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发表于 2015-1-2 12:25:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 C5 ~- M" L0 m! {1 v) s/ S3 S
. Y  J2 l$ ^- w5 T" s  I一、单选(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  According to the article, there should also be limits on the number of hand guns that can be purchased in ____.# c6 ~! U8 K1 n6 n9 v+ r! W! y
A. half of a month+ {4 U, }& i7 P3 @
B. a month; f* c" l6 R4 Y$ B$ l
C. two months
2 I5 J* E( Z/ c8 ^/ P+ i4 lD. three month2 @& b$ V$ B$ q: ~: ^' h
      满分:2  分) k4 U# m7 `& r1 Y3 K4 a  v8 D9 D; U5 }
2.  Where can you get therapy for marital problems ?5 i5 l7 w% {; h/ a) e, n' s
A. free counseling groups
+ P% @8 n0 {. x" h, c6 ?6 _B. a doctor
; j: F; `! N* O0 L0 ^C. marriage-education course* t2 o# [2 o& V( d
D. your neighbour
. |. o2 Y0 Q/ d" u  A% I      满分:2  分
$ p: _, Y  T! `' G% K7 j, c3 X3.  brunt
2 ?& D7 X, J4 u. B4 EA. I the main impact or force, as of an attack
. t: W, X- K" ?4 R1 U# y! RB. destroy
" [% t" `$ }7 K% c7 D$ DC. very rude" W/ V  Y$ V" ^7 W, W( y, ^% v" I
      满分:2  分
9 v8 f2 w4 \3 }2 e% i/ C4.  collaboration
$ }+ D8 H. m) z/ m" ?A. to express sorrow or regret, {# f# u  I) v0 Y( h# S7 f: {
B. working together, especially in a joint intellectual effort
7 ?/ t9 S* h6 d7 M6 |1 eC. future generation
0 u' ]# C2 Q1 q4 w- s      满分:2  分
3 T0 m, x, U$ |8 O% Y1 F1 [; ]5.  prudent
/ z- s3 S& E6 P  C: b1 F; DA. careful, circumspect
: |/ ?+ X# `9 f% n# f1 a7 |B. surprising or astounding+ j3 `* f+ w0 c- y% c$ H4 a
C. of two races
7 c1 O( q' C8 T; t' y9 v      满分:2  分
; q4 R# B0 n9 o6.  avowal
, X) D& H5 E; dA. acknowledgment7 W! R; `# \% E/ l+ x2 }: ~6 ]
B. uncompromising6 r& B$ r$ }7 h" Q
C. please or satisfy& W) j) w$ w2 @4 [9 w1 j0 t9 H
      满分:2  分
3 }8 l/ I1 o  G  x; t7.  The percentage of ------ full-time faculty members has remained vitally stagnant over the last 20 years2 A! Z# T2 W0 P% b
A. African-American3 A8 W2 E" _, U9 Q4 G* P
B. Hispanic
) B4 T6 b1 h& I  F* y1 X% S7 h0 A# NC. Asian-American  ^7 w" @/ a% {7 C1 y% R
D. woman0 g1 [# ?: P$ C6 @4 P6 H) T' n) }
      满分:2  分, s% v' \( S* b, A9 u4 m8 {! |
8.  To what degree does the international demand for British beef had dropped? __________( ?: D* O5 j% Y& @
A. two
; ], R: J* E6 N' ^  KB. three2 a0 ~9 J5 g- L% C+ O/ E
C. five
8 }# n5 X% m& QD. zero
: _" l: m5 n5 D( ?  U      满分:2  分
) u3 a( y8 M- a9.  According to the report issued by the Independent Women’s Forum, ___college women regard marriage as their life goal.
( A& J# ^9 G& M: ?1 v) A2 kA. all) k6 e* F9 }& F
B. few4 B' r! I# {9 u* T0 s0 ?3 Q6 g
C. most  f; U  s) k: m9 ?. [2 [' `) e
D. some
6 B. |4 ?4 r0 s6 Q+ c, l      满分:2  分
; y' k' o8 J2 |; B8 \- k10.  According to most educators , __________ is not the virtues of homework.
/ ?/ W! y5 Z3 f; dA. building good study habits8 N; w4 z4 Q! {
B. building time-management skills8 A" Z) g! U' H* e
C. reinforcing the day’s lessons+ v2 H$ ?. n4 O' _, A+ j- N4 [9 P
D. crying jags
3 c- E: g) O- R- f# F2 r  k      满分:2  分, S3 g4 \' S9 ~( A3 `
11.  Schools attempt to gain an advantage in alumni giving; electivity; SATs and( E- g* R# c4 u7 a7 N
A. late decision
& T! C$ R+ F6 Z  E* l1 H+ u* O7 _! uB. early decision" z6 }, A; V+ @0 [& ^3 b
C. decision
4 r4 Y$ W' D3 iD. decision
  q" |& n2 c" i' |! K      满分:2  分
' c8 T8 ]( u- b12.  reprisal
' R3 z" T" ~, \& IA. work hard
! V2 v3 i* I; p+ ZB. never give up
# [2 A! X1 {& {* U. c  G. cC. punishing others for harm done to oneself# d: @9 q+ w7 {
      满分:2  分
! @' A4 w8 n$ n5 k& w% g, R# `13.  According to the text, it was Jordan’s ______ entrance into the NBA.
: M* ?9 G3 V. L8 }+ ?, f3 DA. first
+ y+ ~: M, r  _5 P7 FB. second
9 K: w. o* ?2 U0 {6 m3 oC. third' s' m; k4 D8 X/ a( q- S; S2 p
D. fourth
" d9 O: {4 W. `. Z6 _$ k      满分:2  分( n4 v  _7 M- e
14.  Psychologists believe that how a woman meets midlife ---------------the way she meets any change.
% k# e8 z) M3 V- B$ }A. has nothing to do with
0 H# z( X9 m: K. T3 VB. is consistent with# R8 P0 q' w' a+ h6 t. b
C. is different from
8 i! @% N: X" u* P% eD. is similar to. J  I7 d" R4 F' Z# B/ ?3 Y3 R) {
      满分:2  分
9 m/ m4 Z6 Q2 `0 ?& ?$ ?$ B7 W15.  Gorge W. Bush Jr. and Gorge W. Bush Sr. are the _____ father-and-son president.
6 ?8 Q; ~# Z3 D. Q( gA. first
% V4 r& X2 h0 a* X& D1 OB. second
) a0 y% b$ `! l5 j7 Y6 P) OC. third
' `8 _0 Q3 _) m7 B8 y$ c+ JD. fourth
: e; n  }9 ^+ L% c' A      满分:2  分
4 T* M. G* S+ D/ T$ x2 ~( [8 M! w16.  According to the spokeswoman for the American Association of Health    Plans, ____has outstripped the increase in Medicare reimbursement.6 I# c4 k: F2 T  P/ V8 x0 N
A. Medicare inflation
* {. S) a2 t1 _. B& m# j4 sB. drug cost5 q4 x. j& B2 P. j/ o
C. Mediaid inflation
9 ?' _& l6 X6 ^D. medical service fee
4 r2 Z- i+ Z* A% q2 D! d0 o  B      满分:2  分5 p# }8 Q: e4 z/ _& d) C  ]4 `
17.  ----- is a member of the minority who do have problems during menopause.
2 @# L" `* O9 @7 @A. Sonja Mckinlay
4 c" r+ @% \$ HB. Jamison! Z- F. j1 T3 j; L, L
C. Ravenna Helson) }: D# M1 [5 ~1 \! F4 L; |7 Y
D. Carol Ryff  C# ]( U/ |( X7 t- L* q7 J
      满分:2  分/ }2 A: A' @) o8 E4 \+ {# @' Q/ c0 T
18.  Which of the following is not of the qualities by which Carol has defined well-being?% x* I: o2 Q4 v
A. a feeling of growth as a person  r* M  q+ h' P, Z( f" a
B. good relaitionships
3 l& E8 {# R, v$ a8 XC. changeable emotion, p5 N) p/ W9 F4 K
D. independence1 X" p5 G+ y; |# a& @: e2 i4 M
      满分:2  分& K* p( V. m5 u5 x
19.  According to expert , ___difficult marriages can be salvaged.
  Q4 ], E5 }  S3 @- XA. all5 B- J( \  p- s# I# I. a
B. none2 q0 }3 q! N$ `" F- F% a
C. few
) Y! f1 s$ h  y8 l, x/ sD. most
, c6 s7 I' F) n% t      满分:2  分
" k0 G2 [5 Z: B) [/ c6 ^. W' Q20.  gripe! ?8 I2 J/ g1 B: D& m/ c" e, z
A. complain continually3 [! q+ I, s" P! b7 o  c) ?
B. incite, stimulate0 p# D. H8 X  ?
C. find fault and complain5 ]2 I$ C3 Z& Q6 k) [
      满分:2  分
% z4 T# M, x: L' k" U! [5 f7 H  d6 ]21.  The percentage of ------ full-time faculty members has remained vitally stagnant over the last 20 years。9 f+ a6 x; G* i4 ~- v( _5 h
A. African-American
5 \2 v- r. Y# A: q- jB. Hispanic; [# K0 t- p+ N, v6 H# A8 w
C. Asian-American2 V) F6 G. d* z0 t. G
D. woman2 W1 m8 m. D& v
      满分:2  分
7 T1 I; m) ^  f9 F8 W22.  Lana Staheli thinks that in order to get the marriage back on track, the couple should ___.( c# h! F  Q2 T; M4 `
A. set a regular time to discuss important issues( j% V( ~. |* {3 ?* ?( I+ K
B. seek therapists’ help) \) f4 a$ c" P$ m- {
C. admit mistakes/ \" u! u1 Y3 I) G8 d1 O5 f) Q( U; E
D. schedule playtime and go back to the way when they were dating so as to build some new positive memories.
' T8 l' I& n& ?2 }* |2 R" l) a* x2 T      满分:2  分
- \3 @, |+ M. y4 X23.  Where can you get therapy for marital problems?7 R! Y$ s3 U! \& o- }! B+ _/ B+ N
A. free counseling groups7 {9 `  ~% @! ?6 _: a' |) o
B. a doctor( D& v. Y' [: C
C. marriage-education course
) f6 g" B9 \4 i8 o, Z* }  yD. your neighbour
2 U0 D5 C2 \5 x0 S' u      满分:2  分
* J. z) r3 ^! K4 y  R24.  Which of the following statement is true ?
. z* b( C: z% X; x1 ]1 PA. According to a 1999 study, women and minority doctoral students are more likely than white male doctoral students to want to be faculty members.
( _6 N" n) M, }9 V/ e8 G' r1 PB. Regrettably, without this kind of internal pressure, the professoriate is likely to remain relatively homogeneous even as the student well served by this trend.
% i( F/ X6 H8 @3 \2 Y: {C. Women make up only one-quarter of all full professors, earn considerably less than men at every rank and hold a disproportionately high number of part-time and nontenure track positions.1 A( C, B1 d1 R: J
D. Numerous studies, including our own, have shown that women and minority professors do not experience social isolation any more.2 W* b: w, M5 a+ Z7 @0 o6 V/ k) I
      满分:2  分- E5 V2 h& \. q9 o7 I
25.  According to the text, in conducting the report for the women’s forum, 1,000 women enrolled at ___colleges were surveyed., E% a8 H( E, O5 {
A. religious9 B1 b$ x, v$ b. \
B. three-year, i1 o/ V) p; Z$ A/ A
C. four-year religious, e! m7 ]8 b& {5 `/ `( M! S
D. non-religious; @1 u5 n5 E! g4 u* M. ]8 |. z
      满分:2  分
- L4 @8 m. A) B# A26.  The 1996 welfare law took away the right of most ___ to collect government food aid.2 t" T9 p. E3 q; L4 i2 z# I
A. African Americans9 `2 P& p  O! F' T
B. laid off workers9 l% v6 R3 ~  k  r0 s
C. illegal immigrants+ U/ ^! d+ T- M" s9 f$ X$ J
D. legal immigrants" ^" O+ x0 S2 h: A  j% g
      满分:2  分0 L' l. X0 C  H8 [4 B
27.  intriguing
+ Y: K. W1 i2 h5 ]0 TA. interesting
  }! L: i/ N% N$ _* \: wB. common
& T% i3 w' A( p# wC. probably
* u, C  f& g! t1 J; w) T- W1 g6 `      满分:2  分* y+ J5 {7 ~0 H0 H. S+ C# t
28.  offset$ G( S: c2 Z! q- P, k1 v, n( V! ?
A. come to an end
1 B1 {" [# c2 z; TB. struggle( V7 Q* Q9 W2 o$ ]0 Y+ D
C. to compensate for sth.
  n9 a$ s7 |. p0 b! O! |' I' c      满分:2  分; ~8 t& R4 d) L/ u
29.  daunt
: H$ I# ]3 g3 J# G8 s8 H/ bA. awareness of a moral aspect
% Y/ F+ |  m" z! c/ N& O  gB. supremacy
; B# C1 D& w# O! j/ H0 A6 C2 I8 P9 QC. discourage
- `8 k9 A. x+ {7 V7 @      满分:2  分; w* C2 m! k, g1 {/ m
30.  grab& B" O; H  y7 R# }9 Y  m) A* `  f
A. to have or take
/ E* g8 o9 N" ]; j- @B. to abandon
5 d' R% w9 }+ u2 \C. hard working( {$ `) N& r  x; s2 J6 [. S8 g3 A3 {
      满分:2  分
# [: O* [+ V& Q/ o$ c+ ?
) Z* B1 K# h9 a二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Officials in the USA held different views of their action to Iraq.
+ X7 {4 W0 b6 ~' RA. 错误5 m9 e4 N$ o; {+ w
B. 正确
1 C* j. F+ W  L      满分:4  分+ m# w& a, ~# S- F/ @, T: W1 d
2.  British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth.
- ]3 |  [) S% hA. 错误
. b' b2 n; l5 y6 A; f" O" [B. 正确
2 l6 e% U3 T* P      满分:4  分* J1 h2 F5 x% J5 Q
3.  Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy as being imperfect----but the best that man had yet devised.
4 o5 h# p8 v" K$ _) Z$ PA. 错误
" G$ P* g- D  jB. 正确
' w7 C% l( s( Q$ v: _* I9 Y      满分:4  分, ~+ T) {, p" h% E
4.  The old rule for a polite conversation is: Never mention the topic of sex, religion and politics.4 |% Q8 Y# i; u% W( Y( D: D
A. 错误
0 Y& t% H9 d0 MB. 正确1 w! X; v  Z0 P& u! E
      满分:4  分- [* w4 P9 Q( d* @2 k, \; g
5.  It is one of the great strengths of monarchy that it has never taken sides in any political debate, that it shows itself, as an institution, to be evenhanded.
6 F5 g! m3 R6 x" sA. 错误* ?6 W0 ^5 N4 o  e5 m7 j- Y0 [) p
B. 正确5 K% G, S" }5 |6 u' ?
      满分:4  分  q7 t, N9 K+ r; q$ {
6.  Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy as being imperfect----but the best that man had yet devised.$ J0 Q/ |4 E# i' \
A. 错误
9 W# |: Z' M) t; _* w& b- `  jB. 正确
7 u0 W  M8 g$ y  e5 z6 T9 ^& u! r      满分:4  分2 n& ~- ~& c# x; o7 X; y" c
7.  It is one of the great strengths of monarchy that it has never taken sides in any political debate, that it shows itself , as an institution, to be evenhanded .
' i9 y8 E2 {" rA. 错误
; o% V6 K/ V& Z) NB. 正确
9 ^$ E3 U) ~+ \' r      满分:4  分
1 x5 ^: T9 ^! I2 b3 B  F" k8.  Poverty rates among Hispanics remain low
& s! R) W; H- t4 R* i( }4 M: tA. 错误0 S- h  m) [. |  O6 y" U
B. 正确! g8 ]" F* b& L, y: n2 ]$ U
      满分:4  分  \8 n7 g6 w$ T  j" u
9.  Ecstasy, once a club drug for the élite, is suddenly flooding frat houses and high schools.* S6 ^; Q5 t4 S% [* d
A. 错误
" a5 J7 |: O$ e+ nB. 正确
5 L8 z  ~' Y: U4 L) b      满分:4  分
7 v& q; F3 D0 @( k( D- s10.  Queen Elizabeth2 cannot choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament or declare war.0 H  i" o; N# p$ E; ^: s
A. 错误7 [7 M' {; k" _
B. 正确
/ Q8 a1 e1 m# v# S      满分:4  分
- p' p/ E- m5 T( G" c5 ~
# O# ?- h8 T3 ]% [) `谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。
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