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发表于 2014-11-9 00:15:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。8 n1 I6 H8 p) |* n/ \0 H
8 {) i& O' G# s
一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1.  Mr. Lee is _____ in both English and Chinese.
" ~, Z% J" u! sA. frequent
$ g! D! Z$ _2 _, M" {B. fluent
3 _( l0 W, u* a9 J0 H8 zC. accurate
7 Z% @  [( U0 x7 ~8 A+ @' WD. bright
/ E$ r4 v  ]% m3 N% R      满分:2  分, H9 ^! R% p' n3 o% u& e7 W/ [+ r8 w
2.  Investigations _____ us of the soundness of the plan.
1 Z2 Z3 r# k) m& I1 pA. insured7 E( c" P- D/ I
B. assured  ?. ~9 I' ^) S& m
C. ensured/ V  N  t: T/ M2 _$ X( u" x
D. reassured
0 y7 v: F; v& X) b& w/ H0 d% T. x+ t      满分:2  分: n- m; f' V3 \: f9 ]
3.  With a large family of growing children to feed and clothe, my mother had difficulty in making both _____ meet.
$ E* W5 C$ H( x7 {+ c- L+ SA. ends- T* a* c& N) h/ c- C
B. sides
3 l  w3 y$ i  F" U9 @C. parts
( r9 F5 Q6 }' B5 s* DD. ways
9 E' G$ q5 P5 E3 K3 `9 x& {      满分:2  分
2 j' {, A$ ?9 C4 Z1 n; J4.  After the revolution, the new government _____ difficulty during recessions(经济不景气)# n1 f' D6 v- K* n* S+ c
A. found out2 J- H6 [1 l+ }$ L6 P
B. turned in8 o1 V( a. X& S+ s9 ^8 ?6 A9 U: U
C. ran into
& }5 V( d5 d9 E0 w  _* {& e( TD. sought out  U, B3 [3 P& \$ d: }# N
      满分:2  分
5 W, d$ {3 r% X, s  W5.  We should consider other _____ of the problem as well as seriousness.: w8 t" {/ H8 c$ g
A. sides
- h3 a1 U. A$ q5 r  N- HB. areas
* E0 B2 \& g+ qC. aspects
  U. m5 L1 c% V* D8 \+ i  V7 _, Y" t2 PD. respects1 j6 j+ ~6 z, S& f, j/ j
      满分:2  分% B1 y. t! h2 S- C' }1 t# K9 d3 d
6.  This is a _____word because it has two meanings.
' x! E7 F% {& n) P; x/ R3 kA. double
1 S  x; R0 q$ K1 O3 {6 sB. foreign0 W7 z7 W" Y; O4 u& O6 f4 g5 [
C. separate! G0 Y* K# Y/ |1 f/ q; h
D. confusing- s8 J9 v$ Y/ Z$ g4 t' U" n; T
      满分:2  分& C7 ?4 p- z# Y1 P
7.  I did try my best, but I didn't have a(n) ______of winning.1 ^, E6 O  M. q, b) @+ I
A. luck" [1 M, ~9 R) d
B. chance
. N3 A# s9 A; D/ `# |3 QC. condition& O3 A. t( _4 k; i* Y; x* n( H
D. event
8 Q& F( x: W2 R) c  ]; z      满分:2  分  t4 e) ~" M3 ]) @! g1 D
8.  There has been an immediate _____ against their government proposed tax increases.
, z  H* m2 \% r9 BA. application* `. l! g/ W8 H3 d" |
B. reaction
( ?+ Q$ Z( r3 `- k. u( K- ^C. association4 p! T0 R+ [. o9 I2 _* |
D. reception+ V+ D' P) x9 N4 ^6 U! z
      满分:2  分
+ B! X( m" A, f" R7 \0 c3 J' E9.  He would much _____ it if you could do him that favor.
  I; f; g  p7 W3 K) r3 ?A. please, R" C+ J# S7 [9 K% b; P
B. satisfy
6 A; d9 P6 v' C( J% t3 g% y7 TC. thank! _) j+ ^, a/ s+ E& s2 Z
D. appreciate
! k6 v' E5 ^, O" L4 d# ^      满分:2  分) W* H; _( p2 w9 g) ~* A2 V
10.  If you have _____questions, please write them on a slip of paper.
% F' j: J! q9 h  a+ j. ~A. some  @& d/ l5 e/ E* Y/ V3 Z0 M5 q6 v
B. any; ?# ^4 r( C8 N6 Y8 z- ]
C. few
: A& x6 t& C6 U  X, I  C7 tD. little
. d/ T2 f1 H/ m" I      满分:2  分
  S  z: V9 b4 u6 R11.  It is reported that this medicine is ______ against lung cancer.
! z" y7 P; e) SA. economic1 K: r  t' D2 x
B. easy1 b9 @5 z5 u5 d- q3 n0 I
C. expensive
( M  r8 T0 h  eD. effective: j1 v* M6 w2 a
      满分:2  分# Q% [; ?1 F0 m# ]- e( R% A! N1 s
12.  Teenagers who _____ of high school have trouble finding jobs.# i# M1 K0 W0 ~6 d8 d
A. break out3 x& D, i5 a+ @$ J' D, {5 [
B. bring out
" {5 g8 J, _. Z/ i  bC. drop out
% l5 M# m4 ^7 Y4 v( ~1 U/ B% iD. put out8 _% F. P. `% `) c! U7 b
      满分:2  分* r2 ]4 G, Z1 {* {/ W( m
13.  You can stay in my room _____you promise not to use the computer.
, d- V! M  h! K0 C. D  y* FA. so far as
6 z# J8 _4 ?) I4 N% \B. except
! }  E0 z$ `  y1 c! K. GC. unless
, z% y8 J: v7 {( |4 I. Q9 O: T& tD. provided$ o. y4 ?; |4 W& ?0 c, \0 y6 P; R
      满分:2  分) o8 B, W8 a  N7 g$ ~
14.  The police are ______ the traffic accident that happened yesterday.
% e& Z' \. p/ g4 I1 GA. looking down upon, U7 B8 Y( ~) ^) w6 P- g
B. looking forward to+ F' L: L* Z6 U+ X- [9 S# {; C* k2 J5 z
C. looking into$ s" f( ^9 ~1 _4 r, p& P$ V: x' i
D. looking after
) L) ^, x$ h" r3 [: {& D      满分:2  分
7 z* y+ q$ n; q; L' ?15.  While reading an article, we should _____ our attention _____ the meaning of the whole article rather than that of the new words.
/ x7 x' T! c- L) m' ]A. focus; in5 ^3 i& c: B$ I
B. focus; on# A7 |, M3 l; G5 I1 }
C. pay; on
2 V/ y$ ^# ~7 j& q% KD. notice; in, @3 ]9 z* O6 R# y
      满分:2  分
+ x/ y: c- p  _  s16.  Linda found a wallet ______ on the ground.2 p( X  d2 T8 T' c
A. lie8 s8 E" O9 Q7 N5 r+ s
B. lay
1 ?% E; ~6 Z  DC. lain
) G& `+ C# o! g1 I3 q" F( RD. lying" ?) ?4 x! ^7 Q. {( U1 F& r
      满分:2  分0 T6 y2 w1 g, V) [0 E) C: B' d
17.  Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their reader with unimportant facts and _____ .9 J7 S) v' p, N- X9 w
A. reasons
! Z' J+ m7 z' [+ }B. matters' e( Y# D" F9 H8 M
C. statistics
6 s: R3 @8 [- b. p& dD. systems
: k/ x- t: u7 X: g2 q4 @      满分:2  分
9 t; t8 u6 B& }$ B18.  I’ve made an _____ to see Dr. Lewis at 3 o’clock this after¬noon,
; N; A" p9 j$ s1 xA. appointment: s& f3 v2 o' n3 m% U
B. application
5 G  ^+ W  o8 g9 oC. attention9 F0 A. v9 E% I  `
D. apartment' A- v+ J0 J) b1 K5 L$ p
      满分:2  分
8 ]% G+ m% r. f  |  o8 H* e: l19.  There has been a _____growth of light industries in the re¬gion.8 K" r; u7 n7 M8 N  L% _! x3 W* J& \  j
A. giant
0 s  c3 S" j" U6 n4 k2 bB. considerable: r6 b9 Y2 I! ]# F5 B: a$ h
C. available1 l$ l  W# Q% ?$ F% K; g  w
D. rapidly( T0 ^' p$ m0 l2 N" H3 {8 V
      满分:2  分
( Y7 K4 r- T1 G% i. X2 w20.  I will sum up my major points _____; It is time we did something to stop air pollution./ k4 E1 h* \0 k
A. that follows
: h$ |$ \2 @, B. x/ a, L5 y. DB. as following
3 c4 Y# G( t/ b5 }( i& O  C; d' tC. as follows
+ n# x' j. x: g0 V- `$ r$ s; ^D. following up
# R6 x- }" W5 o# _7 O6 E      满分:2  分
' W+ {7 k" \( T; ]21.  The accidents happened because too little _____ was placed on the safety regulations.
" B4 ~7 b: S8 D8 B2 e. _/ iA. emphasis% p, o  Y0 T# {2 j
B. importance; O6 L9 W8 i# M
C. weights) z% K: I' E) I% D6 H
D. seriousness' |* z1 a& }2 R5 ]# D% \8 P
      满分:2  分/ L5 p" B; _' K* h) Z6 c7 E# g/ d
22.  The farmers took _____ of the fine weather to gather in the crops last week.5 M& T7 j3 K4 m) Z6 a# B
A. chance4 b. B& N! a+ V# i! \- d! |
B. hold' C- ~, B0 P: P( _& X& ^% @
C. advantage
$ V. L9 r! J1 F- wD. adventure
' |  E& I" q8 I5 ]      满分:2  分
+ J" U* F/ O, I- L( y23.  When I nod my head, that’s your cue to the meeting.* h8 l# J. Y4 F  }- o7 Y/ q
A. interrupt
' R5 f" ?: X% u. Y5 Z, Y' PB. join% `% B5 D3 c( o' m5 y, D4 S
C. order2 Q0 f& r2 ^9 E" F
D. include6 l+ j% R/ I6 w" x1 {: h; C2 G
      满分:2  分
( [( B8 p" [# d  Q24.  The new _____ line of the factory can produce 100 bicycles every day.
4 ]- L1 q/ c/ [! e+ P9 TA. assembly
  ]( ^8 z: }! I& h  J% s& v! ^9 b/ z9 AB. working" A: P* x# n0 I- y1 K
C. collection, N. U: L2 l. e! u% p0 z9 l
D. producing' V+ v7 p7 M; [" Q4 k- \( b
      满分:2  分: h$ _2 U1 K1 @7 {3 P9 a1 ^7 }4 T
25.  Although she said that she would go there with me, she still had a _____ look on her face.
2 L6 Y0 u, e- o0 XA. undoubted
: r) m! l. [3 u) IB. doubtful
" u0 w; M0 `& m- CC. doubtless
+ F: f  I1 J, k+ ?. ]5 A# L6 YD. doubtfully
; P, C5 N( V; H8 i( k      满分:2  分
: {+ z* Y& X/ r2 i  Z+ N4 W% f2 K$ }7 ^
二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.  ; D* D" u/ v' R
In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults, 21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转) around the earth. An additional 7% did not know which revolved around 1 I have no doubt that virtually all of these people were 2 in school that the earth revolves around the sun; 3 may even have written it on a test. But they never altered their incorrect mental models of planetary (行星的) 4 because their everyday observations didn’t support what their teachers told them: People see the sun “moving” across the sky as morning turns to night, and the earth seems stationary (静止的) 5 that is happening.
  W0 [* {+ F7 K; aStudents can learn the right answers 6 heart in class, and yet never combined them 7 their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor gives and the student’s personal understanding of the world can 8 side by side, each unaffected by the other.
# Z$ _* i; ~) yOutside of class, the student continues to use the personal model because it has always worked well  9 that circumstance. Unless professors address specific errors in students’ personal models of the world, students are not likely to replace them with the 10 one.  Z! i* q$ C0 u6 o9 ~& f
1). 2 x- _, |6 C) Y, b/ d5 _
A. what
3 Y, ~. i) r, X9 Q- S, P: mB. which
+ K& U" p: E8 M4 XC.  that
& I$ j6 m% x8 ID. other+ r5 P( b4 z7 z1 r! }6 x
      满分:1  分* |+ I$ f* H# S2 ^1 z
2). , Q1 X. M8 @) V; s0 N0 @6 x
A. learned
! h: z+ Z5 W  S  H2 D* x) F! iB.  suggested
. v& a1 Y3 C: u) Y- p7 uC. taught / \) l% ]* ~8 M8 q
D. advised% t/ W* a5 N+ C, X" H2 S
      满分:1  分
9 D' E- D" e- O7 w3). ) w3 P; d. l% a# T* M- ~% G
A. those
3 K1 D2 L# I7 X) X8 n4 qB. these1 k% w( W5 l! _
C.  who
; f! N+ l) ?6 ?. r, Q$ jD. they. z9 V7 S+ P% o1 k( k: _
      满分:1  分
5 c, P! s) K7 j& |/ Z8 K4). & L1 y" o! o! Z! ?: h. m* l/ `
A. operation
; e9 t6 Q# l5 X' P5 hB. position
; o% ?, [1 r9 t. F4 f# x9 m& sC. motion9 F5 h( ?! [& O+ r. U; y6 {
D. location
- D2 X" X# h  o4 ^" X      满分:1  分
, G; J% d9 _) W: D, l5).
0 m( N  g; A: l; j3 @2 wA. since
8 i( a7 T' L# C& BB. so: _" k% p5 _* p! X3 O
C.  while- I7 I1 E, j- C6 {# c. x
D.  for3 [; Y/ u2 p1 r9 {% C! d
      满分:1  分
- Z- W1 `% O9 F% w5 \0 N6).
4 m- E3 i2 H4 p8 M' T9 Y6 SA. to / C7 Y  @" G) K/ y1 S+ `
B. by
! i6 P: P3 D  Y& y+ Q# hC. in) q8 [0 u9 m; C1 Y
D. with# c- H: _5 U! r  j8 V1 h
      满分:1  分
( g+ Z" r& D- K* d6 R7). # z. h; R! v8 b" P6 d( _
A. with
, {- k' j& G: W9 D; ^2 ~3 X* gB.  into, n2 g1 m' n; w: q0 L4 ^7 \
C.  to
( P, h  y  H3 N9 @6 [D. along
, n/ N% Z- e7 M6 N) h      满分:1  分& U/ e8 H% b% l  j$ Y7 a6 k& }
: ^; R+ ~, r2 QA. exist
! k/ X0 d: ]) n/ a; z- [3 g( g7 jB. occur& N! [) d* `2 B5 A. V" @
C. survive2 s$ o. L2 C+ `: X3 S# H
D. maintain
3 r/ V! K2 Y0 {5 f: P6 L2 g; U      满分:1  分
) r; B# L! T% _5 W* r9).
) x" B% ~6 D+ S5 xA.  in
5 A; @- n. k7 e! X3 eB. with7 F1 R7 B7 K" I2 H! \/ W
C. on# t7 X, d+ r) T! n. U6 b  ^
D. for: }$ g( X' g0 j1 B: q- c
      满分:1  分& U5 b+ o# l7 {: q5 R
10).   ?6 L, a8 D' Q. l
A.  perfect/ H3 b! k( W2 [# P, s4 e
B.  better
2 ^% j8 L0 L0 e# ]' k# AC.  reasonable
# B% ^! e8 ~" c  o1 ?D. correct, j0 f$ b0 h+ ?; E- r- Z
      满分:1  分 2 U: a" N; H" e  E  @# O; R
5 P% f4 v. g4 m/ D
三、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  / v% D3 K; s" R4 K* S/ g6 k
Great are the uses of advertisement! And they certainly are, both to the producer and the consumer. Of course, there is a great deal of truth in the saying that good quality and honest workmanship are the best advertisement. Of course, people know that the manufacturers would have done better if they used the money for advertising in making better products to sell. But in these days of far extended trade, there is no doubt that advertisement is necessary to make the existence of even first-class goods known. And even goods that are already well-known must still be advertised. So even well-established businesses have to spend thousands and thousands a year in advertising, or they will not sell their goods.
4 B5 ]1 t2 e* N4 F9 z+ {' K. JIt is really advertisements that make newspapers possible. Great journals draw the greatest part of their profit from advertisements; and many smaller papers could not appear at all but for the income they derive from this source. 7 a: Y8 S0 X9 R( r
Advertisement has now become an art; and there are businesses entirely devoted to supplying firms with striking advertisements.
1 Z/ I! ?, s$ O' W: e* l* |But advertising has its abuses. Many advertisements are meant to deceive, and do for a time deceive the public by puffing worthless goods, or exaggerating the quality of inferior articles. There is only one consolation in this connection that a lying advertisement cannot sell worthless stuff for long; for the people who buy it will not buy it a second time. As an old saying goes, “you can take in all people part of time; and you can take in some people all the time; but you cannot take in all the people all the time.”9 G# ?- A( N- E$ \
1). As a whole, the author's attitude toward advertisement is ( ) .
9 @3 i, B3 x# d6 A0 U) [2 Z. Z& h4 OA.  positive: x6 p: c  A  \5 {5 W$ O
B. negative0 ^. E0 ?, I2 l# a% B0 a  N* y5 @
C. praised
8 L* I8 D* x3 ]8 qD. disgusted- p* }" {, G2 V0 |5 V
      满分:4  分
# ~) `; Z. F( O6 v2). The first motive for advertising is ( ).
" F  f( R. I$ h% q( ?& vA. to sell more goods
! G2 t3 g: x& @3 [' P' _, ?B. to deceive consumers
- p9 |4 u( ^; \% M5 O/ MC.  to attract the attention of the consumers  |5 s5 d- {  E. c+ x6 f: R0 f
D.  to beautify the streets4 t5 w# Y2 `8 q; d& G2 `5 `. k
      满分:4  分( f- e( G% y/ c/ w# c3 l, u* o
3).  In emphasizing the effects of advertising, the writer makes the following statements. Which one is NOT accurately expressed?; r+ [. Z. o- s. B/ H) H
A. the consumers do not know the existence of many good things if they are not advertised: p# U4 d) t& W# w& `  `, f, T; u) M
' H; ^6 a9 Y5 ]when one tries to stop his advertisement his sales goes down! y& ?/ c; m  t' E" V$ t. {- Q3 X
C.  even well-established businesses have to spend a lot in advertising.' p- N$ J4 I6 n8 ^
D.  The man who shouts the loudest that attracts attention.
  g' p7 ?3 E0 j" P: v- E* P! h& y      满分:4  分) ~: G+ N; B; t  D3 Y) c
4). What is the writer's opinion about advertisement in paragraph 3?
2 C: o3 a  i$ X5 K; ?( a) jA.  trick* x' z) e6 E7 N; |8 A: s$ i
B.  an eye sore8 C. j- J' L2 [1 J2 X: G
C. an art
6 c! w5 h3 v/ P- [! U6 A8 Q# i5 yD. 8 O# d; v2 S; h$ d6 q& n9 `
a profit-making business: Y0 X( ^3 r9 d) E. t5 ]
      满分:4  分
  _" Z/ t7 ?7 c5 ?" A2 `5).  In the last sentence, “take in” means ( ).
9 o! ~1 `9 V& P5 L1 iA.  absorb in  L1 D, b2 Z& V) P5 \! f# N
B.  engross in * {% m# P9 f& m$ s
C.  involve
  _9 n$ E+ H0 @) g) fD. deceive
5 N3 a  l: Y5 M/ X4 L      满分:4  分* ~* |0 d3 [# E# J. N
2.  # p0 ], h8 q  G: b# t+ U7 ]
It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle. As Christmas drew nearer, her desire for a bicycle seemed to fade, or so we thought. We purchased the latest rages, Baby-Sitter's Club dolls, and a doll house. Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that she “really wanted a bike more than anything else.”
# R4 n. D( K8 u! IIt was just too late, what with all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying last-minute gifts, to take the time to select the “right bike”for our little girl. So, here we were—Christmas Eve around 9:00 p.m., with Almie and her six-year-old brother, Dylan, nestled snug in their beds. Now we could only think of the bicycle and the disappointment of our child. / m1 V2 t1 C8 v; h2 h
“What if I make a little bicycle out of clay and write a note that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike”, her dad asked. The theory being that since this is a high-ticket item and she is “such a big girl'” it would be much better for her to pick it out. So he spent the next four hours painstakingly working with clay to make a miniature bike. : |# w/ A3 b/ h6 A% ^
On Christmas morning, we were excited for Almie to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud. 1 l) }, c: I" @
“Does this mean that I trade in this bike that Daddy made me for a real one?” Beaming , I said, “Yes.” Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied, “I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me. I'd rather keep this than get a real bike.” " f" L' Q) a4 `# s7 J
At that moment, we would have moved heaven and earth to buy her every bicycle on the planet!, x5 C. o  @! q; }
1). Almie's parents bought her ( ) for Christmas. & h; x- f' x. z6 v! S6 U
A.  a new bike
" _0 j' Q& ]! d8 ^/ J0 C6 j ' j, @1 g& f, O
B.  a little clay bike
+ I" V. ]( H# [8 m% JC.  an old bike
' [% R& S, y* F  R/ E& u6 Y7 RD. ( m4 H5 I4 ]+ p. ?* i
dolls and a doll house
+ W. U# T. f. F, Y* B0 ?# u" d      满分:4  分
: h3 N; m" [2 k0 ?% `" Z( t1 o9 V! M2).  Her parents didn't purchase what she wanted because( ).$ X7 g! l* J2 u: O% h5 l7 f
A.  they thought she already forgot about it
% ?6 r9 E2 r1 d$ b& W8 {B.  it's too expensive to afford
7 w& d3 h% D) _6 j, A$ JC. she already had one
* M0 J' `* F6 \3 D- c: k" qD. they thought it's dangerous for a little girl to ride a bike3 d* ^$ u; P1 _, \  D9 X) q
      满分:4  分4 p! ^% ]/ @3 W1 M+ h! Y! F. X
3). Her parents felt ( )when they thought they would disappoint Almie.2 n" A0 x0 D# b/ n6 z) B$ W
A. Guilty
: c* E3 x/ ]+ DB. angry' ~. E) l  P1 y: c
C. surprised ) o; G) m) p( B+ j  H2 c: I9 T
D. ashamed
* S# |9 n+ A- G# ~      满分:4  分
+ r2 A; B5 n. K! b) g4). What's the choice Almie made in the end?4 w/ a: ~+ T0 k0 ^+ K2 i' e3 a
A. She insisted having a new bike.
/ _+ H0 y7 K  ]- \B. She was happy with the Christmas gift her parents bought her. 1 D. x$ \  A1 b' g' ?8 d$ d: R' }
C.  She liked the clay bike made by her dad and would net trade it in foe any real one./ _# C: _; Y; ^3 B) @% L1 y6 t
D. She made a clay bike herself.
* U2 @: ~, w: _6 W% c6 q! y, I% U      满分:4  分
0 T% O' o; u$ P5). Almie Rose is a ( )child in the eyes of her parents. : X9 b- a' e+ U! e1 l
A. naughty
$ \5 r2 h+ ?9 }  R4 _/ ^# IB.  lovely- U# L# g, a; }  K
C.  disobedient5 i: y  t% L2 Z0 b, @; d: s  @
D. talented
  w$ }: n7 z! Q3 R: L: ]/ y/ i      满分:4  分 ; M4 l4 X4 i, s4 l& o- ~5 _9 O
( ~6 ?6 H+ j' K7 P7 U; n# f3 x; B
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