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发表于 2015-4-15 10:00:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。/ G1 I% G- ?! C; c) _

6 H2 ?& n4 t: _/ E6 Z! z3 Y. w一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  A number of paintings in the castle are believed____________in a fire.. I/ p# {. V2 t1 _3 \) {& \/ [
A. being destroyed
- l3 e' V: C, WB. having been destroyed% d2 X# ~! y8 G( ^% Q* o
C. to be destroyed) I. E+ l) h; X
D. to have been destroyed
/ R, S7 @" N; l! f& c8 g9 x5 C0 E      满分:4  分0 u# ?. \9 z  T- X& C8 D' d
2.  One____________if one breaks the law.
% c' K, p$ [5 iA. will be punished
$ c3 n) a/ e1 d3 p% H. }0 _  RB. will punish. e& C; q; }, i+ T! f" z" E
C. is being punished) [/ E/ M: n1 T. C% i4 I; \
D. has been punished
  m0 S3 z2 B4 Y0 i& C( s3 k5 d      满分:4  分% X: W+ M& [$ @
3.  By the end of 2020 China ____________much stronger and richer.. t' U" Y( l  }% y$ V  C
A. will become0 N! ^1 Q" A3 I3 S
B. would become, m7 x& k5 v- h1 g$ n: I
C. is becoming
$ \) w# `* \% d' B+ w7 ^D. will have become
6 ^8 T+ u4 F! ^- S      满分:4  分' @3 M9 q7 x1 {
4.  The song ____________by children.
" Y, [5 j" |" YA. is often sung
  }4 z1 H9 l/ l% \3 Q' JB. was often sung6 Y$ g' i; ^9 f0 k" ^: [) d
C. sings
8 V" q- H) d% X) T( q1 W3 z. tD. has often sung
. p, f( ?7 D, R6 n2 e0 t) {, M7 p( c      满分:4  分
% z- M- P* _  z8 ]0 r5.  Kate said that ____________.
4 ]; z$ d4 A, V/ x4 |6 [  V" nA. she had finished writing the composition the night before
% G& h1 U' J: z% c* X7 H% XB. she had finished writing the composition last day
3 i6 P9 J  X; I( oC. I finished writing the composition on the last night$ l' b. i; V8 \  P
D. she finished writing the composition before the night$ Z+ ?& `; t$ @* c( D! e' ~
      满分:4  分  ~" q- d# H2 {3 y( {
6.  The purpose of new technology is to make life easier,____________it more difficult." q- r$ o9 w$ Q! S" H1 @; i
A. not making- t& t$ ?$ E& D2 D
B. not make
# k) ]( C9 m+ p& r4 xC. not to make) o9 P( Q2 [- i/ b- \* H0 T
D. nor to make
% I+ K7 v; ]9 Z) K5 `      满分:4  分9 E* m1 O$ m7 n- x- I
7.  It is a problem that doesn't need____________right now.
8 P6 F% w! R+ c7 r  A3 J& ~# q2 FA. to solve
+ O6 g4 n0 U( I' x; F& O/ ZB. solving  Q/ |8 a, f- d$ o
C. being solved6 |2 D6 U  y/ X# q- a: \
D. to be solving
" [% Z' \: m, y# X. w% t% h      满分:4  分. j1 J; T5 H/ J7 K1 I0 k7 E4 k+ p" P: Y. F
8.  If you____________quiet, I'll tell you what happene##9 z% T. w1 V8 P- Q
A. be1 ~" G! |# b; Z5 s( E- I4 B
B. are to be- E$ X- k; w$ {
C. are8 t+ i1 G$ t: u2 Y5 `
D. will be6 X# |* A/ c! f: `8 n2 B
      满分:4  分8 U7 ~( k1 m. y, @& P/ l; t
9.  He ____________the Communist Party____________2002.
/ V+ n0 N  U$ z- CA. has joined, in
% ]) F3 d% f, c$ n' [3 ~3 oB. has joined, since, \4 U9 W8 y' H+ e
C. joined, on
+ E( A9 p2 y# Z6 Q1 c/ L6 [D. joined, in
2 V2 f2 }4 l! J; B3 z6 U      满分:4  分0 v, A* K5 C  v; w; d& I# w& D
10.  There's a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means____________trouble.
# I0 O6 J) Z- r! i& `A. making
# N- \  x1 p- b/ S. D8 {) K+ BB. to make
5 u, T1 ?$ N. W' oC. to have made
7 F  @8 r) L; D7 L. p1 ^4 ]D. having made
+ R2 m5 s  N) q( V) }      满分:4  分& n$ b/ [( c, V- \7 o5 }
11.  The teacher asked us ____________ so much noise.+ I  \$ S  k( Y' M
A. don't make$ p, ]) I9 s! O( h
B. not make. b& N/ C; h6 r  c
C. not making+ [: Z% W4 s' A* T3 K3 z4 Z
D. not to make
" q2 z$ t3 {) j( G      满分:4  分
& ~$ y0 y5 D$ H1 P1 I' t12.  My classmate____________a lot of good deeds for others.
2 q8 F7 {) W9 b2 IA. has been done( j2 N) Q) b% x/ [3 c2 `- I2 S
B. did
) w  C! d9 R- c7 P, R4 J4 WC. was doing
8 V8 S1 }6 ^5 U+ PD. had done+ r( [% C- g' A" n1 d* B1 T
      满分:4  分+ ~! ~3 @, X. K+ k
13.  — You should have thanked her before you left.— I meant____________, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.1 C3 F6 a9 Q" J7 F2 `; [
A. to do
! B. m. y' ]9 O9 B; uB. to
# m  z* i; r, R, T/ PC. doing
- I5 l. C5 U$ R% wD. doing so0 }7 A1 t( V  _& h
      满分:4  分8 p& q8 w/ p* q9 O' s4 `. A1 y
14.  "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." "Oh, not at all. I ____________here only a few minutes."4 B; L# X" C: ^0 m0 a4 v- N
A. have been5 w( |6 r" f/ d
B. had been7 C# P0 z' P* X) i
C. was# P. p1 J) j5 O# l
D. will
4 [7 H4 H1 t9 O9 f5 ~" w$ W) L6 d/ M      满分:4  分. R! |( y: f9 o7 s
15.  An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered____________clear warnings before firing any shots.! S. O& _3 W) Y2 D, z
A. to issue
5 y! t5 e. J# ]+ l+ @1 h+ d# VB. being issued
+ S+ z! g. ?! F9 rC. to have issued
/ E) X$ @- [$ V- x3 ~D. to be issued
; D' O6 G- o3 D9 Q      满分:4  分4 c* m4 V1 Q6 ~2 F0 A
16.  I remember____________him____________the bike needed____________.
% a: [+ Y/ R9 PA. hearing ... saying ... to repair
7 o7 Y7 g* x; G  [: @5 [B. to hear ... say ... to repair
( j4 U0 h0 T, Q. p# BC. hearing ... say ... repairing3 D# k1 R3 }4 P- U0 h( h
D. to hear ... saying ... to be repaired
7 X3 c5 `( H. n2 G8 Z7 @      满分:4  分6 y' t( q  T  V7 E8 {4 F; a
17.  As a result of my laziness, I failed____________my work in time.
; p# t8 N* \4 T$ l; t% ~A. and finished5 f8 w& m" h& w, G9 ]3 S
B. to finish4 M6 u3 M4 {2 [/ s! x0 d! I0 s
C. and finishing
$ _3 Q. L/ h- _9 z( SD. to finished
2 @7 q/ U7 f7 R# q' l      满分:4  分% w7 X# ?& Q8 T5 h/ d. [* y) v: ~
18.  John does a lot of housework every evening, but now he ____________his schoolmates with their lessons.$ ~. H- p) T5 R% M# }# f
A. help. }) `0 b4 L- D1 {8 c7 @
B. is helping
# G) D3 S  R/ ]( A# y: JC. helps
6 I+ K8 f  D5 m0 E# o: K" \D. has helped
$ B8 g0 G8 K; v0 i1 }$ S      满分:4  分
: n: t0 E9 u: t6 y7 n0 c3 z( y! c19.  The event ____________ at the time last year.
# ~) S( k# l3 e$ D$ ~A. happens
- i$ F5 R  N9 P0 a0 uB. happened3 Q; Y% u" ?# w0 `, S# V6 x2 \/ N5 t
C. is happened, o6 q9 `  r2 R8 ~/ E) i' {
D. was happened$ y" \- F8 j9 }9 {
      满分:4  分. q) ^( p% N$ O$ T% C' J  J! W
20.  He ____________ not to leave waste paper in public places any more.; R# R7 _( A1 v; o, B6 `. |+ a
A. warns6 }: J3 }5 u& A) O8 ~* b( i7 R
B. warned/ u, ~% A  \9 T, [4 C8 _4 n6 q
C. is warned
+ a2 K" \+ P2 o5 _D. was warned
8 Y) N$ S, C. X, i      满分:4  分" F8 O9 l6 o9 Y
21.  This company was the first____________portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.* ^% R8 v. J4 B1 ^/ ]
A. producing
# t6 {/ B+ S, H" I2 I/ Y  f, aB. to produce# a+ X) p8 U5 M. B, w* w( g6 K
C. having produced1 e/ Z, r4 z/ R2 f- X  n& }- U
D. produced
  l8 {/ Y9 O0 H2 B: S      满分:4  分7 L- }" ?  v( |, X4 m9 R+ X! c
22.  Don't worry. Everything will____________in time.
0 E( p8 f# U8 d+ [: y' W' xA. be finished
. |2 i( V- c. o" |. l8 bB. finish8 e$ Y2 ?6 r: g
C. finished) K* o" D) J0 [0 U0 V
D. be finishing  p3 D- N0 u# t7 e1 \, D4 W- J
      满分:4  分: h; F- X# R: X
23.  Jack____________ in the street when I____________on him.% `8 a$ b. \1 S& i0 c: V( o% _
A. walked...called
2 {/ F1 V# J' J- ~9 v, z( HB. was walking ...?was calling$ t! E0 N+ `7 q" d/ E4 O$ ]1 [
C. walked ... was calling
, y( |) m) S6 u% D& z9 J. S0 bD. was walking ...?called
- u4 U3 K4 m% c: Z! Y; }- B      满分:4  分0 ]+ m  [: d2 v) e1 k2 T, \
24.  That factory ____________ nearly 50 years ago.
- ~( Q7 ^( Q( D# ]- i% U5 iA. has been built& B( _( r/ A6 U- f
B. had built
1 @, x( `) l3 Z* `C. was built
! ~4 [4 [6 K0 c) ID. has built. r' M. B  n2 n; s
      满分:4  分
; C7 F$ `$ D5 Q& g( r, m25.  I'm going to Xi'an next week. Have you anything ____________to your parents?) V: p6 j7 B7 ]
A. to take' ^8 P0 e9 P9 {9 o6 i
B. to be taken% r% I+ X9 ?# k. N0 u4 i- K
C. to be bought to0 k, M1 q# s( [5 p
D. to buy
* {8 O7 H/ y0 x" h- `8 E      满分:4  分
! X# c! ~- \& f- Z9 t
5 @) v% \$ o8 {' s谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。


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