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发表于 2015-5-22 18:15:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、多选(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.  Synecdoche is NOT used in ________.
$ v* c/ S$ g  j* G, h7 PA. But there is a man in my office, a Mr. H., who proses it away from morning to night, …2 |- T. |" @+ c9 @! _- ]
B. Surely, humor is the saving grace of us, for without it we should die of vexation.. I3 n( W2 u/ |
C. It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge-hammer.
/ O5 \  Z# Y2 Y( S% ~" y! sD. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress, much given to a teasing inconsistency and for ever demanding to be wooed – “lest too light winning make the prize light.”
3 M; I% {# w- a1 B6 V, k      满分:2.5  分
# f1 v) a0 J4 X! f2.  Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of parallelism?. I# o6 _9 ^& E  |2 N
A. The more the music reminds them of a train, a storm, a funeral, or any other familiar conception the more expressive it appears to be to them.0 z& B) O0 U3 C( G7 e) K
B. Perhaps an analogy with what happens to us when we visit the theater will make this instinctive correlation clearer.: b$ ?7 T1 j% b: R
C. Music expresses, at different moments, serenity or exuberance, regret or triumph, fury or delight.; o8 i5 u) I$ I5 `5 R
D. Is it pessimistically sad or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad?
! d( S% Q9 s) C+ n      满分:2.5  分
* C- j3 q) A& J1 ]2 Y) s3.  Which sentences apply the rhetorical device of metaphor?1 ~, l8 s) e8 u1 p4 U; m; O" b' L
A. When food is merely a pretty cascade of viands, with the texture of boiled cardboard and the flavor of library paste, it may be the instinct of genus homo to go on eating in the unconscious hope of finally satisfying the ageless craving of the frustrated taste buds.
* T  j% S" }, i7 D. j" JB. It is, however, “deep-freezing” that has really rung down the curtain on American cookery.1 S( s& `/ F1 t
C. What they’ve done is to develop “improved” strains of things for every purpose but eating.* F; u! N* F8 q$ ]+ `# ~
D. The victory of vivisection marks a great advance in the triumph of ruthless, non-moral utilitarianism over the old world of ethical law;…
* m  |2 Z" ^; {5 {      满分:2.5  分" p+ A+ q% B0 Q; [4 m, J* t' P
4.  Parallelism is used in ________.
0 R8 a( U8 \; s! L- M' GA. It is women who can bring empathy, tolerance, insight, patience, and persistence to government …5 v; o7 [) O- `4 v) X+ [$ Z
B. The women of a nation mold its moral, its religions, and its politics by the lives they live.6 {2 d: g; _8 k
C. Why are women thought of as secretaries, not administrators? Librarians and teachers, but not doctors and lawyers?
1 Z6 E0 N, S9 x6 {! ^& L. ?  i, F4 lD. “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done …”
: x0 z4 F/ N( j8 `      满分:2.5  分 1 k- e8 \6 J" G7 u3 b$ I
; t5 O$ C( R* i, R& P7 D* \8 f
二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)V 1.  (The Tragedy of Old Age in America) The author implies that it is only natural for employers to practice job discrimination against the old.
* ^9 ]: w: e3 R6 LA. 错误+ _& m% H8 a5 E% O
B. 正确6 l, k, A0 p$ U1 X, u& N2 {5 E
      满分:2.5  分- u9 u+ }+ Q- c" j) J8 v; W$ W
2.  Some idealists can choose the fourth alternative because they are more practical, though no less determined, in changing society.! S2 K7 B8 E7 x
A. 错误) Q0 ], `- K2 ]4 l! a7 z* V0 m
B. 正确& N2 e( q9 x7 _& }0 S
      满分:2.5  分. u; A# V2 R& A, L# E, A9 r# t+ V
3.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers took special care of Marguerite only because she liked her.( n- L) @9 M1 N$ t& h8 h
A. 错误  ?9 m! L  F7 M1 {6 G- Q
B. 正确
7 [4 ?' k5 u4 b, ^0 Q3 P      满分:2.5  分4 Z8 D. Y$ o- ~" s/ c( i
4.  (Four Choices for Young People) The author disagrees with those who take it for granted that our society is imperfect.
: M: m4 X. v9 OA. 错误' L- @0 Z5 _$ b2 |8 W
B. 正确3 Y0 Y9 h7 n7 P! h& y
      满分:2.5  分
' z" [; \; n0 S$ B5.  (A Lesson in Living) In Marguerite’s mind, Mrs. Flowers was a god-life figure.
0 ^8 `4 j6 C, }9 a# ~8 W4 p5 qA. 错误* }" A) \+ i0 W; p3 k: |, f
B. 正确
2 G5 K1 ~0 n" t' k* ]2 _) U( l      满分:2.5  分* \" m9 J1 O9 F- C
6.  The Kaiser was impressed by the British naval review and decided to build a powerful navy for himself.  g9 w$ t4 ^* k- x! `* z0 l9 {7 m
A. 错误) D/ l$ i& ?7 O
B. 正确
3 `4 ?3 C# G. ?$ T8 v: p2 t      满分:2.5  分
, C0 z* o2 U' ~* k+ z4 R0 V7.  (The Spanish Bullfight) The writer says that a foreigner’s attitude to the bullfight should be one of extreme indignation.
/ T2 j; I* ~2 ]! {4 O% }A. 错误3 a4 \$ N$ S; B* U5 ?; t' @7 L
B. 正确
$ M$ F% A; C- Y+ C* e# u& J5 [      满分:2.5  分
) O% Q" Y! w# y6 V# z7 \8.  (I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) The Watts riots give rise to a flourishing of ghetto literature and art.  ~/ Y( Y* q6 H$ l0 Y& m7 I) f8 {6 F
A. 错误6 ^0 i7 |6 E9 r9 P
B. 正确. V3 l, a- Y9 q# t( o
      满分:2.5  分
* W# z+ Z( y9 `# X  g9.  Before Sanders enrolled in Yale Law School, Watts was already a topic for discussion on the campus.
' |8 j1 D7 V1 {$ @A. 错误
( m8 S/ h8 J. R% ~, b9 a/ IB. 正确
4 }+ `$ M9 |2 y9 t  e      满分:2.5  分" I6 n/ C3 `+ Y' \3 d, \/ V+ {5 q
10.  Young people doubt that the older generation are capable rulers and should, therefore, be their teacher.
3 D$ W' q# X2 T+ ~7 n5 EA. 错误1 `( G: ?7 j3 F6 C
B. 正确& x0 E0 C- R% I/ I$ M2 C
      满分:2.5  分/ V( t6 Y7 z8 }" P) C
11.  In New York, and in a couple of other cities in the U.S., the newspapers have ceased to play a significant role as a medium.
7 r1 a' J6 t0 g# C* }A. 错误& \4 j& E+ E: f' K1 G
B. 正确
- l5 s: }1 O( {4 V% [$ v      满分:2.5  分3 |# ^* g; D5 A* N
12.  (I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) The author is the first Congresswoman in the history of the United States.
8 x- r; @! k, \" {4 QA. 错误8 s4 l* T9 {7 X3 X  d3 Z  @5 ~) q) ]0 a6 M
B. 正确4 O' K) J2 S, V% P$ i# M8 s
      满分:2.5  分
. X5 s0 M8 g* e13.  (Why I Write) Orwell believes that talented people have individual ambition which is a motive to drive them on.
7 B* w* V  _; N7 `% E# yA. 错误
0 M& R% n4 N7 m: v8 K! t) ?% C( qB. 正确/ f3 j' n2 m; A! y) x& M0 w
      满分:2.5  分/ I' x% F  X+ ~8 Z& O  _
14.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers read to Marguerite a poem from the book A Tale of Two Cities.7 H7 s4 N) D. [# |4 I8 q
A. 错误
  x! R. I8 D6 D. ]. CB. 正确' d- k0 a8 N  Z. G" F2 G8 `
      满分:2.5  分9 O+ f- p2 n- B% W
15.  (Rock Superstars) To become a rock star seems to be the fastest way to fortune and fame.
4 q4 \* I7 ~+ @6 f4 T" h# KA. 错误
! f, i( r, s: E5 n. zB. 正确5 ?- Z9 A/ ]  e  y( f5 g/ P
      满分:2.5  分
$ {% L  V" ]! B3 h, o7 Y& T8 r16.  Priestly doesn’t like Lamb’s letters.
/ F( R( a" \8 p5 Z, C# t! cA. 错误
: o* W& A/ O/ v. f9 YB. 正确
" a" l- G+ l* ~8 ]6 q) S      满分:2.5  分
4 o) T$ R- D, X- O17.  The Watts riots gave rise to a flourishing of ghetto literature and art.
0 X1 y; ^) l1 w$ E1 O! t! m9 |A. 错误
$ W. }* m( M4 ^B. 正确0 h' _1 c$ e7 _( g: h. x3 v
      满分:2.5  分
8 b  ?9 s3 [- U, }5 c4 `18.  The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.
  z8 }& T. o9 A4 b2 ?: d4 LA. 错误
: E6 d/ o7 n, n4 g' aB. 正确0 D( i+ p2 h4 u
      满分:2.5  分
! R# r* y, n% V, y19.  When the male gorilla discovered the author and his party, he suddenly rose and was ready to charge at them.
; L  }7 W- i% T( yA. 错误
& Y  ]4 k* ^5 @, `' ZB. 正确
# h9 G) l: V8 d! o4 a. g* d      满分:2.5  分$ t; X2 M$ A/ o2 U! @
20.  (What’s Wrong with Our Press?) Documentaries on TV help the audience to digest the news and come to its own conclusions." P. J3 A! [: Q
A. 错误
, [0 v) R) e( A6 d3 UB. 正确
5 f! B1 N( u  M5 ?% F$ y, I+ h3 F      满分:2.5  分
2 S, c; j" ^- h; f4 Q3 Y3 m; ~4 }21.  (Eveline) What made Eveline pluck up her courage and leave for the station was that she didn’t want to live her mother.
5 r% i4 b7 G4 K0 v# SA. 错误% J9 p1 _. L: r2 P. \5 \
B. 正确! l& p, C, a* e; E& q
      满分:2.5  分
$ e) t0 b$ p2 {6 t" f4 X( g/ ?9 f22.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) When the male gorilla discovered the author and his party, he suddenly rose and was ready to charge at them., j  L5 ~+ d& x8 y; d
A. 错误
- y. q& x. R! q: Q* s5 }) QB. 正确* c+ u9 r2 q- z+ I7 e
      满分:2.5  分
8 [) P6 ^; M6 u& _) P( n23.  (I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) Racial climate in England, especially at Oxford, remained relaxed until the author wrote this article.
; U# g0 @& c- l( QA. 错误
" b* U" D4 m- F8 u; S1 ^B. 正确
6 G0 V1 v0 t$ z( m: i1 U      满分:2.5  分) q8 g" U  ~4 P5 r+ d
24.  Madrid is now the only city where you can see a bullfight.
: P4 f+ M: i  V+ m8 l% U2 W0 ^; [A. 错误
  k0 ^2 d, o5 }5 X) O% sB. 正确
9 F- v- L2 L! g+ f5 @" N      满分:2.5  分
% @2 u) ^9 U0 @- c8 G25.  Once talented young blacks have left Watts, they are not expected to return home and actually no one has done so.
9 c" q7 {, n/ ~, a' dA. 错误1 `, Q2 V5 j; k  h8 P- q1 O* W
B. 正确
9 y' L5 V) a! s      满分:2.5  分3 d* P# M1 Q" y: B. p* }* E3 u
26.  (The Spanish Bullfight) There are many symbolic acts in bullfight.
) r7 t$ O) Q) ^/ n2 eA. 错误
" y0 z2 u+ g; W7 tB. 正确
# J* }0 M+ D0 q9 l( K( Q- B      满分:2.5  分% T4 I1 E4 E2 n! K6 W. R3 W3 r
27.  Over the hours of climbing left the author exhausted, ready to give up the search for gorillas.+ {0 P+ H8 ]% E' N# X' T
A. 错误
! X& f/ c- p, {$ mB. 正确
% [2 Y3 ]7 y+ N" }# o" u      满分:2.5  分& m  c  ]5 l" l7 X; [
28.  She thinks, however, that most white Americans are now truly aware of prejudice against the black Americans.
9 o+ f' ~# D8 I' iA. 错误
  Z0 z1 T* X4 ~& oB. 正确; L5 t5 L# B+ K, ^# M
      满分:2.5  分! I. _! Q7 w! \& ]  J
29.  The quality of late life is determined by a combination of many elements.9 p4 f3 M: B. ^9 G
A. 错误
6 B8 Q: t0 ^7 [B. 正确8 w9 j9 |. p, _0 p- U
      满分:2.5  分
% a1 l0 z- l. ~8 |30.  (On Human Nature and Politics) The condemned murderer is displeased with those newspapers that make a big noise about his trial.
& l: D& _- X; K0 G2 IA. 错误
4 [  P/ {4 Q4 O9 p2 S' ZB. 正确- ^% s" R& W- `# I
      满分:2.5  分
" ~$ H( |' n+ q( x- ^31.  Huge clouds usually hide the peaks of these volcanoes from view.
% ^3 `5 b4 B: i) GA. 错误# f7 W. m- Z* j* p  f$ }, P) R
B. 正确
: f' D- J, o! M3 a" V2 `      满分:2.5  分$ p- Y, X9 z( i9 w8 U
32.  (What’s Wrong with Our Press?) Many newspapers are owned by one party.6 _0 S) X# ?% j3 P
A. 错误
) V3 O+ T: z; |$ m- `' J8 @; kB. 正确8 k) T% d# y( ?9 R
      满分:2.5  分
/ Q- j' k) \4 T9 |  G$ a33.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers understood Marguerite’s feelings better than Momma did.& h! l  Z) y9 W8 W- H
A. 错误; \5 `8 F, b+ r2 _6 X& X
B. 正确, l9 ^7 E" h9 R2 n& @/ s. f
      满分:2.5  分( X* v# ?; r; j+ U* A
34.  (I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) The author spent twenty years doing all the routine work only to get her male colleagues elected to important positions.
$ S4 Y8 C4 I4 n8 k6 W/ mA. 错误/ S+ N  u, u( l/ L  {; |
B. 正确
6 S4 M3 ]+ d8 U# H3 w) G  ?      满分:2.5  分
' z& x) V! v, F2 g35.  Mrs. Flowers said she would punish Marguerite severely if she failed to use her books properly.
: q3 W5 v+ {* X2 I, N- nA. 错误
' F' D& P" T- M# K* |B. 正确
3 `8 c$ Z! _' L      满分:2.5  分
# ?0 D8 g( L  J( o36.  According to one rock music critic, the teenagers express their rebellious attitudes through rock music.
# H0 c  c* v+ k2 K- F. x4 z) O; iA. 错误7 d" [, B( X, X, H: w
B. 正确1 R& z  X7 A8 P( z
      满分:2.5  分   \; x! G3 {/ `6 `) r+ @

7 L0 W# y4 B7 p3 Z2 E* B! J/ L
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