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发表于 2015-12-29 11:13:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  I still()the day I first met him.
# d& J8 Z% s0 P9 R* cA. remenber;4 K+ Q: ]4 ~3 @
B. memorize
3 b( x1 e5 |8 |3 q      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
* C# e. I1 C! k* Z1 i! j+ o2.  The marvels there()lots of tourists from all over the world.
8 m) U  b/ S) o' y9 sA. attract;% R9 o3 d  x- Z! S' ?
B. appeal
$ }2 s7 m, x( g& c( n% K1 I      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
$ H2 m. l" t/ {7 @% {, e- A3.  The manager()the meeting personally.3 {! o, `& R" A
A. attended;
6 [) N  s; f' x* Q% }+ E3 H( ?B. attended to1 i6 ~  T5 F, f9 F4 E3 [- u
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分% ~7 ^! w: h5 N8 v% b, W' D
4.  It was a funny-looking fish without().I had never seen that kind of fish before.
- L+ b" b& E2 Q/ PA. scales;
2 V. t% E% }1 P8 sB. skin/ C7 E! z4 G" F( Z, s  j, w
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分' N" o' J: p  d
5.  When it was announced that I was the winner of the award, for the first time in three months I felt that I had achieved().. I/ a7 I- }) j. J, ?4 @
A. anything;: q' m1 @: \4 [7 v1 ?/ f! i
B. something
& P& N  q2 A8 g+ Z      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
. u. z0 m! B) R& o$ z, i) a6.  I have often()making researches as Darwin did.5 ~7 U5 \3 h3 ]) x/ o8 K
A. thought of;; [" [8 B2 P. V7 R  C5 o8 X" p$ T/ Y, N" f
B. thought over
' e6 r* g5 q! z7 v; n      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
# {+ D: j# b& D( i- i7.  He said that it would be a simple meal. But it turned out to be a 11-()banquet.
, B2 h, A* T# c3 \A. course;* B* z) i. f+ p# Y
B. dish
- e" v3 b+ A+ ?8 ^5 ~5 x* B      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分' {0 @! C$ t. D! J( ]; s- d- X+ C
8.  () in my family ever told me that I was fat and that I should be on a diet.
. \7 T5 P- g- W+ w/ l' gA. nobody;
  Z3 D$ f9 Z: F8 d$ WB. no one2 B+ I$ q/ A8 ]
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
9 W! a8 m4 t* \9.  In this village women are left home to()their housework.% |  o3 n4 H4 K* p! a
A. attend;! P4 ?! u% ?8 m
B. attend to
" G+ F  H6 x- B, R+ s1 Q5 I$ K      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分/ c4 T  p' u. H* A5 q; m
10.  I think the door is locked. But I'll go and().
  k/ |  M; \# O, p  l6 LA. check;
! C: h2 [4 g. |3 W1 F+ iB. examine/ L3 J7 e" b6 y! t, G  L2 q
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分1 m1 P) h1 E; a$ I( f6 U" g% g, ]
11.  I'll go there with you if you(). But really I won't be much help to you.
) g7 m2 B& b4 F! r* ~3 `A. insist;. P, N6 j1 f% V% g! T. P3 z& E1 a! j
B. persist
! X9 M( B+ Y" n1 O6 I! \      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
& O; P. j' x: o7 ]9 _0 V" ?" t12.  In the U.S.a final agreement is()signed in person, but a high percentage of day-to-day business is carried on through telecommunication.
( n3 z3 j7 G! {  p0 z% Y# ^; w7 r9 d& yA. normally;
8 s' b6 W5 a3 W3 |: nB. occasionally- \% g/ X: X; L/ n; v" ^! p
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分6 Y# ]& g+ R, a
13.  If we()with our effort, we will succeed in our financial reform.2 l$ O( T- W, l
A. insist;
" ]- `" K: k: ]8 T. r5 _( f0 K- _B. persist
( `& I1 l9 V- D9 |" X      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分& O4 `8 j3 O/ l8 u( ^4 T; Q
14.  () in our class went to the new movie but no one enjoyed it verr much.
$ {6 r, E; M9 p0 N' a# t2 JA. Everybody;
4 j* J5 V7 U: @0 M" O* ~/ eB. Everyone: X* S* r5 M. l& ?
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
7 g5 U2 S9 P+ w1 w8 s4 m. Q0 Z- Q0 c15.  I don't like the way they()the students. It kills their interest in learning.; U$ C4 M$ z( L+ l+ }
A. check;$ ^; Q/ E' Z  h. v6 k: U. \/ S3 Y
B. examine
  a$ M3 T" F9 h5 L7 G7 K* S      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分9 R% D# f# b( q2 {
16.  She opened the window and heard()singing far away.
) N" A' J! W9 [+ |% X# A6 gA. somebody;
! N  p( e, h4 p% OB. someone! o5 ^8 D. B/ I4 o
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
; v7 J; @) B. ~* u( W9 z17.  Tell me if I'm wrong. I've got an open().! y' ^& M7 c6 A# C
A. brain;% |4 [+ N7 `$ d: T5 p/ y: g
B. mind3 L! |7 `; [) c- S
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
6 G+ g' `1 c6 E5 }18.  Happiness is not something you can weigh on a()., V6 Y7 Y. p) n+ l" R
A. scale;7 d) \& t) I7 x+ [% {1 t
B. measurement
+ D' `# Q+ T) F9 W" E+ P* H  R0 e, F      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
+ ~: y9 h: w0 o19.  Several hundred people were reported()after the earthquake.
! ~, S! P/ V/ e' A0 W4 }$ ]# h4 GA. missing;4 b1 Q5 W% l8 I. q% f/ y; u
B. lost
6 S/ T' y+ i/ Q. a/ Y1 ?      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: L3 S  {+ U% b8 C- b20.  I seem to()seeing him before. Has he ever studied at our university?
9 h# N) T% [- {7 b. zA. remenber;
  P3 F' t( f9 |3 y% [B. memorize" _2 X+ k8 f. g) U6 p
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
; ?% Z$ P* T! s" \; L4 w, [, N. `  y, h( r/ _! N8 y; O# K
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  She is a workaholic and doesn’t know how to (kick up )her (heels).& f9 r+ w; ]. D& S0 R
A. 错误
* q# M2 D% o) H6 K8 F( F7 S0 DB. 正确  A+ M' y8 ]5 ^' Q
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分4 `  a% \# N$ J- k$ f  ^
2.  As a Chinese saying goes:seeing is believing.- T; Q5 f+ l: |/ T7 t
A. 错误; N& {* v  X1 b; J9 k
B. 正确
" }0 g* W0 X$ Y, V3 k+ R      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
3 }; Y& L4 r# F3.  This kind of cold-blooded mass murder can only set them against the whole civilized world.
/ \6 Z3 A7 }4 w8 u9 j( VA. 错误7 {' I$ Q% ?* w' j
B. 正确
* }* |. n, m& W2 p; T7 g* X) n      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分/ }5 {0 g9 ?  g" y" a: t5 j' E& t
4.  She thought that she had been ill (used).
: D+ W! b0 Q) B' x0 b% [& SA. 错误1 e3 r: f, ~5 |, S! b. m
B. 正确% j" @: _! B% H) A0 a: j
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
, l7 m( }1 N; e( I5.  She’s (put) her (mind to) improving her pronunciation.
# X0 U; \. k2 D, f  gA. 错误
) L. e, W1 h1 b. t- {; OB. 正确3 `! |4 Z. O( w8 n
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分5 m% x5 ^' O- n7 D, E& j  U
6.  He met the director (straightly) after the lunch break.. P+ q" S2 i0 F( e# D8 l- ?9 S3 Y* K
A. 错误
* L- U( P- b4 F" T6 aB. 正确
2 W( d6 ~$ U* f      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
7 x& W1 b' Y9 ?" U6 i: O7.  He set up a business with a starting (capitals) of ₤100,000.
5 C4 `; ]$ j2 yA. 错误" M0 ?- @6 Z( W5 P4 v1 ^
B. 正确
* _- c; T1 Z- \; K/ }8 h% ?      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
) v7 a+ r8 }& B8 Q) x6 H8.  I, for my part, have no objection.) r' `  o$ q. p& ?
A. 错误
. F# L& A! U# J5 `& JB. 正确5 w" z3 `  `0 G; B" F
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分2 k1 B. H% @; `0 X/ {
9.  It was Rose who (saw) me( through) my most difficult times.' p' J4 ~2 s, s% `; a' N
A. 错误
& n5 W% K7 w7 ?1 \0 rB. 正确# T5 k/ H/ R6 A7 X5 {6 P. Z2 X- j
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
9 P# J6 D& n/ _- Z7 E4 s& [+ l10.  Is there someone in the office?; E: T9 X% j# m. S8 T' i6 |+ B
A. 错误1 P$ m, X# ~9 c% `' S' ?/ A6 c
B. 正确
; J) G7 L& g# W, X& e: \      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
. f1 p3 q9 ]1 O, L$ u11.  To stay alive, they had to eat wild plants and drink melted snow.
+ U: N* }2 H5 h- a" I' G+ XA. 错误( w9 f" v# o8 ^/ g6 L- Y+ R3 T
B. 正确
, M4 @- L! ^( A/ z% g      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分4 w) Z- l0 L  e6 }! K) l0 U+ h
12.  Almost the whole school went there (watching) the football match.$ c8 w3 k5 G0 t
A. 错误
) M9 d& a* D( `B. 正确7 |" j8 K$ E: P$ _# X9 H
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分$ T1 r5 ^6 O+ K5 W6 [
13.  I was shocked to hear that, and for a moment, I didn’t know (what say to him).% K+ i2 J3 l* U) G+ j
A. 错误( y+ X$ y& \& }+ \8 ~+ c' K
B. 正确
1 [! r1 ]  ?0 Y0 H      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
" j; s$ k& O. L: R3 J14.  My suitcase had been damaged on the journey home, (because) the lid wouldn’t stay closed.
, ?- l0 M- g$ n8 b) o  ~A. 错误( b4 o! A; J+ H
B. 正确5 N" f4 w. l% K( C. v
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
% B' C! @/ G4 c/ k4 }1 L* ^15.  Traditionally Chinese people liked to describe the nation as a large family.4 I; r3 V# f. q- |" ~2 s$ A4 w
A. 错误
0 V% P8 E  O0 j" f  V- F; jB. 正确
9 j" x/ X3 j5 _- M$ b      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
! _" A" U7 _! J5 r! p/ @, z  p2 U16.  (In my surprise), he had the presence of mind to take down the car’s registration number (at such a critical moment).
; ^  Q% N0 P0 p6 X( N' zA. 错误
- Y- L9 P8 J( s/ nB. 正确$ y! C% ?0 e3 @) E1 U- b( G. j; ^
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分- h8 n. p0 e( P& d" _$ h+ j
17.  (On our way to) the airport, we got stuck in a traffic jam and missed the flight.
& e7 b" P3 ?7 @: E9 FA. 错误' g1 J- R7 ~/ a$ Z+ S
B. 正确
( G# i. V) o, _5 L      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分3 K5 v: @, d" n, {. t* T9 h0 X9 A
18.  He (leapt to his feet) and charged out of the door.
$ [( Q# ^% g% u, M7 k( V# u6 e) hA. 错误/ _! |6 N! l! {. m7 Z( ~
B. 正确' w, x4 z. X+ v: @6 f" J4 A
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
, J$ u7 f4 d6 o+ x) f0 \- L19.  Just like the children in the city, these kids were also born with the right to reveive a good education.
5 ]' C# h: w2 c; F9 kA. 错误
/ V4 L+ X& H  b  H) {9 ]7 \B. 正确6 ^4 M9 _/ Z. Z% T# g7 z' g& b. h
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分* E, V0 r! G% r& q& K
20.  We have Intensive Reading in odd days.) C. S. ?. x# M
A. 错误; T/ Z9 J. }" s
B. 正确
5 |- d  n. i" T      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分 - o# C( n. l8 P; _/ r1 M
* S4 l% l& p5 Q8 e. {9 e% n
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