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发表于 2015-12-29 11:35:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  Look! Junko ______ into the water., v- E, U2 Y. B1 N- z
A. jumps% f. M0 L2 B! v; j5 X, V
B. is jumping' C  X1 }3 d+ x- N
C. jumped' t3 ]* H' m3 Q6 v# p$ `: L
D. jumping" \& i8 N3 l' m5 R! \% [% `
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
4 J: m9 w, k8 V" P; d) n2.  ( ) I feel any doubt, I inquire.0 H4 E/ _2 f% b4 g1 t
A. When
3 ^( j3 ^$ K# W) iB. That
/ V& w, P$ R* b+ q0 s      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: g6 c/ J4 j* g. @3.  I ______________ before I sold it.
6 L0 ^) C( s) Q( i; NA. paints the house
) a' H: C9 G- l2 BB. had painted the house
" h6 u& @1 S" R' \2 z$ W3 PC. have been painting the house% @) ]4 ^# J* n2 o
D. had been painting the house" b2 R  p8 z0 x5 S
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
1 B3 o$ P+ K% {7 b& k4.  The cakes are delicious. He’d like to have ________third one because ________second one is rather too small.! X- g# P- C* w% e# f8 h
A. a; a. Z6 E, C% N+ U, E- ]
B. the; the
. q- @9 t( _/ \C. a; the
0 x8 r* F5 a- L& G) o6 u' oD. the; a. H0 A9 u+ Y3 ]6 {% R! h* n
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分5 H& L# Q& p! P( m
5.  ----Who did you spend last weekend with? ----________.4 E; ?- C' d5 C6 \
A. Pang’s
* L/ F# D- O/ N* X/ _B. The Pangs’4 Z5 `6 K' c- L, v- Z3 n* D
C. The Pangs
5 m( @+ v5 e8 j4 O" P3 mD. The Pang’s+ \9 @4 t; P. t9 n2 g4 K; S
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分4 f- a9 u' u. n  g4 k" {& ?# I- p
6.  While Marily was typing the letter she _______ several mistakes.0 E+ i" y8 c4 C8 s9 _
A. was making$ _- a; l; g8 a. a5 c4 Y
B. makes
! `4 f: Q  @6 ^1 |- U. UC. made
/ @, g" Y9 G4 H# l" `D. had made
% N4 h1 I. K; A4 [( Q' i      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
% \8 |! v& i  |) I+ v/ ^# w( {7.  I thought you ______ like something to read, so I have brought you some books.
; ~9 g' z& ]1 U# y1 V1 a$ YA. may( n9 c' r3 B8 Y4 p8 _$ F& ~7 r
B. might
& k! D1 \" C+ v- y3 Z' }# ^C. could
7 X8 m7 f3 v; V; N# N3 D% |D. must
! r( w# ]* g/ H      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
: l- P; O9 w- H1 v( _3 f8.  When you come here for your holiday next time, don’t go to ________hotel; I can find you ________bed in my flat.
: D3 S! G- p' _" w4 fA. the; a
7 q2 \6 z! V& p! V7 KB. the; /9 O* O; g, u3 o1 B: |
C. a; the' {( |* f( n3 E- Y8 w0 R8 Y
D. a; /
: ~& D$ @5 K/ F9 w4 I& x      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分" F' G" s3 ~7 `& I/ j
9.  I enjoy ( ) in Changchun in the winter.: Q. _, {( h/ ]$ c, r
A. to skate
5 k# ?. @/ F7 NB. skating
! E' ^, J9 w0 D$ e  S      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
+ e: b( E4 S5 y6 \2 f10.  There is a lot of smoking coming from the lab, Mr Wang ______ an experiment.
+ B" {, u! P4 |5 y' o; b3 IA. must be1 F" [8 u3 I+ w9 y
B. must be doing
4 q2 u. N5 y7 B0 K& I! HC. might being do
( B/ p& R. z- J, _D. might be doing/ T+ w/ H( a, {; N! R5 _' ^9 s
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分5 E: ~$ ?* ?6 I- A& I
11.  There ( )less unemployment in the world if people worked only 20 hours a week.3 X, W' n1 K, u% g, ?' T3 d
A. would be
0 i$ V$ M+ q8 ?B. would have been
/ p0 t0 j9 v; e1 @' Z. Q" O      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分( u% j) `  C# M! {) |2 _
12.  I had to fix my window because Mark _____________ it.7 Z, |% g0 v- e$ F3 O
A. had been breaking
2 p3 m( Y7 u7 k: ?9 q8 dB. had broken9 @8 z1 ^% C- S
C. was breaking# s1 q$ E2 Z* G) W. k1 B( R
D. breaks
  y- |$ r% o( {      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
/ _9 l% A" x+ z, k! \* v! W. s13.  The boy ( ) I believed to be honest deceived me.: X, w- c$ {, y( r0 g
A. whom6 V- U* }* o! x6 I9 D  V
B. who
/ y; t' T! P" I4 \, z      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分3 P* i5 r) A; X) z
14.  While Marily was typing the letter she _______ several mistakes.
& Z& d0 E6 ?: I, Z" E8 xA. was making
+ ?' c  N# V: _8 s  [B. makes$ e& u# X- R* Z9 i& k+ B
C. made
' b& }7 j) T# \: T, G1 fD. had made$ H5 _! q9 C1 w( K
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分6 o" m9 {' c) W# G% d8 x  O
15.  She will stop showing off if no notice____ of her.5 z0 P" N& z+ p8 y5 X' {
A. is taken5 S$ O0 G7 Q8 |5 Y. n" @) M" M
B. takes
  a1 \. J5 b& t  f$ k, e' CC. will be taken
1 r3 H7 H( L% nD. has taken; N2 g. t$ Q' V  a- G& C) w* L
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
# s- a8 U, v. L: X- _16.  If another earthquake occurrs in California, insurance companies ( ) a lot of money.
; P9 [2 I$ q2 o* J) }A. will lose& ?) Q2 O2 x; w7 ]
B. will have lost+ b% T$ \8 V: ]
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
; ^7 v3 N& a% [* F+ y/ u+ `6 H17.  The warmth of ________sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ________wool used.
# n3 s  X% d. |0 l  a8 iA. the; the
: A$ R. D! Y# p+ \+ {" T7 v& O5 kB. the; /; C" ^& z, t7 G0 b
C. /; the) j1 P' Q5 I+ L! t( d
D. /; /
/ t* a: e! ]% @4 I6 T! b      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分! T$ S( l- y- y9 J% `+ c( F  V
18.  This is ( )we want.
' g! B: z% I6 C1 O" XA. which: M8 z' ^% k. M% `& z! f
B. what
. K( [. e' q; Q- T. a      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分. L$ e# q: Z$ B. e7 F$ v3 O
19.  It _____ quite hard-perhaps we shouldn’t go out tonight.
# ?2 `8 J) w; N( V! Z  H  fA. snows. [% V7 `0 j$ l3 C; A
B. is snowing
- t$ H& e! W) g4 E( h  ]9 b* y1 p; KC. snowed
. ?, q2 u  x' w% JD. had snowed" ]/ k2 R1 w% v$ {. ^
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分
0 J- U5 W/ _6 e- R; K. q& a& M% K20.  Acoustics is the science of sound and ( ) a factor which must be considered when building a theatre or a cinema.
, [5 {) W6 ?$ W  RA. is, L6 j& E- Q: J3 \& }
B. are; q0 A' Z, l6 P% R, V8 V) M" b' ?
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3  分 ! R0 D" T9 N- u& F9 f
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Man cannot live by bread alone, nor he can live without bread.
; M$ }' ~- U5 X* pA. 错误& R1 T% }9 Y& o0 ]2 P7 w
B. 正确# g) E! R' [, n
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
3 |7 X/ }. s& j. h- I/ R( l0 y' t2.  The trains weren’t so running on Monday that many commuters had trouble getting to work.% [2 y" }5 c$ P! L/ ?- u# B
A. 错误* f, q+ }  V: y& h( [! [
B. 正确( ~/ |0 G' |3 x1 Z5 p; L' H
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
& k8 I: ]( m' h( o3.  The police discovered that the bank robbers had been escaping in a stolen car.
2 X' z. E+ A$ M; U( r# F2 qA. 错误
2 Y5 q# F& N9 P5 sB. 正确
( ]- r0 Y. n" U  Y5 G6 x      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
4 H; C, k' ]) v" i$ A, F; k4.  Melissa had played the piano since she was four.* t$ Q- A1 z, ^3 O6 B/ g
A. 错误
  T# D3 \+ D4 m# c! TB. 正确
5 ^6 A) Z3 C! `/ @      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分" s& o9 |  ]0 z  `, q
5.  Not only was the cap soft, and it was warm.8 q3 U: D2 p: h$ ~) S( k3 i3 ^
A. 错误4 q2 d, y7 l2 n. v9 T( n
B. 正确5 j# c, q- }4 D) u0 k* l
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分( l( F) g- ~5 G
6.  The lowest pressure ratio which will give an acceptable performance is always chosen.9 M0 H. p6 O: Q. l  `% t% L
A. 错误
9 l" j  A1 K/ {6 k# O  wB. 正确
1 o1 {" x+ E" ~# n      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分$ `/ T/ r: X' ~
7.  Such expectations have drummed into every growing child.
$ y+ {  g. S2 [/ w. NA. 错误
) F. x+ u& W) y' R; GB. 正确; D- |# I) K1 [; \7 X" g4 U
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分$ q8 s0 Q- u, A7 V7 k
8.  Drunken was alleged to have rampaged through the hotel.
4 s- W1 K, G2 nA. 错误
% T' v1 p! }- Q. L6 B4 a; t( QB. 正确
; {& C$ c) ?, U) K      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分$ F( ~, r' Z) m
9.  The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject.
8 T" }0 V5 f# X3 U, Y0 XA. 错误
0 o8 F1 O2 b, W7 G* @- \B. 正确
/ S* I/ ^% i' d" T& W8 a+ t$ O      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分0 t, P! Q% ^  x' g. O- U3 P
10.  His aim is mastering English in the shortest time possible.
, t1 S9 l3 V, ~A. 错误
' s# Y% Z0 ?* V7 h. S% lB. 正确
( J) x' @9 P) b) P' a, d+ U, `( I      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
& }, q) \6 B- E. c) x11.  If I had enough time, I will study playing piano.& N2 @/ ]3 [3 G; _4 }( H
A. 错误
0 y- b5 ?8 V' Z0 j" c" DB. 正确
% t& f5 e5 `3 _* V9 F. W& g8 Q1 l! h      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分. T; _% O" L* W5 G
12.  They will come to the conclusion that linguistics is very important to language teachers.
1 n! K$ o3 e( T/ q, i( G. ?$ }A. 错误
" ~5 Y% W1 Q/ y% UB. 正确9 r7 L/ K: y6 f7 C2 X
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
9 n$ }; H- E3 W# y0 x" r* l13.  I caught the boy who was smoking a cigar., C$ u) u* ?$ n
A. 错误
/ ~* Q/ Z9 @- B& Q7 M# j. o- D2 _B. 正确: {0 q; G! ~2 H
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分1 {( O( _& i4 O
14.  It was very difficult believed that he passed the exam.2 R; J8 t0 `. D$ n% J5 K
A. 错误
8 L' v0 u! j' F$ N& U2 x- HB. 正确/ X2 V% D4 {" J8 u0 d# m- V
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分3 t2 ^5 T( a9 v0 {
15.  That night there was a rainfall and I woke heared the rain lashing the window-panes.
: r8 g7 N9 u" l9 P( R7 wA. 错误
: q4 V6 L4 t; T+ a: |B. 正确
+ m5 O0 M$ C' ~2 a" P' @( N2 K3 Y      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
1 V& q" x  k0 w8 N4 h7 D" \16.  He was deemed be the guardian of the child.
# U0 }# M9 o. E: `* u% n; |" z' }0 A+ GA. 错误. n+ l/ W, ]0 v: Q; Y, @' `) |
B. 正确
1 C# D" M7 \; e2 }; g      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
  P. @8 {6 ]1 ~% P17.  He is the finest person (that) I have ever worked with.1 H  j1 g6 `; D1 G. r
A. 错误
2 a& ]+ s3 n& W0 d& Y% b0 S# i7 }B. 正确
; A3 h4 a. t, w& o8 f# O& ^      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分( a& ~7 x  T/ Z
18.  After talking to us for a moment he left to catch his train.1 \, ^2 n: n9 }' ?" [* u
A. 错误
+ X- G8 V& }% u, \  PB. 正确
8 }) G" s4 q* v, }      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分& f; X2 t7 X, w2 U. j5 [
19.  I never know where I ought put my coat.
' S  w2 a# B* U+ \9 lA. 错误
  C( s1 B% D& r/ ^# i" jB. 正确
2 R* b% D! s9 c! e( d1 F      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分/ j7 Z4 r6 @. h2 F6 k- w
20.  Whatever your reasons are, I am confident you acted wisely." N! A5 z0 _' C3 _2 e! E* s  R
A. 错误
5 Q" k7 N- J8 p3 W" }8 k- YB. 正确  n8 \2 M! S4 {! B. R/ C3 B
      谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2  分
/ N: u3 n6 ^# B+ u
* o1 N! b8 i! g+ b8 a; k7 [
; Q8 @+ _& \# c/ F2 P: p. M
发表于 2015-12-29 11:45:05 | 显示全部楼层

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