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发表于 2015-8-13 10:35:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  The sentence “My father has deceased to join the heavenly choir.” is of ____A. the formal style
9 P  Z: h! K# Q; p" \( I5 F& EB. the frozen style
& l, \+ D- `. B9 R7 zC. the casual style* U; g+ n$ Z9 K! I1 B
D. the intimate style
1 J+ ~( N$ g" b! b. I% T      满分:3  分! `( h, \  n) U$ T  l, U8 C
2.  The process that puts an existing word of one class into another class is ______.A. Conversion
* x% P7 F& Z7 q5 Q5 |B. Abbreviation$ s9 P" i$ _) y# j1 `
C. Eponyms9 N: O3 P  H5 Q* c
D. Blending" A+ G. D& ?# H) g5 v
      满分:3  分
- N, z1 J7 s( M. g, w3.  Analysis of ______ necessarily involves the interpretation of what people do through language in a particular context.A. intentional meaning; S: k8 Q$ B9 y8 K% Z' p
B. conventional meaning
( X$ {) w0 c" I* n- A+ AC. syntactic meaning6 X* f6 m0 n! N, Q6 P+ a6 j
D. semantic meaning# w' a) I& m% M8 ~( |- b7 y
      满分:3  分4 Y  d: f1 I6 z: `
4.  The road was (enlarged) last year. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Conversion0 w& T  m9 g; C
B. Derivation
. |, i  C+ d4 g7 y8 h6 J" R& _" RC. Blending! `; G5 }9 M6 q
D. Backformation
; O3 M2 x- B) P' V" z3 W      满分:3  分
) ^4 D  F2 L6 ~3 R5.  The followings are all features of language except __________.A. duality0 W) n. S) J6 x8 C0 s
B. productivity% h% p7 e) s6 s0 d  L
C. changeability
5 |: G: O) `6 C, JD. displacement
; c* H/ |, G9 n% x. G! F% ^      满分:3  分+ |1 _+ r( _% j' b  j
6.  _____ is the approximate language system that the learner constructs for use in communication through the target language.A. Metalanguage- b" k( D* @- J' x" W4 g7 D7 m9 }
B. Interlanguage0 l# A1 ^, l3 @) R3 t) X8 X& {
C. Sign$ F6 Z. G0 L6 C( C* j
D. Esperanto: l3 P' w9 u  ^, v
      满分:3  分
$ Q( Q; h1 {" I( m7.  The language used to talk about language is called .A. special language
. B5 @1 P8 S$ ?% D5 n$ ]7 MB. local language
& @; P6 J; o+ RC. metalanguage
9 Y6 n/ K' B# q$ H0 K. c* I  r2 dD. human language: F4 L+ O, w8 V4 [/ L$ W+ }
      满分:3  分
4 K  m& _0 c4 G- _. t& |  H; b! y7 x8.  What maxis of the cooperative principle do the following dialogue flouts? A: Macao’s in Spain, isn’t it, teacher? B: And London’s in America, I suppose.A. Quality$ [" J& I% `) G* V) k! g: \
B. Quantity
# q' J( P1 I. N2 K: G8 d4 YC. Relation4 a" m% d8 K2 _! r* T
D. Manner
4 A5 A/ a) ]4 U+ L0 S; B( X' ^      满分:3  分( S9 c7 f# U4 l8 p- \
9.  ______ is used between very close friends and family members.A. The consultative style; K5 W1 V: X9 ]0 l
B. The casual style
( |' z3 x4 W* O7 v' L) @C. The intimate style; ~6 W7 @/ a" H
D. The formal style6 H* z+ ^' v0 j$ ]
      满分:3  分+ l6 E# n( f0 I0 R3 Q' P' Y
10.  impossible (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Derivation
( S* @5 x& Y- B2 g( b3 e/ `B. Conversion
1 [3 X! p2 W9 W) C" NC. Backformation0 ~0 c- Q  t8 \% i( P$ Q: g# L
D. Blending
+ w# J1 p3 g6 j( F7 [# S      满分:3  分0 n& ]. \( |+ B
11.  What kind of pre-sequence is A’s first utterance in the following discourse? A: Do you know what I want to tell you about Mr. Smith? B: What? A: I saw him flirting with a lady at a party. B: Does his wife know that? A: Of course, she does. The lady is his wife.A. Pre-invitation0 \  _( E  _) Z9 g! \
B. Pre-request$ f9 M* ^( s8 v/ W
C. Pre-announcement( s& m$ i8 e2 l4 D: U" }1 ~
D. Pre-apology$ p% C9 H5 r6 p& \+ D( U
      满分:3  分
1 {* l1 a* B: q; P: l: n12.  ______ is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to varieties according to use.A. Register. O$ H) V) G" y
B. Dialect
  d! t  u% c7 O; A- g4 s1 E" e3 IC. Tenor
" E6 n: N7 a, d1 q4 ^* h- ^D. Variety
5 V/ r. ?4 s1 B: l6 k# T" E0 n7 c0 l      满分:3  分
4 O  e9 b7 {0 _, J, J7 G13.  __________ refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when sounds are produced.A. Voicing- b; ~9 u3 L3 X' x/ D, F
B. voiced
5 y5 C, o: v/ c3 C" u6 s/ B9 `C. nasalization
' X! m+ K, e/ e, M: G4 R' b% BD. aspiration
/ f! l$ m! O( h- P1 Z; B( e      满分:3  分2 d5 f: C! K- N; m
14.  The smallest distinctive linguistic unit that can contrast words in meaning and in form is called a ________.A. phoneme5 j, @3 _! i0 G2 K) k. X
B. phone
. |% `5 j7 x1 J8 Z5 F  x& \C. morpheme
! R9 E3 ~, L, H5 C( uD. morph7 `* B: R2 A4 i; e- o
      满分:3  分
' C& Q1 W) V- Y& b0 s1 b' H15.  refers to a specific-general semantic relationship between lexical items. Dog and cat are subordinates of livestock.A. Meronymy% j2 O9 N6 U$ s3 `
B. Hyponymy
5 W6 W. o" Q) i1 KC. Polysemy, J2 y2 g- G) c. a
D. Antonymy
9 X, y8 y/ D+ n7 H  E      满分:3  分
* k) o" P$ @- D6 s5 G; o. Z, S* [16.  ______ is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.A. A syllabus. j2 [; v% ^  S* y! C: ~
B. A textbook* X, h' q9 }5 T
C. An educational plan
9 n8 r% Y. D7 }! t& TD. A test$ o* B. x) e+ ?, e$ q% \+ `
      满分:3  分
8 {) t' p- {, k. f2 I+ @0 A7 X17.  Free morphemes were traditionally called _________, and bound morphemes affixes.A. prefixes  U0 u8 _' S# ^8 Q! Q; c
B. suffixes
$ h0 W$ _7 o" d3 N: \C. roots
3 ]9 b" O( U1 q( u: b) c8 J% MD. inflectional morphemes
+ s3 B" i6 d& T" t8 }      满分:3  分
# K3 w$ F! {: k( C18.  __________ is defined as the study of meaning.A. linguistics/ ~+ Z. r) I0 }$ f  X
B. semantics8 L3 Y9 V" b7 }' d1 w& S8 ~
C. morphology9 U6 D. I6 L. g) F# M8 F
D. pragmatics
" a* R3 N/ D' p8 U, D8 V      满分:3  分
" ]& ^6 U& @- u. M% N5 N19.  refers to the process through which people use language to classify the world around and inside them.A. Approach+ x6 u0 G$ H; c9 v* J! U' x
B. Categorization
! l9 b- F+ a6 P- BC. Prototype
0 @5 u: x: T2 {- H  S! U  FD. Cognition( d. N: r5 P, a9 o5 Q
      满分:3  分3 s" s* R; P8 i
20.  (Watt )is the measurement unit of electricity. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Coinage8 w+ g$ D4 w) B: ^1 y9 ?
B. Sound Reduplication2 w. \' ^! f  @6 p$ A' G; [' o
C. Clipping: p8 r! w2 N$ B: l- G
D. Eponym9 ~+ M9 C8 z+ X7 `" O% g9 ]) I
      满分:3  分   {' _% A1 n, ~- v
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Categorization refers to the process by which people use language to classify the world around and inside them.A. 错误5 Z4 D" z: {, L
B. 正确' {# j/ [# \2 |" F( F5 |: Z! H
      满分:2  分2 L" ?& y& t( A7 n
2.  Abbreviation is a process that puts an existing word of one class into another class.A. 错误
! t5 f* }9 i: Z7 q$ I/ w* FB. 正确
4 ~2 S$ Q* h3 Z9 \4 n      满分:2  分2 @/ s* h5 q1 b, L4 E+ E* Z# S) L
3.  Second language acquisition is a complex process which involves various factors.A. 错误7 M! P0 _% b( ]( [7 Z( w
B. 正确
( n/ ?( e+ K8 P      满分:2  分
% x& \$ g8 N' m' [+ S' H4 l8 t4.  The idea that people cooperate with each other in conversing is generalized by Grice (1975) as the principle of relevance.A. 错误
8 }0 x' T, X4 {( tB. 正确" c: y) P6 M5 v' F$ G' \  d' E  N. i
      满分:2  分
, k$ V9 r; j5 w, f4 p5 N& c. N5.  A syllabus is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.A. 错误
0 @/ x7 g$ W3 |( v; aB. 正确' @7 z* L, p7 I& x: `2 S' u
      满分:2  分7 Y$ X9 \4 |( i
6.  General linguistics is based on the view that language is a system composed of sound, structure and meaning.A. 错误
" \; k1 ^- k$ v# |% DB. 正确. \# n6 n, i  [% d
      满分:2  分8 o& s7 w5 w# D4 i' A; P
7.  The advantage of the structural syllabus is, to some extent, economical.A. 错误3 F. W( }- G  f4 f
B. 正确% ~. m7 s# q! t
      满分:2  分
. {; l6 w! U' e/ f8.  Arbitrariness is the first and foremost striking feature of human language .A. 错误' V5 `! I& f% _  p% b& E
B. 正确% \8 [; r; e4 v- ?
      满分:2  分7 g: A! F( d; y) e% R
9.  In English, the two liquids [l] and [r] are phonemes, but in Korean, they are allophones.A. 错误) C! z3 O8 _3 A& P1 J; l
B. 正确3 V. z% R# w5 A+ W6 f+ _1 O
      满分:2  分
) ~, P! `8 ]- Z' m  f3 W; F10.  The initial vowel in economics can be either of the two vowels [i:] and [e], which are in free variation.A. 错误
. {4 N' g0 v0 RB. 正确
; {6 m2 Y6 i+ C+ |# Q8 B      满分:2  分
& l' T+ n5 E( |/ X) o% t! r11.  The consultative style is used between very close friends and family members.A. 错误7 N$ c9 y: r$ V; q. ^; H" y) d5 k
B. 正确
4 h0 X2 `+ E- ]/ Z      满分:2  分
- W" \. @+ `* T$ H12.  The meaning of compounds is not always the sum of meaning of the compounds.A. 错误0 y! \4 x  K7 N
B. 正确% _/ Q# x  W& `9 n6 M
      满分:2  分4 X' ?2 F8 E; v. r
13.  Pragmatics analysis is concerned with speaker meaning.A. 错误
' ]' v8 n- K# X5 t1 lB. 正确6 ]0 u6 k: L- w7 a
      满分:2  分' H6 j" P9 A+ s" f
14.  Both pretty and handsome mean good-looking but they differ in reflected meaning.A. 错误* Z3 e* N/ ?5 i$ c* B
B. 正确' N9 ~2 T% S2 \! h1 N% X; v
      满分:2  分
+ g9 b$ p' z9 K. u3 j15.  Both pretty and handsome mean good-looking but they differ in social meaning.A. 错误
5 }/ N+ O: }; s6 V8 l& s% GB. 正确
+ H& G( P; f8 C9 z      满分:2  分* {( i5 K. o$ B4 {" O' Y
16.  Applied linguistic is concerned with the application of linguistic theories and descriptions in other fields.A. 错误
. W3 D! f, y+ N! B* f; x1 B; M- L& kB. 正确
& P( v: C6 i2 ~      满分:2  分9 V, l* h2 b$ u( P9 P$ @! s
17.  Morphology is defined as the study of the internal structure and the formation of words.A. 错误
+ _7 G+ O, V% u& _B. 正确
, @! L/ K0 O# q+ V  `7 I( M      满分:2  分; U; {, x8 r' H/ x  s
18.  Coinage is a process of inventing words not based on existing morphemes.A. 错误
% j- R2 Q& s* @2 RB. 正确) k9 j0 c- O; ?" O) k: ]$ w  u
      满分:2  分. _! v" L0 i/ A6 C. \# ]2 F0 D2 C
19.  Free morphemes were traditionally called prefix.A. 错误
0 u$ i. U  w8 P9 fB. 正确0 U0 \% M1 r( V# }
      满分:2  分3 J9 V  O7 B& u. G8 o7 y! q9 |
20.  Syntactically, Japanese is an isolating language.A. 错误
  [) ?, p+ H# C+ X" @& VB. 正确3 `# r/ M! \2 _( K* F) S' a
      满分:2  分 : @8 Z) D0 W& \  [9 z
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