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发表于 2015-9-26 11:12:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  ______ with the evelope res, people’s living stnr of this provine is not high t ll.
. ompre
. To e ompre
. Hving ompre
. ompring
2.  Regring  jo interview, though personlity is muh more importnt, on’t ______ the importne of hving  goo pperne
. overher
. overome
. overtke
. overlook
3.  efore you strte to ______, mke sure the ro is ler he of you; otherwise it might le to n ient
. overwork
. overtke
. overher
. oversee
4.  Every gift, ______, is in relity gret if given with ffetion.
. it my e smll
. though eing smll
. smll s it is
. though my e smll
5.  Mny people ______ it is helthy to rink  lot of fruit juie, ut tully it mges helth.
. onsume
. ssume
. resume
. relize
6.  The polie re trying to fin out the ______ of the womn kille in the trffi ient
. eviene
. reognition
. sttus
. ientity
7.  To his gret surprise, l's otor insists _____ for three months.
. tht he is resting
. tht he will rest
. his resting
. tht he rest
8.  ______ for your lziness, you oul hve finishe the work y now.
. e it not
. Hn’t een it
. H it not een
. If it e not
9.  He hsn't ome yet. Wht o you onsier_________to him?
. hppens
. hs hppene
. h hppene
. will hppen
10.  It is quite ______ tht the ommittee will ept our reommentions of revising the ontrt.
. like
. likely
. like
. likewise
11.  s  ______ womn, she ws then mong the few mothers who sent their ughters to shool n enourge them to tke prt in soil tivities.
. sensitive
. sensile
. sentimentl
. senseless
12.  Every oy n girl _____ not to swim in the lke, for it is pollute.
. hs een wrne
. hs wrne
. hve een wrne
. hve wrne
13.  One’s pperne oes not lwys ______ with his qulity, so on’t juge people y looks
. ompre
. oinie
. ollie
. ontent
14.  ut for his sister's help, I _____ the work.
. oul not finish
. woul not finish
. shoul not finish
. woul not hve finishe
15.  You sreme in your sleep lst night. You _____  terrile rem.
. must hve h
. must hve
. shoul hve h
. shoul hve
16.  No pln for the future will e eptle unless it ______ poverty n unemployment.
. olishes
. uses
. ompels
. ommits
17.  Plese keep n eye on the ki n his og ______ re wlking in the prk.
. whih
. who
. those
. tht
18.  nother omforting ft is tht only 14 per ent of our househol inome is spent on our mortgges ______ 40 per ent in the lte 1980s
. omine with
. elt with
. ompre with
. reple with
19.  He ws so shy tht he ws lwys ______ to shrink up whenever ttention ws fouse on him
. ttening
. intening
. tening
. pretening
20.  Theories hve een propose y stronomers to ______ eletril isturnes in the tmosphere.
. pply for
. llow for
. ount for
. ppel for


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发表于 2015-10-11 11:12:03 | 显示全部楼层

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