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发表于 2016-4-23 08:51:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试,共 50 分。)V 1.  ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels.$ |+ B% S  @5 t8 `
A. Arbitrariness
7 ]7 J/ a3 k  F& r+ L. A) oB. Genetic-cultural transmission
2 J( F/ m+ n5 P; n" HC. Non-arbitrariness& H2 k- f$ q( S1 t! }, F
D. Duality
( C3 ~8 Y  J" P% h8 J# O      满分:2  分3 }* _+ `& e5 p$ i# M  Y( q4 K
2.  ( ) are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the context within which a text is produced.2 M" L3 g2 J( X( b( c  p
A. Nouns5 M6 s( ~% M0 J
B. Adjectives
5 Z5 o( s, `3 u3 i5 g- E" S7 HC. Verbs
: o% q: Z7 }- FD. Deictics
/ l& [! m$ o* F1 f3 H      满分:2  分
) s9 q, ~+ _; p9 H3 i3.  ( ) is a minimal unit which is formally composed of meaningless linguistic symbols at the lower level of the language
3 v+ w" r2 p" F$ OA. Phoneme" ]! d# q% d9 Z% U
B. Stress
1 U# l; F. s& S' r: ^C. Tempo
1 ?2 d3 G0 d2 y( ~8 WD. Morpheme. i1 e- l9 u- w3 T
      满分:2  分
2 S) g7 B) e# u  O4.  ( ) morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word.. _3 `! M6 k" X, k6 y7 O* t1 @5 z
A. Functional
/ B% i2 H! N1 Q1 j" XB. Lexical. h+ m" N% F7 J: F! m
C. Grammatical
2 N1 r3 H5 x- u! RD. Performative
, A: T& d$ T8 G1 `: r& R# F      满分:2  分5 z! M. G+ Y  ^' X
5.  The phones that can be grouped together as variants of one phoneme have to be ( ) similar
, N, h0 B7 U  i; HA. phonetically
; f9 t& T! u' K  Y% T; t6 ZB. phonologically
$ B+ ?: W" y8 m; G) eC. sound! U5 U# P: X. g7 E
D. seem
; G+ z- F: `, g* b) c8 Y1 W      满分:2  分
  h+ G# w) x1 H6.  ( ) is the study of the relation between language and mind, especially language acquisition and learning, and language comprehension and prod uction.
" @/ U8 x1 e* h# DA. Pragmatics
3 I) k7 J; O8 M' f" JB. Phonology
4 g& T  ]6 s; [1 fC. Dialectology
9 B% H3 P% O4 vD. Psycholinguistics
" r0 c8 r; O  H( O! s) `4 T) g      满分:2  分5 @4 M9 v  j0 r( q& n& e6 ~% l
7.  'Language has ( ) that distinguish it from other semiotic systems used by humans and animals.5 Z7 N" ^/ ]5 a5 ?$ I, T) G$ A
A. function4 J' W7 T( F. a6 p2 U: W
B. design features0 P% [+ h  h9 k, @- ?
C. importance7 r0 D8 o1 X5 f& t0 ^) y, a
D. performance" f- F% @! }/ e
      满分:2  分- v0 f6 B* l+ c7 r5 y4 u
8.  'Productivity is characterised by the feature of ( ).
* m2 I: t# f( Q5 EA. Arbitrariness
! t) g) d& U" \! ?/ rB. Genetic-cultural transmission7 M8 E" E& z8 J7 W, M
C. Non-arbitrariness
) A" R) X( s7 Z! X5 PD. Duality1 ~3 G  x. j8 q3 j& D8 t* [
      满分:2  分/ X$ l0 P/ P! W5 ]
9.  The locutionary act ( ) refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular language
  o, q: G6 ?2 wA. illocutionary act
2 T* a/ a0 X, w8 l5 a) T: oB. locutionary act
4 l; a3 n& q* @/ o- SC. perlocutionary act
: j$ H2 v1 O' _( ^      满分:2  分
; H' K- x# [* g. L, J  d/ l2 r10.  ( ) is the study of the various aspects of the relation between language on the one hand and speakers and society on the other.& |* y8 @4 f) r/ d3 y
A. Pragmatics: w4 J2 q5 v" }* n; i7 o
B. Sociolinguistics$ P% Y3 Z# h2 _  M& R* Q* y
C. Syntax7 p: L, B; i  D: R6 g
D. Semantics
! Q' h- h. N4 o" n3 A* C* C2 v      满分:2  分
& o* u2 s/ g* @3 n11.  ( ) refers to a variety of language which is appropriate for a particular situation$ Z7 f' T6 h6 L, T2 Z. I
A. register8 U3 T. r+ ~) M- o
B. Style, E6 {; f' V) t0 |& ]7 w2 V* C1 n( [
C. genre
9 u5 V/ g, J4 U' N5 A  p9 `D. Form
% j* K1 T$ I* e6 T/ r      满分:2  分6 u1 k+ h. A& A: z
12.  ( ) refers to the speed of speech.6 F( M$ E, a2 Q' o, s/ q
A. Loudness
, C3 q- P$ Q& U9 oB. Stress  M9 o) F6 \/ e6 d, E
C. Tempo# }7 o, @7 |1 L. E1 ]% J
D. Tone
# u6 v+ |/ {' K      满分:2  分
0 D" h" \7 |- {( f+ ]13.  'The phones that can be grouped together as variants of one phoneme have to be ( ) similar
$ H- G" N+ j. Z9 \3 wA. phonetically
9 ~7 Q$ p, N% H# z6 p) _B. phonologically
2 Q2 e6 P; y! \2 aC. sound
7 R) k- y9 ?; c1 K: j9 rD. seem# U! M# z: Y9 G+ j# F( @+ I
      满分:2  分# Z# x& o! d: L  g1 `
14.  Language has ( ) that distinguish it from other semiotic systems used by humans and animals.; y4 l/ x& l" I  t5 A) l
A. function
1 s% [4 x" C/ GB. design features
) D* N; W: u4 r" M; |! e7 T) lC. importance
- t4 f/ Z2 g  z* t, OD. performance% `. T, D. j: C4 S; k
      满分:2  分- {( V" i& P+ X0 l  b* H6 `
15.  Which of the following disciplines doen't belong to micro-linguistics?- g- A8 k, P- r8 b% M
A. Phonetics8 t) O, x7 s0 c7 I/ D
B. Phonology+ M4 m0 L% C% o
C. Morphology2 B3 E% m! K1 A& }' y7 D! p1 @
D. Dialectology! h6 E0 A2 W9 x. a4 B* V
      满分:2  分& Z6 N# l) l" i/ C* g
16.  () refers to the sameness in meaning between two or more words.) Q1 i, q1 s1 c. b2 a. T
A. Synonymy; z$ C, K' P1 W2 R# M3 }" J3 G
B. Polysemy
' H- B7 X* e9 ]! W' h7 GC. Homonymy
6 [9 ^+ L1 u, e( ]D. Antonymy
" {6 k+ d% }& _      满分:2  分
& ?; Q" ~2 X; M, ]17.  Productivity is characterised by the feature of ( ).0 ]' w7 K0 h4 E) z( J
A. Arbitrariness  P5 ?* }: C" h8 B
B. Genetic-cultural transmission
. d) n/ x& k0 K1 F/ V# B6 ]C. Non-arbitrariness. [, S" y+ Y1 F& r& l8 q) l
D. Duality! F5 r' ?" S6 m% W( Y0 v. V: k
      满分:2  分
- h7 \( R7 w/ S8 @18.  ( ) studies the ways words are combined to form sentences in a language .</font>
7 h6 M6 {! [$ ]1 {4 f, _+ _3 ]3 oA. Phonetics  Y+ i5 y+ v; `5 [. d% S
B. Phonology
& E  @+ m+ y% V, DC. Morphology: \- X7 D+ K. g5 f1 h6 L' W) \
D. Syntax
( m0 E5 x, u2 s5 B2 G      满分:2  分
" Z4 M3 a$ R/ L3 q% K- b$ c19.  ( ) is the study of the structure and the formation of words in language.
; d# C" H9 n8 c3 l6 SA. Phonetics9 E6 ]7 h8 y5 @" q
B. Phonology
  w* s& C, J' K4 hC. Morphology
+ j- H, W8 N8 n9 t6 [2 lD. Dialectology
4 J9 v# U* u3 H      满分:2  分
5 n) Z  @, G! A5 B8 k20.  ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels.9 d* _/ `) ?2 U
A. Arbitrariness' m5 Z9 F# q7 j* O' `. J; B
B. Genetic-cultural transmission
+ U$ J1 {" @" t; v) P/ ^C. Non-arbitrariness9 m, v: C, [2 p( n5 F7 ]9 E; X
D. Duality
% A% y! B* d7 _% t  _7 ]      满分:2  分% z7 o# P9 k) N! u8 \$ Y* k) d0 O
21.  ( ) is the bit of spoken or written language that is produced and sent to the receiver in a specific context.
2 s- \- D1 ~) e* u# m8 l9 f1 V! k, eA. Word
1 O7 `8 @: `6 d$ H- V9 yB. Sentence1 d- A! D6 V6 o, w1 Y6 r
C. Utterance; U+ X1 ^: m9 V( ^- q" a. a
D. Morpheme
! m. N9 x5 c9 A1 k: ?7 K1 l      满分:2  分5 P* J0 Z3 X6 w" {& d# ^
22.  ( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.4 ~7 d% i6 e2 D) i
A. Loudness# Y9 }$ [" n% b1 D, V5 n7 L5 \
B. Rhythm) V+ Q. p- z$ \
C. Tempo) Q* e  u( F& b7 v: ^8 Z* W
D. Tone
1 ]7 f, o* f2 ~      满分:2  分4 v1 `, U6 g" n& E; v; N
23.  ( ) is the first stressed syllable in the tone-unit.
* M* l, D9 @! Q* h- h9 wA. pre-head
" `4 \: o$ Z: D! p+ L$ TB. head% d# u: j( m7 \) {5 E  b" E7 ~' m+ x- L
C. nuclear tail( H+ S; o; ^$ d' R+ S2 N
D. nucleus8 {1 F" |  T+ z* S9 g
      满分:2  分+ S4 ]( A0 f4 @1 \
24.  '( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.
6 P- M6 T8 I, t$ w1 v- |A. Loudness
( A# Q: R  O6 S6 _' y1 H" X3 [+ hB. Rhythm
2 r) ^4 \  N: Y6 E4 h% o5 n9 u1 F+ vC. Tempo, V) C4 z* b  R  u- z  x6 t2 s
D. Tone
( j* K) S5 V. g* n$ V. ~      满分:2  分) B: r( f8 D+ q0 Z
25.  ( ) reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text before the word or expression that is presupposing.1 {( J5 w3 ]2 D1 F2 @- [
A. Exophoric
& p  s, i2 {9 v, ]B. Anaphoric( y5 Z! q. X) R( e5 _( _
C. Endophoric7 t& M( x9 L' A1 U# d, n& `
D. Cataphoric
3 }7 q# o8 q$ e3 F% R- F8 z2 n2 w      满分:2  分 ( ]5 w7 O1 f. \5 z2 B. ^% q8 ~
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1.  Traditional notional grammar is a bottom-up approach,
7 M8 V+ c1 z- b' D! k& hA. 错误% |, w0 C3 z% x1 l# d* f
B. 正确
& E$ k' m8 g) f& J. m" X" |  b      满分:2  分
5 v7 s4 V& h9 R; p( b2.  A morphological rule is a rule that introduces the morph or allomorphs that match the morpheme concerned.# d6 ^4 Z" e4 a5 C- o6 k
A. 错误
! ~6 ^, N/ q3 x# h9 r- EB. 正确
: @. ~9 Z2 h- j" R1 n      满分:2  分* `) \/ l9 L5 [: i  B) ~1 x
3.  The implementation of lexical insertion rules need to be subject to no restrictions.
2 L0 U8 i; {3 u5 n8 z- t6 S. cA. 错误
( p) M! \7 @" ]B. 正确
) T. Y/ f8 s" o7 z- A      满分:2  分5 p) f5 ~2 p6 S2 w7 F) ?
4.  Derivational morpheme may be a free morpheme.
, N) R9 N: X5 k( I4 r  KA. 错误
: l( Y, Z/ j/ Z9 RB. 正确* `9 G6 y# ~. G6 E# b
      满分:2  分
. {5 f8 u+ c' i& N5.  Affix hopping refers to the bound morphemes in the verb group hop backward to join the following member in the verb group.
* O9 m6 H. |/ {" j% Q" i+ ZA. 错误' h( J0 z2 f( U! Q# }) t. T
B. 正确. {3 H5 ~" }2 i  C4 e9 R- s1 X
      满分:2  分
# r4 }1 P8 O% s: s6 |6.  Discourse analysis is more concerned with conventional implicatures than conversational ones.* @( W: \( Z% C- R
A. 错误& W4 r1 w8 `( x5 ^! u
B. 正确
; W: Z6 J, f3 @5 o# `7 j      满分:2  分
6 A9 X7 g: z; ~! C! V6 G7.  Transformation rules don't have to follow a set order.$ [" c! Z# W" E* A1 E4 e1 w
A. 错误
2 P- F3 E% x* l! O& X, A$ c5 BB. 正确9 f' ]/ V& R) o
      满分:2  分
& j" i  Y- p  R0 q# F9 D8.  Consonants are sounds made by a closure or narrowing somewhere in the vocal tract.
# {2 `- G! [, p1 h0 ^A. 错误; o8 m" Q% [' C$ ^
B. 正确9 q( N2 t5 h$ e  A" L
      满分:2  分' S, I. `  y% N
9.  'Duality makes it possible for second/foreign language learning
" O3 c" Z* c" P( ^; SA. 错误: i" W) M8 |8 ^- G
B. 正确
8 o; ]; K3 b- M: `5 M* f% M      满分:2  分
+ ]* p) |: G2 O! ^, Z5 n10.  Inflection means forming a new word by adding an element such as an affix.9 S9 H0 Q8 Q8 ]  W$ x# W2 u! e
A. 错误
( g* z& G" g* R' BB. 正确- \! ^2 i: L' ~( I
      满分:2  分
" W7 Z0 M6 V$ ^8 u8 _11.  Phoneme is a group of sounds that are phonetically similar and show certain characteristic patterns of distribution in the language under consideration .
- R' b$ B3 Q5 WA. 错误
( R& _6 H) L5 y3 W1 C/ QB. 正确
- e9 t* p5 H) `# d      满分:2  分: P) H: Z5 |: j) l; d; U0 l
12.  'Cataphoric reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text after the word or expression that is presupposing.9 G% x5 e( K2 `; P/ s( ]
A. 错误
) h+ ?" C5 Y6 V% ^B. 正确
+ A) e1 X% r) _: S- H) X      满分:2  分& Z7 g8 K- R3 I; b
13.  Different language make use of the same set of speech sounds.
# P* y1 g2 n1 c. \A. 错误- c  T) T/ G+ h1 C# ?
B. 正确
8 a3 y+ }1 n1 O( I      满分:2  分2 |% U/ q- ~* y8 ]: u3 ]) }. X
14.  Sentence is a unit in semantics and its meaning is formed on the principle of compositionality.
7 q8 |' s* _6 vA. 错误+ R/ V! \% r) D
B. 正确
9 w' U/ E% \0 u6 S5 b. @7 {! N1 O% E      满分:2  分
% H+ \2 M) I% \7 h: A( H2 |* h15.  'English is a tone language.# r' Z5 d. f( L/ s4 ^6 m
A. 错误$ s. a3 I6 y& `4 A/ \7 x  G) r
B. 正确
5 B- u4 B) G; b  o3 i% B: L      满分:2  分' L2 V2 ^1 z- I
16.  Surface structure refers to the abstract syntactic representation of a sentence .
5 z' O* M0 M& z, W3 L9 j3 }7 h& d! \A. 错误
/ u, d5 g5 Q2 V" yB. 正确
; W$ K  L+ l1 a9 i: q      满分:2  分8 s3 }( F0 d& I
17.  Illocutionary force refers to the power that is conventionally associated with the expressions used in the locutionary act and that enables the speaker to execute the intended act through what he/she says.% o& }7 |) p; y9 q7 G
A. 错误
- {. B6 f. i% p' Q8 E- hB. 正确' D( R6 W4 u! M3 {( w+ l! o
      满分:2  分
  |) _6 S$ |  y/ y) B7 \18.  Cohesionrefers to the linguistic property of units larger than the morpheme to bind together in construction, or the relations of meaning that exist within the text and that define it as a text.4 e) m$ {2 r6 N% D7 ]/ b% ?
A. 错误, z, s7 i; A, Q2 J1 a; j# O! c* ^
B. 正确$ \* g$ S7 b/ K2 g! F
      满分:2  分
7 F! Z/ [$ T& l& S) i8 M19.  Diachronic linguistics focuses on a particular phase in its development.
* a! G; x7 u$ B8 X; m+ _A. 错误* z; i9 t/ H: L4 ^
B. 正确' U  b, k+ a7 U9 X6 m" X5 g+ @
      满分:2  分
$ L. x# k6 `1 n& M20.  In speech sound production, lower part of the oral cavity are relatively stable and function as a foil to the upper part in its articulatory movements.
$ I( F  `( X3 f* j4 J: B2 lA. 错误
# Z; m; p+ G+ m- ]B. 正确
( E! M/ b# l( j% |- z: N/ D. W/ K      满分:2  分
+ e4 Q+ ^5 S: i2 P. H% q- |0 u21.  'Field theory suggests that lexical meanings are not exclusive and mutually independent.
, t+ q" W8 e9 a; S6 D& m# |* h1 sA. 错误) r# V* E* G6 n! s
B. 正确
/ ]5 B. p& {( b; x      满分:2  分3 M& S* @' y1 V- r$ [/ |% {
22.  Sentence is a unit in semantics and its meaning is formed on the principle of compositionality.. v! |/ h" X3 v( A9 _! ~+ J; q
A. 错误
% i6 R2 }; f& p$ L" X5 A( FB. 正确5 v; C4 c* E, K% Y
      满分:2  分& Z7 H$ v0 w# ^0 }4 Z. J5 R
23.  The distinctive feature of place of articulation alone can make necessary distinction between some consonants* t# T" Y: ]' R$ s
A. 错误
! I8 f& q+ m! Y8 OB. 正确/ F4 {3 i0 {9 T3 |. B+ f! k8 p
      满分:2  分
: @) [1 M' f" @( R24.  Arbitratiness contributes to language flexibility and versatility and makes it possible for language to be passed on from generation to generation.3 ?6 g4 s9 c9 y
A. 错误
3 ~1 M: G0 V" a$ s- {B. 正确" f6 x* |5 z% g3 I; W
      满分:2  分. V0 L( y" `' E* K  B; V
25.  Constituency approach is bottom-up in nature.* \5 f( U' o2 Q0 {9 w
A. 错误/ q! X" T; t0 m" {
B. 正确
3 {3 t0 [6 }2 c9 U$ Y8 O      满分:2  分
, g$ I& m9 d) {: \" c" @5 o% S' L  k7 b3 e' _
1 e- V6 w5 c# Z, c


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