 d! Y% _  t3 k+ ?6 _A. transplanted
4 d9 X/ ]" ]0 q: lB. transformed
7 _1 @' p" Y- X0 @C. transported8 F  q3 F2 [& @5 ]
D. transmitted
) x# A' [+ n2 s-----------------选择:      
9 b' X% W' `' r10.  We agreed to accept ________ they thought was the best tourist guide.
2 `& C) X- R( k) n( P+ m, H; h$ d0 `3 J) XA. whatever
/ ~# p1 _5 O. T# ^* J" |3 `2 pB. whomever, F! I' E6 b' ^2 \' o1 j
C. whichever
# r$ |+ v, ]# WD. whoever( x0 ]! K+ z% c9 e5 P% O
-----------------选择:      ( m7 A4 b7 k3 |5 O: I# J+ j
11.  It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.
# @( q8 H" j# L& ]9 uA. must be sent
2 n- b& A: E; \6 N) HB. will be sent/ l0 h4 _) _0 J: _
C. are sent
7 ]. i- a- @) B7 V2 i8 E. BD. be sent3 E# D3 A* f5 ?0 W
2 Q3 W, c+ \4 K12.  ________ she realized it was too late to go home.& b* z6 D+ d: w0 q3 u
A. No sooner it grew dark than. y$ Y, T) e* Y/ `* b; {
B. Hardly did it grow dark that
) T) ^$ _1 g8 ZC. Scarcely had it grown dark than
; m/ ?6 ^/ k) ~* A% ]D. It was not until dark that$ |* G5 O4 m' b; ~" c! T$ C
-----------------选择:      & z/ \( M7 X/ ]
13.  Wouldn’t you rather your child ________ to bed early?: D, x1 T/ H9 n& N
A. go, \) a6 Z* D2 |- @: j
B. went) ?! m% m# U6 ?3 q  |6 m* Y4 U
C. would go6 g9 x) ~# d+ Q
D. goes
+ y) E$ p8 C" U2 w( R-----------------选择:      
8 m% }' |+ X' r14.  Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ________ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.
$ U4 U% }! w8 N& w, b, }$ c7 jA. by which
# y/ [5 Z* f/ ]3 h; MB. to which2 h& W: q( [% k& R: C
C. in that& k% K4 |) e5 P1 p) r
D. so that
. Y9 z4 S! r, G% H. F. b; Y-----------------选择:     / T# J$ _6 m: W7 d) e
15.  Niagara Falls is a great tourist ________, drawing millions of visitors every year.
* U. @; m5 N5 HA. attention
6 Q' [! U. o+ C: K( l8 m6 {2 J5 tB. attraction
- {* }6 H, G6 D5 |; C( VC. appointment1 g" P2 |1 j/ h5 R3 ?
D. arrangement# g7 `3 H% S9 i6 f+ c- o
-----------------选择:      ; M* ]) L3 J# O' a# z# f
16.  The hopes, goals, fears and desires ________ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.
! ]- F5 S7 F$ b6 K9 O, ?/ oA. alter
! ~/ G2 \# a& e" XB. shift, x. t& Y% G6 O; ?2 z1 `
C. transfer6 d/ O# D# _& p( @) N
D. vary
2 }0 H. B' j2 M; R-----------------选择:      ! k( N/ x/ E  M2 b. C/ k
17.   Sometimes I wish I ________ in a different time and a different place.
' B$ \5 ^9 A/ }& F0 n" j7 X9 qA. be living8 d, }7 Z" i8 n$ e  y7 y3 q/ v
B. were living2 G: Z" {1 j  P5 {8 ?" s
C. would live
$ {, A" j) h. E: z1 iD. would have lived1 O- h5 p+ `: T2 e
1 k8 F8 w* e2 J: R0 I) C18.  I’d ________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.3 x  e$ x! ^5 ], [+ N* R
A. take into account
) ]% p& g8 ?- b- S% k$ N  R! G# EB. account for
8 h8 u- R* {5 w1 _6 [4 P  u+ UC. make up for+ U. m# m: h/ q" g& Y! T" Z* K
D. make out
) h6 J; b6 l1 S4 G# f+ y-----------------选择:      , w' [( r4 D( Q0 L3 j4 \4 o
19.  The words of his old teacher left a ________ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.
: i. S6 m2 E' ?: C. R) b. EA. long' R" o9 s+ o& [& Q  q3 i
B. lively2 t$ i7 S: A( f+ Z$ }/ h- f
C. lasting
* O7 c3 K! ?5 H' z% yD. liberal
. \, [8 P- \0 z" K% s0 Z7 }
# K" @9 e6 \; O6 l2 O-----------------选择:      + `! q, O3 u$ K7 T/ r9 k  L: a
20.  I don’t mind ________ the decision as long as it is not too late.% z' z. b  R- z& ^/ m+ N; ]
A. you to delay making" \6 G; c, J. d1 P
B. your delaying making* ]$ ~) E6 A  }* H7 _- C0 Q, D
C. your delaying to make
8 T# M" q2 Y; H! R, g9 jD. you delay to make
) s' E. }! W3 x+ z1 f0 g4 _8 M-----------------选择:      
6 V( s. f( y% ?21.  She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she ________ too long.
  z9 _0 \5 n9 x, l/ J( u) _7 V4 P7 l9 vA. has been reading+ |2 Z- D9 ~  _8 k% r
B. had read$ J2 }: t# U2 \! I: w: l6 J
C. is reading$ O; }" x: ]! J# G8 G  ?1 X
D. read
1 `0 @8 W- u0 I- {9 _; q-----------------选择:      
* s5 Z( T3 \& g22.  Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded ________27%.
1 ~8 c5 z. d; K; B# `# M  [A. by) R& t% ]# {) V+ f+ m
B. for
$ W" A& s1 H! W! j. a6 _, uC. to* ]5 y" x6 t: s7 o# @2 C
D. in8 t% Q3 F& I; R2 j! f, Q  t
-----------------选择:     : w! q) K; c$ [+ w( F; p% m& g# z
23.  This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ________ comfortably.: t; R2 |9 ^, X& z! ]- l
A. is worn
. f4 ?! N7 B, q- ^) sB. wears. [4 H" n# k- K
C. wearing
, E7 L* ~6 I3 d" CD. are worn
; Y8 u  A/ p) ^$ i1 ~-----------------选择:      
7 q8 K0 r" [! T3 J& v5 [  Z" a& V& Y24.  Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders ________ will happen to her private life.; x' A$ [/ w0 A9 K
A. that
1 V! T7 V6 y& P/ RB. what
8 A7 o  H: C) s  ~2 ZC. it+ p/ |' Q7 W. ]; L" X
D. this% B2 r8 B" ~4 \( |6 E
-----------------选择:      / h; V; Q( L8 e
25.  She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it ________ enough to eat.
8 P6 U/ M  ~  B* J2 a6 RA. mild: @' B. X' @3 f- `3 B( D$ e& d
B. slight
' q9 P8 V) ]5 W7 C* E8 oC. light2 y/ n% J+ o: Q8 d( K! D
D. tender
% \7 ~3 f& ~3 y, v# k. @-----------------选择:      # f- ]( D# W6 G8 ~
7 X7 ?6 O9 W+ f1 h3 Q  k
- a" A7 W' A  |$ x) c4 z7 j

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