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发表于 2014-12-29 00:16:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- h! N( M7 D/ i' V
* P5 B3 b, _; T) b+ }  $ T( u0 X4 S% r7 S; }
( k3 h  n5 t. c3 K+ o# g& O      
' o% I' |  ^9 v1 n) o2 l  n单选
! o3 L5 E  b% y% v; [. }3 W9 u5 A. x) y  J& g

1 X( q4 Z/ b" e: v/ K* `一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。听力口译(二)作业策略)V 1.  That rich man has been dead for a long time but his ________ is still not known to the public.
6 z6 x2 `$ l! n3 H. Q; h3 e$ @A. sausage
0 a1 q0 f- s* I$ cB. shelf) u# @) R1 Q3 P# X; l
C. portion/ ?" u: U7 Z! `* }  a& e# o
D. will# R, J& _4 X9 t  {" x0 [& d0 [
/ \9 i" N- l- p) I  G2.  The best example of a paradox is the proverb ‘More( ), less speed’.$ K- d& Q! p& Q( L! o" Y8 Z: q8 o7 B  h/ Y
A. haste/ I2 N4 |' U1 h- o+ k2 F; }
B. range
. C# r9 l: Z0 M9 [# RC. possession8 Y- k# X7 u; D, h
D. purse8 b4 n  n2 n( t) `  ]2 K8 R
" n2 Z0 V7 {$ B4 d0 i' l3 P  \0 m3.  He has a bad impression of his( )in the office.5 }% w9 U0 F9 c" W# A: Y0 c
A. colleagues
- n9 L! n1 t1 KB. bullets
9 a. e) ]1 }6 dC. barbers
- u3 {4 B+ O% |1 S/ W, PD. audience* G) r0 Y# i8 x0 a
-----------------选择:A      + V, L( I; f5 U8 O
4.  This is a purely( )problem, not a political one.
# i! M: \3 v0 s4 W3 qA. additional( b6 b5 t5 e; {
B. advantage+ O1 X* v- m; B
C. announce
5 ?# R' m& @" ?D. academic
2 _# l1 n8 C, L-----------------选择:      7 w- Z' d& v% ^' U3 i6 l& ]
5.  When I read the newspaper, I always read the _______ first.
, D8 h0 d. {- V6 @8 z" ZA. headlines
8 c, W5 `* W. pB. headquarters
1 G2 @6 Z. z! h2 J& s: ?9 pC. heaven" _* c, J3 g+ N, k
D. horizon8 w/ U8 L# m* q$ P
-----------------选择:     % n1 t" u4 ]" v
6.  Our guide gave us a detailed( )of this painting but we still do not understand.* r& M) h5 C4 w1 x
A. authority
' O7 H( d- J) vB. interpretation
3 I* @, @6 n+ F7 fC. instruction
7 t: Z; E" ?) W1 m) m$ x9 dD. institution
( H5 w+ @4 D6 i! g-----------------选择:     
$ P5 v7 r& h4 \' }0 u* P% J7.  Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, ________ to find it locked.
# f9 Y) B* \! g, C( M- VA.   just" m1 G. O; f) @- H2 b2 m
B.   only7 n# M! t$ }) l4 b! V' f
C.   hence
2 L8 P2 N$ X# r0 |D.   thus
: m/ T1 D2 S: Q) r& p0 C+ ~-----------------选择:      
, U5 E. ]$ U& L9 @" U8.  Will you accept my( )?7 t' Y9 e; p: T* z+ J
A. sympathy& |* C& ^- P$ }, F+ g7 {+ P6 C5 f
B. synthetic( H5 l' ~& Y3 ~4 f1 N& y+ `/ p
C. satellite
6 C1 J; T- m- ]& _2 Y9 sD. saddle) u% Y" r' X& g0 t( I
/ g) n1 M- a' \7 }2 n' F) N9.  Our guide gave us a detailed _______ of this painting but we still do not understand.3 R2 I& Z4 I+ S# L$ y
A. authority+ Z4 Q! X/ T) b3 u0 n
B. interpretation
( ^0 T7 s7 m2 ~! b' B$ d" u& w8 SC. instruction/ l: C# F8 u5 M' X9 b
D. Our guide gave us a detailed _______ of this painting but we still do not understand. A. authority B.interpretation C.instruction D.institution institution; s# ]# j6 d. N  u1 h
-----------------选择:     2 p- _7 d; r; I6 t$ e* w
10.  The Chinese food in the United States is usually( )for American people.
2 p4 N: D0 {: [A. exchanged
6 Q* O' U, Q4 @- ~3 q# oB. altered7 e$ r7 s+ Y( m# q8 `) @$ F+ E
C. modified
4 D  w, D- u! ~" j7 a6 g7 b2 Z0 RD. cooked4 a5 o  P9 W, ?5 U. T7 d
-----------------选择:      ( W. K1 K2 X4 T6 p: y
11.  Food _______ is a big industry in this area.
& }9 _! b2 h# K- y% f1 `  \4 WA. projecting
9 F- F) m# \- I9 O. B6 E" dB. promising
. R+ B' ?$ \9 T8 x7 AC. processing
) H4 E5 P  H3 J$ {- \7 xD. president. z6 F# l( N$ w, t8 v
-----------------选择:     / D9 d4 t. u: n! [
12.  It wasn’t so much that I disliked her( )that I just wasn’t interested in the whole business.$ p* {2 J0 i# ~$ d) ?4 h9 z
A. rather2 A& K( }' y: }# C" F% C+ Q9 R
B. so
  A, F8 y' z, M  N( _C. than
, w0 l5 o& N  E' UD. as
  i) p+ Z, V' v4 ]3 z  H" @-----------------选择:      , k- \! b/ F5 ~3 R5 w
13.  Generally speaking, there is always a generation _______ in every country.
) A# n2 x9 x+ z2 ^3 z: B7 A, kA. gap+ [6 b6 h7 L3 S. C9 N+ R
B. break% q" m5 h* J: v
C. globe
, f" H) R; l6 X- j3 v: v% L2 C/ WD. equality3 {: J* A! @* q8 n: h
-----------------选择:      2 F! b8 i- {' i+ M7 ~1 z/ H6 `
14.  I _______ you’ve decided against taking my advice.
% O  n* l2 k; o5 MA. express! A0 J" o: p! U7 B' a3 O
B. declare- M% N/ C) p9 |, R6 s8 L
C. assume
; T* U' M/ L4 M* d8 Y# P/ o3 qD. exclude
' K) g! ^( V) l-----------------选择:     2 n% y5 {5 ]: |& {$ e
15.  The _______ in the river has to be rebuilt.  W* t. M! T: j- j- w: {
A. court
' b3 G% T1 p, J6 AB. cousin
+ Y+ _9 J- H, o" lC. dam% _% t, o: s* g+ m& o' I2 E7 z
D. damp6 ~+ k: u3 |7 x
-----------------选择:      $ w2 `/ [2 H, i' x
16.  You don’t have to pay any _______ on personal belongings.& {( J1 P! @# y* N
A. price
+ m3 n1 v( \9 F8 ]9 kB. duty5 v9 z  k5 C* P  h. ?
C. expense# z* U! ^' V3 O# y# Z) Y! _# y
D. elevator
7 R) I/ k) Z* R3 n-----------------选择:      
' H" j; j( ~1 j) f( H9 M0 y17.  That rich man has been dead for a long time but his( )is still not known to the public.( K2 ^( h" [8 G5 G+ y- e: g
A. sausage
7 i' D/ n9 L7 y' }B. shelf9 I4 I8 F1 o' O# B9 ~6 _/ Y- j0 Z" p
C. portion9 J$ B) C6 N" g  b9 u0 X% n
D. will
1 n, Y, E! Q0 x" F-----------------选择:      
) ]: b1 p0 ^5 ~+ [3 ]18.  It was a terrible( )and I won’t forget it.& H4 P7 y8 y: F- |9 l
A. shock) M0 A& G! h+ r5 n5 s2 R& }
B. vessel# n4 b: S7 u$ c; }% |& }8 v
C. royal
9 g% P/ |' y9 W( D3 JD. evidence
6 B/ |( b/ D9 ]6 X-----------------选择:      # p: F0 s/ b3 B7 p/ z  v; L
19.  He( )into the water and rescued the little girl.
5 i( Z" y4 Z" ?3 \* R" lA. inserted
2 K0 l. U) e4 L+ J" f6 [B. sloped
2 @' C2 h* Q, E) [. M% P. MC. heaped
4 v: F& ]% H" vD. dived1 [) g+ b6 ?& l4 \' U3 _
3 `; V. x' w: Q0 D0 i2 O) @3 c20.  You may _______ of the extra books in our department library.
/ H7 e6 Z. |( o2 }- |  g7 V% zA. deposit
) L6 L+ u: y+ jB. enclose5 }" f6 V: |& k: E
C. fade
  v0 s9 V% g, Q) `$ ^D. dispose0 S7 `* A5 W, |) U7 C, v3 K7 I5 G
4 ]5 P5 @2 B; L% ]6 m8 J* K21.  These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than ________ in traditional media.- h! l. v4 Z1 f5 K4 g# K! s+ h3 g" r+ P
A.   exist6 J+ W( I5 ~" \6 H
B.   exists
, @4 _) I# t3 h. IC.   existing& R% }" q5 u- C0 @( j9 F
D.   to exist) S1 |! z- T& m& Y- r( y
% L0 d) t/ b9 V3 w) j; v22.  Do you have anything to _______ for customs?
8 _4 G- _; R9 zA. show/ D; H: M3 N7 m
B. declare  E3 r3 s1 _/ k6 L! F
C. exam
  M: \* l' i& s/ ?6 l, _5 X$ T  yD. check
% z5 |( R( ?8 H7 h+ Z4 r( ?-----------------选择:      - T3 B; i5 J0 r; h
23.  Slides are sometimes called ________ film.9 H. w$ O( t2 U: d2 B  w
A. whistle
  p. [, y8 H4 m2 E6 h  R# ?B. vigorous
( b0 D$ G, `% S* `0 T1 MC. robot+ D7 D2 p. k  c! N. I
D. transparent" V& O$ b0 d; z. Z/ _6 J
5 G( `; I; O' S8 ?* w24.  The( )can help people to see very small objects.- k: B% V4 ^2 U! L7 A
A. metropolitan5 Z# v+ t5 E  v- _0 g
B. microphone/ q8 U+ }; x: O# f  H
C. microscope: g# q2 y& q6 l5 p5 F, J. b
D. microwave
' |3 }6 Z. W! h( b-----------------选择:      % w* N8 K5 ?" |& h
25.  It’s easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes ________ place in our ever-changing world.
# b, V$ D5 Q; M7 ]9 eA. taking& v8 [& t" e7 a+ _# K
B. to take: V; N. {- D: A7 J/ C5 ?( v
C. take
7 r& D1 l/ Y, a- i- wD. taken6 e( b) K1 l  W9 r# \: Y
7 [2 s- F6 |5 v26.  Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door,( )to find it locked.$ r9 y  u: s3 Q* P. R  e4 _
A. just, k; k, h8 P  }- H6 D2 d- F
B. only% r9 b$ O$ r' l9 f" J
C. hence: }5 `! E7 h2 x* s5 b' I
D. thus
% _6 Z/ H& l+ [! n4 O-----------------选择:      
' r& _+ s0 S6 K9 W# z$ h& v27.  He has a bad impression of his _______ in the office.
5 V9 M- m  G$ T3 \: O0 j/ _5 BA. colleagues
3 B$ O& Q8 e& `/ X+ G) Q7 C8 mB. bullets
: C: Q: t, Q. ]: u) ~7 W0 gC. barbers, S& w1 q4 H8 r( H- F
D. audience2 F2 I: ?5 E' z( o
! u" L- _( L1 \28.  He _______ to his roommate for being so rude yesterday.+ H7 s& q* d  i
A. worried
2 L$ b* e  Z; x- K) k. ?  [B. doubted
+ @" [1 r. _4 eC. apologized
: ^+ o: G  X5 P/ O. qD. dissolved
  u+ _, U6 O! H3 X7 [( m) I-----------------选择:      
; U; `: }/ Z3 y# P$ b29.  We don’t think that his( )ability has been well developed.
, o2 S4 v1 K3 {$ J1 @A. possible
7 t7 E3 t3 Z9 a! i: uB. potential6 w: d9 f4 R, H  N
C. underneath
! G8 w% b  u6 O& m7 n' C- D6 ?D. vital% n9 C" W9 N: b! f- M% Z
  I! P" I" ^+ |/ L. Z4 W30.  He _______ a lot of time in trying to develop the education system in this area.
, e% ^6 [6 e8 v1 b; c2 fA. involved
( {4 f8 d* v6 W* _B. investigated: H: V3 w9 O6 Z: l; @
C. invested
, ?1 a+ ^: S. u% u5 VD. interfered
. ?( E* ^4 |8 L6 N. G  q-----------------选择:      
1 {- M: E) f. S% ^6 N' q  j) I* z31.  Mary is always( )when she doesn’t get any mail.% }/ @2 J  E8 c
A. affected
: o( I; S. Y" TB. dissed
7 {4 g9 ?' R2 x7 F& Q1 pC. plain
( W9 a/ K& m( \6 F8 G6 _' vD. disturbed. w2 P# M' O  K! \+ S. w
-----------------选择:      " K3 m  r! t* Y) R; s; K
32.  The theory of _______ was developed by Darwin and is now understood by nearly everybody in the world.8 F4 J' ?% r3 Z
A. determination0 k# b" D; u+ E* U  ^
B. distribution1 I2 l- M: J+ d* p0 Y- ?( h9 o
C. discipline
6 S4 N# }  C+ H+ X; r( j7 ID. evolution
! e6 w9 ^4 Q. K& ~" y. M% \-----------------选择:      
2 l6 {3 P( g1 C" v6 b9 ]# E( r# i33.  In this kind of hotel, there are no( )rooms.
% i$ m. [" C+ v% c7 g2 J7 l- i; b4 l/ uA. luxury. s/ C/ A% [: f/ J
B. marvelous
9 \- U/ G9 \: F; J- J! yC. occasional
2 ~1 n! R6 s9 {' }D. sulphur0 o  H1 ^* y9 V# v2 I
6 \6 q# f/ t) v' }. M; ~" O34.  This is an exciting area of study, and one ________ which new applications are being discovered almost daily.- ?# M( {4 \5 p4 P+ U# P) v
A.   from" a" m$ O8 ~6 J
B.   by
4 I4 O7 O  E8 iC.   in
# {2 h7 r8 A( ?! p8 cD.   through" [& Q" `/ P( S" A
-----------------选择:     ) W6 t3 w* p8 F) Y- a" c
35.  His eyes _______ with rage but he did not dare to say anything.2 r0 i! Z$ {+ w9 ^8 g. _! b
A. flashed6 `/ m) z3 z% [& h  j' z& W' V6 c
B. wicked
/ M: A- b9 c; V- F2 Y# jC. voted
' u- C& H3 u: r* hD. protested5 l& r5 E) f* T" H( J
-----------------选择:      3 y9 D- }8 M0 h6 `& ?# l5 L
36.  He worked hard this week, but _______ very little.' U  X( t2 D; w$ U0 C; \3 B
A. presented
6 Y( _# [  _" i* C" }; QB. obeyed
. m2 _# }7 T' N( C, @5 N! h0 WC. composed3 I" ?9 C: X; Z" Q. x/ i9 h
D. accomplished9 F; t/ q. j$ N+ w( G0 `' ?; I
9 _0 _% o/ `  B37.  You may( )of the extra books in our department library.
) n+ U- V9 g  m. R( T# sA. deposit2 S% `& I: |) `3 ]: L$ d+ r7 d
B. enclose  Q4 d- {' o. c+ [( i
C. fade
: j$ S' t2 P4 c5 _$ m4 {2 |! |8 n6 ~D. dispose
- s6 u. m: ]* q: n-----------------选择:      
% p6 {" P' ]0 i1 ]& X* r: B1 {9 x38.  If you want to stop for a moment, just press the ‘( )’ button on your tape recorder.% u: h( @8 Z/ Z* s- _! @; _0 g
A. toilet
  e# F3 P1 d) p5 DB. thumb
% n/ @/ `* C, K9 o5 f2 w: H. VC. violin
4 Y: E1 Z% O# K2 E4 JD. pause" t3 q4 G/ r/ ?8 j9 d! f/ c
8 @5 o- Z1 r; |$ C$ {2 t39.  In general, my reaction is that we should( )carefully.
7 n, j1 x4 R. Z; L8 G' P' rA. proceed
; M7 Q( M4 G$ y% @& NB. pace4 ~+ h) H9 t, q
C. pale
$ Y3 P/ L! C$ z, M9 TD. pan
, r8 t) E) N/ v# ?/ k+ r-----------------选择:     + J- g( ^8 y: k' Q% p  _) D, v
40.  He designed an experiment in order to( )his theory.8 R" |& v+ B. W  z
A. demonstrate  u3 o9 D/ D% [" O4 s( x' |9 N7 j6 z
B. proof1 X$ J  r$ Z6 i8 I( H
C. defense: R+ W1 X' W) ~% p+ v* J* N
D. grasp' c% r+ S5 o+ x; l/ l
$ m) g* S6 H, p) n" p41.  I prefer a( )typewriter to an automatic one.
- H) j) B# U, e" r; b% w+ TA. mechanic( h1 X$ t5 s% ~, l/ I
B. manual
' B2 K+ _9 b* p( W' c/ yC. merchant
3 ]( h1 e) \3 o* J& _0 Y. S* I$ VD. mental$ U- N. H8 ^; u! ?
* a! r6 S! V8 D9 z7 k$ ~42.  They spent many years _______ for oil in this small island./ n( F7 S7 U$ N% r
A. exploring
0 V0 Y' a( Z/ F8 A" R! {0 _4 ^B. exploding# M; \! A8 ?, }! v1 o9 A
C. exposing2 s, h' X$ z' K
D. exploiting
/ ]8 m; \, A1 h-----------------选择:      ' a+ t* e. B3 o! W- y
43.  I have _______ three terrible English examinations this week.
4 r$ b1 {' \8 {7 u; O& I2 j) g; jA. observed
& S! X* U7 U7 q$ W4 `/ l% }B. operated0 {" G) ~% v( z+ i, n
C. undergone: A  @& n2 o. k, h
D. suffered
1 K! ?8 E) c# b: k-----------------选择:      
' q3 _& Y3 G9 I# k- a44.  When he studied at college, Jack was supported by a( ).
5 ^. U& D( Q; _8 k8 t0 v& }A. treatment: u7 G0 f8 v% i4 E: V
B. assistance
  _! s" _' R3 a* e5 j3 T* bC. scholarship
* O9 k2 o5 v8 N" ?; l  ^6 U6 D( LD. protein
& B; S, A% v1 }  U, g0 g2 [-----------------选择:      ' R1 F$ b0 l& B2 B7 F6 m% a
45.  Nothing can( )me to leave my own country.
& ~' c3 A) ?, p" V' TA. verse
% k  B6 U( g; K3 m8 Q: tB. hay, _$ H; ?" L" ^$ m$ Q- [; [
C. tempt# R9 h8 I- ?" A. N5 z" _; v, v" ^
D. attempt  h, z  Y* _/ ]7 U) E
7 S/ ^5 \/ u: g% l! p2 C46.  This textbook is for the _______ students, not for the beginners.
# H/ \# @7 J; A2 h, w# n8 t5 h. H/ d/ F7 y" @A. observation
; D9 B8 e) o7 vB. transportation1 n" t, m7 Q% P2 N3 K- r/ ], Z
C. advanced" k, h" }. a  `8 ~1 s( l# D
D. transfer
/ w; Q. J, q& }& p3 M4 b& x-----------------选择:      
- j9 C/ v( Z8 R0 Y' S% \# D3 d47.  If you have any problems during your study here, please do not _______ to call me for help
4 E- q: m/ _" w4 X- s# f( vA. hesitate" j3 |, ^; V9 K: W: C( ]( K
B. despair
  T! ^/ f4 H( x8 F" h/ d; y* o' T. `- f- x0 bC. urge
8 v- k: t( V$ V" p* |D. request* ?/ {% j3 n2 d% B
/ A6 M2 h- k% A* O8 `0 H6 S1 P48.  The theory of( )was developed by Darwin and is now understood by nearly everybody in the world.- X+ ?, t4 ]; G0 x5 H0 k3 e
A. determination* O1 q1 ]6 b- x1 L4 n# N
B. distribution( \! q. L  z$ n2 C
C. discipline. Z; @+ t( ~, F
D. evolution
+ O( m* X. e4 C( K4 O- i-----------------选择:      / W* Q: H! f0 o% B/ Z
49.  This company provides a very good( )service for its products.5 @* j; C; U' i
A. maintenance
, L7 {8 e: r! I$ mB. merit
& t* d/ e( D( R4 ~C. philosophy
+ E4 J: _, d) w5 N. n" qD. pigeon; ?' k7 B: |1 L2 T; I' l
-----------------选择:      & N7 M" V# l2 S+ D" Y! e" C
50.  Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills( )people each year than automobile accidents.+ C' z/ Y% g- M/ r+ T
A. seven more times2 m  Q0 X+ a0 ]8 w# u
B. seven times more
+ J, C# w) l# X" a& V- m) bC. over seven times
4 {4 ]; @4 w3 [D. seven times
0 [9 N0 b4 T+ o- s-----------------选择:      ( i& `  w+ F, E8 K$ U

) F1 O! w6 e+ @% j; U) p
8 p! \+ v2 |+ z- u: |
# @" b4 d1 Y  e( T谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。


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