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发表于 2017-5-1 09:56:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1.  My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _______ was very kind of them.
A. who
B. which
C. that
D. it

2.  He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.
A. that
B. which
C. who
D. as

3.  _________ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.
A. If
B. Whether
C. That
D. Where

4.  Many a student ______ the importance of learning a foreign language.
A. have realized
B. has realized
C. have been realized
D. has been realized

5.  I don’t know why he is late.  Nor do I. He _____ an accident.
A. could have had
B. should have had
C. might have had
D. must have had

6.  _____ still half drunk, he made his way home.
A. When
B. Because
C. Though
D. As

7.  _____ the rain stops, we' ll set off for the station.
A. Before
B. Unless
C. As soon as
D. Though

8.  You _____ come earlier. The bus left a moment ago.
A. would
B. should have
C. may
D. have

9.  You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes.
A. /
B. why
C. when
D. whose

10.  These wild flowers are so special I would do __________ I can to save them.
A. whatever
B. that
C. which
D. whichever

11.  _____ she was very tired, she went on working.
A. As
B. Although
C. Even
D. In spite of

12.  _____ today, he would get there by Friday.
A. Would he leave
B. Was he leaving
C. Were he to leave
D. If he leave

13.  The order came that the medical supplies _____ to Beijing for the Sars soon.
A. would be sent
B. should send
C. be sent
D. must be sent

14.  There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _________ road conditions need ________.
A. that; to be improved
B. which; to be improved
C. where; improving
D. when; improving

15.  The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.
A. which
B. that
C. whom
D. who

16.  A computer can only do __________ you have instructed it to do.
A. how
B. after
C. what
D. when

17.  _____ you go, don't forget your people.
A. Whenever
B. However
C. Wherever
D. Whichever

18.  ______ he use your bike?  Certainly. Here is the key.
A. Shall
B. Must
C. Will
D. Does

19.  I have two grammars, ______are of great use.
A. all of which
B. either of which
C. both of that
D. both of which

20.  The gas works ______ near the city.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. be

21.  The young man insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and _____ free.
A. did; set
B. had done; should be set
C. should do; be set
D. had done; must be set

22.  Three hours ______ enough for us to finish the task.
A. are
B. has
C. is
D. were

23.  There is a feeling in me____ we will never know what a UFO is .
A. what
B. which
C. of which
D. that

24.  She will sing a song ____ she is asked.
A. if
B. unless
C. for
D. since

25.  Every means ______ tried but without much result.
A. has been
B. have been
C. are
D. is


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