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东师 英语语言学 16春在线作业2

发表于 2016-8-16 13:59:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  In _____ stage, children use single words to represent various meanings.  A( Z/ R: Q7 f: |$ t5 R
A. telegraphic* y7 r  t5 a% ~, C  v
B. two-word
# G( U. Z3 Y2 q# x3 O# B# fC. holophrastic! E" k4 h( {2 ?
D. babbling1 f- P) f/ _+ }' }5 ]( D0 j: D5 d
      满分:3  分
& h) E# T9 X* @  y8 G2.  The following sentence flouts maxis of the cooperative principle.A: Macao’s in Spain, isn’t it, teacher? B: And London’s in America, I suppose.
0 O2 Z) L; U! h: \- Y$ R: wA. Quality% T5 r8 Y: h( x3 Z
B. Quantity
3 ]( Y+ f  E2 XC. Relation  G. @4 W  `/ K; ]/ y9 `( z
D. Manner/ m4 s$ G$ h' C- h& `5 k# j: w+ ^+ W* r  b
      满分:3  分
" t3 z0 x2 h, j$ t3.  In China, foreign language teaching is composed of activities on four levels, the first of which is ______.
* K% S, V: k# pA. operation in the classroom
0 ~* b9 S. s3 E5 Y& W! g) B6 K4 zB. preparation
) E3 e9 H. R5 Q/ I  n+ iC. educational planning.
& K, f7 q7 G' z9 h- L5 PD. evaluation! I! T( B6 v0 u( B
      满分:3  分5 G$ g) U4 \3 i, F. ?  Q
4.  ______ is a minimal pair.0 m$ T% i! A4 S, M7 u
A. moon/noon
$ s; L0 [6 M4 h  N+ ]6 UB. foot/food
* }4 a0 e: ^. z: GC. she/sheet
# r( T3 ^% k. a" ?( N% ], yD. sea/sea" z5 R1 Y5 D, \+ c$ |* J1 T$ a0 x
      满分:3  分  Y% ?; q3 K) H& g$ K+ I/ z5 E
5.  ____ is an expression that substitutes one which may be seen as offensive or disturbing to the addressee.
7 G% [, h3 t% M, NA. Taboo
- v3 B, Q( o2 u# P% Z2 s. _' l& pB. Euphemism, S0 f; m% K, y6 ^
C. Implicature' ?/ i6 r0 j4 ?/ m! |
D. An indirect illocution3 ]% [  D& o8 D! m5 p% h
      满分:3  分0 i" T, y' t2 N# z
6.  blackboard(为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)
1 L6 W% C* i3 Y, g1 sA. Conversion1 [; ~0 x: V7 g& n* K0 R6 E& E
B. Backformation& E$ q' I8 I, m4 f
C. Blending
& j- V4 }$ R. f7 p( GD. Compounding
1 r' F4 `0 h; Z4 _3 N      满分:3  分4 H3 E- p4 x4 H: h& e
7.  The sense relations between elephant and animal is __________.0 E9 R: f8 m- L6 {
A. hyponymy7 U, o& h. R! c5 B7 |: N
B. synonymy; x. b, |! V. a
C. antonymy, _7 x. F# {4 {) \
D. homonymy0 y: n8 }4 K, [# l
      满分:3  分
/ z0 \' m, j! _' ^/ U+ f8.  ____is the future found in [s] [z] [з] [t.] [d9]8 D$ m" E8 M0 y* ^. [8 j1 E* M
A. [+continuant]& z# c9 ^8 n- u$ M, Z
B. [+sonorant]/ r: |  `$ ~  M- c1 y) ^
C. [+sibilant]9 @2 E7 B1 R/ w) X7 z7 J- }+ }
D. [+anterior]
; X$ [0 J" n" a# X8 Y* |+ Z; I      满分:3  分
6 e, Q: t4 O( P9 x. z) ^9.  ______ is a process which puts an existing word of one class into another class.! D9 ]7 {  w& P* u" _  U# ^, L4 a
A. Conversion" ]7 y1 Z) M1 L) ^3 v
B. Abbreviation' a4 a' ^& f  {. Y
C. Eponyms( f- B3 C# `1 \/ u' `: I
D. Blending4 ]4 z7 }; S. U$ x" f
      满分:3  分6 B+ q! E; o) k; c
10.  __________ is the variation of pitch to distinguish utterance meaning.2 \6 W5 d/ @. P, ?+ ?5 O
A. Stress9 l$ X' V1 ^( [& o' o5 v( q
B. Pitch
5 W$ g' ?6 q4 ]) {C. Tone- G$ G* |+ F! Q! [
D. Intonation9 p- M5 s; D, ]  r# ]: @% Z
      满分:3  分
/ ~' W; n( {: y  E% {11.  ____ is a process that creates a new word by dropping a real or supposed suffix./ B3 z) X5 }6 A4 b5 {% {6 L
A. Blending/ W9 `3 D! T# b( t
B. Eponyms% C) S1 L7 {4 m( o% G! K6 Y
C. Backformation
* y, `3 r  u7 \- j) bD. Clipping1 a. o0 \0 }4 f! Z
      满分:3  分( g9 `5 ?' V/ b: c: Z
12.  Children all undergo ________ stages of language development.
- y8 l/ C2 A* iA. babbling, two-word, holophrastic and the telegraphic speech
5 T: |. S0 C, ]1 cB. babbling, two-word, telegraphic speech and the holophrastic: D" D5 R9 s. b) y6 {
C. babbling, holophrastic, two-word, and the telegraphic speech% z: R% e( b4 d/ k( _0 g9 a+ u) C
D. babbling, holophrastic, telegraphic speech and the two-word6 W9 a( E- F) l6 z8 C/ \2 d
      满分:3  分
0 z; A% n  K* L2 F13.  The general roles language play are termed __________.; n+ J4 q9 v* `* D+ J! ?
A. metalanguages
5 i, X; G8 ]$ ~B. metafunctions* n- @# C4 m- C* Z4 ?
C. metadiscourses9 @5 [0 q* m; q# C9 f
D. metagrammar7 E2 `4 x" N2 J0 b- X& D
      满分:3  分; D/ c! M$ |  A8 N0 Z% R! I0 w
14.  The followings are acknowledged as important factors in second language acquisition except _________.
8 |$ p: v  V( W& E( i: BA. motivation
. `' T4 F7 U- I& h9 iB. nationality7 H6 U- \/ \) r6 `  w
C. age6 Y1 `0 |8 d% O7 W) {
D. learning strategy
% _; o0 O" l0 B' @% Q1 n' U      满分:3  分
: Q0 e& {# F6 B4 z, V15.  ______ is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.( |. L9 R6 N; Q% _% B: d& o
A. A syllabus% K* [" M3 X1 q. V
B. A textbook2 O3 r7 K9 u: z* @( t* ]2 Q; ~
C. An educational plan2 E' I) H2 @$ W  A
D. A test
" G. a* N' S) d, n$ C7 s      满分:3  分" ]! L! L9 K; N! {  [: T. @9 ~& H
16.  The features which are found over a segment or a sequence of two or more segments are called ________.
1 V2 w: J1 D3 d1 q  A: E8 @! O( cA. distinctive features: r! K$ h: M5 ]) R
B. non-distinctive features
# [% ^" ^& _& {) N( r6 W1 ~C. suprasegmental features; |( L% g( M) g- `4 C# ?! G
D. free variation
! G: b" R7 P% l' C! G      满分:3  分
2 U! v+ m- Q$ `4 i$ a17.  enlarged (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)) {+ Y) [+ _. S& B7 e. E
A. Derivation
$ f, N/ b; e1 |! ZB. Conversion
( N. @7 {+ D7 }- {6 nC. Backformation0 {+ G! _$ G0 S% Z9 M$ x
D. Blending
' h/ B( r" ^- o8 k6 b% T* h      满分:3  分
9 k0 y5 i- [' E18.  The following dialogue flout ________ maxis of the cooperative principle.A: Do you know the great writers of the 19th century? B: Oh yes, they are all dead.
& M/ V7 x4 [8 [4 K0 KA. Quality
7 x+ _4 F& u& h$ p. u: F7 D, f3 U; o# fB. Quantity1 a  P! C& T. J, ~0 {+ _6 F
C. Relation
9 ]# |0 p0 x8 ID. Manner( C4 [+ _2 S$ I2 \  s! N
      满分:3  分3 b0 L# @; p% ]" {8 I
19.  NATO(为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)
+ m% H: H) a- n+ }A. Acronym
6 J# k' d2 x7 C* s! U! j, QB. Sound Reduplication
! k# K' B2 x0 S- z& d3 ~/ i  wC. Coinage) n* Q! Z+ {! e( F. {. w
D. Eponym
5 j/ k  e. f* r0 a- x7 ?- w      满分:3  分
* p5 g3 f) t) {+ ~20.  The followings are all features of language except __________.
' A+ E, v$ Y# u8 d; H, C. O! n% @9 SA. duality! v0 h% Q( _' y5 g
B. productivity4 ?( V9 c: q, U" ^. [4 y0 e$ a
C. changeability( h' v0 b6 T, T/ A
D. displacement. c& V# q! M3 R/ r/ @
      满分:3  分 , ]9 @  w, C. B* ^7 P
' P. K- y/ t( T4 g
发表于 2016-8-16 14:09:06 | 显示全部楼层

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