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[北京语言] 北京语言大学18春《综合英语》(III)作业1234(资料)

发表于 2018-4-28 18:43:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(单选) 1: Riding on a bus without paying the fare ____ cheating the bus company.
A: amounts of
B: equal
C: appears
D: amounts to

正确资料: D

(单选题) 2: Since antiquity there have been many attempts, some quite ____, to explain how the cosmos came into being——they make imaginative to tell the story of the born of the cosmos.
A: familiar
B: apparent
C: fanciful
D: logical

正确资料: C

(单选题) 3: She has a ____ for saying the wrong thing.
A: genesis
B: genius
C: genie
D: genetics

正确资料: B

(单选题) 4: Isadora Duncan preferred to dance on a stage ____ scenery; she said that makes the dance itself rather than scenery more distinguishing.
A: close to
B: made of
C: protected from
D: devoid of

正确资料: D

(单选题) 5: We prefer to discuss the plan fully -____ it in practice hurriedly.
A: than put
B: to put
C: rather than put
D: to putting

正确资料: C

(单选题) 6: If you need any help, don't ____ to ask.
A: hesitate
B: hate
C: hasten
D: habitat

正确资料: A

(单选题) 7: He promised to act as a chairman so I am afraid he can't ____it now, there is no one else to do it.
A: get along with
B: get down upon
C: get out of
D: get away with

正确资料: C

(单选题) 8: A small terrorist group has ____ responsibility for the bombing in London.
A: claimed
B: acclaimed
C: exclaimed
D: reclaimed

正确资料: A

(单选题) 9: What's ____ in the bone will come out in the flesh.
A: bred
B: inserted
C: raised
D: broken

正确资料: A

(单选题) 10: Most of the people were ____ down by hunger and poverty.
A: ground
B: grinding
C: pulled
D: beaten

正确资料: A


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